Secrets of the Bible inspired by God Himself
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Motto: "He made my mouth like a sharpened sword, in the shadow of his hand he hid me; he made me into a polished arrow and concealed me in his quiver." (Bible, Isaiah 49:2)

An extraordinary book exists on the Earth. It is called the Bible. It is like a mirror which reflects to everyone the content of his or her own soul, but simultaneously it does NOT take away his or her "free will" nor changes his or her views. For these ones who do NOT believe in God, the Bible looks just like ordinary "stories of ancient shepherds and wonderers". For ones who have an analytical mind, bud did NOT make yet their decision about their relationship to God, the Bible looks like a mythology or descriptions from history. In turn for these ones who sincerely believe in God, the Bible opens its inexhaustible source of knowledge about God, about ancient past, about the future, about themselves, about life in general, about decisions they need to take, etc., etc. Simultaneously it stimulates their searches for truth with the supernatural intelligence with which God skilfully coded into the Bible an ocean of information on practically every subject, including the future. The Bible is the only scripture on the Earth the authorship of which God admits - for examples of such God's admissions see item #A1 below on this web page. The godly authorship of the Bible is also confirmed by numerous facts. This web page presents and explains evidence which confirms the fact that the Bible is really authorized indirectly by God Himself.
Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak
Suwon, Korea, 1 November 2007

* * *

The content of this web page is authorized by Dr Eng. Jan Pajak that is by a researcher, discoverer and inventor of New Zealand and Poland and WorldCat Identity (see the web page, the course of whose life is briefly described at the autobiographical web page pajak_jan_uk.htm. By profession Dr Eng. Jan Pająk is an academic teacher who lectured and carried out research at 10 tertiary educational institutions of the world where he lectured numerous subjects in two different disciplines, i.e. in the discipline of Mechanical Engineering and Machine Construction, first at his native Wrocław University of Science and Technology, then at the universities of New Zealand (Canterbury), Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) and Borneo (Kuching), as well as in the discipline of Software Engineering and Programming Languages at four New Zealand tertiary educational institutions (i.e. at Invercargill College, Dunedin University, Timaru Polytechnic, and Wellington Institute of Technology) and at universities in Cyprus (Famagusta) and Korea (Suwon). At as many as four among these universities (i.e. at universities in Cyprus, Malaysia, Borneo and Korea) he was employed as university professor. In the early part of the 21st century, Dr Eng. Jan Pająk distinguished himself from the group of still alive at that time discoverers and inventors who simultaneously were citizens of Poland and/or New Zealand, that he became among them the most widely known in the world, most variously interpreted, and moreover, the most productive - in spite of conducting his research without funding and on the principles of alleged a private scientific "hobby", forced by the official disapproval of the areas of knowledge and truth he researches, and in spite that the results of his research constitute knowledge and truth that in present world is one of the most fiercely overpowered and blocked from getting known by people. Only a brief illustration and summary of the most important of his discoveries, inventions and scientifically indisputable formal proofs with the use of teaching movies, required the preparation of a series of half-hour video presentations available for free on the Internet: either in three languages, namely i.e. in Polish, English and German - examples of which can be the movie entitled "Dr Jan Pajak portfolio" while the English version of which can be viewed at and the movie entitled "Future Propulsions" the English-language version of which is disseminated from the address; or English and German 4-minute video "How big is the Magnocraft" disseminated from the address; or videos disseminated with narration in Polish but with subtitles in English - for example the quest movie entitled "Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój nirwany", the title of which means "The Nirvana System: World That Rid Of Money", available at and the warning movie entitled "Zagłada ludzkości 2030", the title of which means "The Massive Purification of Humanity in 2030s", available at (note that these English subtitles can be turned "on" or "off" by clicking on the icon "cc", i.e. "subtitles/closed captions", located at the bottom-right of given movie). Unfortunately, the results of his breakthrough research to-date illustrate how perfectly the today's situation with truth, knowledge and monopolistic "official atheistic science" is reflected in the life wisdom of the Bible verses from Matthew 13:57, Luke 4:24 and John 4:44, as well as in the folk wisdom contained in the saying "truth hurts". After all, e.g. in New Zealand until today almost no-one wants to know about the existence and outcomes of his research. In turn, e.g. in Poland, in order to invalidate, deny, silence, and combat his discoveries, inventions and formal proofs, many compatriots conspire into gangs that act as monopolies distorting the truth and forgetting about God (as, for example, it is documented from #A5 to #A5bc from the web page named totalizm.htm), while trying to leave for future generations only lies, rubbish, polluted water, air and soil, and devastated nature.

It is also worth knowing that the print size of this web page can be increased up to about 300%. This in turn allows it to be read easily without the use of glasses. This is because every software used to display it has a built-in so-called "zoom". For example, in "Google Chrome" this "zoom" is revealed by clicking on the vertical "three-dot" in the upper right corner of the screen, then the print can be increased or decreased by clicking on the plus or minus of this "zoom". "Firefox" reveals the same "zoom" by clicking there on a three-line dash, while "Internet Explorer" reveals by clicking a "cog" over there. Photos of this web page can also be enlarged up to 500% of their original size - which allows e.g. to carefully examine the face of someone who interests us. The easiest way to enlarge a photo in such a way is to first click on it - so that it appears in a separate window. Then one should (also by clicking) show it to oneself from this separate window on the computer screen. In turn having it on the computer screen, one can open for it the "zoom" which I described above for enlarging the print size of this web page, then by clicking on the + or - of this zoom, one can freely increase or decrease this photograph on the screen.

Part #A: Introductory information of this web page:


#A1. The Bible - the autobiography of God:

       The Bible is the only widely published book, the authorisation of which God openly admits. Most unambiguously this admitting of God that He authorises the Bible is contained in the Bible itself - in several different places of it. For example, In Deuteronomy 18:18, God states the following: "A prophet I shall rise up for them from the midst of their brothers, like you, and I shall indeed put my words in his mouth, and he will certainly speak to them all that I shall command him." In respect to the content of the Bible these words mean, that although the Bible was written down by prophets whom God raised up amongst people just for this purpose, the words that these prophets turned into verses of the Bible, in fact were put in their mouths by God and are words of God Himself. Other sentence in the Bible, which also confirms that all holly scriptures are of the God's authorship, is "2 Timothy" verse 3:16 - quote: "All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living, so that the person who serves God may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed." Still another verses in the Bible, which again confirm, that everything on the Earth, in this number also the Bible, is of the God’s authorship, are amongst others, words "For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God." (Hebrews 3:4) The authorisation of the Bible by God Himself is also confirmed in wording of some amongst the so-called "Bible Codes" (described in item #C6 below).
       In order to NOT destroy our "free will", in every His action God obeys the so-called "canon of ambiguity" the content of which is explained, amongst others, in introduction to "part #F" of this web page. In order to obey this canon, God almost always acts in invisible and silent manner. He is like a light summer wind, which is also invisible and silent. Thus, the only way we can notice God, is through effects of His work - i.e. the same as noticing a light summer wind is through effects it has on things (e.g. on smoke). For example, we can see God's effects by the creation of the many physical laws keeping the Earth and the Universe from going into pure chaos. Also the atoms and subatomic particles which make up our bodies, they go by strict laws that keep us as "us" all our lives. Yes, such laws do speak a Lawgiver.
       One amongst evidences of God's work is His bringing into existence a book inspired and indirectly authorised by Him - means the Bible. Many adversaries in the past have tried to destroy this book or the ideas it promotes, but have failed. Interestingly, today that book is the MOST published book in the world. As the World Book Encyclopaedia says: "The Bible is the most widely distributed book in history. It has also been translated more times, and into more languages, than any other book." Thus, if the deity wanted the human race to learn about Him, would He not see fit to make such information available to the human race? And He did by authorising a book which actually is a kind of the God's autobiography.

#A2. What are goals of this web page:

       The main goal of this web page and the body of evidence which I present here, is to document and to sincerely disclose to the reader, that there is a large amount of evidence which confirms the indirect authorization of the Bible by God. A significant proportion of this evidence is scientifically undeniable.
       The additional goal is to point out to the attention of the reader these extraordinary information and attributes, which the omnipotent God encrypted into the Bible, and about the existence of which many people typically do not know.

Part #B: Formal scientific proofs and empirical reminders which confirm that the Bible was authorized by God himself:


#B1, blog #139E. The formal scientific proof, that "the Bible is authorized by God himself", completed with methods of mathematical logic:

Motto: "There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God — children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God. The Word became flesh ..." (Quotation from the Biblical Evangel of St. John 1:6-14.)

       In the descriptions that follow a full version of the formal proof, that the Bible was authorized by God himself, is presented. But before I formulate this proof, a few more words of this introduction.
       The formal scientific proof for the authorization of the Bible by God himself, was developed in initial days of November 2007, when I was on my professorship at a university in Southern Korea. This proof was carried out with methods of mathematical logic. It is based on findings of my own and also other people and researchers, accumulated about the Bible and disseminated on a whole range of sources and publications. Of course, the most vital impulse for developing this proof, was that I myself was absolutely sure about the existence of God and about the authorization of the Bible by God himself, which resulted from indications of a relatively new scientific "Theory of Everything of 1985" that I had the privilege of proposing, and that I also named call the Concept of Dipolar Gravity. It was this theory that revealed to me that God does exist. It also gave me to the hand a key with which I was able to gradually open an access to subsequent levels of scientific knowledge about God, Bible, morality, situation of people, truth, requirements that God imposed onto people, etc., etc. So here it is, the entire formal proof for the authorization of the Bible by God, completed with the use of methods of mathematical logic:

           "The Bible is authorized by God."
       Basis propositions:
           (1) The content of entire Bible is embedded with a huge number of special attributes and information, such as the consistency of names and messages, splitting and hiding truths from the view of hostile censorships, cohesion and consequence in teachings, and many others, which are hidden and coded into it and which contain the signature of the true author of the Bible. The entire content of a large written scripture, into which such numerous attributes and items of information are coded and hidden, must be carefully designed before it was written. Every large written scripture with a carefully designed content must be written accordingly to a single general plan which was later strictly implemented by its author or authors.
           (2) For the content of the entire Bible to display the strict implementation of a single general plan, the Bible needed to either be creatively designed and written by a single superior being of the supernatural intelligence, power, and capabilities of God, or by a large team of human authors that strictly cooperated with each other and that precisely negotiated amongst themselves every tiny detail of the general plan for the Bible that they wrote and who later displayed enormous discipline in implementing outcomes of these negotiations by perfectly carrying out this general plan for the Bible's content. The fact that during writing subsequent parts of the Bible the human authors of the Bible lived in separate epochs and in geographically distant areas, eliminates completely the possibility that the Bible was designed and written by a team of human authors that just strictly and precisely cooperated amongst themselves.
           (3) The Bible is either authorized by many human creators-authors, or is authorized by God. The fact that from the content across the entire Bible these attributes emerge which document the authorship of a superior being with supernatural intelligence, power, and capabilities of God, eliminates completely the possibility that the Bible was authorized by a team of human creators-authors.
           (1) The first basis proposition is to be transformed with the use of tautological form of the method known under the name of "hypothetical syllogism". This form can be written as [(p =>q) && (q => r)] => [p => r], in which the assertion "p" says "The content of entire Bible is embedded with a huge number of special attributes and information, such as the consistency of names and messages, splitting and hiding truths from the view of hostile censorships, cohesion and consequence in teachings, and many others, which are hidden and coded into it and which contain the signature of the true author of the Bible", while the assertion "q" says "The entire content of a large written scripture, into which such numerous attributes and items of information are coded and hidden, must be carefully designed before it was written". In turn the assertion "r" states "Every large written scripture with a carefully designed content must be written accordingly to a single general plan which was later strictly implemented by its author or authors." The transformation of these propositions leads to the conclusion that "The content of entire Bible was written accordingly to a single general plan which was later strictly implemented by its author or authors."
           (2) Accepting this previous conclusion for an assertion in the next phase of inference, and using the method of "disjunctive syllogism", the tautological form of which can be written as: [(p || q) && !p] => q, we obtain a next conclusion which states that "The Bible was creatively designed and written by a single superior being of the supernatural intelligence, power, and capabilities of God."
           (3) The last couple of propositions allows us to derive the final conclusion also with the method called the "disjunctive syllogism", the tautological form of which can be written as: [(p || q) && !p] => q. In this form the assertion "p" says "The Bible is authorized by many human creators-authors", while assertion "q" states "The Bible is authorized by God." In turn the assertion "!p" states "The fact that from the content across the entire Bible these attributes emerge which document the authorship of a superior being with supernatural intelligence, power, and capabilities of God, eliminates completely the possibility that the Bible was authorized by a team of human creators-authors." Thus the final conclusion states "The Bible is authorized by God."
           The above inference chain unambiguously and conclusively proves the truth of the theorem that "the Bible is authorized by God".
* * *
       For the use of these readers who are NOT familiar with the notation that is applied in the above proof, I would like to explain that symbols "p", "q", and "r" mark subsequent "assertions" utilized in this proof as logical variables. In turn symbols "!", "&&", "||", and "=>" mark logical operators "not", "and", "inclusive or", and "implies" (if ... => then ...").
       It is also worth to emphasize again the validity of the above proof. Because this proof utilizes exclusively tautological forms of subsequent methods, it remains valid for all values of variables it uses. Thus practically it is error-proof. If someone would like to undermine it, he or she would need to undermine first the validity of mathematical logic. In turn this logic is a foundation for countless mathematical proofs which with a large success were used by the effective and precise discipline of mathematics. Thus, since so strong proof for the authorization of the Bible by God we finally were able to develop, it introduces for us huge implications. Because of the existence of this proof, and also several other proofs mentioned at the beginning of this item, it becomes really important that everyone of us verifies his or hers attitude towards God, other world, moral life, etc., etc. After all, without the verification of this attitude, we may inflict ourselves the biggest harm that one is able to inflict on himself or on herself.
       Independently from this web page, the formal scientific proof asserting that God himself authorized the Bible, is also published in subsection N6.1 from volume 11 of the newest monograph [1/5].

#B2. The formal scientific proof, that "the Bible is authorized by God himself", completed with the physical method of "matching attributes":

Motto: "The differentiation of mischievous spitting and sarcastic scoffing at an idea under the excuse that it is just a criticism of that idea, from a true constructive criticism of that idea, is simple: mischievous spitting raises points which can be raised about any possible idea and against any possible person; in turn a constructive criticism concentrates exclusively on matters which relate directly to the subject that this criticism concerns and therefore which do not apply for any other idea, person, or matter. So just by simple checking whether someone's objections can be applied to all other ideas as well, or just to this one, you immediately know whether the criticizer is just trying to be mischievous and smart, or really have valid points to make."

       Independently from the above formal scientific proof, that God authorized the Bible, completed with methods of mathematical logic, equally valid proof can also be accomplished with methods of physics. In such a proof with methods of physics, the authorship of the Bible is proven is a similar manner as physicists prove laws of nature, or as criminologists and detectives prove outcomes of their investigations. Amongst many physical methods which can be used to prove the God's authorship of the Bible, the most useful is so-called "method of matching attributes" described extensively in subsection P2 from volume 13 of monograph [1/4] "Advanced Magnetic Devices".
       The formal proving of the fact of "God's authorship of the Bible" with the use of this scientific method of matching attributes, can be accomplished in a relatively easy manner. Such a formal proof includes only as follows:
       (1) Theoretically define several attributes, which are unique for the authorization of the Bible by God. (As this is explained in subsection P2 from volume 13 of monograph [1/4], from the point of view of the theory of probability the defining of 12 of such attributes suffices to have an absolute certainty to the outcome of matching attributes.) These attributes must precisely describe how God who is the supernaturally intelligent, knowledgeable, and has insight to the future, would define the Bible if he authorized it, and also these attributes must be manifested only in the case when God (i.e. not people) was in fact the true author of the Bible. These attributes can be defined theoretically in a relatively easy manner. On this web page these are represented by titles of subsequent items from the next Part #C of this web page. After all, these attributes are unambiguously suggested by the superior knowledge and by high foreseeing of the principles of operation of the supernaturally intelligent God.
       (2) Accumulate the empirical evidence which documents that each one amongst these theoretically deduced attributes that are unique for the authorization of the Bible by God, actually is manifested in the Bible. It is worth to notice, that the next Part #C of this web page already accumulated in itself and presents to the reader, the sufficient body of evidence which conclusively documents the manifestation in the Bible of a whole array of such attributes. Each one amongst these attributes is discussed in a separate item from Part #C of this web page.
       (3) Systematically compare each theoretical attribute that is unique to the authorship of the Bible by God, with evidence for actual manifestation of this attribute in the content of the Bible. When this comparison proves the complete and the actual correspondence of these two groups of attributes (i.e. these attributes deduced theoretically and these attributes manifested empirically in the content of the Bible), than such a correspondence represents a formal proof for the authorization of the Bible by God. Actually this full correspondence is already documented in subsequent items from Part #C of this web page. Therefore this description of the procedure of physical proving with the method of "matching attributes", in connection with next Part #C of this we page, together constitute a formal scientific proof for the authorization of the Bible by God, completed with the physical method of matching attributes.
       The formal scientific proof for the authorization of the Bible by God can be carried out either in a (1) subdivided manner - in which it is done on this web page, i.e. when the empirical evidence is separated from description of the proving procedure, or in a (2) combined manner, i.e. when the proving procedure systematically combines together this empirical evidence into a required logical structure, and systematically assigns it to subsequent theoretical attributes of the authorization of the Bible by God - as this was done in subsection P2 from monograph [1/4] for the formal scientific proof for the existence of UFOs. In present situation I do not see a need to extend the volume of this web page through formulating here also a full form of such a combined physical proof (2) for the authorization of the Bible by God. After all, the subdivided presentation of the evidence in next Part #C of this web page also constitutes such a proof, and it simultaneously avoids the repetition of descriptions for informative purposes. Furthermore, the forma scientific proof completed with methods of mathematical logic and presented in previous item #B1 of this web page, at the present stage should suffice even for the most hardened skeptics. But because this web page contains and describes thoroughly both the evidence which is required for such a combined proof for the authorization of the Bible by God, as well as it contains and describes the proving procedure, I suggest that for the exercising of their own logic, readers combine together this material and procedure by themselves. In this way readers obtain by themselves their very own formal proof for the authorization of the Bible by God, this time accomplished with the physical method of matching attributes. In case the reader would like to study, how a formal proof based on the method of matching attributes should be formulated, the detailed descriptions of this method, together with an example of using it for proving that "UFOs do exist and they are already operational Magnocraft", are contained in subsection P2 from volume 13 of monograph [1/4] "Advanced Magnetic Devices".
       I should add here, that I actually plan to additionally reorganize the structure of this web page sometimes in the future, during one amongst next updates of it, so that in future this item is going to present a consolidated physical proof for the authorization of the Bible by God, accomplished with the method of matching attributes, while next Part #C is going to present just various interesting aspects of supernatural attributes of the Bible. However, because this proof will be just an addition to the proof from item #B1 of this web page, such a reorganization is to be carried out only in the future, when all other burning and urgently needed topics are already addressed.

#B3. Subtle reminders by God Himself that the Bible is in fact authorised by Him:

       I am personally impressed the most by the manner in which God in a typical for Himself, means very discreet, unimposing, and highly intelligent manner, reminds people on various occasions that the Bible is authorised by Him. These reminders may take many different forms, selected of which the reader probably already encountered in his or her life. For me the most meaningful amongst such reminders is the manner in which God uses the tropical fruit named "salak" that He created in the shape of a snake's head, to illustrate vividly the Biblical story about tempting Eve by snake in Eden. God accomplishes this illustration of the Biblical story by making pregnant women from tropics to "crave" irresistibly for that particular "snake shaped" fruit. More comprehensive descriptions of this meaningful "cravings" of pregnant women from tropics, and also a photograph of the "snake head" shaped fruit named "salak", is provided in item #D6.1 from the web page fruit.htm - about tropical fruits from the area of Pacific and about the philosophy of their eating. I highly recommend having a look at these descriptions. I must admit that the way God designed this reminder, resembles me also the manner He designed the reminder about His existence in the shape of the "sculptured tree" shown in "Fig. #B1" from the web page god_proof.htm - with the compendium of scientific proofs for the existence of God.

Part #C: Extraordinary attributes of the Bible which directly result from the authorization of this scripture by God himself, and thus which are NOT present in other books authorized by people or secretly authorized by other creatures created by God (e.g. by Biblical "serpents"):


#C1. The content composed of multi-levels which open conditionally for selected people:

       Normal human books typically have a single level. This is their descriptive content. But the Bible is different. God shaped it into several levels. Only the lowest level of the (1) "descriptive content" is open in it for everyone. In turn higher levels open only for these people who fulfill specific requirements regarding the depth and the sincerity of their encompassing God. And so, the next level after the descriptive content is the level (2) "continuous actuality". It opens itself to people who choose God for their master - as this is explained in item #D1 of this web page. A next level seems to be (3) "help and moral support". It opens for people who fully rely on God and trust in God. It is on this level (3) that to the selected people reveals the action this "Living Word" described in item #C3 of this web page. The level (4) "announcement of incoming events" opens itself to even smaller number of selected people. There are even higher levels in the Bible, which have still higher requirements imposed onto these ones for whom they open themselves.

#C2. Teaching, convincing, and guiding provided by the Bible, without simultaneous taking away someone's "free will":

       The Bible is formulated in such a manner, that the content of the Bible does NOT take away free will from anyone. For example, if someone does NOT want to believe in God, then he or she is going to find in the Bible whatever is looking for - for example an excuse to not believe. If someone wants to believe, then the Bible gives to him evidence which he or she needs. In fact there is no any other scripture on Earth, which would be able to convince like the Bible does, but simultaneously would NOT take away someone's free will. Therefore books authorized by people, or by "serpents" described in item #E1 below, is convince anyone to something, usually also do it through taking away the free will of selecting different kind of views.

#C3. Ability of the Bible to implement a two-directional communication with God, means the so-called "Living Word":

       The majority of people considers the Bible to be a kind of old-folks stories or fables from antiquity - which do not have any links with our present life or with today people. But it turns out that they could not be more at wrong. One must remember, that the true author of the Bible is God himself. In turn God is the master of time. Actually God invented and implemented "our" kind of time, means "software time" - which prevails only in the physical world and the elapse of which can be reversed backward. (Such a "reversible" software time is described more comprehensively on separate web pages about the Concept of Dipolar Gravity and about time vehicles.) So the Bible that God has written has been formulated in such a manner, that it rises to the timeless actuality, and that it relates to the life of every person. In fact, in many countries of the world an utilization of the so-called Living Word of the Bible has spread amongst believes. This Living Word is considered by them to represent a returning reply of God for the most vital question which bothers them and which they asked God in their thoughts. This Living Word is received by opening the Bible at purely random (accidental) pages, and reading the text "as it goes". At some stage words that we read begin to "stand up" rapidly from the pages of the Bible, and they hit us that they are a reply for the question that bothers us. The feeling which then accompanies these words is very similar to the feeling which one gets from the conscience, and which informs us that what is moral and correct, and what is immoral and forbidden. What is the most shocking, these words are going to relate directly to our present times and to our current situation. Just such words of God hitting us and passed back to us via the Bible, in some countries are called "Living Word". An example of such a Living Word, which was passed to me in the middle of April 2007, is the biblical quotation from the motto to item #B1 of this web page.

