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Passenger information system 

supplying passengers with a  audio, visual, and/or hard with real time information on routes, delays, rerout, schedules, cancellation system -using voice, interactive television, videotex, automated map displays  located in terminals - to make travel easier and  facilitate intermodal transfers.

Control Access & Security control

Technopuce applies its active intelligent tag technology to smart card applications in the areas of controlled access and security management.
The Acti-Tag™ smart cards are equipped with two IFF (Friend or Foe) encryption algorithms, providing a high degree of security in today's challenging access and security management fields.
Each card is programmed to create a unique identity profile, and operates on both transponder technology for short read ranges (up to 1 meter, or 3 feet), and RF technology for longer read ranges of up to 150 meters, or 450 feet.
Since there is no direct contact between the user access card and the access control device, Acti-Tag™ makes it possible to speed up and therefore increase traffic flow in public transport and highway systems.
In addition, Acti-Tag™ is also capable of analysing data related to traffic flow and user mobility, and can be fitted with an alarm system for emergency and security intervention measures.


Passengers counting System

Passengers not only occur in mobile units such as buses and trains, but also in train stations, airports and large shopping centers with local public passenger transport connection. For this reason, passengers must be counted when stationary (i.e. at entrances) and also when in motion (e.g. for exact determination of passenger kilometers in first and second class train compartments).



The Mitron Information systems are based on the latest LCD technology enabling effective visual information solutions that ease and speed up the flow of public passenger transport. Products include display units for:

• Buses
• Trams
• Railway platforms
• Bus stations
• Bus stops


Last update : 21/03/02                                           Copyright @ Global City Management                                                   Michel GENOT
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