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Homework up the ying-yang..geez
Ugh....so much homework. Even though the first week in class goes really slow, they give us homework; lots. Well, lots when you're trying to produce a comic at the same time. I'm so used to having an entire day/countless hours to make a comic on thurdays O.o; this one was pretty rushed and uninspired -.-;

oh well. I'll have a better one for you all on Monday.

A special shout out to my pal LEILA, it is her birthday today. Happy Birthday you.

Gee, does anyone remember that picture of the girl with the huge knaknakas?? Well, here she is colored!

I guess thats all for now. The sketches are coming along nicely. The sketch gallery I am expecting to have up this weekend. I'd like to make an inventory of the comics rather than have those link buttons at the bottom to go back and forth. The comics would be easier to reach and the world would be a better place.

Creative writing went as expected. I couldn't pull anything out of my hat -.-; So what I wrote turned out horrible.

Oh well. Can't win/kill them all.

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