#C4. The knowledge of the future - e.g. predicting that the content of the Bible is going to be subjected to censorships (e.g. see also {11b} from item #H2 below on this web page):

       Only God could know, that the content of the Bible is going to be censored by the creatures in there called "serpents" and also "fallen angels", "sons of god", "devils", etc., while are described there that they occupy humanity and secretly rule over the entire Earth. In present times these creatures are popularly called "UFOnauts". While arriving to us from the material "first heaven" clearly visible with human eyes above our heads (see {1} from item #H2 of this web page) these creatures are described in a general manner below in item #E1 on this web page. In turn their material and biological nature, distinctly different from the spiritual nature of actual "angels of God", is confirmed by the "[Ω] God Stamp" in {11} from item #H2 of this web page. Also only God could preventively encode into the Bible already at the stage of writing it the every vital information and messages in such a way that these "serpents" (i.e. UFOnauts) do not find them and do not "cut them out" from the content of the Bible. And just because of this encoding has managed to survive to our times, for example, the information that "every person who does not understand God will be included into the category of animals, not people". This information, as well as the manner of encoding it into the content of the Bible, e.g. in verse 3:1 from the "Book of Genesis", is discussed in more detail in item #F3 of the web page about philosophy of totaliźmie. So, it would NOT make me surprised if such people - accordingly to what believe practitioners of religions from the Far East, after failing the exam from the chance to live as people, would again return to reincarnation as animals.
       At this point it is worth to remind ourselves, that at one of the first Christian "councils", namely in the ecumenical council arranged by Cesar Justinian in 533, the messages describing reincarnation that originally existed in the Bible were excommunicated and declared a heresy. It was decided that all references to reincarnation should be cut out from the Bible. Therefore Cesar Justinian (483-565) and his wife Theodora removed from the Bible numerous references to reincarnation. However, they overlooked several amongst them. Examples of these overlooked ones, are present e.g. Gospel of Matthew 16:13-14 (where Jesus asks his disciples whose reincarnation people consider him to be - I quote: "When Jesus came to the vicinity of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples: "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" And they answered, «Some say John the Baptist, others Elijah, and still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets»"); Gospel of Matthew 17:10-13 (where Elijah's reincarnation is described into the body of John the Baptist, who lived about 500 years after Elijah - I quote: "... Elijah will indeed come and fix everything.... Then the disciples understood that he was talking about John the Baptist"); Gospel of Mark 9:12 - I quote: "... indeed Elijah is going to come first and fix everything... he is to suffer much and be despised" - this verse is discussed in more detail in item #H1 from the web page 2030_uk.htm where is mentioned in relation to my research and life the Hopi myth regarding the "white brother" called "Pahana", who was supposed to be Elijah sent to them by God); Gospel of John 3:3 (in the entire chapter 3 there is a wisely encoded confirmation of reincarnation which, amongst others, informs that every person is reincarnated, while in this verse 3:3 Jesus directly and clearly speaks about rebirth - here is the most important statement of it - quote "... Jesus answered him: «Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God»"). The official excuse for this censoring and cutting out of reincarnation was that the biblical references to reincarnation were supposed to interfere with the discipline of the faithful. After all, in case if people who know the Bible learned from its verses about the principle of operation of reincarnation as re-passing of a given person through experiences that would concentrate more strongly on instilling in this person the full experience and understanding of the operation of the "Boomerang Principle" described in #2I4.1 and # 1I4.1 from subsection I4.1 from volume 5 of my monograph [1/5], then it would be very difficult for rulers to e.g. order their subjects to carry out clearly "immoral orders" which would harm, torment, or kill fellow humans, while simultaneously knowing that later the executors of these orders themselves will be reincarnated into a life (usually after being born as "second child" in a given family) during which they will be subjected to the same suffering or torture that they inflicted onto their fellow humans by carrying out these orders. After all, the empirical knowledge that there are people known to almost everyone, in English popularly called "Jinx" (the word "jinx" is of Chinese origin while it means "a person who has or brings bad luck"), probably constitutes a confirmation, that these ones who in their previous life caused a lot of dirty things to their fellow humans, in their next lives are reincarnated into creatures to which their previous harmful behaviours are repetitively done. It is also known that reincarnation is empirically confirmed by memories of a previous life obtained with the use of hypnosis. Another important motivations for which "serpents" of that times ("serpents" are described in item #E1 of this web page), caused the removal from the Bible all references to reincarnation, was the fact that reincarnation directly and unambiguously confirms the existence of God, life after death, soul, etc. Means, the Bible provides another one amongst numerous items of evidence, the existence of which is persistently concealed from people even today. In turn "serpents" try to make sure that people do not have an access to any confirmations in these vital matters.
       What messages from God contained these references top reincarnation removed from the Bible? Of course, now it is difficult to deduce - we have not enough data. However, in my research I already encountered premises which seem to suggest the content of at least one amongst these messages that were cut out from the Bible by "serpents". What even more interesting, a part of these premises originates from these "serpents". These premises which I know of suggest what are consequences of being qualified by God to the category of animals - similarly as God qualifies in the Bible these atheistic relatives of humans (in the Bible called, amongst others, "serpents" - see their description in item #E1 below). Namely, one of these suggested consequences of someone's stubborn insisting by atheism, is to be reincarnated in the next life to come as an animal the typical fate of which is the most suitable for the life history of a given stubborn atheist.

Fig. #1a
Fig. #1b
Fig. #1ab: Was Cesar Justinian a "serpent", and thus the initiator of censoring of the Bible, or rather he was a "scapegoat" on whose account these cunning "serpents" shifted the entire responsibility for the Bible's censoring? I suggest the reader to try to get his own opinion on the basis of anatomic features of the Cesar.
       Fig. #1a (top): Anatomy of a typical "serpent" (devil). Already almost 40 000 years of separation from our cosmic relatives (who by the Bible are called "serpents" or "devils", while by present people - "UFOnauts") has its consequences. For example, in UFOnauts it developed a whole range of anatomic attributes, which typically do NOT appear in people from the Earth. One amongst these attributes is the elongated chin with two buttock-like protrusions. This chin, and also other anatomic characteristics which are common amongst UFOnauts, should become the first, but not the only, indicator that allows to identify UFOnauts. Therefore, seeing in someone e.g. hair that grows upwards on the scull, prolonged chin with buttock-like bulging, carrot-shaped nose with a vertical groove at the sharp tip, "cat's eyes", surgically cut "dog's ears", palm-hands and fingers in hands which are unproportionally long, e.g. palm-hands themselves, as well as fingers, are over 1.5 longer than the width of hands, etc., it should mobilize us to watch a given individual closely, and also watch outcomes of his or hers activities. Especially if these anatomical features are complemented with typical for UFOnauts personality characteristics, for example with hardcore atheism and with more animal than human attitude towards sexual matters. But conclusions from our checking should depend on finding in a given individual behaviors or phenomena which are unique for the advanced technology of UFOnauts and cannot appear accidentally in people.
       Examples of such behaviors and phenomena unique for UFOnauts and impossible to appear in people, are e.g. knowledge of the future that results from the use of time vehicles by UFOnauts, disappearances of their bodies from graves (caused by their avoidance of real death through shifting back in time), attributes resulting from uses of personal propulsion systems which work on principles of telekinetic flickering (e.g. indestructiveness - e.g. the lack of wounds where people would experience cuts and bruises, ability to disappear, weightless, the lack of tiredness after tiring activities - e.g. walking upstairs, etc.), knowledge of our thoughts resulting from their mastery of telepathic devices, irresistible persuasiveness - means making us do things that we normally would NOT do, etc., etc. More information on the topic of serpents' anatomy and methods of distingushing between serpents and people, including photographs that illustrate typical anatomic featurtes of serpents, is provided in item #D3 of the totaliztic web page about the origins of evil on the Earth.
       Fig. #1b (down): Anatomy of Cesar Justinian (483-565). It is shown on the mosaic from Bazylikio San Vitale, Ravenna, Italy. With the left photo it is worth to compare the buttock-like protrusions on the Cesar's chin, his curly and "rebellious" hair, the shape of nose, characteristics of eyes, and his relatively triangular face which can suggest a pear-shaped head.
       When views of Cesar Justinian are concerned, he for sure was a hardcore atheist (although for political reasons he pretended to be deeply religious). This is because only an absolute atheist would have the courage to introduce changes into the Bible, in spite of the warning that is written into the content of the Bile, quote: "I warn everyone who hears the prophetic words in this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words in this prophetic book, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city described in this book." - see the Book of Revelation 22, 18-19. Presently we know already that all "serpents" are hardcore atheists. It is because of their atheism that in the Bible "serpents" are classified to the category of intelligent animals with human appearance, not to the category of people - as this is explained thoroughly in item #F3 of the web page totalizm.

Fig. #1c

Fig. #1c: Famous Christian Basilica called "Aya Sophia" which means "Holy Wisdom". It stands in present Istanbul. But when it was build, Istanbul was called "Novo Roma", while in times of Byzantium it was renamed into Constantinople. (More strictly it is my photograph which I took with this Basilica in the background during my professorship in nearby Cyprus in 1993.) It was this Basilica that was constructed on the order of, and with active participation of, Cesar Justinian. It was open in 537 AD. So in it we should seek possible evidence in support of Cesar Justinian access to, and use of, advanced technical devices of UFOnauts.
       Are there any hints embedded into this Basilica that would certify for possible connections between Cesar Justinian and UFOnauts? Let us analyze this puzzle. Folklore of old times claimed that this Basilica was constructed with the use of "supernatural powers". As we know, the technology of UFOnauts in past was called the "supernatural power". Until today many people still describe it as the church of supernatural powers. As the reader can easily verify it, the Basilica itself has the shape of a UFO vehicle. Because it was the first building of this type in present Istanbul, on the shape of it is based several further mosques of this ancient metropolis that were constructed at later dates. All of them received almost the same shape of UFO vehicles. Therefore, if today someone visits Istanbul, he or she feels in there almost like on a planet of UFOnauts. In the Basilica itself is many curiosities. For example, the interior of it copies exactly interiors of UFO vehicles. This copying goes so far that even on higher levels people are climbing along slanted "corridors" (ramps), not along staircases. (And this in spite that stairs were widely used in all Roman buildings of the same age as Aya Sophia.) Exactly the same slanted "corridors" (ramps) as these from Aya Sophia, are described by people who were abducted to UFO decks. In UFO vehicles there are no stairs, but between subsequent levels lead these slanted "corridors" (ramps). Inside of the Basilica there is another meaningful curiosity. It is a solid column entirely cast from bronze, but with a concave on the surface of the size of a human half-head. The legend states that when the Cesar Justinian rested his head on this column, under the pressure of his head the column deformed and created this concave. When his court noticed the formation of this concave, the Cesar told them that at the moment of touching this column with his head he was miraculously healed from a powerful migraine. So what kind of field this his migraine was healed with, that this field caused a hard bronze of the column to transform almost into a liquid which deformed under the pressure of the Cesar's head? Was it telekinesis, or manipulation on time? As such a concave in this column, which miraculously heals migraines, the memory of this supernatural event is kept until today.
       So why Cesar Justinian constructed so wonderful Basilica for religion, in spite that in his life he acted as a hardcore atheist? It turns out that the reason was simple. It was a kind of rivalry. Justinian had high ambitions to overshadow all other rulers of the ancient world. For his main rival he considered Solomon. So he decided to construct a building which would overshadow the temple of Solomon famous at that time. The Justinian choice was a church, because as an atheistic ruler he considered the religion to be helpful in maintaining the discipline amongst his people - and thus being useful in ruling. In fact his Aya Sophia overshadowed accomplishments of Solomon. He did not hide his feelings, when on 27 December 537 AD, on the day of inauguration opening the Basilica, Justinian drove into it on a chariot, throw his hands upward in triumph, and yelled: "... Solomon, I have surpassed you.” At this point it is worth to add, that Solomon (the ruler of ancient Israel which ruled for 40 years around 967 BC) was the one who constructed the First Holy Temple in Jerusalem. Justinian rivaled with him, because that temple was considered to be an architectural wonder of the ancient world. Solomon was able to build it because he definitely was a "serpent-UFOnaut". It is clearly confirmed by the fact that Solomon had in his service a "devil" called Asmodeus. In turn for someone to be able to subdue a devil-UFOnaut to his commends, he himself must also be an UFOnaut of the high caste. Having a "devil-UFOnaut" of a lower caste for a servant, was at that time "fashionable" amongst high castes. For example, from the folklore of Far East it is known that also Buddha had on his service a devil called "Ogre". From the Biblical "1 Kings" 11:6 it is known to us that Solomon behaved like a hardcore atheist and did a lot of evil. In turn from the same "1 Kings" 11:3 we know that he gathered animal-like harem which was composed of 700 wives and 300 concubines (as it is described in item #D3 from the totaliztic web page evil.htm - on the origins of evil on the Earth, serpents-UFOnauts have animal-like attitude towards sex - e.g. accumulate and exploit extensive harems of own sexual slaves). Of course, as a "serpent-UFOnaut" Solomon had an access to a superior architectural knowledge and to a superior technology (e.g. to the "Arc of the Covenant"), which allowed him to build that "architectural wonder of the ancient world" (i.e. the Holy Temple in Jerusalem). So everything seems to indicate that Aya Sophia eventuated only because of the ambition and rivalry between two highly positioned serpents-UFOnauts.
       Further information about the above photograph were presented in item #11 of the web page tapanui.htm - about the UFO explosion near Tapanui in New Zealand, and in item #21 of the web page day26.htm - about the technical inducing by UFOnauts the murderous tsunami of 2004.

#C5. Coding of messages not only into the written text, but also into the configuration, emotional perception, sublime receipt, various codes, etc.:

Motto: "When judging anything always take under account the opinions of at least two opposite sides."

       The Bible contains various messages encrypted into it on a whole range of manners - not only into the content. For example, it is known already that even the configuration of the Bible contains encrypted into it important messages. One of these depends on separating from each other two periods in the history of humanity, in which God considers people to be animals (The Old Testament), and to already be people (The New Testament). The information on this matter is provided in item #F3 of the web page about totalizm.
       Another manner of decoding the hidden information contained in the Bible discovered George Elliott. In 2008 he explained this manner on his web page It depends on special significance of two or three repetitions of the information in the Bible. A hint on this matter is provided by the Bible itself. It is disclosed in three repetitions from the Bible. The first repetition is written into Deuteronomy 19:15, which reads: "One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established." The second repetition is provided in Matthew 18:16, which states: "But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established." In turn the third repetition is contained in 2 Corinthians 13:1, which states: "This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established." So the commonality, which is the way to read this riddle, reads: "In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every matter be established." Of course, the manner in which the above procedure was explained in the Bible, clearly indicates that it represents not only one amongst numerous keys for decoding hidden secrets of the Bible, but also a hugely important truth that extends its validity to practically every aspect of our everyday lives.
       Shockingly, the present judgement of outcomes of scientific research, is a hitting in the eyes example of common and official breaking of the above clear recommendation from God provided in the Bible and commanding to us, amongst others: when judging anything always take under account the opinions of at least two opposite sides. As this is explained in a number of my publications which I am indicating at the end of this paragraph, since 1985 on the Earth exist two opposite and mutually competitive sciences, i.e. (1) the official human science to-date - sometimes also called the "atheistic orthodox science", and (2) the so-called "totaliztic science" born in 1985. Both these sciences carry out research of the same phenomena and the same objects, but from opposite philosophical approaches, called (1) "a posteriori" - for the "atheistic orthodox science" to-date, and (2) "a priori" - for the new "totaliztic science". Thus, in the philosophical understanding both these sciences represent opposite approaches to researching the same phenomena and objects, means - using the language of the Bible, both are different "witnesses" that report to us about the surrounding reality. In spite of this, already since over a quarter of the century, findings of this new "totaliztic science" are brutally silenced and suppressed by the "atheistic orthodox science" - which still is holding an absolute "monopole for knowledge" and which clearly is afraid of the "competition" of the new "totaliztic science". In the result, people still officially recognise only whatever states this "atheistic orthodox science" which holds the monopole for knowledge, while they almost completely ignore findings of the new "totaliztic science". On the other hand, if on anything we look from just a single point of view or a single approach, then at the most we see "a half of truth" only. For example, if we look on someone only from one side, e.g. "from the back", then we learn at the most a half of the appearance of this person. Similarly, if in our judgements we listen to only one person, e.g. the "accused", while we ignore statements of witnesses and victims, then also we learn at the most "a half of truth", while every offender starts to look like an "innocent person". No wonder that in this situation present knowledge and education looks like looks, while the humanity led by statements of this monopolistic science wandered at the edge of cliff. After all, every monopole, even that of the science, if is deprived of a "competition" and an "opposition" which would "look at its hands" and verify everything that it states, with the elapse of time overgrows with deviations and degenerations which lead to the fall-down of these who are dependent on it. Therefore, herewith I am appealing to the reader, that in the name of real progress and truth, he or she join efforts to officially accept by people findings of both these sciences which "compete" with each other already since 1985. Note that for this acceptance of findings is already arguing, amongst others: item #A2.6 of the web page named totalizm.htm, items #B1, #B3, and #K1 of the web page named tornado.htm, items #C1 and #M1 of the web page named telekinetics.htm, item #F1 of the web page named god_istnieje.htm, or subsection H10 from volume 4 of newest monograph [1/5].

#C6. The existence of the so-called "Bible Code" which imprinting into the content of the Bible 2000 years ago can be only explained with direct action of God:

       "Living Words" are not the only extraordinary aspect of the Bible. As the reader is probably aware, the Bible has coded inside a whole array of secrets. One of these is the so-called Bible Code which not long ago was a subject of very vivid discussions. The Bible contains also various information coded into its text, of the type similar to messages which one can hear if one carefully listens a tape running backward.

#C7. Multidimensional and timeless actuality of the Bible:

       The indirect authorization of the Bible by God himself causes, that the text of it maintains its actuality for all times, for every man, and for each topic. The Bible equally well relates to any past, to the presence, to tomorrow, to a distant future, etc. So it is worth to look into it. After all, these are words addressed to us and originating from the one who designed us, our life, our time, and our future.

#C8. The awareness of the use of specialized terminology in the future, and the solving the terminological need in the Bible by "shifting the meaning":

       In times when the Bible was written, the progress of knowledge was very slow. In the result, human authors of the Bible used exactly the same language and terminology as their ancestors and descendants did. In such situations, it cannot be considered, that these human authors of the Bible knew about the need to introduce to the Bible a substitute for the professional terminology of the far future. But because the real author of the Bible was God himself, He predicted the need for the introduction of such a specialized terminology. He accomplished this introduction through wide use of "shifting of meanings". For this God explains precisely the meaning of a highly specialist idea, then assigns this meaning to a nearest descriptive term which was known already in biblical times. So when this term is used again in the Bible, the actual meaning of it is already this specialized one, not the one from Biblical times.
       Let us use an example for this. In item #E1 of the web page about origins of evil on Earth the present specialized term "UFOnauts" is explained. This term is described in Revelation, 16:13-14, approximately in the following manner: "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty." This description explains to us clearly, that it concerns beings that have the appearance of frogs. (These readers who are interested in UFOs know jolly well, that masks used by present UFOnauts, and also their cosmic costumes, give to UFOnauts the appearance which just resembles frogs.) It also explains, that these creatures act against God through instigating people that rule the Earth. Finally this description shifts the meaning that it explained so thoroughly at another term "spirits of devils". So when in other places of the Bible this new version of the terminology "spirits of devils" and "devils" is used, in fact this version means "UFOnauts".
       Other similar examples include the specialist word "epoch" or "era" which was not in use in Biblical times. The meaning of it was shifted at the word "day" which is used in the Bible in that meaning - as this is explained comprehensively in item #D7 (S2) of the web page about evolution.htm - about the process of evolution. Thus for example later use in the Bible the statement that God created the physical world and humans in 6 days, in fact means the creation of it in 6 subsequent epochs or stages. In turn item #B3 of the same web page about evolution explains another specialist term "program" or "information" which in the Bible is shifted at a similar term "word".

#C9. True helping people:

       Of course, many so-called "skeptics" may at this point start to deny: how God could authorize the Bible since it is written with hands and words of ancient people, and contains inside only thoughts and reports of these people. The reply is simple. God controlled thoughts and hands of these people, so that they pour onto the paper whatever God inspired in them. For me personally the manner in which words of the Bible originated, resembles the manner on which occurred these single trails on the sand in the poem of an anonymous author entitled the "Footsteps in the Sand". Let us recall here the content of this poem. (For a Polish version of this poem - see the Polish version of this web page.) Here it is:
One night a man had a dream.
He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the LORD.
Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.
For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand:
one belonging to him, and the other to the LORD.
When the last scene of his life flashed before him
he looked back, at the footprints in the sand.
He noticed that many times along the path of his life
there was only one set of footprints.
He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times of his life.
This really bothered him and he questioned the LORD about it:
"LORD, you said that once I decided to follow you,
you'd walk with me all the way.
But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life
there is only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me."
The LORD replied:
"My son, My precious child, I love you and I would never leave you,
During your times of trial and suffering,
when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

#C10. Perfect coincidence with empirical findings, namely with totalizm and with the Concept of Dipolar Gravity which result directly from empirical scientific research (and vice versa):

       There is no even a single statement in the Bible that would be contradictive to the findings of totalizm and the Concept of Dipolar Gravity - although many enemies of totalizm and the Concept of Dipolar Gravity try to imply this to other people. After all, the only thing corrected by totalizm and by the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, are errors in manners on which individual people, or entire institutions, interpreted Words of God or the meaning of reality that surrounds us. But we should not be surprised by the necessity of such corrections on erroneous interpretations. After all, these interpretations were formulated by people (who, as we know, can be wrong) in conditions when these people had no access to such a perfect "key to truth" as is the Concept of Dipolar Gravity and the philosophy of totalizm. Furthermore, one needs to remember also, that on Earth an entire band of serpents is operational, who puts a huge amount of their devilish energy into the deviating human understanding of truth.
       Totalizm and the Concept of Dipolar Gravity directly result from the newest empirical research. Thus if the Bible would be authorized by ancient shepherds, not by God himself, then it would NOT have slightest chances to coincide so closely with outcomes of the most recent scientific research.

#C11. Incorporating into the Bible the knowledge from several disciplines, which never gets outdated in a way as outdated becomes all knowledge gathered by humans:

       Only by the indirect authorization of the Bible by God Himself the mysterious fact can be explained that the Bible contains knowledge from a wide range of disciplines, and that this knowledge never gets outdated. As we all can see it on the example of present human science, normal knowledge gathered by people, gets outdated quite quickly - usually within the lifespan of just one generation of people. But the knowledge contained in the Bible never seems to become outdated. So we should realise that only God is sufficiently wise to provide knowledge which never gets outdated.

#C12. Incorporating into the Bible the knowledge which evens, and in many areas even exceeds, the present level of the official knowledge on the Earth:

       Some knowledge locked in the Bible displays even more mysterious attributes. For example, in many areas the knowledge locked in the Bible is highly futuristic and it exceeds the level of knowledge that prevailed on the Earth at times when the Bible was written. Actually, in many areas this knowledge not only evens with the present level of official knowledge on the Earth (means with the level of knowledge that prevails almost 2000 years after the Bible was written), but sometimes also exceeds this present level. Of course, shepherds and wonderers from the ancient world to whom the authorship of the Bible is attributed, were unable to accumulate such huge futuristic knowledge. But God surely was able. So this futuristic knowledge is another proof for the indirect authorisation of the Bible by God Himself. Let us now provide some examples of the knowledge which is already contained in the Bible, but could NOT be known by people at times when the Bible was written.
       (1) Microorganisms and most modern findings of microbiology. When specific examples of advanced knowledge contained in the Bible are concerned, I was mostly impressed by an article which compared the most recent discoveries in microbiology - especially this concerning microbes, with the content of the Bible. After all, microbes were discovered by the official human science relatively recent. But in the Bible people are warned about them already for around 2000 years. In this article it was proven that practically everything that present microbiologists know about bacteria and viruses, is already described in the Bible. Interestingly, the Bible had even more information which we still seem to not know about. For appropriate examples see the Biblical Leviticus, 12:1 to 17:16.
       (2) Extending the life, bringing dead to life, and immortality, accomplished through shifting someone's time back. In the Biblical "2 Kings" 20:1-11 is described how exactly God extended the life of someone named Hezekiah by 15 years through shifting his time back. As it is explained in that description, the principle of shifting back someone's "software time" is exactly the same as that described on my web page named immortality.htm - i.e. it boils down to shifting back the so-called "execution control" in natural "programs of life" contained in double spirals of DNA of a given person. But this Biblical explanation how to accomplish the immortality can be comprehended only after one learns, understands, and accepts explanations and mechanism of such accomplishing the immortality - which mechanism I developed and described, amongst others, on the web page immortality.htm. Before one learns and accepts this my principle of extending the life through repetitive shifting back in time, and also before learning and accepting what about the Bible states this web page, those Biblical descriptions are NOT getting to the reader. This is why so-far NO scientist accepted my mechanism and principle of accomplishing the immortality, nor took notice that this principle is confirmed in the Bible. Also this is why present scientists in matters of extending lives and defeating death still tell people fables of the kind summarised in item #B5 from the web page immortality.htm.
       (3) Consequences of constructing time vehicles and travelling in time. Another examples of advanced knowledge contained in the Bible, are presentations of effects of the use of time vehicles. Such Biblical ideas as the "final judgment", "everlasting happiness", "everlasting hell", "resurrection of dead" are actually explainable as futuristic outcomes of the use of time vehicles - for details see items #H1 to #H5 from the web page god.htm - with scientific answers of the secular philosophy of totalizm to basic questions about God, or items #C7 to #C10 from the web page timevehicle.htm - about time vehicles and the principle of technical control over time, or see subsections N6.2 to N6.6 from volume 11 of the monograph [1/5].
       (4) The appearance of the Earth when viewed from the space. Another example of the futuristic knowledge is a view of the Earth from out in space. As I frequently bring to people's attention, around 2000 years before the time of satellites and space travel, and when there were all kinds of mythological descriptions concerning the Earth, a Hebrew prophet wrote in Isaiah 40:22, "He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth,...". The Hebrew word used here for "circle" is "hhug" which according to some Hebrew scholars also has the meaning of "sphere". (For example see: "A Concordance of the Hebrew and Chaldee Scriptures by B. Davidson".) Thus, some other Bible translations say, "the globe of the earth" (Douay Version) and, "the round earth" (Moffatt). But there is more. Also out of the Book of Job comes the gem at Job 26:7, "He stretches out the north over the void, and hangs the earth upon nothing." Even many of hundreds of years later from the writing of the book of Job, the wise man Aristotle still believed things in the heavens were attached to supports, not just floating there. Yet the Bible said the Earth "hangs...upon nothing." Pretty good 'guess' about such things, if the Bible is only a fabrication of men, is it not? So the Bible in its ancient wording, describes the Earth as a circular sphere 'hanging' upon "nothing" (floating) in a "void" (space). Since orbital flights were not around back then, while common people believed that the Earth is flat, how could they insert into the Bible such information? Fantastic guesses, or really the information provided (inspired) by the Superior Being which is much greater than humans?
       (5) The creation of visible matter and visible part of the physical world, from an invisible counter-matter contained in the invisible counter-world. The Bible states in Hebrews 11:3 "... the universe was created by God's word, so that what can be seen was made out of what cannot be seen." In other words, already since around 2000 years the Bible tells us what people could learn only very recently from my Theory of Everything of 1985 called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity (and what the official human science still refuses to acknowledge even today) - for details see item #D4 from my web page named dipolar_gravity.htm. Namely the Bible tells us, that with the use of appropriate "program" (means the "algorithm" or "information" - which for the lack in antiquity of more precise terminology in the Bible are called "word"), the invisible for humans "liquid computer" called the "counter-matter" was so preprogrammed, that it forms from itself the visible matter and all visible objects of the physical world. (Notice here that vital message indirectly emphasized to us in the way the above verse is formulated, namely that because of the lack of more precise terminology in ancient times, the present term "program" or "algorithm" or "information", the Bible needed to call with the nearest similar term "word".) The manner in which these programs of the universe transform the invisible counter-matter into visible matter and physical world, is described in item #B5 of the web page evolution.htm - about the process of evolution, as well as in items #I4 and #D4 of the web page dipolar_gravity.htm - about the Concept of Dipolar Gravity. How more logical and correct is the above Biblical description of the creation of physical world and man, in comparison to the absurdly claims of present official human science which insists that "the universe originates from nothing". After all, the official human science claims that the universe supposed to come to the existence in the result of a "big bang" before which NOTHING existed. Means, before the "big bang" did NOT exist neither mater, nor time, nor space. But after this "big bang", from this "nothing" rapidly a whole universe was formed. To make this absurdly claim of science even more absurd, the same official science overlooks that in many other areas it tells people that from "nothing" never can "something" be formed.
       (6) Laws of the counter-world. It took around 2000 years after the Bible was written, before the Theory of Everything of 1985 called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity has revealed and proven to people in 1985 that another world, scientifically called the "counter-world", in fact do exist and that this world is ruled by its own set of laws. However, from the very beginning the Bible asks "Do you know the laws of the heavens?..." (Job 38:33) It means that the Bible reveals to us the knowledge that humans would not have known at the time when the Bible was written. For example, the verse above points our attention to the fact that the heavens are ran by "laws", something not generally known by people nor scientists even at the present time.
       (7) The formation of matter and humans from continually "dancing" whirls of counter-matter. The Theory of Everything of 1985 called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity explains that every kind of matter from our physical world, including the matter that constitutes bodies of people, is formed from pre-programmed whirls of thinking substance called "counter-matter" - which (the substance) displays attributes of "liquid computer". (The manner of forming matter from these whirls of counter-matter is described, amongst others, in subsection H4.2 from volume 4 of monograph [1/4], while briefly is explained in item #C3 of the web page god_proof.htm.) In turn from other research discussed, amongst others, in items #B5 and #B8 of the web page god.htm is already known to us, that in the Bible this "counter-matter" most frequently is called "God Father", only sometimes is called the "Ancient of Days". Interestingly, the Bible contains in its content the clear confirmation that the author of it knew perfectly well that in order to create the matter and the man, the "God Father" must form from the counter-matter these continually "dancing" whirls. After all, in the original (Jewish) formulation of verse 3:17 from the Biblical "Book of Zephaniah" an information is provided, that looking at man whom He created, the God Father is spinning in the continuous dance of joy. (Unfortunately, authors of the majority of translations of the Bible somehow are unable to swallow the vision of "God Father dancing from the joy", hence the original meaning of this Biblical verse 3:17 is frequently "censored" and "beautified" through being translated on a whole range of sometimes completely misleading ways!) "The Jerusalem Bible", Norton, Longman & Todd Ltd., London 1966, states in the "Book of Zephaniach" 3:17, quote: "Yahweh your God is in your midst, a victorious warrior. He will exult with joy over you, he will renew you by his love; he will dance with shouts of joy for you as on a day of festival."

#C13. Inner cohesion and consistency of the Bible:

       Also even a single word or sentence from the Bible is contradictive to another word or sentence from this Bible - if considered from the God's point of view (in spite that various UFOnauts-changelings insist that they supposedly have found various errors in the text). What various "seekers of errors" overlook in the Bible is that it is their knowledge that is still limited and underdeveloped. Whatever from their point of view can appear as a contradiction, actually is an absolute truth from the God's point of view. They also overlook, that in order to NOT take away the free will from people, the Bible must look as if it is imperfect. After all, absolutely perfect look only these supposedly "holy books" which were written by UFOnauts, when these UFOnauts started on Earth subsequent ones amongst their evil religions. In turn such supposedly "perfect holy books" strip completely their adherers from the free will. In turn the Bible does NOT strip anything from anyone. It actually gives a lot to people - if these people find a will in themselves to extend their hands and ask for whatever they need.

Part #D: Most vital information and messages that are passed to us by God through the Bible:


#D1. You live currently in order to choose by yourself your future and your further fate; in turn about your future fate you decide by either embracing or rejecting God and the requirements that God imposed on people:

Motto: "Totalizm states that the "ability, will, and the effort of embracing God" represents essence of the difference between animals and people."

       In a rather intelligent manner content of the Bible carries the encrypted message for people. This message states, that all these ones who do NOT show the ability, will, nor the effort of embracing God, in Gods eyes are only animals equipped in human intelligence and in human appearance. In turn as animals, they receive from God the treatment which is the same as are getting animals, not people. Thus according to this message, for example atheists are only animals with human intelligence and human appearance. Similarly for God such animals of the human appearance and human intelligence are al these who practice the philosophy of parasitism - after all they also refuse to make effort of embracing God.
       The hidden manner in which with a supernatural intelligence God encrypted into the Bible that He authorizes this main requirement to embrace God, is explained more comprehensively in item #F3 of the web page about totalizm. That web page also explains what this requirement means practically for us.

Part #E: Proofs for the existence of God:


#E1. The existence of God was already proven formally:

Motto: "You shall hear but not understand you shall look but never see." (Bible, Matthew, 13:14)

       Scientific evidence for the existence of God (including the formal scientific proof for the existence of God completed with the method of mathematical logic) is presented on the separate web page named god_proof.htm. Therefore here this evidence is NOT repeated. Dlatego dowody te NIE będą już tutaj powtarzane.

Part #F: Consequences of the adoption of atheism by the official human science also called the "atheistic orthodox science" (i.e. the science with the monopole for knowledge of which competes the new "totaliztic science"):

       In order to not deprive people the so-called "free will", everything that God does must be carried out according to the canon of ambiguity which is described in item #C2 of the web page will.htm - about the impact of "free will" on fate of the entire humanity, or in item #B9 od the web page god.htm - about scientific answers of the secular philosophy of totalizm to basic questions about God, and also in subsection JB7.4 from volume 7 of monograph [1/4]. This "canon of ambiguity" states that in the universe nothing can be fully unambiguous and deprived sources of all doubts, because then the intelligences that confront it would be deprived the right to their own free will and the right to choose their own path. This is why every true miracle must allow to be explained on many different ways. This is also because of the action of this canon that every proof for the existence of God can be attempted to be explained also in an atheistic manner.
       The existence and action of the "canon of ambiguity" causes that in order to maintain the objectivity and unbiased approach, the official human science should explain every fact on two different ways - namely atheistically, as well as with the acknowledgement of the existence of God. But the present official science does NOT do this at all. It explains everything just atheistically, while if is NOT able to explain something atheistically it either just denies the existence of it, or hides it from people. Thus, in order to restore the balance and unbiased approach to the scientific facts, and also in order to allow people to make an "informed choice" in matters of God, it is necessary to reveal also facts that certify for the existence of God, and to explain these facts scientifically from the point of view of the "existence of God". This part of the web page assumes such a task.

#F1. Why physicists conceal from us the evidence for the existence of God, another world, eternal soul, etc.:

Motto: "If you do not believe in God, or do NOT wish to learn truth about God, it is just your private matter. But if you make impossible for others to learn the truth about God, then you act immorally and commit extreme meanness."

       The discipline of physics literally overflows from evidence for the existence of God, another world, eternal soul, etc. With similar evidence overflow other sciences related to physics, for example mechanics, astronomy, astrophysics, etc. In order to give here some idea about the massive nature and meaningfulness of this evidence, below I am going to remind at least most vital examples of it. There is really a lot of it. But instead of informing the society about this evidence and about its significance, physicists conceal all cases of such evidence which are already well known to them, and simultaneously refuse to research these directions about which they know that further cases of such evidence are awaiting discovery in there. So if any of us will in the future experience these (very serious) consequences of rejecting God described in the Bible, probably he or she should thank physicists for the "pleasures" that he or she is going to endure.
       There is several problems with this anti-God stand of physicists and other scientists from areas related to physics. One of these problems is of an ethical nature. It is known that NOT informing about the truth in fact means lies. In order to be even more unethical, this "non-informing" is carried out for the money of taxpayers - means us who are lied to by physicists. After all, these are us, taxpayers, who pay salaries to physicists. Another serious ethical problem results from the fact that there are already formal scientific proofs for the existence of God, other world, eternal soul, etc. These formal scientific proofs can be reviewed by the reader in posts numbers #134, #135, #136, #137 and #139 from blogs of totalizm indicated in item #Z5 of this web page, as well as in volumes 5, 4 and 11 of monographs [1/5] (see in there subsections H1.1.4, I1.4.2, I3.3.4, I5.2.1, and N6.1), and also on appropriate web pages of totalizm, e.g. on the web pages: god.htm (see item #B3 in there), dipolar_gravity.htm (see item #D3 in there), nirvana.htm (see item #C1.1 in there), evolution.htm (see item #B6.2 in there), and also on this web page (bible.htm - see here item #B1 above). In turn since formal scientific proofs for the existence of God and for the authorization of the Bible by God remain in power, this in fact means that all these "pleasures" which the Bible promises to these people who are to reject God and stand by atheism, are not at all just a way of "scaring ancient savages", but these "pleasures" actually await for all these who are to be deceived by the reassurances of physicists that there is no such thing as God, soul, or another world. Expressing this in other words, this stubborn refusal of physicists to inform the society that in fact there is a massive body of evidence for the existence of God, soul, another world, etc., causes that these physicists have on their conscience countless people whom they deprived the chance of e.g. getting to heaven.
       Let us review now examples of evidence for the existence of God, soul, another world, etc., about which physicists know jolly well, but do NOT inform the society about these, nor teach these to their students. Most vital examples of this evidence are as follows:
       1. Transverse character of electromagnetic waves. As we know, transverse waves propagate exclusively on the border between two media. This in turn means, that electromagnetic waves have such a transverse character only because (and also exist only because) apart from our visible world there is another invisible world in which God lives and our souls reside. In turn these transverse electromagnetic waves propagate just along the border of our visible physical world, and this another invisible "counter-world". It is why electromagnetic waves are transverse waves, not any other type. For more information on this subject - see the formal scientific proof for the existence of counter-world published in item #D3 of the web page dipolar_gravity.htm.
       2. Corpuscular and wave nature of light and matter. This one is jolly well known to physicists. In turn the existence of it means, that light and matter exist simultaneously in two separate worlds. Namely these exist in our visible world of matter (in which light and matter are corpuscles). Also duplicates of these simultaneously exist in the "counter-world", which is closed to our senses, but in which God lives while our souls land after we die. (In the counter-world light and matter behave like waves.) For more information on this subject - see item #D1 of the web page dipolar_gravity.htm.
       3. The quantum nature of energy. If one analyses the transfer of energy at the elementary level, e.g. in the micro-scale, then it turns out that in mutual interaction of objects the energy is transferred in a "portioned" or "stepped" manner. This means that the amount of energy that is transferred in a single portion is NOT a random, but it is passed in strictly predefined portions of energy named "quant". This in turn confirms, that energy in fact is a kind of like "natural program", while transferring of it obeys laws of information processing - means that it is exactly as it is described in item #G1 of the totaliztic web page about the Concept of Dipolar Gravity. Furthermore, the quantum nature of energy confirms also the "quantum nature of time" (i.e. confirms also the existence of micro-jumps of time, which are so small that we do NOT notice them) - as the elapse of time is described in item #B1 of the web page about time vehicles, and also in item #G4 of the web page about the Concept of Dipolar Gravity. Since this quantum nature of energy and time confirms the existence of natural programs of the type of energy and time, it also confirms that in the universe must exist and function all other similar programs that are postulated by the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, such as God, timespace, physical world, gravity, whirls of counter-matter, etc., etc.
       4. Ether (i.e. "counter-matter from the Concept of Dipolar Gravity). Towards the "ether" physicists show double standards. On one hand, they deny the existence of it, although for the counter-world in which this "ether" (i.e. "counter-matter") prevails, the experiment of Michelson-Morley of 1887 (which supposedly proved the non-existence of "ether") in fact looses its validity. On the other hand physicists keep introducing the existence of this substance under different names, e.g. vacuum, energy, etc. This is pity, as the intelligent ether is a kind of "liquid computer" which actually forms what the Christian religion calls "God Father", and from what God formed the entire physical world. For more information about "counter-matter" (ether) see item #B1 on the web page evolution.htm, and also subsection I1.1 from monograph [1/5] - text_1_5.htm.
       5. The symmetric structure of the universe, combined with the actual lack of "antimatter" or "antiworld". In 1924 the great French physicist, Louis De Broglie, published his important discovery which sometimes is called the "Principle of the symmetry of nature". According to this principle in the universe everything is highly symmetric. For example, every elementary particle has its own antiparticle, while every phenomenon has its own antiphenomenon. This principle postulates, and matter and physical world also must have their symmetric opposites. These symmetric opposites to matter and to physical world scientists named "antimatter" and "antiworld". In turn to find these in the universe, the humans science poured a huge amount of research, efforts, and financial resources. In spite of all these, scientifically it never was confirmed that "antimatter" nor "antiworld" in fact do exist. This in turn means that these symmetric opposites to matter and to physical world are intentionally hidden from people. The relatively new scientific theory described earlier and named the Concept of Dipolar Gravity explains why these are hidden and where one should seek them. The reason of their hiding is, that the opposite to matter, means the intelligent liquid substance by this concept called the "counter-matter", is in fact the carrier of God. In turn the opposite of the physical world, means the so-called "counter-world", is the place in which God lives. Counter-matter turns out to be this continually moving liquid the existence of which was postulated in past by pioneers of human science under the name of "ether". Only that otherwise than this is with ether, counter-matter occupies a separate counter-world. In turn this counter-world is shown, e.g. by "Kirlian photography".
       6. Kirlian Photography. This one directly shows "ghosts" ("spirits") of every physical object. For example, if one photographs with the Kirlian camera a place where a lost finger is missing, the whole finger is still visible in this place. This phenomenon is known as the "ghost-leaf effect". The description of it is provided in chapter C of treatise [7/2] - see the web page text_7_2.htm.
       7. Reversal of friction. The De Broglie's symmetry of the universe states, amongst others, that "every phenomenon has its own counter-phenomenon". But physicists stubbornly refuse to research the counter-phenomenon for friction, means the so-called "telekinesis". Reversely to friction causing a spontaneous absorption of motion and generation of heat, telekinesis causes a spontaneous absorption of heat and generation of motion. Why physicists refuse to research the phenomenon that is a reversal of friction? Well, because it directly confirms the existence of "spirits" (ghosts). Telekinesis depends on causing the motion of physical objects by catching spirits (ghosts) of these objects and moving these spirits (ghosts) - while only later these spirits through the gravitational forces pull behind them the physical objects to which they belong. More about the mechanism of telekinesis is provided in item #7 of the web page telekinesis.htm.
       8. The existence of magnetic field and electric field. If one considers the energy flows, NO field is able to exists in the absolute "nothing". If fields could exist in the absolute "nothing", then with the elapse of time all the energy from our part of the universe would flow out into the infinitive emptiness that must exist beyond the visible part of the universe. So after some time, the universe would loose all its energy and cease to exist. In turn if fields can only exist in "something", then this something must also be present wherever magnetic and electric fields interact with each other, means also in the physical vacuum. But since this physical vacuum in the physical world does NOT contain anything, than this means that the "something" which is the carrier of magnetic and electric fields (this "something" scientifically is called "counter-matter"), must exist in a world that is separate from our physical world. Thus the existence of magnetic field and electric field is a proof, that there is also another world apart from our physical world. This another world is called the "counter-world". It is it where God lives in, and where our spirits reside. More about the mechanism of operation of magnetic field and electrical field is explained in subsections H5.1 and H5.2 from volume 4 of monograph [1/5]. Serpents who supervise the development of Earth's physics know jolly well that our learning of mechanism of operation of magnetic field and electric field leads to the confirmation of the existence of the counter-world in which God lives. Therefore these serpents do not allow that human physics describes these two fields in the sense of mechanism of their formation and interaction, but only allow that physicists describe these two fields in the sense of consequences which these fields cause. Therefore the present physical definitions of these two fields in fact tell us nothing about the mechanism of the formation of these fields.
       9. The existence and dipolar character of gravity field. Gravity field displays all attributes of a dipolar field. This dipolar character of gravity field was already proven formally by my Theory of Everything of 1985 called also the Concept of Dipolar Gravity. So why present physics controlled by serpents still insists to describe the gravity field as a monopolar field? It turns out that the reason is this another world in which God lives. When gravity field is dipolar, then one pole of gravity must disappear from our physical world and reappear in a separate world, in which God lives. More about the dipolar character of gravity field is explained in subsections H1 and H1.1 from volume 4 of monograph [1/5], and also on a separate web page about the Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
       10. Telepathy. Telepathy is a kind of "speech" which propagate through another world (i.e. through the "counter-world"). Thus the research on telepathy directly confirms the existence of another world in which God lives and our souls reside. Therefore physicists refuse to research telepathy. More about telepathy and mechanism of it, is provided on the web page telepathy.htm.
       11. Intelligence of elementary particles. Physicists with a great reluctance admit that the behavior of elementary particles displays intelligence. After all, intelligence supposedly is an attribute of living creatures only, not "inanimate" nature. In turn physicists panic completely when someone asks them about the meaning of intelligence of elementary particles. After all, intelligent elementary particles means that these particles are actually formed from the intelligent substance called "counter-matter" (in past called "ether"). In turn this another world filled up entirely with such intelligent substance in fact constitutes God. More about intelligence of counter-matter is explained in subsection H2 of monograph [1/5]. In turn the formation of intelligent elementary components from this intelligent counter-matter, is explained in subsection I1.3 of monograph [1/5].
       12. The ability of matter to transform (e.g. the equivalence of energy and matter). In order anything could transform into something else, there must exist an algorithm which describes and executes the course and outcomes of this transformation. For example, in our computers the transformation of a disk file into a photograph on the screen is described by appropriate computer programs. In turn in our car the transformation of motion of pistons in the engine into the motion of the entire car is carried out by algorithm which is described geometrically in the design of subsequent parts of this car. (Means, as this would be expressed by computer scientists, it is carried out by the algorithm which is "hardwired" into the components of the car.) Thus the fact that in our physical world many substances, forms, and energies, can transform in another ones (e.g. matter can transform into energy, water can transform into ice, etc.) means, that somewhere "living" algorithms which define the course and outcomes of these transformations must be written. In turn, if such algorithms are written somewhere, this means that there can also be written another kinds of algorithms, e.g. these ones which form the superior intelligent being called God. More information about the storing of algorithms which control the operation of the universe is explained in subsection I1.2 from volume 5 of monograph [1/5].
       13. The existence of physical laws and the superior logic of these laws. Similarly as algorithms of transformations described in previous item, also "alive" algorithms which define the action of physical laws, must be written on some medium. Thus, this medium is also able to be the medium that carries programs of the superior intelligence of God. That in fact this medium contains the intelligence of the superior being, such as God, is proven by an exceptional logic and consistency of physical laws which operate in our physical world. The logic of these laws indicates that laws of physics were invented and programmed by some intelligent being of the exceptionally superior ability to think logically. If laws of physics are shaped spontaneously at random, their content would be completely accidental, and thus in many cases they would mutually contradict each other. More information about the God's logic in the formation of physical world is explained in subsection I1.5 from volume 5 of monograph [1/5].
       14. The existence of phenomena which are contradictive to laws of the physical world. From time to time our science encounters phenomena which are contradictive to laws of the physical world, although they remain in agreement with laws of the "counter-world" in which God resides and which is described on the web page dipolar_gravity.htm - about the Concept of Dipolar Gravity. In order to provide here several examples of such phenomena, they include, amongst others: (a) the so-called "jet stream" (means a powerful wind in upper parts of the atmosphere which always blows from west to east - although according to laws of the physical world it should blow from east to west), (b) closed circulation of ocean currents (which currents circulate around the entire globe along a closed loop, in some parts of the globe flowing next to itself in two opposite directions - while according to laws of our physical world the stream of water in a gravity field has no right to circulate continually along a closed circuit), (c) the "ozone hole" (which supposed to appear above the Northern Hemisphere which "eats ozone", while it appears above the Southern Hemisphere), (d) cold air in the upper atmosphere while warm by the surface of the Earth (while cold air, as heavier, should drop down to the surface of the Earth, when the warm air - escape to the upper atmosphere), (e) the rotational motion of the Earth (if this motion is propelled just by inertia of the Earth's mass, without an assistance from invisible whirls of counter-matter, then it should cease already a long ago because of the friction caused by various phenomena, such as sea tides generated by the gravity of the Moon, solar winds, action of the magnetic field of the Earth as a magnetic gear, etc. - in order to understand how this friction should suppress the rotations of the Earth, one just needs to consider where the energy comes from which propels the perpetual motion that works on principles of the "Coriolis effect" and that is described in item #F1 of the web page free_energy.htm - about telekinetycznych generators of free energy, and also in item #F4.1 of the web page wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm - about dreams for better future of the village Wszewilki), (f) sea tides that occur also on the opposite side of the Earth which is NOT turned towards the Moon - while according to laws of Physics the sea tides should happen only on the side of the Earth that faces the Moon, (g) lightning bolts that happen in the area where is lack of clouds, thus which can be described with the known saying "bolt from the blue sky" (formation of such bolts cannot be explained by present science); such bolts e.g. in Australia cause bush fires - for details see items #B14 and #B15.1 on the web page military_magnocraft.htm - about destructive capabilities of UFO vehicles), (h) the so-called "perpetual motion" (which according to claims of the human science to-date supposedly cannot be build, but the working design of which is described in item #F1 of the web page free_energy.htm - about telekinetycznych generators of free energy, and also in item #F4.1. of the web page wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm - about dreams for better future of the village Wszewilki), (i) whirls of water let out of bath tub (which according to physical laws should whirl in opposite directions than they do), (j) the flow of blood (flow resistances in mini-arteries are too large for blood to flow as it flows - if we base just on laws of physics), (k) so-called "capillaries" (which according to known laws should not act as they act), (l) bumble-bee (which according to aerodynamics should not be able to fly), (m) tornadoes (which according to the outward directed action of centrifugal forces have no right to be formed in nature), etc., etc. All above phenomena contradictive to laws of the physical world prove that independently from the physical world and its laws, there is also another counter-world with completely different laws (i.e. laws which are reversals of laws from the physical world).
       15. The so-called "unexplained phenomena", i.e. ghosts, UFOs, shifting of people to different times, miracles, etc. The true reason for which physicists decisively refuse to research these phenomena, is that after solid investigations of these, it always turns out that each one of them in fact does exist. Also each one of them leads to the confirmation of either the existence of UFOs, or the existence of God. Serpents-UFOnauts do know about this, thus they make it impossible for people to research such phenomena. Instead of researching these, UFOnauts order people to believe that such phenomena are imaginations of drunks, balloons, mesmerizing, etc. In other words, they order to tell to all people experiencing these phenomena, that such people are liars. In turn physicists thoroughly obey this order.
       16. Our ability to explain everything logically as different manifestations of the same intelligent "counter-matter". A relatively new scientific theory named the Concept of Dipolar Gravity has a vital reason to be called the theory of everything. Namely it explains practically everything whatever requires an explanation - using for this explaining just different states, behaviours, and manifestations of a single liquid called "counter-matter". This "counter-matter" is a kind of "liquid computer" which obediently implements programs introduced to it, in this way forming everything that requires to be formed, starting from elementary particles and energy, and finishing on the entire our physical world and the so-called "spacetime". It is the entire body of this intelligent substance that forms what we call God. On other hand, entire present human science is unable to provide even a small fraction of the explanations that results from the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, only because that this science forcefully avoids in its explanations the use of the idea of such intelligent, programmable substance which would become simultaneously an explanation for the nature of God. If one analyses the reasons for both above facts, it turns out that without considering God actually nothing can be explained completely. In turn after considering God, everything becomes easily explainable. Just only this in itself is a sufficient proof, that God does exist after all, and He is the beginning and end of practically everything.
       Very interesting are fates of research and discoveries of each of the above items of evidence. These fates are full of persecution, sabotages, discrimination, prejudices, scoffing, intentional silencing, etc. As this is clearly visible, the dark force which enslaves the Earth, makes everything in its power to prevent the dissemination of knowledge about the above evidence amongst people.
       So why physicists conceal from people the existence of this wealth of evidence about God, soul, another world, etc. After all, they themselves also loose a lot because of it. It turns out that the reason is very simple. Fear. They are afraid to write and to talk about it. As it turns out, our planet is secretly occupied by evil creatures, which the Bible calls "serpents", "dragons", "devils", etc., while present people call them "UFOnauts". These creatures looks almost identical to people - after all they are close relatives of humans. So these creatures take all key positions in the human society - including positions of decision making in science. Extensive descriptions of these diabolic creatures, and also photographs showing these their sparse anatomic features which are slightly different from human features, are provided on the totaliztic web page called evil.htm. Well, these evil creatures have a bad habit to persistently persecute, torment, scoff, slander, defame, etc., every scientists who tries to point the attention of society at evidence for the existence of God, soul, another world, etc. How such a slander, etc., looks like, readers can check in the Internet. For example in relation to myself examples of it are contained at addresses of the google group sci.physics or another google group Thus when any scientist tries to present something that is a truth, he is immediately pounced at by these "serpents-UFOnauts" and viciously destroyed. Very rarely anyone has a courage to stand up again in public with the same topic. And if he stands up again, he is again attacked, slandered, defamed, scoffed at, accused of lies, tormented, persecuted, sabotaged, etc.
       The concealing from the society the information about evidence for the existence of God, soul, another world, etc., causes enormous social mischief and harm. One kind of this harm results from the depriving people of the chance for taking an "informed decision" in matters of God, means from practically pushing people into atheism. How dangerous and harmful is such pushing people into atheism I know from my own fate. As a young boy I used to believe in claims of physicists, that there is absolutely no evidence for the existence of God, soul, another world, etc. Thus, until 39-th year of my own age, I was an atheist myself. Only in 1985 I discovered myself, that everything that my teachers and lecturers told me on this subject is an absolute lie. If I would not discover this lie myself, probably I would die as an atheist. I am horrified to even think what would happen then. After all, God emphasizes at almost every page of the Bible which He authorizes, that every person is solely responsible for finding and embracing God, and that every person is severely judged for fulfilling this responsibility. Thus, this first kind of social harm resulting from the collaboration of physicists in suppression of knowledge about God, depends on the fact, that similarly to myself, millions of other people on Earth are misled and lied to by their teachers and lecturers of physics. It is scary to think what happens to these people if they persevere in these lies and do not find their own path to God. Another kind of social harm, results from the social immorality which always goes together with atheism. People who do not believe in God typically have no motivations nor inclinations to act morally in their lives. In this way present society goes increasingly deeper into the spiral of immorality from which there may not be exit. Thus, the fact that e.g. in present times almost each one of us is scared to go to streets at night, is one amongst numerous consequences of concealing by physicists the information about availability of vast evidence on God.
       Is there any defence against these malicious behaviours of the official science to-date which forces people to adopt atheism? Yes, it is. It simply suffices to officially acknowledge findings of the new "totaliztic science" described in item #C5 of this web page, which is "competitive" towards the old official science and thus which is to "straighten things up".

