10 Reasons Beelzemon Rocks!

(Not in any particular order.)

1. First of all, he's got a wicked cool voice!
2. Second, he rides a MOTORCYCLE! (I watch American Chopper, so I love bikes!)
3. He's funny. I mean, you can't help but like his wisecracks.
4. He's dressed all in...BLACK LEATHER! WHOO-HOO!
5. He was evil, but then he turned good. I've always liked characters like that.
6. Impmon is just the coolest little guy! I like his voice, too, and he's cute. ^_^
7. I think, if he was human, he'd be a handsome blode guy...with..three eyes..on his head....
8. BIG BLACK WINGS. Showstopper!
9. He's all big-bad-tough-guy, but you can tell he really cares for his friends and his tamers. That's so sweet.
10 Um,....well, HE'S JUST REALLY FRIKKIN' COOL!!!!

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