Chicago GT 2002

Day Two

In the second day of the GT, I met with Mr Jeff Flowers a veteran of numerous GTs. This year he brought his Flesh Tearers (oh no! another BA player!) Jeff's Flesh Tearers was composed of 6 squads of Marines, 3 six man and 3 ten man plus the death company in a rhino.

Needless to say I was outnumbered by his forces. During the game, Jeff was able to knock out my Land Raider early and his forces was able to surround me. Though I had better hand to hand capability, there were just too many of his marines that mine were almost wiped out to a man. Though I lost badly, Mr Flowers is such a nice person he gives each of his opponents a can of Beer! Thanks Jeff!

My fifth opponent was Brian and his Red Skulls Space Marine Chapter. I was lucky this time that the Red Skulls are a normal Codex Chapter (though Brian said that he does on occasion play Blood Angels).




As usual, my Marines went on the offensive, charging into the Red Skulls lines. The center of the table became a massive close combat (see picture).

There were about 5 squads fighting in that mess, eventually I was able to break the Red Skulls but it was a bit too late as the game was coming to an end, the Devastator Squad got away! The game was a draw though I was ahead in points.

My last game was against a Speed Freak Player. Sorry dude I don't have a picture because I ran out of film. Anyway this was a total rout for the Ork player as he did not have enough orks to overwhelm my forces.

He was fast but was outclassed by marines who never ran away. Eventually I was able to hunt down even his looted basilisk completely eliminating his army

Here's a picture of Owen in one of his games.

And that was that......six games of mayhem brought to you by GamesWorkshop. It was an Exhausting yet fun fun time for me. And hopefully for everyone. I didn't win any of the trophies but I did go away with a brand new award that Joe Krone gave us: THE ASTRONOMICAN AWARD!

For players who were crazy enough to come from another country just to play with toy soldiers. Thanks Joe! Mr Krone gave me a Chaos Warriors box but I had it changed for a squad of Necron Warriors which in turn inspired me to start my own Necrons! Har har we'll be back!

Here's a Me and Mr Krone at the end of the tourney. Thanks a lot Joe I had a blast! Don't forget to send me that Staff shirt you promised me.

We met Tony and his merry men of Fantasy players. Though I did not play Fantasy this time, I have a High Elf and Orc army back home. Hey Tony you promised to send me a White Dwarf which has the Chicago GT in it!

Ever wondered what trolls look like? Well here they are and that's the famous Boss Troll Bob and his lackey John. Bob and John gave me very good deals on the bits I wanted and convinced me to get a Battle Fortress for my speed freak army. Thanks a lot guys! Don't forget the White Dwarf you promised.

Here's another Filipino we met in the GT. His name is Pat and he plays Dark Angels. Don't forget to look us over when you getback so we can play a few games!

Next time I hope to come back with even more friends. Maybe a Team Philippines?


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