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Java IRC
This page and all it's content is � Copyright #Sega, IRCNet., 1998
Links to related sites

IRC help and other stuff...

When you're done screwing around on this site, go to one of the sites listed below! See if we care!

  • accden.m8.com - This website was created for members of Access_Denied. It features news, down-loadable scripts, and a members roster.
  • www.irchelp.org - A website created by EFNet's very own #irchelp. Tons of FAQ sections, help files, and other crap.
  • www.ludd.luth.se - A really good resource for IRC information. The site also has a complete list of IRCNet servers. You can even view a list of channels currently in use.
  • IRC Command Cosmos - A big list that contains detailed information on most IRC commands and what they do.
  • NetLinkWorld - NLW's very own IRC section for NetLinkers. Also contains links to many IRC servers.
  • IRC Junkie Webring Page - The IRC Junkie Homepage Webring. If you're an IRC junkie and you have a website, add it to the ring!
  • IRC News Page - This page is somewhat of an online tabloid with dirt on #Sega chatters! Check it out. *offline*

E-Mail us with your comments and suggestions...
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