#F2, blog #142E. How biologists collaborate in concealing evidence for the existence of God, another world, eternal soul, etc.:

Motto: "Tolerance means not only agreeing of believers, that others have rights to not believe at all, or believe in something else, but also refrying of non-believers from attempts to make believing impossible for those ones who wish to believe."

       In previous item #F1 I explained how and why representatives of physical sciences, i.e. physics, mechanics, astronomy, astrophysics, etc., collaborate with serpents-UFOnauts in concealing from the society the information about proofs for the existence of God, eternal soul, another world, etc. But in a similar manner for the detriment of humanity intensely collaborate with serpents-UFOnauts also representatives of other scientific disciplines, e.g. biological sciences (i.e. biology, medicine, botanic, zoology, etc.). They also conceal from people an entire ocean of evidence for the existence of God, eternal soul, another world, etc. Simultaneously they feed the society with a various fables of the type of "theory of evolution", or the "holographic model of memory" - for the correctness of which there is no even a single item of undeniable evidence. In this manner representatives of biological sciences actively contribute towards depriving people of the chance for taking "informed decisions" in matters of God, soul, another world, etc. After all, in order to take such informed decision people need to know about these items of evidence. But through concealing the evidence, representatives of biological sciences make impression on people that such evidence is non-existing. In this manner biologists almost forcefully push ordinary people into the atheism. In turn according to the Bible (which is authorized by God himself) the atheism has serious consequences for its adherers (see item #C4 of this web page). In this manner biologists have on their conscience "eternal suffering" of a multitude of people who were tricked by them into lies that there is no evidence for the existence of God, eternal soul, another world, etc.
       Let us now review evidence for the existence of God, soul, another world, etc., about which representatives of biological sciences know jolly well, but also do NOT inform neither the society nor do not teach their students about it. Most vital examples of this evidence are as follows:
       1. Genetic code. As we already know jolly well, genetic code is a kind of language. In turn every language can be formed only if it is formulated by some intelligence. However, genetic code could not be formed and steadily used by anyone but God himself. Thus the existence of genetic code is a direct proof for the existence of God. Incidentally, this code was already used by the philosophy of totalizm as a basis for formulation of the formal scientific proof for the existence of God, completed with methods of mathematical logic. Both, descriptions of this proof, as well as more information about genetic code, are contained in item #B3 of the web page about God, and also in subsection I3.3.4 of the monograph [1/5].
       2. Operation of the brain and memory. Orthodox medicine persists in telling people that memory is contained in their physical bodies (brain). However, all empirical facts prove, that memory is contained outside of physical bodies, i.e. in human soul. Of course, the reason for this persistent telling is clear - the medicine does NOT want to admit that human soul does exist. The wealth of evidence which unambiguously indicates that memory is NOT contained in physical bodies (i.e. brain), but in our souls, includes so-called OBE ("out of body experiences"), NDE ("near-death experience"), multiple personalities, memories of previous reincarnations, etc. But biologists sabotage research on these phenomena and lie to the society regarding interpretations of outcomes. More on this subject is explained in item #C1.1 of the web page about nirvana, and also in subsection I5.4 of monograph [1/5].
       3. The need for a couple of creatures (i.e. a female and a male) to multiply. A natural (i.e. purely random) evolution which is promoted by biologists, is at most able to explain origins of a single new creature. The probability that completely at random in exactly the same time as many as two new creatures mutate and that they will be a male and a female, is impossible to occur in a random manner. So couples of all creatures could only be created by God. However, this fact biologists conceal from people. More about the creating pairs of all creatures by God is explained in item #B6.2 of the web page about evolution, and also in subsection I1.4.2 from volume 5 of monograph [1/5].
       4. Nirvana (and probably also the female orgasm and "cluteris"). There is an extraordinary phenomenon experienced exclusively by people. It is called "nirvana". It is felt like a kind of heavenly orgasm which lasts forever. The nirvana is NOT needed for survival. So it could not emerge as the outcome of natural evolution. In addition, in order to experience nirvana a given person must act exclusively moral, and also complete large amounts of heavy physical work aimed at good of other people. Thus the only situation when nirvana turns out not only useful, but also necessary, is when finally people decide to form social-political systems in which work is rewarded with nirvana instead of present money. (This turns out to be absolutely necessary only in a far future, when people build their time vehicles and thus gain the access to the so-called "imprisoned immortality" described in item #E1 of the web page about the philosophy of parasitism.) This in turn means, that in order to give to nirvana such a moral polarisation and attributes that are useful only in a far future, the embedding this phenomenon into the human body needed to be designed by God Himself and could NOT occur exclusively through a natural evolution. This is because only the intelligence of God Himself which knows the future and which is enough wise, could predict the need for programming nirvana into the human body. So nirvana is another phenomenon which directly proves the existence of God.
       The mechanism and accomplishing a nirvana was described more comprehensively on the separate web page entirely devoted to nirvana. In turn the utilisation of the phenomenon of nirvana for the formation of a social-political system which eliminates completely money in rewarding work, is described in items #C5, #E1 and #E2 of the totaliztic web page about the political party of totalizm, and also in items #B2, #E3 and #A3 of the separate web page about the totaliztic nirvana.
       It is worth to add here, that such a godly origin and social-political purpose of nirvana seems to also be confirmed by female orgasm and by female cluteris. After all, orgasm is an brief version of nirvana. A significant proportion of experts claims, that in the entire variety of females of various species of creatures that populate the Earth, only the female half of the human specie experiences orgasm. Supposedly a number of experts claims also, that only in human females appears a special organ called the "cluteris" (from "vulva"), which allows to induce an orgasm on every wish. (Of course, there are also scientists, who argue that females of various other species also experience orgasm and also have cluteris. However, as for now these scientists were unable to present conclusive evidence in support of their claims.) So if a further research conclusively confirms that in fact females of humans specie are the only females on the Earth which experience orgasm and which have the cluteris, then this would mean, that God intentionally supplied female half of humans in cluteris and in capability to experience orgasm mainly to continually remind people about the existence, need, capabilities of accomplishing, and benefits of nirvana.
       5. Communication between people and animals and vegetation. Empirically we know jolly well that people can communicate with animals and with vegetation, and that they do this without the use of speech. In turn the existence of this communication is an evidence that there is an universal language (ULT), and also a kind of speech (telepathy) which allows non-physical communication in that language. But in order such a language was heard with the use of telepathy, there must exist the counter-world (i.e. this another world in which God lives and to which our souls should go after the death). So no wonder that biologists collaborating with serpents-UFOnauts do not want to inform people about these possibilities of direct communication between people and animals and vegetation, nor want research this communication. For more information about the ULT language - see item #B4 of the web page about telepathy, and also subsection I5.4.2 of monograph [1/5].
       6. Supernatural capabilities of bodies (healing, synthesis of missing chemical elements, fire-walking, blade-walking, levitation, etc.). Souls contained in bodies of living creatures are able to give extraordinary abilities to bodies of these creatures. For example cats when see an illness in their masters, tend to lie on an ill area and with their "purring" try to return the health - similar like human healers do it. Some animals and vegetation are able to carry out the synthesis of lacking chemical elements - e.g. hens can synthesize missing calcium from mica. Flounders grow normal fish eyes at both sides of their sculls, if at young age are deprived an access to the bottom of sea. All probably heard that some people can walk on fire or razor blades without hurting their feet. There are people who can levitate. None of these supernatural capabilities of the body would be possible exclusively in a physical world that is deprived God, soul, another world, etc. For more information on these subjects see subsections I7 and KB3 from volumes 5 and 10 of monograph [1/5].
       7. Hypnosis. Hypnosis on several manners confirms the existence of another world, soul, God, etc. The first of these manners is the mechanism of hypnosis. Namely, hypnosis depends on switching our awareness from the physical world to the counter-world. (Our awareness is similar to a "cursor" on a computer screen. It also can switch from one "window" to another one.) The counter-world is almost an exact copy of our physical world. Therefore hypnotized people after switching their awareness to the counter-world still see over there the same objects which exist in the physical world. But in the counter-world instant shifting in time and space is possible. Thus hypnotized people can shift in there to any place and to any time.
       Another manner on which hypnosis confirms the existence of God, soul, another world, etc., is the function of hypnosis. God gave to its creations only these capabilities which are needed for something. Hypnosis is NOT needed by people, although people learned how to used and abuse it. But it is needed by God for controlling the behaviour of people in critical moments. As such it also confirms the existence and operation of God. No wonder that serpents-UFOnauts forbid to people carrying out research on hypnosis. More about hypnosis is explained in subsections I5, I5.1, I5.4, and I7 from volume 5 of monograph [1/5].
       8. Near-death experience, including NDE, OBE, coming of dead close ones, review of the entire life, "death flash", the loss of weight by body immediately after death, etc. Whatever happens shortly before death and at the moment of death cannot be described differently as a manifestation of evidence for the existence of soul, another world, God, etc. No wonder that serpents-UFOnauts who supervise human scientific research forbid research on these phenomena. But personally I am disappointed because representatives of biological sciences rush submissively to obey this forbidding and refuse to research these phenomena and to inform the society about their existence. If anyone carries research on these phenomena, he or she must do it almost in hiding, like it was his or her personal hobby, and always later has difficulties with publishing the findings. Instead of this research that are so important for everyone, representatives of biological sciences spend millions on fruitless searches for "missing links" or for evidence of the existence of "natural evolution". On the other hand many believers in God report that shortly before the death their dead close ones are arriving to assist a given person to go through this difficult transformation into another world. Many dying people experience OBE (out of body experience) and NDE (near death experience) - for which the only rational explanations are when one acknowledges the existence of soul, God, another world, life after death, etc. The moment of death itself is supposedly linked with a powerful impulse of pleasure experienced by a dying person. In turn for death generating such an impulse of pleasure, behind the design of it must hide the God's intelligence. (For example it is known that people being hanged experience an orgasm at the moment of death - in hanged males it manifests itself by the ejection of semen. In turn French folklore calls orgasm the "little death".) Almost every dying person goes through a "review of the entire life" which (the review) in the full extent can take place in a short period of time when someone is e.g. still falling from a roof, but in which the falling person relives again every moment from the just finishing life. God frequently takes part in this review, and with a humour He even comments some moments from the life of a dying person. In the very moment of death the body beams a powerful flash of electromagnetic radiation which usually is called the death flash. This flash can be registered with the use of present measuring equipment. (More about the "death flash" is explained in subsection H7.3 from volume 4 of monograph [1/5], while a summary of information on this flash is provided in the OMNI magazine, Vol. 8, No. 3, December 1985, page 115.) According to research carried out by Dr. Duncan McDougall from the Massachusetts General Hospital (USA) in 1906, at the moment of death human body looses 7 to 28 grams of weight. (More about this loss of body weight is explained in subsection I5.2 from volume 5 of monograph [1/5].) Both these phenomena, i.e. the "death flash" and the loss of weight, are attributed to the soul leaving the dying body.
       9. ESP, instinct, multiple personalities, and other phenomena of this kind. These also are not possible to appear if there is no soul, another world, God, etc. Simultaneously, it is known for sure that these phenomena do exist. For example, without accepting the fact of existence of the intelligent counter-world, which through the so-called instinct (i.e. animal version of ESP) controls the behaviour of fauna, the behaviours of the American butterfly called "monarch" cannot be explained rationally. This behaviour is described, amongst others, in the article "Monarch has clock for navigation", from page A12 of the New Zealand newspaper The New Zealand Herald, issue dated on Thursday, January 10, 2008. The article speculates how it is possible that "monarch" butterflies carry out a flight in spring of each year, which extends for around 3000 kilometres. The flight starts in pine forests of Mexico, and lasts until the border of the USA with Canada. Then, in autumn the butterflies return back to Mexico usually to the same tree from which the flight has started. The true puzzle however depends on this, that in their way the butterflies keep multiplying and dying. Thus the flight are continuing their subsequent generations. For winter in Mexico returns back third or fourth generation of successors of female butterflies which started the spring flight. This means that to the family pine-tree in Mexico returns only grand-grand-grand-daughters of the female butterflies which in spring started this prolonged flight. More on the subject of this phenomena is explained in subsection I8.2 from volume 5 of monograph [1/5].
       10. Mysteries of dreams. There is an extraordinary phenomenon which is experienced by practically each one of us. It is called a dream. Although to describe this phenomenon a lot of orthodox theories was formulated, as so-far none of these explains extraordinary attributes of this phenomenon. For example, it does NOT explain why in dreams many people many people finds symbolic announcement of events that are to happen in the future - as an example see the extremely symbolic although meaningful dream which I described in item #B6 of the web page malbork_uk.htm. It does NOT explain why various people in dreams communicate with dead, with God, or with alive although physically distant people. It does NOT explain why there are two versions of dreams, i.e. (1) dreams in which everything has the same "sepia" colour (i.e. the colour of old, yellowish photographs from the era of black-and-white technology), and (2) dreams in colours. (It is worth to emphasize, that these two versions of dreams correspond to trips of our conscience to (1) the decoloured counter-world, or (2) to multicolour physical world.) Also NONE amongst these orthodox theories explains why in decoloured dreams (these in the "sepia" colour) our bodies obtain attributes of spirits from the counter-world, namely why these bodies become indestructible - is spite that in dream can be e.g. bitten or destroyed, why never in these dreams we see blood or wounds, why there is no friction when we move in dreams and thus our normal ways of moving, e.g. through walking, are not achievable in dreams, why in dreams we can move in manners that are unknown in everyday life from the physical world e.g. through gliding in space with an ordinary command from our mind. The reason why present scientific theories are unable to explain what actually are these dreams, is that these theories avoid acknowledging the existence of the counter-world, human souls, God, telekinetic methods of moving, etc. But if one considers the existence of these scientifically denied qualities, then immediately it turns out that dreams obtain an extremely simple explanation that fully coincides with all their attributes. Namely, dreams then become remembered next days adventures of our indestructible sprits in the visits of these spirits to the decoloured counter-world which knows no friction. More about the mechanism of dreams is explained in subsection I7 from volume 5 of monograph [1/5].
       11. The existence of "animal geniuses". There is no many of these. But from time to time we learn about animals who know and are able much more than people do. Their descriptions are provided, amongst others, in subsection I8.1 from volume 5 of monograph [1/5]. I personally believe that these animals are "serpents" who secretly occupy our planet, who died in some accidents, and were reincarnated by God into these animals. (God treats "serpents" as animals, thus He reincarnates them into animals - as described in item #C4 above.) In order to explain this extraordinary knowledge and intelligence of such animals, one must consider the existence of soul, another world, God, etc.
       12. The perfection of oldest animals on the Earth is equal to the perfection of newest animals. If one analyses a level of perfection of living organisms of the oldest animals of our planet, then it turns out that these animals have equally perfect organisms as the newest animals. Many of these oldest animals persisted until today and are equally well off as the newest animals. As an example consider the "kings crab" which is a "trilobite" but lives in great numbers in sea waters of Malaysia. Consider also crocodiles, lizards, or sharks, which have NOT changed their organisms for millions of years. An excellent example is also the Australian platypus. As this is explained in the article "Puzzle of the platypus unravelled", from page B2 of the New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Friday, May 9, 2008, the platypus was created as a separate from mammals specie around 166 millions years ago. But in spite of such significant age, it manages in present times equally perfectly like all these newest animals. This perfection of oldest organisms documents in turn that they were created by God. This is because only God could have a plan from the very beginning how a perfect organism looks like, and then implemented this plan as He equipped the ecosystem from the physical world into subsequent animals that were needed in this ecosystem. More on this subject is explained in item #B6.3 of the web page evolution.htm - about evolution.
       13. The existence of gigantic mutations of people, animals, and vegetation. Present human science does NOT acknowledge the existence of telekinesis. After all, the telekinesis can be rationally explained (and technically formed) only if one recognises the existence of the counter-world and learn laws that rule this counter-world - as this is done only by the Concept of Dipolar Gravity. In turn without the existence of telekinesis one cannot explain the mechanism of mutations of gigantic creatures on the Earth. After all, the telekinetic field is the phenomenon which triggers the appearance of such gigantic mutations of living creatures. For these reasons human science overlooked so-far the vital link that exists between the repetitive appearance on the Earth of giant mutations of humans, animals, and vegetation, and the existence of the counter-world, God, eternal soul, etc. In turn this link turns out to be very simple. In addition it is supported by immense body of evidence. It stems from the fact, that the mutations of giant living organisms is triggered by the so-called "telekinetic field". In turn this "telekinetic field" is the field the formation of which occurs exclusively through the action of mechanisms and laws of the counter-world. The direct link between the existence of the Earth of giant mutations of living organisms, and the existence of the counter-world, God, eternal soul, etc., that is indicated here, is also discussed in item #8.1 of a separate web page about New Zealand. In turn items #7 and #8 of that web page about New Zealand describe and illustrate with photographs a whole array of such giant mutants of living organisms. These gigantic mutations of people, animals, and vegetation are also described in item #10 of the web page about UFO explosion near Tapanui in New Zealand, and in item #13 of the web page about the technically induced telekinesis.
       14. The display of special attributes by everything that in past was named with the world "holy". A rather extraordinary class of scientific evidence for the existence of God, is the difference between attributes of substances or objects which in past were called "holy", and attributes of other similar substances or objects which were NOT considered to be holy. As it turns out everything that is recognised as "holy" displays extraordinary attributes the presence of which cannot be explained just on the basis of present atheistic science. For example, let us consider attributes of such "holy" substances and objects, as: (1) "daily bread" (by the Christian religion considered to be a representation of the body of Christ), (2) "coconuts", (3) "drinking water" (by first Christians used for christening, while by pagans utilised in water dowsing), (4) "red wine" (considered to represent the blood of Jesus). If one compares their attributes with attributes of other very similar substances or objects, e.g. with attributes of: (1n) white bread or buns, (2n) fruits of tropical durian, (3n) undrinkable water, (4n) white wine, then outcomes of this comparison become very meaningful. Namely, it then turns out that everything that in past was described as "holy" actually displays attributes which are beneficial to people at many levels, and which do NOT introduce any side effects. In turn everything that was NOT considered to be holy, shows also various attributes that are undesirable for humans - in spite that in almost every aspect it is similar to a related holy substance or object. For example, in spite that the "daily bread" and the "white bread" are baked in a similar manner and from almost the same flour, differences between their consequences for health of people are huge. Similarly, in spite that "red wine" and "white wine" are produced through the same process from almost the same grapes which grew on exactly the same soil, their influences onto drinking people are very different. Thus only about the "red wine" every now and again we can read scientific findings of the kind reported in the article "Red wine compound toasts cancer cells", from page B3 of the New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Wednesday, April 16, 2008. The "white wine" strangely can only make us drunk. In fact these differences in attributes of whatever in past (and sometimes also today) was called "holy", from attributes of whatever is NOT considered to be holy, cannot be justify exclusively with the use of findings and knowledge of present "atheistic" science. So let us now provide here several most meaningful examples of extraordinary attributes of something that in past was considered to be "holy". In order to shorten the discussion, below is analysed only a single attribute which does NOT appear in similar substances and objects that are NOT considered to be holy. But independently from the attribute discussed below, each substance and object mentioned below displays also a whole range of further extraordinary attributes which are very difficult to justify by present atheistic science. So here are these examples: (a) Irreplaceable attributes of the holy "daily bread". As we know the humanity invented a large variety of dishes which are made of flour. To such dishes belong: buns, cakes, pancakes, macaroons, dumplings, etc., etc. But only the so-called daily bread was considered in past to be holy. This "daily bread" used to be a wholemeal bread, baked from the unsifted wholemeal rye flour. The dough for this bread was fermented before baking in a similar manner like until present time are fermented the Japanese "miso" and Korean "kimchi" (for descriptions of Korean "kim-chi" - see item #B1 from the web page korea.htm - about the mysterious, fascinating, moral, and progressive Korea). In the result of this fermentation, the daily bread become black like the soil from which it grew, and thus considered to be "too common" for wealthy people. Only this bread in old times was treated with the highest respect and worshiped as holy. White bread, buns, cakes, and other products made of flour, were NOT considered to be "holy". In fact I still remember until today from Poland of the times of my childhood, means Poland of 1950s, such manifestations of the respect to "daily bread" which were still practiced then. For example, at that time people used to say sorry to a slice of bread when they accidentally allowed it to fall to the floor. Old-timers never threw away to rubbish even smallest crumbs of bread. Furthermore, to express their respect to this bread, men used to take hats off from heads for the duration of eating. As present people discovered this, the formerly "holy" daily bread in fact displays attributes that deserve the holiness. For example, eating this bread in any quantities does NOT bring any undesirable consequences to the human health. (On the other hand eating large amounts of any other products made from flour turns out to be unhealthy.) Furthermore, people can survive by eating exclusively this holy "daily bread", while they cannot survive by eating exclusively any other dish made of flour. (b) The fact that coconuts never fall on heads of people, in spite that in light of statistics there should be cases of falling coconuts hitting some people in heads. As I explained this on a separate web page fruit.htm - about tropical fruits from the area of Pacific, in many tropical countries coconut palms are considered to be "holy trees" which were designed especially by God to satisfy all basic needs of people. (Notice that the holiness of coconuts is recognised in there in a similar manner as in old Europe the holiness of "daily bread" was practiced.) The holiness of coconut palms proves itself because e.g. on small oceanic islands, on which is NOT growing anything else apart from this palm, in fact coconut palms are providers of everything. In some religions, e.g. Hinduism, gods receive gifts from coconuts. The Bible says that palm branches were placed in front of walking Jesus. This holiness of coconut palms is there also a source of the deep belief which prevails in countries in which coconuts grow, namely that coconuts never fall onto heads of humans. Actually in many tropical countries, e.g. in Malaysia, locals are saying that "coconut palms have eyes" - thus they never drop a coconut on heads of humans. I personally was very intrigued by this belief. So whenever I had an opportunity to visit an area where coconut palms grow, I always asked locals whether they know a case that a coconut fell on someone's head. I must confirm here, that in spite of my wide and many years long asking I never encountered a case that someone knew someone else on the head of whom a coconut fell. Such a case would be quite well-known, because the large weight of coconuts combined with the significant height of coconut palms, would cause that the fell of a coconut on someone's head would kill such unfortunate person. Of course, this lack of cases when coconuts fall on human heads is something extraordinary and it should be explained by the "holiness" of the palm. After all, other trees drop their fruits completely at random, in this on human heads. I myself remember a case when a falling apple hit me in the head - fortunately was ripe and soft. In Malaysia grows a tasty fruit which just has a size of coconuts - it is called "durian". It is commonly known there, that at the time of durians' ripening, people should either keep far from these trees, or wear protective "hard hats". This is because heavy durian fruits fall "at random" , including onto human heads. So it is nothing unusual to hear over there about cases of people getting hit by durian fruits. Regrettably, someone clearly could NOT stand this extraordinary attribute of "holy palms" and decided to include also the holy coconuts into the "scientific atheism". Namely, that someone started to spread on the behalf of science the untrue claims that supposedly in the world every year dies from falling coconuts as much as 150 people. These claims make falling coconuts hypothetically even more dangerous than attacks of sharks. Such false claims were disseminated in so organised manner, that on their base various insurance companies started to develop their "coconut policies". Fortunately for the truth, some scientists decided to get to the bottom of the "research" on which the coconut deaths claims were based. Outcomes of their research were summarised later, amongst others, in the article "Lies, damn lies, and 150 coconut deaths" from page B9 of the New Zealand newspaper named Weekend Herald, issue dated on Saturday, April 12, 2008. Searches of these scientists revealed, that the claims were made up in Australia in 2002. Only then were disseminated all over the world by an article in Daily Telegraph. At the beginning these claims referred to the publication of a Canadian professor, in which there was NO quantitative data on this subject, while the professor himself denied that he ever accumulated such quantitative data. Thus, in spite of the lies spread on this subject under a smoke screen of the official science, in fact coconuts never fall down on heads of people. (c) The holy river Ganges in India belongs to the most biologically polluted rivers of the world. But Hindu devotes drink water directly from the river. In spite of this Hindu who believe in holiness of this river never report an illness acquired by drinking biologically polluted water of this river. (d) All 12 Apostles drank wine from the same cup. But the Bible does NOT report that any Apostle acquired an illness passed around due to this drinking of all of them from the same cup.
       15. The existence of phenomena and trends that are contradictive to theories and findings of biological sciences. Biological sciences every now and again encounter various phenomena and trends which are completely contradictive to logical predictions of theories and scientific findings, although are not contradictive to intelligent goals and principles of operation of God. (Notice that the existence and nature of God is described scientifically by the "theory of everything" called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity.) Let us show here several examples of such phenomena or trends that are contradictive to statements of biological sciences: (a) Tendency of animals (and also people) who live on islands isolated from the rest of the world, to achieve gigantic sizes. The theory of evolution states, that because of the limited amounts of resources which are available on islands which are cut off from the rest of the world, in comparison to e.g. amount of resources available on continents, the requirement of survival on islands gives preferences to smaller creatures which eat and need much less resources. Thus, according to the theory of evolution, on islands separated from the rest of the world everything that is alive should be of miniature sizes. However, the empirical knowledge indicates that on these islands separated from the rest of the world everything that lives is much larger than on continents. For example, on the isolated from the world islands of New Zealand gigantic "moa" birds used to live, still live huge "kakapo" parrots and "kiwi" birds, while native people (Maoris) are almost twice as muscular and well build as typical Europeans. The largest bird of the world (the so-called elephant bird) used to live on the island of Madagascar. The dodo bird (means the largest pigeon of the world) used to live on islands (most known of which is Mauritius). Unfortunately, together with a number of other gigantic animals of these islands (amongst others with the giant tortoise that had tasty oil under the skin) dodo was killed to the extinction after these islands were discovered by Europeans in 1598 - for details see the article "Dodo's dead playmates recreated from bone fragments" from page B6 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald, issue dated on Wednesday, May 14, 2008. The largest lizard of the world, means the so-called komodo dragon also lives the island of Komodo from Indonesia. With its 60 razor sharp teerth it is capable to kill even a buffalo. More about the Komodo dragon writes the article "Experts reveal secrets of killing machine" from page B2 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald, issue dated on Friday, April 18, 2008. It is an island on which live huge turtles from Galapagos. (b) Growing back fingers that were cut off. God so designed the universe, that "everything that is possible to invent, is also possible to accomplish" - for more details see item #F3 below. In turn the atheistic science claims that only some things are possible, while others completely impossible. One amongst things qualified as "impossible" by the official science to-date, but being possible to think of, and thus also possible for accomplishing in the universe created by God, is the "growth back of fingers that were cut off". Dr Stephen Badylak from the University of Pittsburgh (USA) discovered powder which is officially named the extracellular matrix, while which popularly is called the "pixie dust". This powder is received by scraping cells from the lining of a pig's bladder. After this powder is put onto the wound formed after cutting a finger off, the finger grows back. More information about this powder is provided in the article "Severed finger grows back with help from 'pixie'", from page A13 of the newspaper The New Zealand Herald, issue date on Friday, May 2, 2008. (c) The lack of fear of death. If animals and people were formed by the natural evolution, then the fear of death should be one amongst the most domineering factors in their lives. After all, it would decide directly about the "survival of species". However, empirical facts indicate that both, animals and people, do not display a clear fear of death. (For example, they are afraid of the pain that typically accompanies dying, but are not afraid of death.) Therefore, e.g. some animals and people commit suicides without any fear and frequently undertake actions that risk their lives. (d) Synchronisation of dying by people who are close to each other. It depends on dying almost simultaneously by people who are very close for a long period of time (the difference in times of death typically does not exceed then 1 hour). In my life I encountered information about dozens of such cases. Unfortunately, I did not write down their details. But recently I encountered further examples. The first of these was described in the article "Together for a lifetime .. and in death", from page A1 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald, issue dated on Thursday, May 8, 2008. It described the death of a couple of New Zealanders named Wright, who were married for 61 years, while died in the distance of around a half of hour in the age of 81 and 83. Each one of them did not know about the death of the other one, because the husband was just in a hospital, while the wife was in the old folks home. Another similar example was described in the article "Inseparable right to the end" from page A1 of the New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Monday, May 19, 2008. This article describes a couple of New Zealanders named Thoumine, which were married for 20 years, and which dies at the age of 74 (she) and 68 (he) in mutual distance of around 30 minuts. Such a synchronisation of dying cannot be explained without considering the soul and God. Even more difficult to explain it rationally when in such a synchronous manner dies a master and a pet animal (such cases also are reported quite frequently). (e) Homosexual people (and also people who copulate with animals) are lately on increase - in spite that the theory of evolution is unable to justify that these sexual deviations are needed for the "survival of species". On the other hand, the moral overtone embedded into these deviations, causes that for people who (unlike animals) have moral conscience, these deviations could be utilised by God as an illustrative reminder of what immorality is all about. The functioning of homosexuals (and also individuals who copulate with other species) as an illustration of immorality, is emphasized by the fact that these deviations do NOT appear amongst animals. (Notice that one should not confuse e.g. homosexual behaviours amongst people, which lasts the life-long, with temporary consequences of opportunism amongst animals combined with blindness, lack of experience, or just mistakes.) (f) Over 90% of all sources of drinkable water and mineral deposits were located on the Earth due to the use of radiesthesia. But the official human science claims that the level of accuracy of radiesthesia is the same as the level of purely accidental findings. Apart from people, the radiesthesia-like capabilities show also elephants, which are able to find shallow-located drinking water every time they need it.
       16. Contribution of services of every living creature for the good of the rest of physical world. As it turns out, none creature or vegetation lives just for itself, but it provides a whole range of services to other creatures and vegetation. Thus all of them fulfil a "general plan" which could only be created by God.
       17. Everything that exists in living creatures being just a different manifestation of the same "counter-matter". For example, "bodies" of living creatures are actually structures formed from counter-matter by appropriate natural programs (see subsection I1.4.1 in [1/5]), memory is actually a computer-like memory of counter-matter (see subsection I5.4 in [1/5]), feelings are the flow of natural programs through this counter-matter (see subsection I5.5 in [1/5]), etc., etc. This in turn again confirms the existence of counter-matter and counter-world, and also the creation of living creatures by God.
       18. The work and efficiency of magic, telekinetic healing, bloodless operations, etc. Their existence also would NOT be possible if there is no another world, soul, God, etc. But for sure these phenomena do exist and are practiced in various parts of our planet (usually in secrecy). More about this subject is explained in subsections I5.7, I6.1, I3.5 and several others, from volume 5 of monograph [1/5].
       19. The objectively verifiable evidence that humans are so created that the belief in God is for them a natural state, while atheism is an unnatural state. Whenever a researcher has a courage to compare objectively an important life indicator in people who believe in God and in atheists, then it always turns out that people who believe lead higher quality lives than atheists. And so, people who believe are more happy, lead more fulfilled lives, look younger, are less ill, live longer, have less problems, are troubled by less addictions and disasters, etc., etc. All this clearly confirms, that God takes a discreet care over people who believe, and that God so designed humans that the belief in God is a natural state, while atheism is an unnatural state that leads to various problems. The existence of this discreet care of God over believers can be confirmed by every reader - even if the reader is not a scientist. It is enough to go to a church in a country in which a trend prevails currently for unrestricted eating and for obesity (e.g. in the USA, England, New Zealand, etc.), and to look around. While on streets of cities in such a country one can see a large number of unhealthy obese people, in churches over there one has a difficulty to see someone with the weight that exceeds a healthy norm for a given country. If one considers rationally the reasons for this better life of people who believe, then the conclusion to which one must arrive is that God discreetly takes care of believers. This taking care, the manifestation of which is, amongst others, the lack of unhealthy obese people in churches, includes also a discreet control by God of the appetite, weight, and the lifestyle of people who believe, and not allowing that the weight of these people exceeds a healthy norm. In turn the existence of such a discreet care from God over people who believe, is an evidence that God must exist.
       The above represent just several most important examples of evidence from the area of biological sciences. This evidence well documents the existence of God, eternal soul, another world, etc. More evidence of this type, together with much better explanations, can be found mainly in volume 5 (and a bit also in volume 4) of my newest scientific monograph [1/5]. It is really pity that teachers and lecturers of biological sciences are too engaged in telling their students that God, soul, nor another world do NOT exist, to also be able to inform the students about the above facts - and thus to accomplish a right balance of views. After all, if these facts are known to every person on the Earth, then our civilization would look completely different, while the life of each one of us (including lives of these atheistic lecturers) would be incomparably more moral, happy, and peaceful.
* * *
       I personally feel a great disappointment towards my own lecturers from physical and biological sciences that for sure knowing about a majority of cases of evidence listed in this item #F2 and in previous item #F1, they never had the courage to inform us, their students, about this wealth of evidence. I believe that due to failing their duty to inform, they committed an array of immoral acts. The same immoral acts commit also present lecturers and teachers, who knowing about this body of evidence still have no courage to inform about it their students in a formal or informal manner. Let us list here the most important out of these immoral acts: (1) Forcing their students to commit "spiritual suicides". It is known that although everyone has the right to do himself or herself something immoral and bad, e.g. commit a suicide, it is highly immoral and criminal if this someone forces others to do the same. In turn depriving the access to truth about God is in fact forcing to commit a spiritual suicide. (2) Collaboration with enemies of humanity. Serpents-UFOnauts always were and always will be sworn enemies of humanity. Thus collaboration with their activities, is equal to the betrayal of humanity. (3) Emptying themselves in the place where they live. The depriving people of access to knowledge about God in the social sense is an equivalent to the increase in level of immorality, crime, addictions, etc. Thus symbolically it is similar to emptying themselves in the place where they live. (4) Playing a "dog in the manger". It is a kind of nasty behaviour to "not eat ourselves and not allow others to eat". But in this way behave these present lecturers and teachers of physical and biological sciences, who do not believe in God themselves, and therefore they make impossible for others to find their own path to God by concealing from these others vital information regarding God. (5) Neglecting duties for which they take salaries. Lecturers are paid to provide well balanced knowledge. But the knowledge purely atheistic is tendentious, means NOT balanced at all. Thus through tendentious pushing towards atheism they malpractice their professional duties. If you, the reader, are one amongst such lecturers or teachers in the disciplines described here, reconsider what you are doing. After all, as a lecturer or a teacher you have thousands formal and informal opportunities to inform your students about this wealth of evidence which is so extremely vital for their spiritual life.

