About Me

Name: Dragon Spirit
Gender: Female
Country: USA
Zodiac: Saggitarius
Chinese Zodiac: Dragon
Favorite colors: Green & Black
Favorite critters: Horses, dragons, and wolves
Musical interests: New Age, New Rock, Soft Rock, Traditional Celtic,
a little Country, & Orchestra Scores (esp. Lord of the Rings)
Other website: Forest Faerie's Haven

About my Tamers character:
Some of you may have heard of the rumor that, before Ai and Maco, Impmon
had another Tamer who abandoned him because he couldn't Digivolve. Well,
based on this theory, I have come up with my own Digimon character.
Here's her profile:

Name: Marya Mitsuki
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Hair: Black
Eyes: Purple

Marya Mitsuki is the daughter of the loser who abandoned Impmon. She has her father's old Digivice,
which doesn't work anymore because Impmon now has new Tamers, but she keeps it with her
her search for her father's old partner. Marya and Impmon finally meet after the Tamers return
from the Digital World. On the episode "Shadow of the Beast King", when Beelzemon
and Gallantmon are trying to rescue Jerri, she is down there on the ground unable to
do anything to help them, and she is consumed by an overwhelming desire to fight with her old friend.
As a last gift from Dobermon and the Digimon Sovreign, her old Digivice changes, and she is
given the power of Spirit Digivolution, like on the 4th season, where she is transformed into a
Digimon similar to a female version of Beelzemon. She helps them fight in afew more episodes, and she
helps them in the last battle, and then it's the end of the season, and Impmon leaves, and then she CRIES.

Her personality is a mirror image of the rougher side of my personality: she wants to be a rock singer, and
she can play a mean electric guitar. She doesn't have a car, but rides around on her wicked black Harley. :)
She will always have a resentment towards her father, but she continues her search for her
biological mother, who she hasn't seen since she was three.

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