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This page and all it's content is � Copyright #Sega, IRCNet., 1998
Image: About #Sega on IRCNet

About the Webpage...

This website was created on August 1st of 1998. The main idea of this page is to help give new visitors and IRC users a good idea of what the channel (#sega, IRCNet) is all about. The website features a helpful FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section, where you can get answers to some of the most commonly asked questions in #sega, a channel rules section, (so you can have a better understanding of the rules, and what the channel Operators will allow and not allow, etc.), a server list for NetLink users; you can be transported directly to IRC by clicking any one of the server names, then by simply hitting "connect" - (there are no addresses to type or anything like that), a links section with a list of IRC related sites and help files, a place where you can download and/or submit your very own mIRC script(s), a page that will let you view other #sega users' bios and pictures, and a log submission page, where you can view or submit any logs that were taken in #sega for everyone else to see. We really hope that you will enjoy the site. Please E-Mail us any comments or suggestions concerning the website.
Thank you!

About #sega...

The channel known as #sega in IRCNet has actually only existed for a little over a year, believe it or not. The channel has witnessed many a takeover attempt in that time, mostly by lamers getting back at us after being kicked, or banned (anyone remember JaBa?). But for once, #sega is actually doing fairly well, now that it is currently being taken care of by the IRC "group" known as Access_Denied. They control most of the bots on the channel and should be notified when there is a problem concerning the channels security. Because of their vast network of bots and skillful operators, #sega has been transformed into the channel we all know and love. ;p
er, somethin'..

E-Mail us with your comments and suggestions...
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