#F3. Meaning of the fact that scientists are unable to indicate even a smallest shred of evidence which would suggest the non-existence of God:

Motto: "There are numerous items of scientific evidence for the existence of God, but no-one is able to indicate even a most poor item of evidence which would suggest the non-existence of God."

       Foundations of the present official (orthodox) human science are entirely based on proofs for the non-existence of various phenomena, objects, and physical quantities. In fact, scientists compete with each other in indicating items of evidence which suggest that something supposedly does NOT exist in the universe. Let us provide here several illustrative examples. In the official human science theories of Albert Einstein are indicated as the proof for the non-existence of speeds in excess of the speed of light. Findings of Lord Kelvin are considered to be a proof that the temperature below "absolute zero" does NOT exist. The experiment of Michelson-Morley of 1887 is acknowledged as the proof that the substance in past called the "ether" (now it is called the "counter-matter") does NOT exist. Laws of thermodynamics supposedly prove that principles and phenomena on the basis of which we could build so-called "perpetual motion" devices, are also non-existent. The so-called "red shift" in light from stars is supposedly a proof that at some stage the entire universe was non-existent. The definition and descriptions of the idea of "time" used by present official science are supposedly a proof that the possibility to shift time back does NOT exist as well. Etc., etc. These scientific claims about the non-existence of various fundamental ideas and physical quantities are so domineering, while their influence so omnipresent, that the statement becomes true that present official human science is practically the science based on proofs of non-existence.
       In spite of this abundance of scientific evidence for the non-existence of whatsoever, present human science is still UNABLE to indicate even a smallest shred of evidence in support of the claim it makes about matter of the highest importance for the humanity. Namely, the official human science is NOT able to indicate even a smallest example of evidence which would confirm the claimed non-existence of God. In other words, in spite that the science is saturated with atheists who compete with each other in inventing theories that would deny the truth about the existence of God, these atheistic scientists are still NOT able to invent or to detect even a smallest shred of evidence that would confirm that they base their claims on some sort of factual findings or factual scientific data. Simultaneously - as the reader probably noticed this already from items #F1 and #F2 of this web page, there is an abundance of scientific evidence (unfortunately unspoken and kept hidden by most of scientists) which certifies for the existence of God. Thus, the confrontation of these two facts, namely the non-existence of even a shred of evidence for the non-existence of God, and the existence of abundance of scientific evidence for the existence of God, leads to the obvious and very meaningful conclusion - namely that in spite of the noisy propaganda of promoters of "atheism", God in fact definitely does exist.
       The above final conclusion is additionally reinforced by findings of the philosophy of totalizm which results from the so-called "ULT language" - means from the "Universal Language of Thoughts". (This language is described in item #B4 of a separate web page telepathy.htm - about the phenomenon of telepathy and telepathic devices, and also in item I5.4 of monograph [1/5].) According to these findings, the fact of the existence of a language in the universe, which God uses for thought communication with all creatures that populate the entire universe, causes that everything that does NOT exist, has no, as yet, its own word in the ULT language. Thus, "whatever does NOT exist, cannot appear in our thoughts". If we express this in other words, then according to totalizm the universe was intentionally constructed in such a manner that already exists in it and (or) can be created every object and every idea which can appear in our thoughts and which through the way it is formulated does NOT impose the requirement that the universe must work in an unique and a different manner. This in turn means, that because the idea stating that "God does exist" can appear in our thoughts, while this idea of the "existence of God" does NOT impose onto the universe a requirement to work in a way that is different from the way in which the universe already does work, in the light of totalizm it suffices just by itself as the proof that God in fact does exist.
       If for someone the above is still not satisfying his or her thirst for learning further proofs that confirm the existence of God, then he or she should additionally review the beginning of item #G1 from this web page. In item #G1 are listed four formal scientific proofs developed with the use of methods of mathematical logic. These proofs also prove that: (1) God does exist, (2) counter-world does exist (the name "counter-world" is a scientific name for a separate world in which live: God, souls, time programs, etc.), (3) people have immortal souls, and (4) it was God, not the "natural evolution", who created the first pair of people, namely the first man and the first woman. The formal scientific proofs indicated above are additionally complemented with the formal proof from item #B1 of this web page, which proves that the Bible was authorised by God himself.
       It is very unfortunately for the humanity that without any reservations people adopted in their thinking this erroneous principle of the official science which states that "everything that was not proven still does not exist". This principle leads people to assuming "a priori" that almost everything that others claim is untrue, that everything needs to be continually verified, and that the truth cannot be spoken out until we are able to present evidence for it. This in turn leads the humanity to all these errors, deviations, and suffering which we can see now around us. Fortunately for us, the relatively new "theory of everything" called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, and the philosophy called the moral totalizm which stems from this theory, started to disseminate on the Earth an alternative principle of "recognising the existence of everything that can appear in our thoughts - if only the formulation of these thoughts does NOT impose the requirement that principles on which the universe work must be changed". Let us hope, that increasingly wider acceptance of this alternative principle will lead to a gradual healing of the errors, deviations, and suffering that are imposed on the humanity by doctrines of the science to-date.
       Adoption of the totaliztic principle in our thinking, that everything which can appear in our thoughts, and which does NOT require the change in principles on which the universe work, exists already now, or existed in past, or will exist in the future introduces quite a meaningful side effect. Namely, this side effect is that: the majority of quantities and phenomena which by the official science to-date were considered to be non-existent, in fact do exist, existed, or will exist. It is just because of this, that the "theory of everything" called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity created the philosophical foundations for the introduction to science a completely different period, namely when "science and ordinary people are going to rely on evidence of the existence, on the assumption that every statement of others is true, and on the premise that everything that is claimed in fact does exist". From the philosophical point of view this new period will be an exact opposite of the previous period described at the beginning of this item, when "the official human science, and also common people in their mutual interactions, relied mainly on the evidence for non-existence, on the assumption that every claim of others is untrue, and on the premise that the majority of what is claimed and what is thought in fact does NOT exist and thus everything requires continuous confirmation of the existence". For ordinary people this new period of "relying on the existence and on the assumption of truth" is going to manifest itself, amongst others, by accepting that "every claim of others is going to be taken as the truth without forcing others to prove it." As an example of differences which this new period introduces to science, let us illustrate now how the "theory of everything" proves the existence of quantities and phenomena described at the beginning of this item, which so-far the official human science considered to be non-existent. And so:
             - The theoretical "proof" of Albert Einstein, that the speed of light is an unsurpassable barrier, was abolished by the Concept of Dipolar Gravity. This abolishing was accomplished through the introduction of the instant telekinetic motion described, amongst others, on web pages telekinesis.htm - about the phenomenon of telekinesis and propulsion.htm - about telekinetic vehicles.
             - In subsection H2 from volume 4 of monograph [1/5] it is proven that the "theory of everything" called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity invalidates the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887 for the non-existence of "ether", because the "counter-matter" (in past called with the name "ether") is contained in a separate world than the world in which this experiment was carried out. Thus the counter-matter cannot be detected remotely from our physical world.
             - According to the "theory of everything" called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, telekinetic generators of free energy, which are a modern implementation of the old idea of "perpetual motion", do exist and can be build, while the working prototypes of these generators are described on the web page free_energy.htm - about telekinetic generators of free energy.
             - The significance of the "red shift" as an evidence for the initial non-existence of the universe, was abolished in item #D2.1 of the totaliztic web page dipolar_gravity.htm - about the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, where it was documented that the "red shift" is a consequence of the beaming of light against the current of "flows of gravity programs" - similarly as a "blue sky" is a consequence of the beaming of light along the current of such programs.
             - The existence of ability to shift time back and to build time vehicles is described on the totaliztic web page timevehicle.htm - about the work of time, time travel, and time vehicles.
       At this point it is worth to mention, that in addition to numerous ideas for the non-existence of which scientists managed to present some sort of "stretched" evidence, by inertia and by habit scientists claim also the non-existence of a large number of further quantities and phenomena in support of the non-existence of which these scientists have no even a shred of evidence. The key position on the list of these ideas, objects, quantities, and phenomena that are announced by scientists as non-existing without presenting even a slightest evidence, takes (of course) God. Examples most known amongst further such ideas that are officially denounced and authoritatively condemned by the official science without presenting any evidence, include: telekinesis, telepathy, ESP, radiesthesia, UFOs, life after death, souls, spirits, other world, walking on fire, healing, capability of humans to decrease the entropy of the universe, and many other. Numerous scientists deny even that there is still left anything in the universe that would NOT be discovered and researched so-far. As this illustrates, many professional scientists instead of doing what they originally were employed for, means "explaining ALL mysteries of the universe and learning how to control the nature so that it works for the benefit of mankind", they specialise in denying that such mysteries of the universe and nature still exist at all.

Part #G: Why and how this web page come to the existence:


#G1. What motivated me to prepare this web page:

       In the second semester of 2007, during my professorship at a Korean University, by some strange act of God I was granted the privilege of giving a series of lectures from the mathematical logic. It coincided in time with the update of the fifth edition of my most important scientific monograph [1/5]. A "by product" of these lectures from mathematical logic was that I refreshed my already forgotten knowledge from times of my studies about principles of formulation of formal scientific proofs. In this way the lectures "trained me" in a practical formatting a given knowledge and body of evidence that I accumulated earlier, into a form of a whole array of very important formal scientific proofs. So because of this I gained a possibility to develop and to publish (and promote) several formal proofs, the entire list and brief descriptions of which are provided in item #G3 from the separate web page named god_proof.htm. All these proofs are extremely important both individually to each one of us and also to the entire our civilization. Another one amongst these proofs is (6) the formal scientific proof that God Himself authorized the Bible. This proof is presented in item #B1 of this web page, and also published in subsection M7.1 from volume 11 of my newest monograph [1/5] (disseminated free of charge amongs others via this web page). This particular proof is just one amongst several similar formal proofs, all of which were completed personally by myself, and all of which are using the similar scientific methodology based on methods of mathematical logic - although each one of them uses a different body of evidence from which it originates. These related formal proofs include:
       (1) The formal scientific proof that "the counter-world does exist". (Notice that the name "counter-world" is the scientific name for another world popularly called the "afterworld", i.e. the world which is inhabited by God and by our souls.) This formal proof is presented in subsection H1.1.4 from volume 4 of monograph [1/5], and also in item #D3 from the web page about the Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
       (2) The formal scientific proof that "God does exist". It is presented in subsection I3.3.4 from volume 5 of monograph [1/5]. It is also repeated in item #B3 of the web page god.htm - about scientific and secular understanding of God, and comprehensively explained and illustrated on the web page god_proof.htm - about scientific proofs which confirm that God really does exast.
       (3) The formal scientific proof that "the first couple of humans, means the the first woman and the first man, were created by God". (Means it proves that humans were NOT products of a random evolution.) It is presented in subsection I1.4.2 from volume 5 of monograph [1/5], and also in item #B6.2 of the web page about evolution.
       (4) The formal proof that "the humanity lives in the world created and wisely ruled by omnipotent God" - presented in item #B3 from the web page named changelings.htm.
       (5) The formal proof that "people have eternal souls". This proof is presented in subsection I5.2.1 from volume 5 of monograph [1/5], and also in item #C1.1 of the web page about nirvana.
       (6) The formal proof that "God authorised the Bible" (although God wrote it with hands of other people) - see in item #B1 from this the web page (named bible.htm), or see subsection M7.1 from volume 11 of monograph [1/5].
       (7) The formal proof that "DNA are most simple forms of natural computers which control the passage through time of cells in which these DNA reside, while this control of the passage of cells through time they accomplish by a sequential running of software 'programs of life and fate' contained in memories of these DNA" - see item #D7 of this web page "immortality.htm" or see subsection M1.6 from volume 11 of monograph marked "[1/5]".
       (8) The formal proof that "UFO vehicles do exist objectively and they are already operational Magnocrafts" - which the formal proof is historically the first proof that I developed and published for the area of knowledge intentionally ignored by the old official "atheistic orthodox science" - for details see item #G3 from the web page named "god_proof.htm". This proof for the objective existence of UFOs is presented on the web page named "ufo_proof.htm" and also in subsections P2 to P2.17 from volume 14 of my newest monograph [1/5].
       All the above proofs were not only published in my scientific monograph [1/5] and on web pages of totalizm, but also were turbulently discussed on various forums. During these discussions, enemies of God (serpents) who for thousands of years rule over the Earth, started to attack my statement that in the face of the existence of the formal scientific proof for the existence of God, it is obvious that it was also God who authorized the Bible. Here it is how I typically argued then the authorship of the Bible by God himself, quoting from item #F2 of the web page about totalizm (please notice that the warning which I discuss in the quotation below concerns "serpents" which here are introduced in item #E1 below):
       As long as the fact of the existence of God was NOT proven scientifically, everything that the Bible says could be treated as anyone wishes - starting from considering it to be an absolute truth authorized by God himself, through considering it to be a kind of mythology, and finishing at treating it as a "stories of shepherds and vagabonds of ancient world". However, in the moment when the existence of God become proven scientifically, everything that the Bible states gains the rank of a "direct message authorized by God himself, only that appropriately coded to be able to get through censorship of the creatures hostile towards God, in the power of which the Earth is currently". As such a "direct message authorized by God himself", the Bible contains numerous shocking information. One out of it, is the information, or more strictly a clear warning, which is explained and discussed in more details in item #E2 of the web page about origins of evil on the Earth. It states that the planet Earth was intentionally given out by God to be governed by evil creatures which the Bible calls "serpents" or "dragons" (see Fig. #G1a below), "devils", fallen angels, etc., while currently we call them UFOnauts . This Biblical warning-information confirms authoritatively, although indirectly, similar independent findings of the philosophy of totalizm, which also state that for the long term good of the humanity the earth is cohabited with God's permission by evil creatures currently called UFOnauts, which since the beginning of times secretly occupy, exploit and torment people.

