President James Madison

Fourth President of the United States

This page has been updated to reflect President Madison's concerns for your privacy. It may seem a bit wordy, but the goal is to help you with changes that are happening rapidly in our digital environment.


We will never share your email or other contact information with anyone who is not directly associated with this site and maintaining information about it.

The layout of this page has been changed to better reflect contact options so that they are more topic specific. Each of these options opens an email in your default email client. We feel this method gives you the most control over the information you share with us.

Contact President Madison and his Agent

Any venue with an interest in engaging and educating its patrons, visitors, or members may inquire as to President Madison's availability. Museums, schools, professional organizations, civic groups, academic gatherings, or businesses may benefit from the uniquely human and creative enterprise of first person historic interpretation.

If you or your organization have questions about Mr. Madison and Mr. Jenks' interpretation of him, please feel free to e-mail Mr. Jenks via the highlighted text or the button below.

Individual inquiries about President Madison and his place in history are most welcome. Your inquiry may provide the inspiration for an article about the topic you mention for use within this site or for sharing on one of my colleagues' sites.

If you would like to submit photographs you have taken of Mr. Madison, unedited video footage you captured during an appearance, or you wish to author an article about Mr. Madison or an issue that arose during his lifetime for the site, please contact the Webmistress. Her contact information is also noted below.

or you may send your message to Mr. Jenks personally.

How May the Webmistress Assist You

The Webmistress is here to guide you if you have an article or other material you would like to submit for use in this site. Please ask her any questions you may have.

If you wish to be provided with information regarding upcoming appearances in your area, please let the Webmistress know the topic of interest to you and the general appearance vicinity that is convenient for you. She will make note of that, and send you a message when the Mr. Madison will be speaking to a topic in the subject area you have indicated.

Any time you change your mind about receiving updates, simply let her know so that she can delete you from her list for that topic or appearance region.

The Webmistress is also the point of contact for those little things that sometimes break in a website, permission to use or share material found in the site, as well as concerns about Privacy or potential breaches of Site Security. Please note that she will refer Site Security matters regarding those protocols to the Security Manager. Unless you provide specific permission for a direct response, his reply will be forwarded to you by the Webmistress.


Mr. Madison (Kyle Jenks) and the Webmistress (Elaine Ackerson) may occasionally reply to your email from their personal email accounts to save time if your query is time sensitive. The original email that received your inquiry will be visibly copied in that reply so you know it went to the correct party. The personal email accounts will be used for replies infrequently.

Other Matters of Privacy

We are in the process of updating our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use to address matters that have updated since June of 2016. We will post an alert on the Home Page when that happens.

We do not allow cookies (little bits of data your browser uses to help you access our content) and take measures to minimize those that invade your privacy from annoying you when you visit links we provide. However, please check your browser settings - you are encouraged to instruct your browser how you want to handle cookies.

Please notify the Webmistress immediately if you have questions about cookies referencing or discover your browser is not deleting cookies it created to assist you while visiting our site.

No personal information you provide us is deliberately stored where it is accessible to unauthorized persons. Still, it is good to remember that emails are not necessarily secure. Before we read your message, it has been stored on a third party hosting server, for example on Google's mail servers.

The information we gather is only to respond to your specific requests for information or appearance updates. If a third party is involved in the reservation process or other legitimate efforts in relation to an appearance, that contact information is posted in the site, and you will be provided with their contact information on request. If we need to refer your inquiry to a third party for a direct response, we will first ask your explicit consent to forward your question to them.

We deem there is no permission given to use your personal information beyond that which you explicity provide and that is necessary for us to reply to you.

Site security is very important to us. Please help us keep you safe by immediately alerting the Webmistress if something seems amiss. Details of what seems wrong to you are very important to troubleshooting problems. As noted above, we have a Site Security Manager who handles proprietary security protocols for us. The Webmistress will forward your inquiry to him. If you wish a direct response from the Security Manager, please provide explicit authorization for your concern to be forward directly to him.

It is extremely important that you understand links we provide to YouTube and other websites open in new tabs in your browser. The policies of those sites regarding collection of your personal information are not under our control. Some of these sites do use cookies that do collect more information than a simple cookie that deletes when your browser closes. As noted above, we do take the steps we can to keep you safe when you follow a link we provide.

We are looking at different methods of providing video clips that are more within control rather than posting them on YouTube. We will make an announcement when we determine the best format or service for the purpose.

Address & Phone

I and my agent are more than happy to discuss your specific questions about themselves, as well as participating in your program or visiting your venue.

As the horses which draw the carriages require feed and stabling, we must charge for appearances. And, the stables usually charge for keeping the carriages dry and safe while the horses rest.

Fees and parameters of given performances are determined on a case by case basis. Distance and expense of travel, size and nature of audience, venue, and the detail involved and duration of a performance are all factors that are discussed during initial consultation.