*chants* GAKUTO!!! GAKUTO!!! Yeah... Umm... *ahem* This section is on Gackt, by himself... cause he's cool and stuff... yep. Enjoy folks. (BTW... the profile information wasn't from me, so spelling errors and stuff are not my fault. But tell me if you see one anyways... I tried to clean it up a bit though)


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--Song of the Moment--
hyde - "The Cape of Storms"

The Cape of Storms

So where do I sail?
A ship losing control
My cries swallowed up, lost in the raging sea

So where has love gone?
Will I ever reach it?
The Cape of Storms echoes the pain I feel inside

You'll never notice
The colour of sin
Just as the storm clouds closes in
It's dark

Here in the shadows
I am pursued
Until the ends of the earth

The ghost ship wanders far
For there is no guiding star
And this treasure has no meaning anymore

So where do I sail?
A ship losing control
My cries swallowed up, lost in the raging sea

So where has love gone?
Will I ever reach it?
The Cape of Storms echoes the pain I feel inside

You know completely
The taste of sin
Melting sweet in your mouth
Like chocolate

A moment of pleasure
You are fulfilled
But every dream has its time
To die

The ghost ship wanders far
For there is no guiding star
And this treasure has no meaning anymore

Will this be my fate?

So where do I sail?
A ship losing control
My cries swallowed up, lost in the raging sea

So where has love gone?
Will I ever reach it?
The Cape of Storms echoes the pain I feel inside

Words and Music by: hyde

: Camui Gackt
(Pronounced Kamui Gakuto)
Birthday: July 4, 1540. (Yeah right...)
Birthplace: Okinawa
Hometown: Kyoto
Height: 180 cm. (about 5'10")
Weight: 60 kg. (132 lbs)
Blood type: A
Chest: 98 cm.
(roughly 39 inches)
Waist: 68 cm.
(roughly 27 inches)
Hips: 88 cm.
(roughly 35 inches)
Shoes size: 8
Ring size: 10-14
Like (food): Tea, Spaghetti, Kimchi (Korean), Egg salad (Italian salad)
Dislike (food): Sweets
Favorite color: Black, White
Favorite things: Scent (candle), the skeleton
Favorite cartoonist: Yoshida Akimi
Like (animal): cat, dog
Dislike (animal): cockroach
Favorite song: "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin and "Beauty & Harmony" by Yoshida Miwa
Favorite singer: Yoshida Miwa (Dreams Come True), Crystal King
Hobbies: Driving, Dating, Martial arts
Special abilities: Skiing, Billiards, boxing, karate, judo
Fragrance: Platinum Egoiste (Chanel)
Favorite movie: Braveheart, Primal Fear, The Game, City of Angels
Favorite stars: Sandra Bullock, Meg Ryan, John Travolta, Brat Pitt, Nicholas Cage
Family (REAL): He has an elder sister and a younger brother. Father is a trumpeter. Mother is a barber or hairdresser. His nephew got out of school and is studying English and Chinese in college.
Gackt's Family (Band Members): You, Ren, Masa, chachamaru, Toshi, Igao.
Image of them: You = big and deep like the ocean, Ren = alien, Masa = the selected person, chachamaru = pupu*2(???), Toshi = Cool!, Igao = unknown type person.

Some stuff about Gackt:

He started to play the piano when he was only 3 years old. But at that time, he didn’t want to play, so his parents forced him. He said, “Some days I didn’t want to play piano, but I had to sit in front of it for about 2 hours a day. I didn’t like it very much.”

He likes the night view because of his grandfather. When he was a child, his grandfather took him to Okinawa Navy Base to see the night view of town. At the base, he could see the lights, which to him was very beautiful. He said and I quote, “It was very beautiful, it made me like night view.”

Words that Gackt received from a fan that he was impressed by: “You look and act generous, you are not same on Television!” (lol, damn...)

He used to say that if he has a chance, he would like to ride a horse (There's a pic floating around somewhere of him on one... but I haven't found it yet)

An interviewer once asked him if he had to choose " between a woman that is good at everything (perfect) and another that is very shy, which one would you choose ? ”. He chose a perfect one. (No surprise)

When he has to separate from a woman, he would like to be the one who says goodbye.

