Chicago GT 2002

Day One

The first day of the tourney first got me facing the orks of Lee Coleman. Lee had two large swarms of boys supported by 6 killer kans and Kustom force Fields. Since this was a cleanse mission the orks are right in their element and predictably the Boys advanced underneath the protection of the force fields with the Kans in front.

This was a great game for both of us. Highlights included my Dreadnought unable to hit the Killer Kan that he assaulted, thus the Kan killed the dread instead. Now that was bad as I no longer had a viable anti-Kan weapon.

In the last turn, I tried going for a draw by transporting a squad and the razorback across two table quarters, alas it was immobilized by ork anti-tank weapons. Thus I lost my first game.

The Horde Advances under the killer kans protection:

My second game was against Justin and his Blood angels. I found Justin's army a bit beardy (sorry dude), it had 6 Dreads one of which was Moriar the Chosen and not only that he was also using Bloodquest Captain Leonatos as his HQ. Needless to say my jaw dropped open.

This game also saw the use of our 'civilian' models as they were supposed to be messengers and must cross over to the other side. Justin won first turn and he promptly knocked out most of my rhino transports so most of my squads had to walk. Luckily for me Justin advanced his squad in a rhino forward and supercharged too.....

This squad I quickly assaulted and I swept into his death company (which did not have a chaplain). Other events included Leonatos' rhino failing its supercharge engine so Leonatos had to walk through the woods underfire from my Tactical Squad. Eventually my assault teams got across to the dreadnoughts which I brought down with my powerfists.

Moriar was destroyed by a lucky meltagun shot and most of my messengers got through to the other side. Leonatos got to live though but wasn't able to do much. I was shocked to discover that I had won by a mile with most of Justin's army destroyed (there was only 1 dread, Leonatos and a couple of honorguard left).

Brett McDavid is another Blood angels player, with a more conventional mix. He did have Moriar though (seems to be a favorite for BA players huh) Anyway our scenario was take and hold and I chose to defend (reasoning that Black Templars had to be killed to a man and never runs away).

Believing that offense was always better than just waiting for the enemy (hey I am a Templar player) I charged Moriar in the center of the table. Soon enough both armies came embroiled in a massive combat in the middle of the table. My Dragon Knights vs his Death Company and tactical squads. As Brett said, "We just kept on feeding and feeding and feeding it!"

In the end Brett was able to capture the objective by zipping his Landspeeder in the last turn after he killed the squad guarding the objective. In the end both our scores were pretty much even as we had almost eliminated each others army. Great Game dude.


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