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.......am I sad?
Man...I don't know anymore =.=;  I don't feel....normal O.o; I'm not sick....I don't *think* I'm sad....huh *shrugs*

Onto other things.

I got the sketch gallery up. And it has a lot of pictures in it, man, prolly even more than previous galleries. Problem is, most of the sketches arn't of the area op crew. Most good pictures of the characters go into thier profiles and the comics, but I'll work on getting some of those, too.

The comic thing after school on wednesday starts at four in the afternoon. It's some kind of ash tray comic, where people take turns drawing the pages of a comic and messing aruond with the storyline. I think it might be fun, so you should check it out if you have any interest in it whatsoever. I don't think theres any standard as far as art goes. Jyst as long as you commit to it, I don't think talent much matters ^ ^; come on and join me! I'll be so lonely >>;

Directly at J. Gordon--I have you're picture.

@ everyone else: Is anyone else finding math to be the most strenuous class they have this semester? It's not that it's really hard, it's just....a lot to do O.o; it's the only one that gives at least two pages of homework a night.

Drop me a line if you want to contribute to a fanart section!

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