He often say “Please ask me frankly.” (What in the hell...?)

He likes cartoonist “Yoshida Akimi”. He said he likes all cartoons created by Yoshida Akimi. ( I think that person drew a couple of "gay love" type manga... hmm... )

He said that the best weight for a woman is “her height minus 117”. (I'm assuming this was to metric...)

Although he doesn't like sweets, he said if he performs a commercial for any brand, he will choose “Glico”. (AND SO HE DID! I have to find the commercial though... lol)

His cat is named "May" because it is 'Maine Coon'. His dog is named "Bell Constantine Chappy" or "Bell". She is miniature dachshund.

I once saw Gackt on a TV show which had him going against some girls in various acts and games. He lost to the one girl in billiards and that's supposed to be his best game, lol. He looked mighty pissed about being upstaged.

If you want, you can read this long radio show hosting that Gackt did, it's pretty funny... if not, scroll past it and there are pictures... but if you scroll past it and haven't read it... then you need to reassess your life, heh. Even though it is in some English, it might not make sense in some parts... but I think you'll all be ok, heh.

#Gackt's voice: Sunday, 3 p.m. seeing the street in Shibuya, I think that…"the sky is crying…"#
~ kimi no tame ni dekiru koto ~

Tamagawa(T): We start with “kimi no tame ni dekiru koto”. From Spain-zaka Studio, in live, this is “ASAHI SUPER DRY ACCESS ALL AREA”. Konnichiwa, I'm Misa Tamagawa. We’re accepting your mail, questions and messages to today’s guest Gackt san, and also on the theme. He decided this theme for us, What is the theme?

#Gackt's voice: “If you plan Gackt’s event, where and what do you want to do?”#

T: It’s not in private, all together what you want to do with him. For example, “a cemetery tour at dead of night”, “cherry-blossom viewing in spring”, it doesn’t matter whether it’s possible or not. We maybe find good one. The theme is “If you plan Gackt’s event, where and what do you want to do?” Tell me that. In this program, we ask him for the selection, the number that he would like to listen in September. Which number does he select? Wait and listen.

#Gackt's voice: To see today’s sky, I think that…”stop crying soon”~#

T: Now, I introduce today’s special guest, Gackt san.

Gackt(G): Gackt doesu.

T: doesu??(laugh) It’s “doesu” today?

G: Yes.

T: Gackt san, at first I introduce your profile, please listen.

G: Sure.

T: Your birthday is 4 July. The blood type is A. Since January 1999, you started Gackt JOB. The next month, in February, you went to USA for recording. In Spring you did the first solo live, and in June released “Miserable” and “Single Box” And you released others and did many lives, in 2001, in May and June succeeded concert tour all over Japan, and today 9 September, he’s coming to this Spain-zaka Studio!

G: doesu.

T: (laugh) I introduced in a broad way, it has been 2 years and 8 months since then.

G: so ne. Rapid.

T: You feel it’ passed rapidly.

G: Yes, rapidly.

T: Too soon.

G: Yes, I have one foot in the grave.(laugh)

T: (laugh) Hurry life? For this 2 years and 8 months.

G: There’s little time left. The time given to us is so short. “What can I do now?” and I’m acting. If I do something that usually takes three months in a month, I can do another for the two month. In that way I have been running, and I look back, “I’ve been running…”

T: (laugh) “I’m always running.”

G: Sometimes.

T: You may speed up or down.

G: Always in D.

T: It’s time to change the mission?

G: I’m a car without brake.

T: (laugh) Dangerous!

G: I stop when I bump.

T: Are you worried about the time you bump someday?

G: N~~, I often bump and fall down. It comes however I care, however I think over. I do all I can. When I fall down, then I think.

T: It’s time for you to rest.

G: Yes, necessarily. They made me enter hospital.

T: Physically.

G: I take a rest, but by the time I keep running. I can’t live in other ways.

T: You found it in all your life?

G: Maybe stupid.

T: (laugh) You do without plan.

G: possibly.

T: As well as you can.

G: Yes.

