SimCity 4 Reference

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The majority of the following hints and tips are from and More hints are in the game manual.
- System Requirements
- Automatic Skipping of Intro Video
- Game Crash with Bonus CD and MySim
- Disappearing Buildings When Scrolling
Terrain and Music
- Editing Terrain With Fine Detail
- Custom Music
- Creating new regions
- Rename a region
- Flood Fill Zoning
- Hotkeys (Keyboard Shortcuts)
* To return to the top of this page, click on any of the titles in the left column.
System Requirements

Operating systems

  • Windows 98/Me/2000/XP officially supported, NT4SP6 and Windows 95 possibly compatible.
  • Mac OS X, version 10.2 or later (not yet released)


    Minimum (PC) 500 MHz Pentium III/AMD Athlon
    128 MB RAM
    8X CD/DVD
    1 GB Free hard disk (plus space to store your prized cities)
    DirectX 8.1
    16 MB video card supporting DirectX 7
    Sound card supporting DirectX 7
    Keyboard and mouse (or other pointing device)

    Recommended (PC)
    1 GHz Pentium III/AMD Athlon
    256 to 512 MB RAM
    Supported 3D-accelerated Direct3D video card (SimCity 4 uses 3D acceleration) with 32 MB video RAM. Supported 3D chipsets: GeForce 4/3/2/256, TNT/2, Radeon 9700/9000/8500/7500/7200/7000, Matrox Parhelia/G550/G450/G400.

    Power Mac G3/G4, iMac G4/eMac, PowerBook G4 (DVI model or better), iBook (32MB VRAM model only)
    500 MHz or faster
    256 MB RAM
    1 GB of free hard disk space available
    Hardware 3D acceleration required: ATI Radeon or NVidia GeForce card (32 MB VRAM or better)


    English, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Polish, Portuguese, Norwegian, Korean, Thai, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese
Automatic Skipping of Intro Video
  1. Right-click on the SimCity 4 shortcut.
  2. Select Properties from the right-click menu.
  3. In the box beside Target, type -intro:off after "C:\Program Files\Maxis\SimCity 4\Apps\SimCity 4.exe"
      So after you make that addition, the textbox should read:
      "C:\Program Files\Maxis\SimCity 4\Apps\SimCity 4.exe" -intro:off
  4. Press OK.
Game Crash with Bonus CD and MySim
[Game Fix]
The crash with MySim is related to the bonus CD. If you have installed the bonus CD and have moved a MySim into your city, crashes are likely. We will have a patch available soon that fixes this issue. Deleting the file called Plugin_007_AirForceBase.dat from the Plugins directory found in Program Files\Maxis\SimCity 4\Plugins is a quick way to avoid the crash.
Disappearing Buildings When Scrolling
[Game Fix]
Many cards (including the ATI Radeons) lack support for a backing store, which SimCity 4 utilizes. For those cards, SimCity 4 is forced to disable the rendering of many of the view objects (like buildings) during scroll. This is intentional to ensure responsiveness while scrolling. You can enable the rendering of all objects by editing your "Graphics Rules.sgr" which is found in the Sim City 4 directory installed to your hard drive. With any text editor go into this file and change the following property from true to false: property noPartialBackingStoreCopies false

Note, however, that doing so can adversely effect scrolling speeds.

Editing Terrain With Fine Detail You can change the size and speed of all terrain brushes by using the shift key in combination with the number keys for size, and the shift key in combination with the F1 though F10 keys for speed. So, after selecting a brush to use, you can make the brush smaller by clicking on Shift-1, large by clicking of Shift-0, and everything in between using Shift-2 though Shift-9. Similarly, you can slow the rate of terrain change for the same brush by clicking on Shift-F1, increase the rate by clicking on Shift-F10, and everything in between by using Shift-F2 though Shift-F9.
Custom Music By placing your own music files (MP3''s) in the proper directory, you can have custom tunes play while you enjoy the game. The first step is to place the music files in one of two directories. For music to be played while in region mode place your custom tunes here:

C:\Program Files\Maxis\SimCity 4\Radio\Stations\Region\Music And for music to be played while editing your cities:

C:\Program Files\Maxis\SimCity 4\Radio\Stations\Mayor\Music Once your music is in place, start the game up and go into the sound options. In sound options is a check box called Custom Tunes. Checking that box will enable the playback of the music files you placed in the two directories.

