

OK, here goes. My first official effort at fanfiction, based on Rumiko Takahashi's Ranma 1/2, and heavily influenced by the Illuminatus! books, by an author whose name escapes me at the moment.

As I understand it, this is the part where I remind you that despite any appearance to the contrary, all the characters in the following story are the sole, exclusive property of Ms. Takahashi (as well as numerous companies with lots o' lawyers), and their appearance here should in no way be interpereted as an attempt to violate that ownership. The story itself is mine, but unless you try selling it (good luck), I'm not gonna complain about printing out a few copies for friends, ya know?

I've already discovered that people don't like to get surprises, so consider yourself warned: This has become, much to my own surprise, a darkfic. There are also some heavily suggestive scenes that stop well short of being outright lemons--I've got GeoCities regs to deal with here, ya know.

When I'm done I'll put an e-mail address for critiques. Constructive criticism will get a reply, and I am a sucker for flattery. ;) Enjoy.

In response to a very sensible request, you can now direct-link to any chapter that is considered "finished" (although this does not necessarily mean final, as I often revise chapters based off C&C), as well as threading through the links at the ends of the individual chapters.

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