T: Less than an hour of your limited time, you’re coming to this satellite station, Gackt san.

G: Everyone, all this way in the rain.

T: Today, it suddenly starts rain or we can see the sun, daijobu desuka? Many people are coming. (to the audiences outside.)

G: Do you have an umbrella?

T: Do you?

G: You do.

T: Gackt san, do you use an umbrella?

G: I like to get wet.

T: You’re exposed to the rain.

G: When it’s typhoon, I have one.

T: (laugh) Why? Do you want to feel the wind?

G: On-the-spot broadcasting, by myself.

T: (laugh) No, it’s dangerous.

G: I like it, in the center.

T: You chuckle, watching TV?

G: Usually I don’t watch TV, but want to feel that situation.

T: You wonder.

G: Get wrong side out.

T: (laugh) You want to.

G: I want to do it.

T: Be attentive, please. Now would you introduce your single, please?

G: Gackt de, “Secret Garden”.
~ Secret Garden ~

T: This is your 7th single, Gackt san.

G: Yes.

T: We get lots of messages, I read them. From “blue night”, “you perform with many other artists. Do you have any Japanese artist that you’re interested in?”

G: Interested… No, I don’t.

T: (laugh) Over. Next. From “rin-rin”, “I’m afraid of strangers. Once I become friendly, I can talk without guard.” Are you bashful in front of strangers?

G: I think that I’m afraid of him, but he’s more afraid of me.(laugh)

T: (laugh) Do you mean…

G: Everyone is afraid of me.

T: “How like Gackt san is?”

G: So, weigh pluses and minuses, I’m less afraid.

T: You often say that an encounter is so important that we have to cherish it.

G: Yes, only once, it doesn’t satisfy. Once I met them, I would like to see them all along, and to see deeply each other.

T: Each moment. It’s how we can keep it.

G: Yes, like this, we can see on business once for several months. I think, “Good, alive.”

T: Both you and they. You can see them again because both have kept working.

G: I feel pleasure in that. I often think that such things are important.

T: You can report your life in media, and you can see fans’ faces in close.

G: Yes.

T: You can bring us your new song.

G: There’s no chance to see them in close.

T: It can be the closest form.

G: Radio is the closest, really.

T: In fact. There’re many other people that couldn’t come here, they’re listening to the radio now.

G: Yes.

T: We ask listeners to plan “If you plan Gackt’s event, where and what do you want to do?” We’re waiting your mail. At “deta aaa, we ask him for the selection, the number that he would like to listen in September. Wait and listen.

#Gackt's voice: “I want to challenge…kingyo-sukui”#

[Rei-chan: Do you know kingyo-sukui? It’s a game to dip goldfishes from a fish tank by a spoon of bean-jam-filled wafers at fair stall(^-^)]

T: Gackt san, wants to challenge kingyo-sukui.(laugh)

G: I want to.

T: Haven’t you done it?

G: Of course, I have.

T: In your childhood.

G: I have, but I haven’t been to festivals for several years.

T: Summer festivals, a fair stall.

G: I want not to be a player, but to be a stall keeper.

T: (laugh) You sit on the box, saying “girl, how many, will you have another?”

G: Yes.

T: What makes you so?

G: It’s very nice, isn’t it? Almost they’re a couple.

T: Many of them.

G: He sits seeing couples.

T: Seeing their conversations.

G: I think “suteki dana~”.(suteki = excellent)

T: You give another spoon to a good couple.

G: It may be a strong one.

T: (laugh) You have separated them before.

G: Put a carp in the tank.

T: They can’t dip it out! It’s angling.

G: (laugh)

T: You can’t go festivals for years.

G: No, on 4 July.

T: Your birthday.

G: I’ve been abroad. The day is Independence Day. There were great fire works.

T: Flamboyant. You join the event a bit.

G: At that time, seeing fireworks, I thought that they were first and last ones this year.

T: (laugh) You miss them.

G: Yes, very much. I was just going to go to dinner, on the 4th floor of a parking building, I drove the car at the side face to the sea. Suddenly, other cars stopped. “a-re? They’ve stopped. Can’t move.” At the moment, fireworks appeared. At the best seat, with the roof opened. I was watching sitting on the hood.