Rename a Region Go to the folder where your region is saved. If it was the region "San Francisco" that came with the game you will find it here:

Windows 95, 98, Me - C:/My Documents/SimCity4/Regions/San Francisco
Windows 2000, XP - C:/Documents and Settings/(your user name)/SimCity4/Regions/San Francisco

In this folder you find a file called region.ini which you will need to open. It will look like this:

Name = San Francisco
Terrain type = 0
Water Min = 60
Water Max = 100

Simply change "Name = San Francisco" to "Name = New Desired Name".

Flood Fill Zoning After selecting a zone tool, by click-holding in an area, the tool will flood fill the zone in the area bounded by roads. This can be useful for zoning non-rectangular areas.
Hotkeys (Keyboard Shortcuts) F1 (God Mode)
F2 (Mayor Mode)
F3 (My Sim Mode)
F4(Options Panel)

Ctrl+1(Turtle Speed)
Ctrl+2(Rhino Speed)
Ctrl+3(Cheetah Speed)

+ (Zoom in one level)
- (Zoom out one level)
Press numbers 1 to 5 (Zoom levels 1 - farthest from city to 5 - closest to city)
Page Up (Rotate counter-clockwise)
Page Down (Rotate Clockwise)
Home (Rotate Building Clockwise)
End (Rotate Building Counter-Clockwise
Left Arrow / Right Arrow (Scroll Left/Right)
Ctrl+ Left Arrow/Ctrl+ Right Arrow(Scroll Left/Right Once)
Ctrl+Up Arrow/Ctrl+Down Arrow (Scroll up/down once)
Up Arrow/Down Arrow (Scroll Up/Down)
Spacebar (Center on Cursor)

Esc (Close Open Window/Release Tool)
/ (Query Tool)
Q (Zone Low D. Residential)
W (Zone Medium D. Residential)
E (Zone High D. Residential)
A (Zone Low D. Commercial)
S (Zone Medium D. Commercial)
D (Zone High D. Commercial)
Z (Zone Agricultrue)
X (Zone Medium D. Industrial)
C (Zone Heavy D. Industrial)
Y (Zone Landfill)
V (De-Zone)
B (Demolish)

Ctrl+F (Dispatch Fire)
Ctrl+P (Dispatch Police)
R (Road Tool)
Alt+R (Street Tool)
Shift+R (Highway Tool)
Ctrl+Shift+R (Build Bus Stop)
T (Rail Tool)
Ctrl+Shift+T (Passenger Depot)
Ctrl+Alt+T (Freight Depot)
Shift+T (Subway Tool)
Shift+Alt+T (Subway Station)
L (Power Lines Tool)
I (Pipes Tool)
P (Build Small Police Station)
Alt+P (Build Large Police Station)
Shift+P (Build Jail)
F (Build Small Fire Station)
Alt+F (Build Large Fire Station)
H (Build Clinic)
Alt+H (Build Hospital)
K (Build Elementary School)
Alt+K (Build High School)
Shift+K (Build City College)

F5 (Day Only)
F6 (Night Only)
F7 (Night & Day)

F11 (Open Play Options Dialog)
F9 (Open Graphics Options Dialog)
F10 (Open Audio Options Dialog)
Ctrl+S (Save City)
F8 (Exit To Region)
F12 (Quit SimCity 4)

Num Lock (Hide/Show UI)
Ctrl+Shift+A (Open Photo Album)
Ctrl+Shift+S (Take Snapshots)
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F (Full Screen Refresh)
Ctrl+X (Open Cheat Code Dialog)
Ctrl+Shift+C (Toggle Display of Terrain Contours)
Ctrl+Shift+O (Open Obliterate City Dialog)

Creating new regions By: Ocean Quigley - Art/Creative Director of SimCity 4

In SimCity 4, you can create large regions, composed of multiple cities from a greyscale image. Read on, and I'll show you how to do it.

First, decide how large a region you want. Regions are composed of lots of small, medium and large cities. A small city is a kilometer on a side, a medium city is 2 kilometers on a side and a large city is 4 kilometers on a side. I'm going to make a sample region that's 12 kilometers square, so 9 large cities can fit in it. The regions need to be in increments of whole kilometers, so no 13.56 kilometer sized regions are allowed.

