Road Toll Collection System
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• Economy
• Environment
• Safety

Electronic toll collection stations allow the traffic to flow continuously, and vehicles avoid having to stop and start up again. This, in combination with reduced fuel consumption, has a positive effect on the environment.

Society and the business community also gain from the system as it results in faster transport. The system does not require special road lanes to be built at the toll stations. Furthermore, only a minimum of traffic disruption is caused during installation. The system also increases safety, as bottlenecks and long queues are avoided.

The operator
• Increased capacity
• Economy
• Ensured payment

The electronic systems are cost-effective and easy to install, which benefits the operator. Because traffic flows through continuously, the system increases capacity. The system's flexibility makes it easy to install various payment methods and differentiated charges.
No cash is handled using the system, which means it is not open to abuse and ensures payment.

Road Users
• No queues
• Convenient
• Ensured payment
• Easier to gauge travel time

Road-users save a lot of time, as the traffic flows continuously and it becomes easier to gauge travel times. Bottlenecks and long queues are eliminated, both at the toll stations and near slip roads.

The electronics also help increase the convenience factor: no money or card needed; no need to select the right lane, etc.

Because the system cannot be cheated, tolls can be kept down, which also benefits road-users.

There are few decisions that give such a quick return on an investment as the installation of an automatic toll collection system. The automatic collection can be accomplished in several ways, depending on the actual requirements and on the prevailing situation: the upgrading of a manual system or the installation of a new one.

When a car passes through the toll station, the fee is automatically charged to, for example, the car driver´s account with the road operator. A transponder inside the car contains its electronic identity. Tollmatic can be built according to two different principles: Single Lane and Multi Lane. At a later stage a Single Lane system can be upgraded to a Multi Lane configuration.

We make sure your system meets the following needs:

Charging accuracy: all fees due are reliably collected.
Charging flexibility: ability to accommodate varying charging rates.
Charge type flexibility: ability to support several means of payment.
Enforcement accuracy: correctly locating violators and not enforcing non-violators.
Upgradeable as additional charge points are added.
Support possibility for anonymity.
Value adding applications such as parking access control, etc

Single Lane
This system is usually used for the upgrading of existing manual toll collection systems.


Multi Lane
This system should be selected when new toll stations are to be built, on both existing and newly constructed road sections.

PREMID is the brand name for a product line of microwave-based communication links for dedicated short range communication, DSRC, between fixed equipment and mobile units i e Transponders. The systems have been in commercial use since the beginning of the 80´s, serving many different needs such as automatic identification and mobile data storage.

The first application was identification of material in industry. By the end of the 80's every other car in the European car industry was manufactured with the use of a PREMID System.

In 1987, the first electronic road toll system in the world was introduced in Ålesund, Norway and a PREMID system was used as the identification system. Since then Combitech Traffic Systems has supplied over two million in vehicle units (transponders) to road users in virtually every corner of the world and over one thousand six hundred lanes for electronic payment of road toll are equipped with PREMID systems

Combitech Traffic Systems


Thales e-transaction


Last update : 03/07/02                                           Copyright @ Global City Management                                                   Michel GENOT
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