T: Everybody quitted going out of the building, and was watching them.

G: Yes, it was very nice.

T: You get a nice summer memory.

G: But the follow one wanted to go out.

T: “What are you doing?”

G: Yes, he sounded his horn, “bu~~, bu~~!”

T: He has something.

G: It’s not my fault. The front’s. I said to him that he should say to the front ones, but he was angry with me. Finally, I said to him “Let’s watch fireworks with me”.

T: It’s a good encounter. It’s nice, anyway.

G: But he looked quite fierce.

T: You dared to.

G: (laugh)

T: Such summer has passed, now September, 9th, in this program at “deta aaa, we asked you for the selection, the song that he would like to listen in September. Why did you select this song?

T: U~n, I listened this song in this season.

G: You listened to it for the first time?

T: I saw the video clip for the first time. The picture. It was terrible. At night. It contains movie’s scenes, and was long. It’s for the movie “Johnny Got His Gun” and has many scenes of the war. I was listening alone, that terrified me. The body without his face was shaking in quick rhythm. It was imprinted on my memory. In this season, this song…

T: occur to you.

G: Yes. When I’m alone at night, the melody of this song comes to me, and I can’t sleep.

T: It’s frightening~~.

G: (laugh)
T: After we heard that, please introduce the song.

G: Metallica de, “ONE”.
~ Metallica “ONE” ~

T: Today we ask listeners to plan “If you plan Gackt’s event, where and what do you want to do?” We get many mails. I read some of them.

G: hoi.

T: From “Yurika”, I plan “Live without sleeping or resting”. Against Gackt san that hardly sleeps, how long can we see the live without sleeping? And how long can Gackt san play? Challenge to limits of physical and spiritual power. Aim at 50 hours.

G: I can’t play for 50 hours.

T: (laugh)

G: Such…

T: Your arms become fatigued at all.

G: Maybe, after the live, “itterasshai”.

T: (laugh) You can’t come back.

G: It must be.

T: From “ki-yan”, I plan “Counseling 1,000 persons”. Gakkun solves troubles of 1,000 worried lambs as if like “wanko-soba”. I’m sure that he will solved all.

G: I can do quickly.

T: One after another.

G: I think so. "I’m worried about to do…" "Do it!"

T: “Next!” It’s just like “wanko-soba”.(laugh)

G: (laugh)

T: Everyone has his own trouble. 1,000.

G: I think I can do it so quickly, maybe for 2 hours.

T: (laugh) It will be a short event. From “nekonosuke”, I plan “Midnight horror film tour with Gackt” Until the sun rises, we continue to see horror movies one by one. The place is made like Gackt san’s room. Do not go out until it ends. The condition is to continue to see till sunrise.

G: Not horror movies, how about virtual horror?

T: What? We go through it?

T: fue~~~, It will be a great event.

G: Yes, but I’m more frightened by horror movies than virtual horror.(laugh)

T: You’re frightened to see pictures.

G: Yes.

T: It stirred your imagination.

G: I never want to see splatter movies.

T: “NO~,NO~” ne. Thank you for a lot of mails. Would you introduce c/w number of “ANOTHER WORLD”?

G: Gackt de, “Fragrance”.
~ Fragrance ~

T: You’re listening to “Fragrance”.

G: nyoi.

T: (laugh) nyoi? This time, nyoi. The tune seems not to exit though but to.

G: Does it?

T: (laugh) You don’t think so.

G: For me, it’s natural.

T: You have it in you. About this “Fragrance”, we have many questions. From “Kisaragi”, At the end of this song, you whisper, what are you saying here? I can’t help caring. Would you mind telling us?

G: That is the letter the character reads in the story that starts by “ANOTHER WORLD”. He reads it in the song. I think that it will become pictures, then you will find it out.
T: Questions will be solved.

G: Yes.

T: They say that there’s a large story including “ANOTHER WORLD”. From “Ai Yuuzaki”, “I heard that the song is the ending of a story.”

G: Yes.

T: A grand story comes out.