       During these vicious discussions, enemies of God who ware fighting out my formal proofs, as their key argument used the claim, that supposedly there is no evidence in support of the fact that the Bible is authorized by God himself. So in order to prove to both, these enemies of God, as well as to people who are inclined to believe in their empty and propostrous arguments, that after all there are numerous items of evidence for the authorization of the Bible by God himself, I developed this web page and presented on it two formal scientific proofs that it was God after all who authorized the Bible. Into this web page I also included descriptions of the empirical evidence which I identified earlier, for the authorization of the Bible by God himself.

Fig. #2

Fig. #G1a: Here is an example how folklore and religions of many nations saw flying "serpents" or "dragons" which are able to speak like people, and have human intelligence. If we analyze attributes of these "serpents", or "dragons" then it turns out that mythologies under the name "serpent" or "dragon" understood two different kinds of creatures. The first of these kinds carries all characteristics of present UFO vehicles, or more strictly their configurations of starships which for the Magnocrafts of my invention are called flying clusters . (These UFO vehicles used to "speak" via their megaphones, while their intelligence was the intelligence of their crews.) The reason for which UFOs and UFOnauts were called either "serpents" (means snakes), or "dragons" (also considered to be a kind of "flying snakes"), originated from the ability of these UFO starships to fly also in long, thin, elastic formations that from appearance resemble as if biblical snakes, in which individual starships of these formations are flexibly and loosley (because completely touchlessly) coupled with each other by only their magnetic circuits, thus during fligts were able to curl and bend like earthly snakes. Because in these times people did NOT know machines, thus for this similarity to snakes they called them either directly "serpents", or with invented especially for them name "dragons" (while in America e.g. - "feathered snake Quetzalcoatl"). In additopn, in the Chinese folklore "dragons" carry in mouth the supernaturally glowing "pearl" the best shown in Australian movie for youth fo 2011 entitled "The Dragon Pearl", which precisely correspond to the described by people abducted to UFOs so-called Oscillatory Chamber - which is the propelling device (i.e. propulsor) of these starships. Moreover, after landing people noticed that surface of "dragons" was covered with like snake skin - i.e. with onion charcoal described more comprehensively, among otheres, in #B3 and #B34.1 of web page evidence.htm The second kind of these creatures with almost human appearance and behaviour carries all characteristics of UFOnauts who arrived to the Earth in these UFO vehicles. (Note that UFOnauts and UFO starships arrive to Earth until today, only that at present they hide from being seen by people - for details see #K5 to #K5e from the web page petone.htm or from post #364 to blogs of totalizm.) A good example of this second kind of serpents (with human appearance and behaviour) are "taniwha" of New Zealand Maoris - for details see the web page about the church of St. Andrea Bobola in Milicz. The above illustration of serpents with attributes of UFO vehicles "talking" to people on Earth via their board megaphones, originates from the mythology of Cambodia. But practically every country and every nation on the Earth have some forms of mythology about similar "serpents". For example, similar to above multi-headed serpents describes the mythology of ancient Greece, where was well-known the so-called Hydra from the ancient city of Lerna in Argolis. In Poland, Europe, China, Korea, and several other areas, mythological "serpents" which used to fly, were dragons. (Click on the above photo to see it enlarged.)
       A natural question which comes to mind of everyone, is why almost all mythologies of the world typically describe two different kinds of serpents with the use of one and the same name, i.e. they call "serpents" both, the UFO vehicles, as well as human-like crews which fly in these vehicles. As it turns out, reasons are quite logical. The first of these reasons results from the fact that UFOnauts and UFO vehicles for thousands of years systematically hide from sight of humans. Thus the majority of descriptions of "serpents" is known to people from stories of these sparse ones who accidentally saw UFO and/or UFOnauts in action. Listeners to these stories had difficulties in clear distinguishing from the descriptions of such "supernatural" events, what was in them a vehicle, and what were crew members that arrived in this vehicle. Especially that in old times people did NOT know the idea of a "vehicle", while everything that used to fly for these people was a living creature. Another reason for using the same name is the similarity of external attributes. Namely, both - the entire flying UFO vehicles, as well as crew members of these vehicles, were covered with something, that to people looked like a "snake skin". In case of entire UFO vehicles, the similarity of their shells to the skin of serpents (snakes) originates from so-called "onion-charcoal". A layer of this charcoal deposits itself on the surface of UFO vehicles during horizontal flights near the surface of the Earth. This layer later cracks in a manner similar to snake skin or dry mud. (Onion-charcoal is described more comprehensively on a separate web page about evidence of UFO activities on Earth, and also in subsection O5.4 from volume 12 of monograph [1/5].) In turn in case of UFOnauts arriving to Earth in these UFO vehicles, their similarity to serpents results from genetic experiments carried out on one race of UFOnauts. These experiments depended on crossing people with some lizards - probably with crocodiles. This race in UFOlogy circles is known under the name of "reptiles". Their representatives keep arriving to the Earth in UFO vehicles even now. But they are forbidden to show themselves to people. Their serpent-like appearance results from the natural snake pattern that they have on their skin. Maoris from New Zealand until today imitate the pattern from their skins through a tattoo called moko. The appearance of this "serpent" race of UFOnauts is illustrated in photographs "Fig. #4" to "Fig. #6" from the web page sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm - about the church of St. Andrea Bobola in Milicz.
       The illustration above shows a mythological description of "serpent" UFO vehicles. Their similarity to present UFO sightings is striking. For example one should take notice of their discoidal shape of the main body, and also of the presence of many "heads" which correspond to UFO propulsors. These propulsors, independently from carrying out their propelling functions, can also be used by the crews of these vehicles amongst others as very powerful megaphones (and also as torches, as airconditioning devices, as telepathic projectors and telescopes, as "telekinetic baths", and in several further applications - for details see subsections F1.3 to F1.6 from volume 3 of free monograph [1/5]). Out of these "heads", one is the "main head", while several other are "side heads" - similarly as in UFOs and in magnocraft propulsors are subdivided into a single main one, and several side ones. Very interesting are also colors of the above serpents. These colors correspond exactly to colors generated by propulsors of UFOs and magnocraft - as this is explained in subsection F10.2 and in captions under Figures F28(a) and P15(a) from free monograph [1/5]. For example, if a UFO vehicle flies in a "standing position" above the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth, then its main propulsor forms in the centre of the vehicle an area of yellow or orange glow (very similar to the color of the "shield" from the above illustration). This is because the "N" pole of the main propulsor is then directed towards the observer. In turn side propulsors of such a UFO emit beams of green glow, because their "S" poles are directed towards the observer. In addition, magnetic circuits of the UFO in a "throbbing" mode form this green glowing into kinds of concentric trails which have the appearance truly similar to a tumble of green snakes. It is worth to compare the above illustration with the design of magnocraft-UFO described and illustrated on the web page about my Magnocrafts. Serpent-like "tails" above are probably the mythological interpretation of the ionic clouds dispersed into trails due to the flight of UFO vehicles.
       Originally the above illustration was published in the Ajou 2007 calendar. This calendar shows mythological scenes depicting adventures of the Cambodian king named Jayavaman who was the founder of the Khmer Great Empire. The above scene is provided with the description "Serpent describes to the Queen Soma her previous life".

#G2. "Why" I am confirming here the authorisation of the Bible indirectly by God Himself, and "what" qualifies me to provide such a confirmation:

       We have on the Earth so-called "tradition". In turn this tradition typically commands what someone should do or not do. According to it, the authority to express opinions about the Bible have priests and monks - means people who are qualified by religions to do so. And they do this for centuries. Priests and monks are confirming for last almost 2000 years the authorisation of the Bible indirectly by God. Therefore, the reader my ask here the question why I (means the author of this web page) also added my voice to these confirmations of God's authorisation of the Bible. It turns out that there are numerous important reasons. The first of these is the way people with a religious background justify their statements. Namely, typically this justification says "because the Bible (or us - religious people) say so". Of course, such a justification is insufficient in present proofs-demanding times. Therefore, I am providing a different justification - namely I state facts, logical deductions, and formal scientific proofs. The second reason is the level of expertise. Namely, in order to recognise the work of God (such as the Bible) a given investigator must master the skill of almost a detective piecing together traces and evidence of God's actions. However, all religious people only believe that they know God because they learned what on the subject of God states their own religion - unfortunately this again is NOT enough in present demanding times. In turn myself, I get to know God through secular scientific research, through extensive travel and actual seeing God's work, and through living amongst people of many different religions. Such a wide research in turn allowed me to learn NOT only attributes of God, but also how God come to existence, how He can be defined, how He operates, how we can prove formally the existence of God, and many more - for details see items #B1 to #B9 of the web page evolution.htm - about the process of evolution. Thus I acquired the required scientific competence to recognise the God's work.

Part #H: Why the process of factual and unprejudiced research of God, e.g. through the new, competitive toward the old, "totaliztic science", should balance the dominance of ossification and rejection of knowledge by today's religions, and the atheism of entire science, while the highest goal of the spiritual growth of every person should become process of learning and implementing truths wisely encoded in the verses of the Bible and thus providing the most important out of the absolutely necessary three witnesses which jointly confirm the discoveries that correctly reflect the truth about the reality that surrounds us:


#H1, blog #354E. What is the "[Ω] God Stamp", explained together with a brief essence of the story about it - namely how I discovered the existence of this stamp and where it is described:

Motto: ''How can someone, who is even unable to correctly predict tomorrow's weather, and whose only achievement in life is to obtain an expensive "graduation diploma", can have the audacity to impose on others his own laws "how" they are to live and to claim that God supposedly does NOT exist while the content of the Bible supposedly does not express vital truths - e.g. the correct commandments "how people really should lead their lives to prosper", if it was in this Bible that already around 2000 years ago God encoded the 12 "[Ω] God Stamps" reported below in {1} to {12} which announced the essence and confirmations of the truth of as many as 12 of breakthrough discoveries only in the case of the author of this web page, plus encoded announcements and confirmations of the truth of a huge number of further breakthrough discoveries still unknown to mankind at the time of writing the Bible.' (The above is a brief explanation of how immature, conceited and short-sighted are all these atheists who disgust their fellow humans regarding God, the Bible, and the truth, while NOT having a sufficient amount of knowledge, wisdom, perceptiveness and experience to notice that this is God and this is the Bible that proved irrefutably already around 2000 years ago that He knows exactly what now is going to happen to humanity because its rulers implemented their own laws of "how one should live" - which are exactly opposite to 12 commandments of God, and God was even able with the precision of the proverbial "Swiss watch" predict and wisely express "what" and "how" will be discovered in unimaginably distant future.)

       Here is my definition of what is to be understood under the name "[Ω] God Stamp". I assigned the name "[Ω] God Stamp" to the information prophesied for several thousands of years while extremely wisely encoded in verses of the Bible, which predicted future discoveries by people that reveal some absolute (undeniable) truths and explained essences of these truths, but because of the farsighted encoding of this information into verses of the Bible, it was overlooked by readers until the actual discovery of every such absolute truth took place. Thus, the decoding and understanding of each subsequent "[Ω] God Stamp" provides the discoverer, and the fellow humans who learns about his/her discovery, with a superior confirmation that the truth (the essence of which was described through this stamp so much in advance) is already definitively established in an error-free manner and can be absolutely rely on - means that the correctness of this newly discovered truth was as if confirmed by "stamp" from the all-knowing God Himself. (Notice from these descriptions that just the very existence of such [Ω] God Stamps, is also an irrefutable proof that God does exist, as only God is able to predict around 2000 years in advance and describe in the Bible the essence of so distant future discoveries.)
       For the first time such "[Ω] God Stamp" was published on 2022/3/3 in item #I2 from my web page named 1985_theory_of_everything.htm. Shortly afterwards, because already on 2022/3/21, I also published the adaptation of that item #I2 as post #345E to blogs of totalizm with addresses provided in item #Z5 of this web page.
       My discovery of the encoding into the Bible of these prophesying "[Ω] God Stamps" was gradual and extended from 1985 - when I developed and published my Theory of Everything of 1985, until 2022 - when I finally confirmed their existence with one of my subsequent discoveries stating that in the counter-world there is NO time nor the elapse of time - described more comprehensively in {3} below. (Notice that initially, i.e. at the moment of discovering, developing, and publishing my "Theory of Everything of 1985", and for several next months, until the moment when the discovering capabilities of this new theory of mine made me aware that it is the one sought for a long time by humanity as the "Theory of Everything", I gave it a different name, the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity". But because of the official persecution and blocking for it of the name "The Theory of Everything of 1985", I still sometimes refer to it also by its first name the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity".) Briefly the course of discovering of the existence of the "[Ω] God Stamp" is described in item #I2 from the web page 1985_theory_of_everything.htm and in post #345E to blogs of totalizm. The most significant breakthrough in this long (continuing for 37-years) process of discovering the existence of the "[Ω] God Stamp" was started on 2020/11/7 with the development of information published in item #I2 from a different web page named pajak_jan_uk.htm and later also published in post #330E to blogs of totalizm.
       It is worth to notice here, that in order to NOT break anyone's "free will", everything that concerns God's actions must comply with the so-called "canon of ambiguity" - links to explanations of which I indicate in the caption under Fig. #H2a below on this web page. Because of the operation of this canon, also the existence and merit of the "[Ω] God Stamp" is (and will be) denied, ignored, or rejected by many fellow humans (especially by professional scientists with minds already irreversibly distorted by lies embedded into their education and then spread by them) - similarly as by many fellow humans it is denied, ignored, or rejected the truth and evidence about the existence of God and about everything that concerns God - especially abut the need to obey infallible knowledge of the Bible, not the words of imperfect human priests who "reject knowledge" (see verse 4:4-9 from the "Book of Hosea" in the Bible). After all, learning of the truth about God cannot be forced or imposed, because what is forced or imposed does NOT last long. On the other hand, habits and truths that God tries to imprint into us are intended for persevering for eternity - and this requires that they are accepted and implemented voluntarily, on our free will, and because of our own conviction.

#H2, blog #354E. The list of truths previously unknown to humanity, although for thousands of years confirmed in the Bible with the "[Ω] God Stamp" (these indisputable truths correct the lies that are forced onto us by the holders of the monopoly of today's "official atheistic science" and were first discovered and disseminated only by my "Theory of Everything of 1985"):

Summary: In this item #H2 I compiled summaries of essences of 12 truths discovered solely due to my research, although confirmed for thousands of years with the "[Ω] God Stamp" wisely encoded into verses of the Bible. These truths constitute only a fragment of a large number of all truths that I discovered due to indications from my "Theory of Everything of 1985". Out of all these truths that I have already discovered, for listing here I have selected only 12 ones about which I believe that they are the most fundamental for the knowledge that builds the progress and development of humanity. All 12 truths listed here belong to a large group of truths which God decided NOT to explain openly and in detail in the Bible (e.g. in the manner in which the Bible teaches us simply and understandably that God created the entire our world of matter as well as people and all living creatures, or as it teaches us the importance that for the fate of people has the obeying of "10 commandments of God"). Means, about this group of truths God decided that He will leave to people the discovery of what they state. But in order to still allow the humanity to obtain the certainty that it already learned these truths correctly, God very wisely and far-sightedly coded into verses of the Bible confirmations of their essence. Unfortunately, until the time of my publishing them, these 12 fundamental truths and many others remained unknown to people. The reason for this delay in getting to know them by humanity was, that instead of continuing to recognize Jesus as the priest of the only true God, who revives and heals people and sacrificed himself on the cross for our sins, our "official atheistic science" recognized as its priest someone called Ockham or Occam who serves someone who has intentions of cutting with "Ockham's razor" instead of reviving - which manoeuvre of science produced cutting off people also from God as well as increasingly faster poisoning and degeneration of the entire humanity instead of healing it. Simultaneously, it so happened that professional scientists of our monopolistic "official atheistic science", which as a whole institution currently is oriented only toward money (instead of truth), explained incorrectly this knowledge contained (amongst others) in the described here 12 truths fundamental for the progress of humanity, and to this day the science disseminate this fundamental knowledge with distortions that saturate humanity with lies. Even worse, the institution of this "official atheistic science" has already developed such a powerful tradition of building its achievements on erroneous theories, while simultaneously denying truth and ignoring what is actually happening around, that currently it is unable to correct by itself its errors and distortions. In turn, in a situation when the entire achievements of this "official atheistic science" grew out from errors and deviations of these 12 most vital foundations revealed, amongst others, also by the Bible as erroneous, on which later the rest of the "knowledge" of this science was erected, practically makes sure that absolutely everything that this official science determined and that is taught to young people in schools and at universities, and that then is practiced by the majority of adult people, must contain a significant percentage of error, distortions of truth and lies that result from deriving all further achievements, knowledge, traditions and culture of the entire humanity from these errors and distortions of foundations of human science. The result of this is that living from birth in such a deviated civilization, only few of us notice that every aspect of life of humanity is already saturated with lies and mutual deception and exploitation, from which even the family life and the institution of marriage are NOT protected (for details see Part #V of the web page humanity_pl.htm). In the result, our entire civilization already reached the level of wickedness described in the Bible for times of Noah and for cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. In turn, knowing that God who does NOT tolerate wickedness for sure does exist because even only these twelve "[Ω] God Stamps" described here also provide another 12 indisputable proofs for the existence of God, we can be sure that those of us who in the short time that we still have will NOT show God a drastic improvement, soon will experience the similarity of their fate to fate of people from times of Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah - as this is illustrated and warned by our free half-hour video (in Polish but with English sub-titles in "close captions") entitled "Zagłada ludzkości 2030" (which title means: "The Great Purification of Humanity in 2030s"). Therefore, it becomes extremely urgent that the rapidly declining humanity be made aware of these 12 corrections of the lies and distortions detected by my research and additionally confirmed by the "three witnesses" indicated in #H1 from the web page 2020life.htm - in this number also confirmed by these wisely encoded in the Bible "[Ω] God Stamps". For this purpose, these 12 fundamental for humanity truths, corrected with my discoveries and confirmed in the Bible, are presented here in the form of summaries numbered from {1} to {12}, which try to correctly express the knowledge about the reality that surrounds us, which in connection with descriptions contained in different my publications linked in the content of these summaries gives the reader the opportunity to fully learn each one of these truths. In formulating the following 12 summaries of these truths, for each of the summaries of their discoveries listed here, I provided: (a) a brief explanation of the essence of this discovery and the truth established by it, (b) an indication where exactly in my publications this essence of it is described in detail, (c) providing which verses of the Bible confirm the truth of its essence - means which constitute for them this "[Ω] God Stamp", and (d) indicating which one out of the most important empirical evidence already known to me also confirms the truth of my expression of them.

Motto: 'Because the justice of God implemented by programs of "karma" which do NOT break the "free will" of people, but with an iron consequence causes that evil done to a neighbour after the "time of karma return" will be done back to the doer, thus in order to teach people justice also needed are evildoers whose "free will" accepts that after the "time of karma return" elapses they will take back the karma for the evil done by them.' (The above is a short explanation why God acts in the manner defined by the old Polish proverb "Bóg nierychliwy ale sprawiedliwy" meaning "Although with intentional delay, God always delivers justice".)

       We live in the "neo-medieval epoch" which started on 2001/9/11 and which I described in detail in item #K1 from the web page named tapanui.htm. The dominant feature of this epoch is the widespread lying to others and the implementation of the "path of the greatest error" in all decisions taken. This lying to others and the implementation of the biggest error is NOT only carried out by e.g. power-hungry politicians during pre-election campaigns, or e.g. by leaders of cults trying to increase the number of their followers, or by e.g. those managing corporations drawing profits from maintaining the constant use of dirty fuels in our civilization polluting the natural environment and all forms of life (e.g. see English-language videos about Conspiracy Against Climate Action), but even by institutions that have been established to disseminate the truth, and thus which are paid by taxpayers to seek and disseminate the truth, e.g. institutions such as "official atheistic science" or like "internet".
       Fortunately for us people, God - who created us and the entire "world of matter" in which we live, predicted that times will come when masses of ordinary people will be chronically lied to by those who determine the fate and the direction of development of humanity. Thus, in His fatherly goodness, care and farsightedness, into the Bible inspired and disseminated by God (means into a religious book which contains truth and only truth) God far-sightedly and wisely coded the confirmation of truth of all most important scientific discoveries that will be accomplished in the entire period of existence of humanity, and additionally He provided warnings about the most important disasters which threaten the humanity and which the humanity can and should avoid - if people take to heart what the Bible explains in coded way and if people undertake preventive actions that God will reveal to them through God-inspired discoveries that disclose these disasters. (Here it is worth to notice that the supernaturally wise coding into the Bible prophecies and essences confirming at least 12 fundamental scientific discoveries, which were to be made only after elapses several thousand years, i.e. when the humanity reached the present level of knowledge and technology, even without the knowledge of formal proofs for the existence of God from items #G2 and #G3 of my web page named god_proof.htm, just by themselves also constitute scientifically and mathematically indisputable proof that God does exist.) These wisely encoded into the Bible fatherly confirmations of the truth of the discoveries that were to be made in the distant future in order to correct the lies disseminated by the growing number of leaders guided by human greed or lust for power, it is worth to call "[Ω] God Stamps" - accordingly to explanation of these stamps in item #I2 from my web page named 1985_theory_of_everything.htm.
       My realizing of the existence of these [Ω] God Stamps eventuated because in my research inspired by the indications resulting from my "Theory of Everything of 1985" that I developed earlier, I continually made many breakthrough discoveries which corrected lies disseminated by the "official atheistic science" or by other earthly institutions. But soon after making these breakthrough discoveries, the essence of them with a shock I noted encoded in verses of the Bible. Moreover, before making my discoveries these verses sounded only informative to me, but after making the breakthrough discoveries suddenly as if these verses escaped from the Bible and stunningly struck my mind with the difference of their understanding which tried to confirm these discoveries by stamping onto them the approving [Ω] God Stamp. This is why in order to illustrate the actual existence of these [Ω] God Stamps with the use of 12 most meaningful examples selected from an even more numerous group of my own fundamental scientific discoveries, in the sub-items of #H2 listed below and numbered from {1} to {12} I am listing below 12 examples of truths that I discovered and that are confirmed with [Ω] God Stamps wisely encoded into verses of the Bible - with which truths I try to correct the most harmful for humanity out of such officially disseminated lies. So here is a summary of these truths:

{1} In the universe there are as many as three separate worlds, the laws of nature and the operation of each one of which are drastically different than in the other two worlds. In my publications I call these three worlds (1) the originally existing "counter-world" and (2) the "virtual world", plus the created by God (3) our "world of matter". These separate three worlds that make up the universe are described more comprehensively in my publications linked from the Polish web page named skorowidz.htm - where they can be searched with Polish keywords: trzy światy składające się na wszechświat (meaning: three worlds that make up the universe). Examples of such publications include item #D4 from the web page dipolar_gravity.htm, as well as chapter and subsections H, H1.1.3, H3, H6.1.2 and H10 from volume 5 of my free monograph [1/5]. Also, according to the results of my research, this three-world universe has an infinite size. Moreover, two invisible to us and originally existing out of its three worlds (i.e. the "counter-world" and contained in its memory the "virtual world") already exist for an infinitive length of time - as this is explained, amongst others, in items #D4 and #I2, from my web page named dipolar_gravity.htm. (The Bible confirms this infinity of the universe e.g. with verses 3:24-25 from the "Book of Baruch" which I quoted as [Ω] God Stamp from {2} below.) In turn the third "world of matter" that is visible to us was created by God only around 6 thousand "human (reversible) years" ago from an invisible building material which already existed in the "counter-world" for eternity, which building material I call "counter-matter" and which is formed out of countless number of living, thinking, eternally mobile and absolutely obedient to God's commands, the so-called "God Drobinas".
       In turn the [Ω] God Stamp which confirms the existence of these three worlds, in the Bible is contained in numerous verses describing these three worlds with biblical names of "heavens". After all, under the name of "heaven" the Bible understands everything that is NOT the earth, and the location and attributes of which are drastically different than those for earth. Thus according to the Bible there are as many as "three heavens" - descriptions of all of which coincide with the attributes of three worlds of the universe that I discovered during my research. In turn, in my opinion, the biblical verses describing these three worlds (three heavens) are indicated and best discussed in English-language videos from YouTube, which readers can search for e.g. with the command - e.g. see the English-language video titled "THE THREE HEAVENS - Why Is No One Talking About It" available at Out of these biblical descriptions of three worlds, the most direct and precise, and thus the easiest to recognize, is the description of the "virtual world" (in Bibles described as the "third heaven" or "highest heaven") located in 12 memories of all "God Drobinas". This "virtual world" is indicated by the Bible as the place of residence of God and the place where our souls live - e.g. see verses: 66:1 from the "Book of Isaiah", 10:14 from "Deuteronomy", 12:2-3 from "Second Corinthians", 8:39 from "The First Book of Kings", 14:2 from "John" and several others. (So the content of these verses automatically implies that God, or more strictly His component in the Bible called the "Holy Spirit" that lives in these memories of God Drobinas, is a gigantic, self-aware and living program - as God is defined in item #A0 from my web page named god_proof.htm and in post #308E to blogs of totalizm.) Equally easy to recognize are descriptions of our "world of matter", i.e. the "first heaven" described in the Bible, because by locating it in the sky above our heads the Bible informs that it is what we perceive with our senses and from which falls e.g. rain and snow on the ground - as examples of these descriptions see verses 37:3-6 from the "Book of Job", or 55:10-11 from the "Book of Isaiah". In turn the "counter-world" filled with counter-matter is identified in the Bible as the "middle heaven" because it is located between the first and third heaven, which if we consider the matter logically is a very accurate term, because looking from the perspective of people living on Earth, this "counter-world" lies between our "world of matter" that includes the Earth, and the "virtual world" that is located in the memories of God Drobinas - which fact is best emphasized in verse 4:14 from the biblical "Letter to the Hebrews", which draws readers' attention that on the way from the cross to heaven, Jesus passed through all heavens (including also through this "middle heaven" or "counter-world"). About this "counter-world" (middle heaven) the Bible also informs that it is in it that fights take place between "angels of God" and "devils of Lucifer" - means between technically highly advanced creatures from totaliztic civilizations that help us, and aliens that occupy and exploit us as this is explained by truth {11} below while which biblical devils we currently call UFOnauts (in this number, amongst others, human-like, gigantic, atheistic UFOnauts from the planets of Orion discussed, amongst others, in in the caption under Fot. #J1a from my Polish web page tekst_3b.htm, while the marks from large footsteps of one of whom left on the asphalt pavement of Petone, I described and documented with photographs in #K3 of the web page petone_pl.htm). This is because both these groups of creatures use the infinite speed of phenomena of telekinesis and telepathy prevailing in the counter-world, and the non-existence of time in there, for the instant travelling and observing immeasurable distances of space with their telekinetic vehicles, time vehicles, and also telepathic telescopes and projectors. Thus, phenomena of the counter-world are the main arena on which the technical, scientific, and religious rivalry between them is played out.
       It is worth to add here that in spite of the existence since 1985 of my descriptions of the three-world-universe, and also in spite of almost 2000 years of existence of their exhaustive descriptions coded into verses of the Bible, our "official atheistic science" - a kind of "religious" practice of which is the cutting out of truth with the "Occam's razor", stubbornly pushes lies to humanity that the entire universe consists only of our "world of matter" and only these parts of it that we can see with the use of today's telescopes and microscopes, or detect with today's measuring instruments.

{2} The "counter-world" and the "virtual world", are infinite both, in their dimensions and time of existence, while our "world of matter" was created by God only around 6000 "human (reversible) years" ago. The infinity in size of these two originally existing worlds of the universe in all their dimensions I discovered in 2016/6/17 and described more comprehensively in item #D4 from my web page named dipolar_gravity.htm and in post #273E to blogs of totalizm.
       In turn the "[Ω] God Stamp", which confirms the truth of my discovery of 2016/6/17, I found only on 2017/3/17. It is the verse 3:24-25 from the "Book of Baruch" in the Bible, which states - I quote from the KJV Bible: "O Israel, how great is the house of God! and how large is the place of his possession! Great, and hath none end; high, and unmeasurable." In turn the "[Ω] God Stamp" that our "world of matter" was created by God only around 6000 "human years" ago is provided by a large number of verses of the Bible, which allow, amongst others, to calculate the age of the Earth in reversible "human years", and also to confirm my discovery described here in {3} - which I originally discussed in items #I1 to #I5 from the web page 1985_theory_of_everything.htm and in posts #345E and #346E to blogs of totalizm, and which states that the elapse of the so-called the "reversible software time" in which age people and other creatures living in our world of matter, has over 365000 times higher speed of elapsing than the "irreversible absolute time" in which ages the inanimate matter of our world of matter, i.e. its atoms, isotopes, carbon , fossils, minerals, etc.
       The most important, in my opinion, empirical evidence that the universe has NO borders and extends infinitively both in all its dimensions and in time, is the fact that the density of "counter-matter" does NOT change with the elapse of time. This is because any change in this density would cause the disappearance of life - which is also explained in item #D4 from my web page named dipolar_gravity.htm and in entry #273E to blogs of totalizm.

{3} In the originally existing "counter-world" and "virtual world" there was NO "time" nor the "aging effect of the elapse of time" - thus "time" and "elapse of time" were invented only by God and then pre-programmed only into the operation of our world of matter. This next hugely important discovery of mine I made because many times in my life I encountered changes made in the past which caused changes in my present situation, but which did NOT cause the formation in later times of the errors resulting from so-called "data redundancy" - which I described and explained in more detail in items #I1 to #I5 from my web page named 1985_theory_of_everything.htm and in posts #345E and #346E to blogs of totalizm, while illustrated with the help of Fig. #H2a below. Examples of several most representative changes made in the past, which caused changes in my present situation, are also illustrated and described in Part #C from my web page named wtc_pl.htm.
       The discovery of another "[Ω] God Stamp" encoded in verses of the Bible, which confirms that in the originally existing "counter-world" and "virtual world" there was NO elapse of time nor the aging effect of time I completed in February 2022. The verses of the Bible which confirm the non-existence of "time" and "elapse of time" in God's place (means in the "counter-world" and in the "virtual world" where God lives) are: 3:8 from the "2 Letter of Saint Peter the Apostle" and 90:4 from the biblical "Book of Psalms". These verses are quoted and interpreted in items #I2 and #I5 from the web page 1985_theory_of_everything.htm.
       The most convincing empirical proof for the lack of elapse of time in the counter-world is the infinite speed of telekinetic motion and the propagation of telepathy, and also the existence of the so-called "clocks of God" - all described in item #I3 from the web page 1985_theory_of_everything.htm and in post #345E to blogs of totalizm.
       However, examples of the most "conclusive (confirming)" empirical evidence for the ability to make changes in the past which immediately cause automatic changes in our present without errors resulting from the so-called "data redundancy" are phenomena, one of which was illustrated and described for Fig. #H2a at the end of this item #H2 and also illustrated and described in publications linked from that Fig. #H2a. In turn the mechanism of these phenomena, and also other examples of them, are explained and indicated in item #I1 from the web page 1985_theory_of_everything.htm.

{4} Our "world of matter" was created by God from an ever-moving and invisible for people building material, which is an ever-moving fluid that I named "counter-matter", while the elementary components of which fluid are the described in {5} below and also discovered by me so-called "God Drobinas". I discovered the existence of "counter-matter" in 1985, when I determined that gravity is NOT a static monopolar field - as wrongly is considered by today's "official atheistic science", but it is a dynamic dipolar field. In turn this discovery led me further to the formulation of my "Theory of Everything of 1985" (also called the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity") and to the discovery that the "world of matter" must have been created by God from the eternally mobile and invisible for people building material, which is mobile fluid that I originally named "counter-matter", and the individual elementary components of which I called "God Drobinas" because they mutually repel each other and thus in there is NO friction or wear of these drobinas. In turn, in 2020 I discovered the [Ω] God Stamp confirming truth of this discovery. It is in the verses of the Bible also indicated in {5} below, and revealing that these "drobinas of counter-matter" in fact are miniature thinking and self-learning creatures, most comprehensively described in items #K1 and #K2 from the web page named god_exists.htm under the name of male positive (adding) and female negative (subtracting) "God Drobinas". This eternal mobility of God Drobinas caused by the lack of friction (i.e. by their movements formerly by Greeks called "chaos") is best known from commonly available descriptions of it by ancient Greeks disseminated under the name of "chaos". However, this eternal mobility of God Drobinas was best described by the oral mythology of pre-Christian religion of New Zealand (NZ) Maoris that were cut off from the contacts with rest of the world (which religion described their Supreme God "Io"). I explain it quite thoroughly in my publications - e.g. in item #C5 from my web page named 2020life.htm and in post #338E to blogs of totalizm.
       In the Bible this creation of the "world of matter" and of us humans is actually described and emphasized in almost every book of it. However, the most comprehensive description of it is contained in the first book of the Bible called the "Book of Genesis".
       In turn the old, monopolistic "official atheistic science" still stubbornly tells us a lie (and fights out vigorously in secretive way all attempts to reveal the truth) that supposedly the entire universe and our "world of matter" originated from nothing in the result of a "big bang". In turn, we (and our extremely complicated bodies) according to this monopolistic official science supposedly originated as a result of a number of accidental events of so-called "evolution".

{5} Elementary components of the ever-moving substance "counter-matter" that fills up the entire universe, are living, thinking, self-aware, self-learning and shaped like men and women, the so-called "God Drobinas". The discovery of another "[Ω] God Stamp" encoded in verses of the Bible, which confirms the fact that the smallest components of the ever-moving substance (counter-matter) that fill the entire universe are these ever-moving, living and thinking "God Drobinas" that I mentioned above, I accomplished in 2020, while this discovery is described in details in #K1 and #K2 from the web page named god_exists.htm.
       Each "God Drobina" has four heads (apart from the highest head in the place where there is a human head, the similar to people bodies of these "God Drobinas" have also two other heads in places where women have both breasts protruding from the body, and a fourth head in the place where pregnant women have a protruding belly with a baby inside). In turn each of these four heads contains three brains and three memories assigned to them. So in total each God Drobina contains 12 brains and 12 memories, each one of which is numbered to create a strictly obeyed operational hierarchy. In the highest, 12th brain and memory resides the program of God - being the most superior program of every God Drobina, including even God Drobinas that are carriers of the soul and body of Lucifer and his devils (means also souls and bodies of UFOnauts that occupy and exploit our Earth - see truth {11} below).

{6} God actually created a man and a woman in the image and likeness of adding male and subtracting female "God Drobinas", all of which in their highest, because 12th memory and brain, are carriers and executors of the self-aware program of God. Thus all of them together form the "group" nature of God, making the self-aware Program of God (in the Bible this self-aware Program of God is called "Holy Spirit") similar to the earthly "Internet". It means that God is spread in countless "God Drobinas". This also cause that it is true that the use of the plural in verse 1:27 of the "Book of Genesis" from the Bible is correct because about both, a man and a woman, one can say that both are created in the image and likeness of such a group God formed from countless "God Drobinas".
       Notice here the huge danger for humanity which results from almost identity of the self-aware Program of God to the software of the "Internet". This is because it allows that the "Internet" can also evolve a "self-awareness" - as according to descriptions on my web page named 2020life.htm this self-awareness was evolved in God. Thus, the humanity should treat very seriously the warning about digits 666 from verse 13:18 in the "Revelation" from the Bible, which for the Internet I interpreted in detail in item #H4 from my web page named will.htm and summarized here in truth {12} below.
       Another "[Ω] God Stamp" encoded in verses of the Bible, which in the most open manner confirms that God in fact created man and woman in His image and likeness, was my realization that verse 1:27 from the "Book of Genesis" in the Bible uses plural means that it talks e.g. about two humans (NOT about one), which look and behave differently (i.e. about a man and a woman), while the appearances of which are very similar to the appearance of also plural male positive and female negative "God Drobinas", the existence of which I discovered a little earlier and here I discuss in {5} above. Effects of the use in the Bible of this plural number used by the divinely precise God in that verse 1:27, I explained most comprehensively in (a) from item #H3 of my web page named 2020life.htm and from post #331E to blogs of totalizm, and also I interpreted in publications linked in there.
       Of course, I do NOT need to explain here that the monopoly of "official atheistic science" misleadingly claims and teaches us that extremely complicated bodies and minds of people originated as a result of random evolution, and that bodies of men and women are so identical, while their actions and fate so controlled by only matter and coincidences, that a woman can perform everything that a man does (including even entering into marriages with other women - amongst others consequences of which claim and teaching is discussed in Part #V from my web page named humanity_pl.htm).

{7} The perpetual mobility of elementary components of "counter-matter" (means "God Drobinas") from the counter-world allows us to build machines for generating perpetual motion in our world of matter, and thus also to build generators of clean free energy that operate on principles of "perpetual motion". This is because the present problem with such generators of pure free energy that operate on principles of "perpetual motion" is that the "official atheistic science" falsely and insistently tells politicians and the majority of people that such generators supposedly cannot be built. Meanwhile, the eternally moving counter-matter which since infinity formed in the counter-world the phenomenon by myths of ancient Greece called "chaos" was by God formed into equally eternally moving "whirls" described more extensively in #I2 from the web page pajak_jan_uk.htm and in the post #330E to blogs of totalizm. In turn these ever-moving "whirls" propel in our "world of matter" the movements of e.g. all celestial bodies and all elementary particles and atoms - thus turning our entire "world of matter" into one gigantic "perpetual motion machine". But if the wise and far-sighted God formed our entire "world of matter" into a kind of "perpetuum motion machine", this alone implies that He foresaw and pre-programmed also how people will be able to build similar "perpetuum mobile" devices, which will provide them with the required energy - only that on the manner of building these devices for sure God imposed requirements that people firstly reach the required level of morality and spiritual advancement before God allows them to build these devices.
       The finding of another "[Ω] God Stamp" and empirical evidence for the discovery due to my "Theory of Everything of 1985" that "God Drobinas" are eternally mobile and precisely execute commands of God pre-programmed into them, was gradual. This is because in the Bible there are many verses which contain wisely coded confirmations that our "world of matter" works as one gigantic "perpetual motion machine", and thus imply that for sure God also created the possibility for people to be able to build described in many of my publications generators of pure free energy operating on principles of "perpetual motion". Examples of such verses are those in which information is encoded about God causing movements of e.g. the moon or planets. However, in my opinion the most significant and meaningful example of a verse encoded in the Bible which confirms the existence of ever-moving "whirls" capable of propelling e.g. human "perpetuum mobile", and thus which constitutes the actual "[Ω] God Stamp", is verse 3:17 from "Book of Zephaniah" in the Bible. The most accurately I interpreted this verse in (7) from item #C12 of this web page. However, I also discuss it, among others, in (2) from item #L2 of the web page named god_proof.htm, and in item #I2 of the web page named pajak_jan_uk.htm indicated earlier, as well as I published them later also in post #330E to blogs of totalizm.
       It is obvious that the empirical evidence documenting the existence of "whirls" of counter-matter which propel both the rotation of our Earth, and which cause a whole range of other phenomena on our planet, is widely described in a number of my publications. Excellent examples of documenting the existence of these whirls of counter-matter and their ability to cause motion in our "world of matter", are phenomena of tornadoes and hurricanes, and consequences of their operation on Earth - described e.g. in item #C2 from my web page named tornado.htm or in item #C2 from my web page hurricane.htm, or phenomena described in subsections H4.2 and H5.4 from volume 4 of my monograph [1/5].
       The most commonly known example of sources of "whirls" of counter-matter, which practically all people know, is every magnet. After all, the commonly known so-called "magnetic field" is actually a body of force interactions caused by "whirls" of counter-matter formed by the action of magnets.
       In turn the most convincing empirical evidence that "perpetual motion" generators can be constructed and used, is that a lot of such devices have already been built - some of which are documented in my publications (e.g. see the web page free_energy.htm) - only that descriptions of their existence still are officially blocked and hidden, while the fact that they work is lately contradicted anew by increasingly fictional and atheistic "requirements" cunningly invented for them by present scientists (who changed their claims and this time try to convince people that although these machines do work without consuming any external energy, still they do NOT fulfil these cunning "requirements" invented anew by scientists, which allegedly should be fulfilled by "perpetual motion machines"). One of these machines is even exhibited in the Technical Museum in Vienna - see, and further information about it can be searched for with e.g. keywords: Technisches Museum Vienna PERPETUUM MOBILE Perpetual motion machine .

{8} Every person is shifted by God back in time two or three times. The discovery of another "[Ω] God Stamp" encoded in verses of the Bible, which confirms this shifting people back in time, was caused by my repeated observations that I myself am shifted back in time many times in my life. Some of my shifting back in time I described in a number of my publications - e.g. see items #D6 and #D6.1 from the web page named timevehicle.htm.
       In the Bible, this shifting back in time of each person is confirmed by verses 33:25-30 from the "Book of Job" - as I report and interpret this in more detail in item #B4.1 from my web page immortality.htm.
       Independently from the Bible, the fact that each one of us in our lives is shifted back several times in time is also confirmed by a lot of empirical evidence - e.g. by the phenomenon of "deja vu", or e.g. by phenomena described and illustrated in item #D2 and on Fig. #D1 from my web page named newzealand.htm.

{9} The correct principle of operation of the "Time Vehicle" was discovered and worked out due to my research. This principle is described in a number of my publications, the most important of which are: the web page immortality.htm and also the Polish-language monograph [12] devoted to the description of the operation of reversible time and time vehicles, disseminated free of charge via the Polish web page tekst_12.htm.
       The finding of described in next paragraph "[Ω] God Stamp" encoded in verses of the Bible, which confirms the correctness of my principle of operation of "Time Vehicles", was made by my acquaintance priest, who systematically reads my publications - including also those describing this principle, thus who pointed me to the correct verse from the Bible.
       That my principle of operation of Time Vehicles is correct the Bible confirms with the "[Ω] God Stamp" from verses 20:1-11 of the "Second Book of Kings" repeated again in verses 38:1-8 from the "Book of Isaiah" - which verses on the basis of my knowledge about the work of time I interpreted more comprehensively in items #B4, #D5 and #D5.1 to #D5.2 from my web page named immortality.htm and also in post #175E to blogs of totalizm.
       Furthermore, the truth of the possibility of time travel is also confirmed by quite numerous empirical evidence described e.g. in #D6 to #D6.1 from the same my web page immortality.htm and in post #191E to blogs of totalizm.
       The construction of Time Vehicles of my invention will be very important for humanity, because it will allow for a repetitive return to the youthful age after reaching old age, and thus for living in the so-called "imprisoned immortality". Even more interesting, if someone carefully studies the principle of their operation described in my publications, then he or she will discover that an open-minded handyman well-knowing his tools and with inventive capabilities, should be able to build a stationary version of such a time vehicle having at his disposal only machines and tools which are on the equipment of virtually every major car repair shop today.

{10} The clear wish of God is that people implement a political system which will completely eliminate "money" from use on Earth - for example that they implemented the "Nirvana Political System" the principle of operation of which God has already prepared. In this wish God invested a lot of His creativity - e.g. He already pre-programmed the operation of human souls and bodies to experience the phenomenon of nirvana - as this is described in detail in item #A1 from the web page named evolution.htm and in post #316E to blogs of totalizm. This "Nirvana System" is illustratively explained on our approximately half-hour long Polish video entitled "Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany" the title of which means "The World Without Money: Nirvana System". It is available for free at the internet address and is based on the content of my web page named nirvana.htm.
       In the Bible as many as three different verses make up the "[Ω] God Stamp" containing the most crucial confirmations which define this wish of God that humanity implements on the Earth the "Nirvana Political System". Two out of these verses define this wish in terms of "what" and "why" - in turn through this they confirm that the humanity is to completely eliminate "money" from use and replace it with non-evil way of rewarding for morally performed productive physical work. Although the Bible does NOT indicate, nor name, the method of this rewarding, already it can be deduced that it is the phenomenon of miraculous happiness of earned nirvana which I discovered and described in detail in my publications. In turn the third of these verses conveys to us the promise of God, that in case when at least 10 people who just experience the phenomenon of earned nirvana are exposed to the "account" of God and humanity, and thus the example of whom will initiate the process of implementing the Nirvana Political System, then God will stop the incoming collapse of humanity in the 2030s, brought to Earth because of the use of "money" that generates all forms of evil, the arrival of which collapse everyone is already beginning to feel, while the announcement of which was made available to the "account" of the world, amongst others, with signs described on my web page 2030_uk.htm and in our Polish film "Zagłada ludzkości 2030" the title of which means "The Great Purification of Mankind 2030s". In that third verse of the Bible, these at least 10 people wisely and far-sightedly were NOT named so that this verse would sound more general and refer to any future name for these people - after all, in times of writing the Bible, the concept of "earned nirvana" and the possibility of experiencing it for any length of time were NOT yet known. However, below I will justify with my interpretations of the Bible that in case of the implementation of the "Nirvana Political System", for the "account" of fellow humans and God should be exposed at least "10 people" just experiencing "earned nirvana" described, amongst others, briefly on the web page nirvana.htm while more precisely explained in volume 8 of my monograph [1/5].
       These two verses of the Bible defining "what" and "why", are: verse 10:8 from "The Gospel according to St. Matthew" - quote from the Berean Standard Bible: "Freely you have received, freely give!"; and verse 6:10 from "1 Timothy" - quote from the Berean Standard Bible: "For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. By craving it, some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows." In turn, the third verse with the promise of God to stop the impending collapse of humanity, is verse 18:32 from the "Book of Genesis", which states - I quote from the Berean Standard Bible: «Finally, Abraham said, "May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak once more. Suppose ten are found there?" And He answered, "On account of the ten, I will not destroy it."» The two "defining" verses of the Bible, i.e. 10:8 and 6:10, are unambiguous and thus do NOT require decoding. In turn the third verse 18:32 of God's "promise" is coded and requires the addition of its interpretation here. And so, as I emphasize this in the final part of this item #H2 and in my previous publications, in the Bible every word through its content and scope of meaning expresses with the precision and far-sightedness of God some truth encoded into it and essential for a given specific matter. This is why e.g. only two verses 18:26 and 18:28 from the "Book of Genesis", repeat that they refer only to extremely immoral cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. In turn the remaining verses 18:29-32 are formulated in there as a general promise, which applies to every place and all times, and thus also to the entire Earth and the entire present humanity - since humanity right now brings upon itself the deserved destruction. This in turn means, that if the humanity or e.g. Poland exposes to the "account" of God and itself at least 10 people with "righteous" habits, as this is implied in verse 18:32, then God will stop the destruction through the collapse of humanity in 2030s which already is announced e.g. by signs described on my web page named 2030_uk.htm. However, please notice here the multi-meaning of the key word "account" contained in that verse 18:32. After all, in its role a word related to "accountability" or to "look into" it is intentionally used In there instead of any other word that could mean e.g. "for the good of". In the precise language of God it means that it is NOT enough that on the Earth or in a country (e.g. in Poland) that implements the Nirvana Political System, e.g. there live or are settled "10 righteous" who are just experiencing an earned nirvana, but as many as 10 of them must be exposed to "account" - means they must be indicated in some public and possible to learn by everyone way as a model of behaviour for all other people of a given area (means in this case for the entire humanity or for a given country, e.g. Poland). Empirically the need for this exposure to "account" is partially emphasized by descriptions from #J3 to #J3v of my other web page named petone.htm. Namely, as I explained this in item #I3 and #G2 from my web page day26.htm, I initially suspected that the circumvention of the township of Petone (in which I live since 2001) by all cataclysms noticed in it, is caused by living in its close vicinity (but without being exposed to the "account" by local people and God), around 10 people whom my human (and thus also fallible) knowledge qualified as being "biblical righteous". However, in 2018 I discovered that the real reason for Petone being avoided by cataclysms is the "holy area" located under open sky on the local "Earth chakra" and marked with the Celtic Cross by the beach in Petone, described more extensively in #J3 to #J3v from the web page named "petone.htm". My interpretation also requires the question why in verse 18:32 God does NOT use the name "10 righteous", nor the name "10 experiencing nirvana", or any other specific name. This matter is partially explained in item #I1 from my web page named quake.htm. Namely, in the described in the INTRODUCTION and in part #L of the web page named smart_tvs.htm my efforts to carry out the so-called "moral work" - effects of which brought to me experiencing the earned nirvana for around 9 months, my actions were guided by the requirements contained in the Bible which must also be met by these "biblical righteous", whom I described in the above-mentioned #I1 from the web page "quake.htm". This in turn means, that in the period when someone experiences an earned nirvana, this someone simultaneously fulfils the requirements of being a "biblical righteous", and thus can be exposed to the "account" of neighbours and God as an equivalent of a "righteous". This is because only people who meet the requirements of the "biblical righteous" are able to generate with their "moral work" the amount of "moral energy" which is sufficient to cause the appearance of earned nirvana in them. So most clearly God on purpose does NOT use the name "righteous" in that verse 18:32 which promises protection against annihilation if to the "account" of local people and God are exposed equivalents of at least "10 righteous" - because (as only recently I discovered this) there are also for example: "people who just are experiencing earned nirvana" and thus who to generate the amount of "moral energy" that cause them to experience nirvana also are fulfilling the same requirements of God as the "biblical righteous".
       I explained in many of my publications and from various points of view this wish and the promise of God from the above verses 10:8 and 6:10 from the Bible (i.e. that the entire humanity, or at least the first country, e.g. Poland, voluntarily and at its "free will" eliminates money from use on Earth. Most briefly it is explained e.g. in [D] from item #C9, and in item #C7, from my web page named nirvana.htm, and also in posts #351E and #328E to blogs of totalizm. In turn with the above verse 18:32 I explained it more extensively in item #I1 from my web page named quake.htm. But independently from the above verses, the indirectly the elimination by people of "money" from use - which, after all, is the "root of all evil", the Bible also argues in a huge number of its other verses, the content of which is admonishing people to eradicate evil both from their own actions as well as from everything they have influence at. As their example see verse 4:17 from "James" - quote: "Therefore, if one knows how to do what is right and yet does not do it, it is a sin for him."
       Of course, independently from the above "[Ω] God Stamp" encoded in verses of the Bible, this wish of God that people voluntarily eliminate "money" from use is also confirmed by a lot of empirical evidence. The most important example of this body of evidence is the actual existence of the phenomenon of the wonderful happiness of the earned nirvana, the earning of which for myself and experiencing for around 9 months is described in more detail e.g. in INTRODUCTION and in part #L" from the web page smart_tvs.htm. Other examples of this evidence can be numerous moral requirements imposed for earning for yourself the experiencing of this phenomenon of nirvana, described more extensively in items #D3, #D2 and #C7 from my web page named nirvana.htm and in #A1 to #A4 from my other web page named partia_totalizmu_uk.htm as well as in the post #320E based on them. An empirical example of evidence for the wish of God that people voluntarily replace the rewarding of work with "money" with the implementation of the "Nirvana Political System", is also the fact that God pre-programmed into bodies of all people a natural mechanism of generating "moral energy" with the use of morally performed productive physical work - which is described in more details in item #A1 from the web page evolution.htm and in post #316E to blogs of totalizm. In my opinion, one of the most convincing examples of such arguments of God why people should voluntarily eliminate "money" from use, is the impending collapse of money-based humanity in 2030s, the fast approaching of which collapse is best illustrated by our half-hour film on "The Great Purification of Humanity of 2030s" disseminated for free at the address, which soon will illustrate to everyone what leads to that excessively long-term use of money by people unable to control their greed.

