stevenson life
The Forest, rlswoods.jpg, 461 x 280, 31.757 KB Every webpage should have a friendly, informative introduction. So here's the introduction: ____________. Next.

Question number one. Where am I located? I am located in an upstairs double room in a quadrangle in a dorm known as Day Hall on a campus of a school named Stevenson in the city of Pebble Beach in the Monterey Peninsula in California located on western coast of the United States on the North American continent in the northern part of the Western Hemisphere of a planet named Earth in the nine-planet solar system in the supposedly western area of the spiral galaxy Milky Way among a cluster of galaxies in a mind-boggling infinite amount of space Or to be brief and broad, I am located in the universe. Now you can stalk me. Whee.

And now that I've acquainted myself with you visitor, or hopefully a plural form of that, I can now get beyond mindless ramble that some visitors find so dearly annoying, especially when one does not seem to be approaching any point or theme any time soon, and the visitor is getting impatient, and the speaker continues to speak pointlessly and obliviously.

A subtle irony there? What are you talking about?

Moving on...

Day Hall Boys, rlsdayboys1.jpg, 461 x 320, 24.055 KB This is one of the newer dorms on campus, which also happens to be the one I reside in. Aren't I lucky? The four main dorms are the new ones, Day Hall and Atwood, and the older ones, Wilson and Silverado. There's also a very small "dorm" called Casco and Douglas, where some freshmen are placed. They don't have their own laundry room though, and their common rooms are very small, so I wouldn't really call it a dorm. I don't even know why they bother to keep those particular "dorms" standing. It drastically widens the range of the level of dorm luxury. The reason for their continued existence can probably be explained by the ironic detail that the head of residence happens to live there, giving that condemned dorm an excuse for a prolonged lifespan.

The boys' side of Day Hall is shown on the left. Far off in the background are the cafeteria and the academic buildings. The green fence you see is part of what was once a large lawn. Now it's the construction site of the to-be student center. It won't be completed until almost an entire year from this moment that I'm writing this. It's February right now, by the way.

And that's all I'm going to tell you. I've gone far beyond the attention span of the average person at this point, so I'm going to wrap it up and let you choose to delve into the in-depth details ("in-depth details"? Is that redundant?) on your own time. So, thanks for visiting and I hope you exult me for my marvelous work. Thank you, thank you. You may stop throwing roses. Oh really, you mustn't. Please, sit down. Thank you, thank you, thank-- Quit staring at me like that.

- Gordon Mei, February 2002

These photos were taken by Gordon Mei during 2001 or 2002 with an Olympus digital camera.
2002-2004. Stevenson Life. GordeonBleu. Gordon Mei. View the original design.

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