G: The story is so long. I’m wondering how I send you. Actually, I have no idea how much I can do. And when I do it, I want to surprise everyone. I want see their surprised face. I’m sure that they’re surprised.

T: We have to go on watching.

G: Yes, my world cannot be always seen. I won’t do same thing or same tune every year. To see is your ability. And I, I have no idea how long I can do it. That’s my ability too. For both I and those who come to see, it’s for real.

T: You will always show them new things, surprising.

G: Yes.

T: You said, it’s really for real.

G: Yes, anyway, what you can feel, what I can give, and what I can find… There’re many things on my stages, so wait and see.

T: Every tune is a piece.

G: Yes.

T: How they set them is also dependent on them?

G: Yes, everyone can do as he likes. So, wait and see.

T: About “ANOTHER WORLD”, from “Yu Tokunaga”, “how is like your another world?”
G: The another world for me…how…various worlds exist in me. On the contrary, how they can see. And how I can do. It’s not only one, my another world. It happens not to appear. By any chance, I can inhabit in Israel three years later.(laugh)

T: Inhabit.(laugh) Then I’ll be catch the information that you inhabit in Israel. It can be occur. You haven’t found some parts in you.

G: Yes. It can be a pleasure.

T: You form them one by one. Now, here’s at full speed in your history.(laugh) Your new single.

G: Fast.(laugh)

T: It’s so hard for players.

G: Yes.

T: (laugh) They may say “I can’t do it!”

G: kiai kana.

T: kiai. Now, please introduce this song.

G: Gackt de, “ANOTHER WORLD”

T: From “straight plus”, “to hear this song, I want to start running.” You made it in Hawaii.

G: Last time, I had a time at night, and thought of driving.

I didn’t want to drive alone, and call some people but nobody answered.(laugh)

T: So lonely.(laugh)

G: But Kyaiin’s Amano-kun answered. [Rei-chan:They met at MUSIX![Rei-chan: Apr.10, 2001 in air the right side man, with glasses. Another shot is here. “kimi no tame ni dekiru koto”, talk about fishing, surprising party, the way of taking a shower and penalty game] We haven’t met in private. I said to him, “Let’s drive.” and he answered, “OK”. Then we drove a speedway, and came back at 4 a.m.

T: During driving, what were you talking about?

G: He was afraid all the way.(laugh)

T: (laugh)”Why does he call me suddenly?”

G: N~~, “Do you always drive a car in such a way?”

T: You like cars.

G: I said “It’s safe driving”.(laugh)

T: Take care of your car.

G: Yes, I take care of it.

T: Cherish it.

G: Yes, I really do.

T: It’s your partner.

G: My lover.

T: ne. It takes you to everywhere, your buddy.

T: When you feel gloomy, it takes you somewhere at once, Gackt san.

G: hoi.

T: Your busy days, sometimes you go driving.

G: un.

T: Would you tell us your works after this?

G: On 28 Sep. new video will be released, and on 24 Oct, new DVD. Their contents are different, and both are interesting. I think that those who know me will get them because only I can such a concert. Those who haven’t seen it see them, I’m sure that they regret not coming to my concert. They’re nice.

T: You can more things by making it in picture.

G: Yes, anyway, I want everyone to see it. Shûen to Seijaku.

T: Wait and see them. Well Gackt san, the program is about to end.

G: doesu.

T: (laugh)At the end “doesu”. Thank you for many many messages. And last time please give message to listeners and audiences.

G: First, to those who come here in spite of heavy rain, I’m afraid of waiting so long. And I’m glad to see you. To listeners, I’m running to give you my works. I answer you by giving you impression, wait and see.

T: Being looking forward to be surprised.

G: Yes, odoroki, momonoki,

T: …sanshonoki.(laugh) [Rei-chan: It’s Japanese play on words(^^) It means “Amazing!”]

G: …
T: I complete it, you can do nothing.

G: It’s difficult…

T: (laugh)Today Gackt san came to Spain-zaka Studio.

G: Thank you, I had a good time.

Here are some pics of him (click on the minipics to enlarge)-

I told you that I would post more pics of Gackt... and I have!  These pics are more recent than the first batch...


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