About Beelzemon

Who is Beelzemon? Well, if you didn't know, you wouldn't be on this site in
the first place, but I'm a nice person so I'll tell you anyway. ^_^

Beelzemon is a Mega-level Digimon in the third season of Digimon, also known as Tamers. In my opinion,
the best season there ever was. (I don't even like the other seasons.) He was originally Impmon, a
cute little purple guy who supposedly did not have a Tamer, but liked to go around scaring people and
generally causing trouble. And believe me, he was pretty funny while he did it!

Later, Impmon gets the power to Digivolve, a bunch of stuff happens, blah-blah-blah, and
in the end he turns to the side of good, and it's really COOL, and he is officially the most awesome
Digimon character to ever walk the face of the earth. And the Digital World. :)

Of course, there is also the rumor circulating around the internet that, before Ai and Maco, Impmon had
another Tamer, a man, who abandoned him because he could not, or would not, Digivolve. Don't ask me
where I heard this rumor, because I forgot, but it's an interesting prospect. And, based on the
idea that this rumor may be true, I have invented my own Digimon Tamers character, of whom
you can read more about in the 'About Me' section of the website.

Japanese name: Impumon
English name:Impmon
Level: Rookie
Attacks:Bada-Boom, Summon Flame
Digivolves from:Yaamon
Digivolves to:Beelzemon

Japanese name: Berezbumon
English name:Beelzemon
Level: Mega
Type:Virus/Demon Lord
Attacks:Double Impact, Darkness Claw
Blast Mode Attacks: Corona Blaster, Chaos Flare, Fist of the Beast King
Digivolves from:Impmon
Digivolves to:Beelzemon Blast Mode

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