Welcome ^_^ I don't know how you found this place... but I hope you enjoy it. What's it about, you ask? Hmm... if I told you that, it wouldn't be much fun, now would it? Explore the place and see for yourself. This is my offering to you... my Dears. ^_^ My email address is [email protected], in case you want to try to get a hold of me for something.
(Warning: Excessive griping and/or useless things written in the text below. You have been warned.)


Fan Art
Malice Mizer
Persona Series
About me

--Song of the Moment--
hyde - "The Cape of Storms"

The Cape of Storms

So where do I sail?
A ship losing control
My cries swallowed up, lost in the raging sea

So where has love gone?
Will I ever reach it?
The Cape of Storms echoes the pain I feel inside

You'll never notice
The colour of sin
Just as the storm clouds closes in
It's dark

Here in the shadows
I am pursued
Until the ends of the earth

The ghost ship wanders far
For there is no guiding star
And this treasure has no meaning anymore

So where do I sail?
A ship losing control
My cries swallowed up, lost in the raging sea

So where has love gone?
Will I ever reach it?
The Cape of Storms echoes the pain I feel inside

You know completely
The taste of sin
Melting sweet in your mouth
Like chocolate

A moment of pleasure
You are fulfilled
But every dream has its time
To die

The ghost ship wanders far
For there is no guiding star
And this treasure has no meaning anymore

Will this be my fate?

So where do I sail?
A ship losing control
My cries swallowed up, lost in the raging sea

So where has love gone?
Will I ever reach it?
The Cape of Storms echoes the pain I feel inside

Words and Music by: hyde

February 16 2003 - 3:42 AM
--One for me... and one for my homies--

Yes, this update has been brought to you by my friend, Nate.  He is the source of my motivation for the very words I've typed and now read before yourselves.  ^_^  Thank you.  What did I update, you ask?  The only thing I could do at the moment: the downloads section.  You should find plenty of songs to download, just follow the directions on how to do so (which are posted in the downloads section, for your convenience and mine ^_~).  With that being said, maybe I'll come on here tomorrow and work on some of the more "neglected" parts of the website.  This site is far from done, it seems. ^_^

Until then...

I want to fly, waitin' for sunrise...

After all... Honey is so sweet. ^_^


October 1 2002 -3:36 PM
--3 years later, I...--

Hey, it seems like 3 years since I've last updated, eh?  Well, prolly not, but still...  I have some things everyone should know:  My redesigning has began!  For starters, I have changed the "page pic" above (completely my own design, if you couldn't have guessed) and the index page pic.  Basically, I was feeling motivated to do something different, and hopefully, that motivation will last until I completely remodel this site into something... better.  But who knows?  It probably won't happen unless I happen to get a spark of genius sometime soon.  If there are any problems at all with what I've been doing, or if you just want to comment, drop me a line at [email protected] and I'll try to get back to you soon.  I always like the input.  With that... I should get going.  Oh yeah... if I happen to have the time, I'll update my journal and toss some new Gackt information/pics up.  See ya.





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