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This page and all it's content is � Copyright #Sega, IRCNet., 1998
 You will obey! Bwaahahaha!

These are the rules. Obey!

When wandering around #sega, you might wonder why users are getting kicked and banned left and right. It's probably because they've broken one of these rules! So, obey!

Violation of these rules can and will result in the kick of the offender and/or banning of his/her ISP.

  1. No excessive CAPITAL letters (Don't leave the "CAPS" lock key on). Using CAPS is the equivelent to "shouting online" and is very annoying! And one more thing. It's *not* easier to read. :P

  2. No excessive swearing or vulgarity. Profanity is permitted, but don't go overboard with it. Sexual comments also fall under this. Racial comments will not be tolerated. Neither will nicknames of a racist nature.

  3. No "scrolling" or flooding the channel. To flood, means to continueously insert text into the channel in an attempt to lag or knock users off the server. Breaking this rule will usually result in a ban of the offenders ISP. Also, repeating text is not allowed. Users have no need to see the same exact message twice.

  4. The Channel Operators have total control of the entire channel no matter what. There are no special exeptions, and there are no Operators that have more power than others.

      You can create your own channel if you do not wish to follow these simple rules and regulations.

      E-Mail us with your comments and suggestions...
      [email protected]
      [email protected]
      [email protected]

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