Once I've decided how large to make my region, I make a greyscale image representing the elevations of the terrain. In this scheme, white equals high elevation, black is the bottom of the sea and sea level is at around a value of 83 (on a scale of 0-255).

Here's how to figure out how large to make the greyscale image:
  • Take the size of the region in kilometers, multiply it by 64, then add 1.

For my region, that's 12 * 64 + 1 = 769. My greyscale image needs to be 769 pixels square.

I go into Photoshop and make a new image that's 769 pixels square. It's useful to know where sea level will be, so I create a new temporary layer, color it blue, turn down the opacity and then double click on it in the layers dialogue box to bring up the layer properties.

Water layer opacity

I set the underlying layer opacity so that everything darker than about 83 gets covered up by blue. That way I can see where my coastlines will be.

Then I start painting away. While I'm working on it, my Photoshop file looks like this: the blue is from the second layer and tells me where my coasts will be.

Terrain painting

When I'm done with it, I discard the blue layer and save it out the terrain map as an 8-bit greyscale .bmp or .png file. Since it looks like a bunch of islands, I call it archipelago.bmp.

You can use any paint program that will create a greyscale image. Photoshop's nice because it lets you see the water level, but it's not really necessary.

Here's what it looks like, again everything that's light will be higher elevation and everything that's black will be deeper.

Terrain heightfield

The next step is deciding how the region should be chopped up into different sized cities. The way SimCity 4 does this is with a separate bitmap that defines city sizes.

The configuration bitmap should be 1 pixel across for every kilometer of region size. Since my region is 12 kilometers square, I'll make a configuration bitmap that's 12 pixels square.

Here's a (very blown up) example:

Region layout

This map defines where small, medium and large cities go:
  • Large cities are 4 pixels square and blue.
  • Medium cities are 2 pixels square and green.
  • Small cities are just 1 pixel and are red.

The way it works is that the large cities (the blue ones) needs to have blue set to 255, and red and green set to any value other than 255. The medium cities (the green ones) need to have green set to 255, and red and blue set to any value other than 255. And the small city (the red ones) need to have red set to 255, and blue and green set to any value other than 255.

Here's what the configuration map looks like actual size:

Region layout actual size

Once finished, it's saved out as a 24 bit bmp file, called config.bmp.

Now I've got two images, a greyscale terrain map and a color configuration map. I load up the game and create a new region by clicking on the new region button.

New region button

This brings up the region creation dialogue. I name the region "Archipelago" and press "Create region". It doesn't matter if it's plains or water.

New region name

This results in a new region, of the default size and layout. It also creates a new directory in my My Documents/SimCity 4/Regions folder called archipelago. I copy the config.bmp file into that directory.

Then I go back into SimCity 4, toggle over to another region, then back to archipelago, in order to get the game to use my new config.bmp.

Once that's done, I press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+R. This brings up the heightfield loading dialogue box:

Load heightfield

I find archipelago.bmp, select it, press OK, wait around 3 minutes (on my 1.7 GHz machine) and voila, a finished region:

Created region

Now I can zoom into any of the cities, plant trees, do some detail work and basically polish it up.

Zoomed in city

Here's a shot of the region after I've planted some trees on one of the cities:

After planting trees

And that's it. Now it's region that you can terraform, or build cities on or whatever!

So, just to review, here are the steps:

  1. Decide how large a region you want to make. (You can make them as big as you want, but once they're more than about 20-30 kilometers on a side you're going to need a really fast machine with lots of memory.)
  2. Create a terrain map that's 64 pixels x region size + 1 pixel.
  3. Save out the terrain map as a greyscale .bmp or .png file.
  4. Create a configuration map that's as many pixels across as your region size in kilometers. Save it out as config.bmp.
  5. Create a new default region in SimCity 4, name it appropriately.
  6. Put the config.bmp file in the resulting folder.
  7. Toggle between an old region, then back to your new region.
  8. Press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+R.
  9. Select your terrain map.
  10. Wait a few minutes (depending on how large a region you're making and how fast your computer is) and you're done. Play SimCity!
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