Chicago GT 2002

Inspirational Armies
In between breaks I was able to take pictures of some good looking armies here is what I was able to take pictures of. To all of you players Good Job on your armies!!


Owen's sisters of Battle ready for a fight!

Lizardmen Army with temple. A lot of the players armies had such elaborate bases, rivalling there armies.








Dark Angels with cathedral to the Emperor. It was so big it wasn't possible to fit it all in one shot.

Here's a great looking Chaos Dwarf Army using converted plastic dwarves and chaos warriors.

Who let the Dogs out? No these are not Space Wolves. But a Kult of Speed Army. Woof woof!

Below is his Warboss. Waaaaarghh!

The Death Guard with decaying temple

High Elf Expeditionary Force

The Sons of Medusa Space Marine Chapter

Tyranid Swarm on base

Desert Army Lizardmen

Khorne Chaos Space Marines with Scout Titan

Salamanders Space Marines Army


Sisters of Battle Army

This army contains the most number of models ever at 500++!!

White Scars Army painted in Bretonnian "Colors"

UltraMarines Space Marine Chapter

Spaces Wolves Army


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