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Mobility has become an essential element of our lives. Therefore, the sustainable development of mobility continues to be a primary task in a growing market.

Transportation systems that will stand to the demands of the future must be conceived, planned and evaluated. Once established they have to be reconsidered and optimized regularly to fit the evolution of the demand and the city development.

To reach these goals, software and integrated technologies exist.

PTV AG provides software, consulting and research for travel, traffic and transportation planning in the B2B field. For years PTV products such as map&guide for professional trip planning, VISUM for traffic planning and INTERTOUR for distribution planning have been established as European market leaders. Future-oriented concepts and innovative technologies ensure continuous mobility in the business fields Traffic, Mobility and Logistics.


Mizar Automazione has over twenty years specialised experience in the development of advanced transport telematics systems, especially in the areas of traffic control and fleet management. Its best-known product is the UTOPIA urban traffic control system, now operating in many European cities. Similar success has been achieved by products such as FLASH and FLAG (fleet management systems). A recent area of expansion is the development of telematics platforms for intermodal transport.

Mizar has developed a number of fully automated traffic control systems for both urban and interurban areas. The product range includes:

    UTOPIA (adaptive traffic signaling system using SPOT) 
    TIME (ramp metering) 
    COMPASS (collective routing systems) 
    MATRIX (town supervisor and traveller information)

Mizar's adaptive traffic light control system applies the ‘UTOPIA concept'. This proprietary software system is designed to operate on complex and congested urban networks. It is able to optimize traffic circulation by rapidly adjusting signaling phases to cope with unexpected changes in traffic flows. Utopia gives selective priority to public transport without sacrificing traffic fluidity and travel times for private traffic.

The UTOPIA system is operational in many Italian cities including Turin, Rome, and Bologna. A large-scale installation is currently being implemented in Milan. There are also numerous applications in the Netherlands, Scandinavia (including Oslo and Stockholm) and more recently Eastern Europe. 

The latest development, Utopianet, is an open platform which can be used to manage and plan the UTOPIA traffic control functions via the Internet. This system is particularly suited to small or medium towns, which lack the technical expertise or financial resources to maintain an advanced UTC system themselves. Utopianet allows outsourcing of the system maintenance


Intelligent Road Systems provide drivers and road authorities with information about the actual conditions on the road, such as weather, speed changes, accidents, etc., to enable traffic to adjust quickly and efficiently. By assisting the reaction time of drivers, traffic safety and driver comfort can be improved

Kapsch AG TrafficCom

Urban Traffic Control


Traffic detection
Data transmission system between the control centre and the intersections
Congestion management system
Traffic control centre and associated software


Thales e-transaction




Last update : 03/07/02                                           Copyright @ Global City Management                                                   Michel GENOT
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