dhahran insider
I have made numerous attempts over the years to devote a section of GordeonBleu to tellings and glimpses of what my experiences in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia have been like. Needless to say, it is difficult to organize a comprehensive overview, if such a thing is even possible. Still, after countless numbers of scrappings of attempted Dhahran webpages, I try once again. Here's to Dhahran...
  • on security
  • on censorship
  • living by the islamic week
  • the dhahran school trimesters
  • "sweet water"
  • road safety concerns and seatbelts
  • public spaces: the male, female, and family sections
  • radio stations
  • ultra-conservatism
  • disadvantages of being a woman in saudi arabia
  • saudization and the unemployment issue
  • on gasoline
  • low-flying jets

    maps: dhahran dammam khobar dhahran aerial dhahran greater area
    media: dhahran on cnn
  • Cover your head and run for the E X I T.

    Last Design Revision: December 2004; Versions March 2004 and 2002 have been scrapped.
    © 2002-2005. Dhahran Insider. GordeonBleu. Gordon Mei.
    Hosted by www.Geocities.ws