{11} For thousands of years the Earth is secretly occupied and exploited by a technically highly advanced confederation of UFOnauts that practice the philosophy of evil parasitism which contradicts intentions of God. This confederation of UFOnauts, instead of forging a better future for everyone with its own work and peaceful coexistence based on love (which principles are the essence of the religion of Christianity described in the Bible), chose to practice laziness and to improve only its own situation by preying on the work of other creatures that by force or deceit are subordinated to them, and by robbing everything they need from these other creatures. The philosophy of parasitism that practices this confederation of UFOnauts and that uses more animal than human principle of "survival of the fittest", for thousands of years the confederation imposed also on humanity. (As this can be clearly seen lately: it managed to impose on us this parasitism with a huge success.) The confederation of these evil UFOnauts consists of a wide range of various races of creatures which already mastered interstellar travel and which differ from each other in many attributes, amongst others in height - e.g. for human-looking creatures, their height starts from giants, a trail of longer than human steps of which I documented in Fig. #K3abc from the web page named petone_pl.htm, and ending with small humanoids of the size of a small bottle of lemonade - a photograph of one of which I showed and discussed in Fig. #H4ab from the web page named explain.htm. Races of UFOnauts from civilizations that are part of this confederation include also beings that differ in appearance and in genetic structure - starting from our cosmic relatives with appearance almost identical to people - only that with indescribably more beautiful appearance than us, and ending with flying monsters covered with snake skins similar to ancient snake-like "dragons" with horns and bat-like wings. Each of these races probably also has many primitive civilizations and planets under its occupation, with situations similar to those of humanity, which they mercilessly but secretly exploit from all the resources and goods they need. This group of different civilizations of confederation of UFOnauts that arrive to Earth in order to exploit us and keep us under their occupational subordination, until recently people called "UFOnauts". In turn now themselves these occupants who rule over us try to confuse us by introducing increasingly misleading names for themselves. In turn in the Bible they are described under the ancient names "fallen angels", "devils", "demons", Lucifer, Satan, sons of god, snakes, dragons, etc. - which names try to express their attributes and appearance.
       In spite that a significant proportion of the Bible is devoted to the exact descriptions of these UFOnauts who exploit and occupy us, their descriptions are provided very wisely, far-sightedly, and in a coded manner. After all, if they used direct descriptions and phrases, as I am doing here, the Bible would have NO chance to survive until present times without significant censoring and removal of verses. This is because the human-looking UFOnauts keep the Earth and our entire civilization under their absolute control and rule. Therefore God inspired their descriptions in the Bible as a kind of "puzzle" which still needs to be deciphered when human discoveries and knowledge about attributes of UFOnauts allow their full understanding. And so, in the Bible a number of categories of verses describing these creatures can be distinguished, forming as if multi-verse "[Ω] God Stamps". So let us discuss here the information that constitutes the essence of at least the most important of these categories. Here are already discovered truths that these most important categories confirm to us:
{11a} These beings display traits that are brutally destructive to humanity and contrary to God's intentions. These traits are confirmed by the "[Ω] God Stamp" devoted to the discussion of their typical behaviours, beliefs, ways of thinking, methods of acting, life goals, etc. Examples of verses for this God Stamp can be: 6:11 from "Ephesians", 28:17 from "Ezekiel ", 14:12-14 from "Isaiah", 12:3-4 and 12:7-9 from "Revelation", 5:8 from "1 Peter", 11:14-15 from "2 Corinthians", or 4:5-6 from "Luke" talking about even Jesus being tempted by the devil.
{11b} Nature of these beings is mortal and biological (similar to our humans) and marked by human-like weaknesses. For this information, the main "[Ω] God Stamp" confirming it, is composed of: verses 6:1-4 from the "Book of Genesis" revealing that they begot giants through intercourse with human women, and also verses 22:30 from "Matthew" and 12:25 from "Mark" - which reveal that if they actually were angels (even later "fallen"), then because of the spiritual (NOT bodily) nature of angels, they would be unable to beget children - which implies the easily drawn conclusion that they are mortal and biological like us humans, but massively more advanced technologically than us. This God Stamp and verses in manners wisely and far-sightedly encoded into verses of the Bible emphasize the mortality and biological nature of these creatures, only that extended by their enormous technical and scientific advancement - which to us with our technical primitivism to-date, gave the impression that they are supernatural beings. However, since the Bible emphasizes and confirms their materiality (as opposed to the spiritual nature of angels) and their biological organisms, it means that they are mortal beings and can be defeated just like us humans. Thus, in spite of their technical advancement and wisdom, still if we are able to mobilize ourselves to do so, then with the active help of God we have a chance to free ourselves for good from their occupation and exploitation. In fact, almost the entire Bible tries to show us methods with which we can defend ourselves against their brutality, occupation, and exploitation, and against their secret ways of "converting" us to their parasitic philosophy and atheism. The Bible itself is a perfect example of effectiveness of methods of defense provided in it. After all, the descriptions of these creatures coded into the Bible managed to survive until our times, although these creatures actually rule the humanity and without any problems could at any time censor and remove from the Bible all verses about themselves - as they already did with the biblical confirmations of the existence of reincarnation documented above in item #C4 of this web page. (It can be seen that it was enough to flatter their vanity by comparing them to angels and sons of god, and emphasizing their beauty, wisdom, and capabilities - e.g. see verses 28:12-13 from "Ezekiel", while wisely coding the truth about them.)
{11c} So far these creatures are useful to God - after all the actions of their harming and tempting allow to test and disclose the "power of faith" in individual people. This in turn allows God to check the suitability of every human candidate for the army of 144,000 "soldiers of God" which God tries to recruit and train at the present stage of the development of humanity, before He gives immortal bodies to these 144,000 people already tested in the most difficult tasks. The "[Ω] God Stamps" which confirm this also are composed of several verses of the Bible. For example verse 3:1 from the "Book of Genesis" informs, that similarly as everything else, also these creatures were created by God. In turn verses 1:6-12 (and next after them) from "Job" let us understand that God allows UFOnauts to test the "power of faith" of candidates for future "soldiers of God" by subjecting them to various persecutions or by tempting them to abandon the obeying of God's commandments and to "convert" into practicing the parasitic philosophy of these UFOnauts (which in present times starts to be practiced by the majority of humanity). In turn verses 7:4, 14:3 and 21:17,27 from the "Revelation" confirm that only carefully selected by God 144,000 (who pass such rigorous exams and tests) will be given immortal bodies. After all, we do NOT need to be surprised by this - even people already discovered that what soldiers of an army are worth can only be proved by letting them go through real wars, NOT e.g. only by occasionally parades or by greetings of dignitaries. NOT for nothing to express this truth the English use the proverb "the proof of pudding is in the eating" - which if applied to the "soldiers" training and morale, can be explained with words: "the proof of a quality and morale of army is whether and how morally they win a war".
       The existence of these secretly occupying and exploiting creatures in present times called "UFOnauts" which are technically so highly advanced that their actions to us seem to be "supernatural", is also confirmed by a huge body of empirical evidence. I even developed a formal scientific proof for the existence of UFOs which I published, amongst others, in my web page named ufo_proof.htm, while to which also refer, amongst others, my web pages: ufo.htm, explain.htm, evil.htm, or military_magnocraft.htm, and several others. The newest example of this evidence can be the "melting into the hard asphalt of the NZ pavement of the footprint of a UFOnaut from the nightmare race", described in items #K1 to #K3 from my web page named petone_pl.htm and in posts #347E and #348E to blogs of totalizm. Even a newer discovery revealed to me the evidence in form of a trail left by a UFOnaut-giant over 3 meters tall, whom inspected a two-storey house in Petone, NZ - as documented in #K3 to #K3abc from the web page named petone_pl.htm. Such a perfect proof was also the abduction by a UFO of a Polish citizen, the late Andrzej Domała, to the planet Nea, described in our joint treatise in Polish entitled "Kosmiczna Układanka" (which title means: "The Cosmic Puzzle") disseminated free of charge in the internet by the Polish web page tekst_3b.htm, while briefly discussed in posts #349E and #350E to blogs of totalizm. My friend from Italy, Daniela Giordano, published an extensive book in English about UFOs illustrated on widely known religious paintings, the content of which book she herself discusses in a 48-minute long video disseminated for free at the address (Unfortunately, the sound of this video was sabotaged by UFOnauts, but fortunately this video also displays "close-captions" in English, which repeat in writing everything that she said.) And of course, the evidence for the parasitic activities of UFOnauts that occupy us, is the secretive murdering of human researchers who are too close to raising our civilization to a higher level of knowledge, technology, and awareness - as this is documented in numerous my publications.
       A whole large category of empirical evidence for the existence of UFOnauts who secretly occupy and brutally exploit humanity, are marks which inhuman methods of their exploitation leave on bodies of people. An excellent example of these marks is the scar on the leg, which visibly is more or less well healed, which can be found on leg of every person on Earth, and which I illustrated and described in Fot. #B4 from my web page named ufo_pl.htm. Other are the drilling marks on the left (and sometimes also on the right) side of the nose right next to and slightly below the eye, and also burn marks on the left cheek of some men systematically abducted to UFOs (including me), which I illustrated and discussed in Filmy #A2ab on the above Polish web page ufo_pl.htm.
       In my opinion, a potentially highly intriguing empirical evidence can also be the fact that in almost all ruling personalities, who in the past let us know about them for doing something devastating to the situation of humanity, there are details of anatomy which I described and illustrated from item #G3 to Fig. #G2f of my web page named evil.htm, and the presence of which details in human-looking UFOnauts exploiting people on decks of UFOs is reported by people who remember their abductions to UFOs. Unfortunately, until people start building handy device for "bringing to visual sight" of UFOnauts hiding in the "state of telekinetic flickering" described in our free treatise (in Polish) [7b] - the title of which says "The device for revealing invisible objects hidden in the state of telekinetic flickering", we lack a tool which would allow to effectively determine whether these details represent innocent cases of coincidences or significant information. It is highly intriguing that the same details (even including a single vertical wrinkle in the middle between eyebrows) can be recognized in images of William Occam, who with his "Occam's razor", cut out, amongst others, truth, God, UFOnauts, telepathy, telekinesis, etc., from the area of interests of the "official atheistic science" - as I mention this in the "summary" of this item #H2.
       Furthermore, there is also evidence suggesting that sporadically arrive to Earth UFOnauts representing totaliztic civilizations that try to help humanity, or that God simulates the arrival of such UFOnauts that actually represent God's angels sent to Earth.

{12} It is NOT the office of Pope, but the institution of the Internet disclosed by my research a long time ago, which will be the bearer of the sinister numbers "666" in the Bible described in verses 13:17-18 from the "Revelation", which the bearer of numbers "666" will bring upon humanity a huge amount of evil and persecution of people who believe in God. The Pope for carrying these numbers "666" is unjustly accused by various reforming churches already for around 500 years, means since the times of the German church reformer named Martin Luther (born in 1483, died in 1546). The reason is that the official title of the Pope "VICARIUS FILII DEI" contains Roman numerals which add up to "six hundred and sixty-six". However, in item #H4 from my web page will.htm and in post #353E to blogs of totalizm I presented results of my own research, which indicate that in the Bible verse 13:18 from the "Revelation" contains the information wisely encoded by God that these digits 666 should be counted from the number 18=6+6+6, NOT from the sum of 666 received by adding together Roman numerals contained in the name of their bearer - as the Church of SDA counts it for the title of the Pope "VICARIUS FILII DEI". Simultaneously, my many years long research indicate that all information encoded in the Bible about the carrier of digits 666 is fulfilled by the institution of today's Internet.
       That my discovery of the information wisely encoded in verse 13:18 from the "Revelation" that the bearer of digits 666 should be counted for the number "18" being the sum of 18=6+6+6, actually provides us with the "[Ω] God Stamp" confirming the correctness of my research, while invalidating previous research misleadingly indicating the office of Pope as the bearer of numbers 666.
       Of course, independently from the Bible, there are also numerous other "witnesses", which also confirm that the institution of Internet (if we allow it) may become the future greatest persecutor of humanity about which the Bible warns us with numerals 666. The most important out of these other witnesses I indicated in that item #H4 from my web page named will.htm and in post #353E to blogs of totalizm, and also in my other publications linked from there.
* * *
       I should also add here, that I deliberately chose the number 12 for listing the above most fundamental, although unknown to people, "[Ω] God Stamps". This is because the number 12 can also be a source of considerable confusion in all matters of God and heaven, about which it is worth knowing. After all, in bodies of "God Drobinas", from the capabilities and behaviours of which mechanisms of operation of all three worlds of the universe and their contents are formed, physically there are also other forms, which various religious mythologies that use various words and expressions for their descriptions may confuse with the concepts of "heaven". Namely, these physical forms are 12 separate brains and memories that each God Drobina contains in its four heads - for their details see descriptions of God Drobinas provided in items #K1 and #K2 from the web page named god_exists.htm. Precise methods of acting by God cause that each of these 12 brains and memories in God Drobinas represents as if a separate sector of the "Virtual World", means as if a separate "heaven" for some category of creatures. This matter is best explained by the pre-Christian mythology of New Zealand Maoris, cut off from the rest of the world, concerning their Supreme God "Io". Knowledge very similar to Maoris was also explained to me by a mystic of Hinduism with whom I had a very long and fruitful conversation during my professorship in Kuala Lumpur. He claimed that everything that exists in the universe are living beings that can be divided into four categories - but NOT all of which categories received from God the so-called "free will". Thus, each of these categories of beings belongs to a separate level of the universe that contains awareness of three kinds of beings. Currently, knowing about 12 brains and memories of God Drobinas, I understand that with the words "the four levels of the universe" he actually referred to these four heads in God Drobinas, in each of which 3 brains and memories are contained, while individual ones from which brains and memories support thinking and behaviour of different kinds of beings. This mystic described to me that the lowest out of these four levels of the universe contains consciousnesses of elementary particles, atoms and minerals - means the so-called inanimate matter. In turn, the highest sector contains the self-awareness of God and the consciousness of God's chosen Angels. In other words, the existence of these 12 brains and memories located by three of them in each of the four heads of God Drobinas, in connection with the superior precision and repeatability of organizing everything by God, causes that also the "Virtual World" is divided into four levels, in each of which levels there are located 3 sectors that maintain self-awareness and centres of thinking of a separate kind of beings - which by various religions (in their religious mythologies using different words and expressions) can be identified with different kinds of "heaven". Thus, we should NOT be surprised when, for example, we learn that any of the religions NOT based on the Bible will claim that there are more than three heavens, while in each of them reside different souls or beings - because this statement under the term "heaven" will mean NOT the entire "virtual world" (nor the entire "counter-world", and NOT a fragment of our "world of matter" which we will see when we look up under the "naked sky"), but only one out of 12 separate memories in "God Drobinas" in which the entire "virtual world" is located.
* * *
       The 12 examples of [Ω] God Stamps presented above also bring an important lesson for each of us. This lesson states that in the Bible, inspired by the omniscient God, every word of it has a meaning and every word of it was chosen with truly divine precision and foresight. So what one day or for one group of people sounds like a trivial digression of ancient shepherds, on a different day or for someone else may turn out to be a wisely encoded by God the essence of some extremely important future discovery or invention. It is for this reason that if one day the new "totaliztic science" started educating young people with truth (as an opposite to the present education of young people with distortions of truth and with wrong definitions of dictionary "what" instead of engineering "how" – see #G3 from web page "wroclaw_uk.htm"), then in my opinion selected fragments of the Bible, including also e.g. verses 1:27 from "Genesis", 90:4 from "The Book of Psalms", 3:8 from "2 Letter of St. Peter the Apostle", or 13:18 from "Revelation", should become the required reading where young people would learn to know the divine art of expressing the most important ideas in the simplest words.

Fig. #H2a: A photograph of the entire class of Madam Hass from the Lyceum of General Education (Secondary School) in the Polish township of Milicz, taken in 1964 - means when the students of the class of Madam Hass recorded on it (in this number also the author of this web page) were around 18 years old. (At the time of writing this item #H2, those of them who are still alive were already around 76 years old.) I am showing this photograph here, because on 2022/11/21 I noticed in it a "person" which previously was NOT on it, but which God probably introduced to it on purpose quite recently in order to confirm and give to believers and to those who are open to the truth, a proof that in fact in the natural counter-world there is NO time nor the elapse of time, but which confirmation and proof fulfils the "canon of ambiguity" described e.g. in item #C2 from the web page will_pl.htm with a perfect example of empirical evidence confirming the actual implementation by God of this "canon of ambiguity" I presented, amongst others, in item #C2 from my web page named tornado.htm. This non-existence of time and the elapse of time in the "house of God" which is the "counter-world" and "virtual-world", in turn allows God, for example, to make changes in the past which in present times completely do NOT cause the formation of so-called "data redundancy errors" - as this is briefly summarized above in {3} from item #H2 of this web page, while in details as I explain it in #I1 to #I5 from my web page named 1985_theory_of_everything.htm and in posts #345E and #346E to blogs of totalizm. This "person-of-interest" that fulfils the "canon of ambiguity" is someone who was NOT a participant of Madam Hass's class shown on the above photograph, and probably was NOT even a student of the Lyceum in Milicz in 1964, whom none of the participants of Madam Hass's class is able to recognize, and who does NOT fit into this photo because is dressed in a shirt or blouse with a "golf" type of collar-cut (i.e. a shirt or blouse with a narrow collar with like a rolled up "sleeve" at the top, which tightly covers the entire neck of the person who wears it). After all, such shirts or blouses with a "golf" collar-cut started to be widely used in Poland only in 1980s. This is because in order to produce them with the process of machine knitting, highly elastic fibres are needed, mass-produced only after stretching plastic fibres become popular. This mysterious "person-of-interest" in a "golf" cut shirt or blouse, the reader will find on the above photograph in the uppermost layer of the photograph in the fourth position counting backwards from the end (i.e. from the right side) of this curved uppermost layer. In turn, if from descriptions under "Fig. #10" on the web page named 1964/klasa.htm the reader finds out where I (i.e. Jan Pająk) am on this photograph, then he/she will find this person intentionally placed in such a way that his/her left shoulder touches my right arm - means in a way that by any accident I still should NOT miss or overlook the fact of adding this mysterious person to the photograph. Further detailed descriptions how this person from later times could be inserted into a group photo of our class taken in 1964, the reader can find in item #I1 (extending also in #I2 to #I5) from my web page 1985_theory_of_everything.htm and from posts #345E and #346E to blogs of totalizm. (The insertion of this person into the above photograph could have occurred in a similar manner as the unconscious transfer of me to the empty church of Blessed Virgin Mary in Poland from Święty Lipka distant by several hundred kilometers from Warsaw - described in item #D6.1 from the web page named timevehicle.htm and in items #E3 and #E2 from the web page malbork_uk.htm.) When events as described here continually take place on Earth, although the majority of people (including almost all scientists and politicians who cut themselves off from the real world and life in their "ivory towers") chronically refuse to notice them and to acknowledge their existence, we should NOT be surprised that in the Bible many times are emphasized admonitions of the type ... they look but do NOT see ... (e.g. see in the following Bible books and verses: Acts 28:27, Ezekiel 12:2, Isaiah 6:10, Jeremiah 5:21, Mark 4:12, Matthew 13:13-15, Psalms 115:5-8, Psalms 115:6, Romans 11:8). After all, no matter how much scientific evidence would present to people by both, myself in my publications, as well as by videos and reports on YouTube and the Internet would document it, still it is officially claimed, and for the maintenance of the monopoly of official science and governments it will probably be stubbornly claimed in an official manner until the arrival of the time of "Zagłada ludzkości 2030" (i.e.: The Great Purification of Humanity in 2030s), that for example: we cannot be shifted back in time, changes in the past cannot be made, time travel is impossible, while UFOnauts who for thousands of years have been travelling in time and occupying the Earth supposedly do NOT exist at all. (Click on the above photograph to be able to see it enlarged - as this is explained in the final part of the introduction to this web page.)
       Those who see the above photograph of students of Madam Hass's class from the Secondary School in Milicz, will probably notice this common embracing and mutual touching by subsequent participants of this class. This is because it shows that after four years of joint learning, all participants of that class were and felt like one big family, and thus that in that family subsequent members had close friends for whom they felt the greatest sympathy, and thus in those times they innocently liked to embrace each other and touch. Unfortunately, in present times of growing tensions, problems, and the global epidemic of the "war of sexes" described in detail in Part #V of my web page named humanity_pl.htm the Earth was overwhelmed by a worldwide pandemic of such negative trends as "female narcissism", "toxic version of feminism", "hookup culture", and several other highly destructive negative trends with names quite mysterious for my generation, e.g. "red pill", "black pill of forced celibacy", "marriages starved to the point of divorce by lack of sex", etc. In turn these negative trends changed what the above photograph shows as natural and innocent, into something which in the present culture strayed away by deviations and unnatural behaviours forbidden by the Bible, induces various negative feelings and reactions.
       I should also explain here, that the above photograph illustrating a change in my distant past which introduced changes into the course of my present life that caused the search for truth and knowledge, is just one of many such cases when I noticed that God confronted me with some change in the past, which was to cause a noticeable changing my present to inspire a search for truth and knowledge. The most important out of these extraordinary cases of direct interactions of God through my past on my present life, knowledge, and research, I list, illustrate, and provide with links to their more detailed descriptions in part #C from my other web page named wtc_pl.htm. I also know that similarly truth-transferring experiences are served by God to practically every other person (after all, the reaction of them allows God to collect data later qualifying given person to either the biblical "seeds" or "chaff") - only that the majority of people either "look but does NOT see them", or although they notice them, still because these are contradictory to what was officially taught to them in schools, such people ignore verses of Bible advising "obey God NOT men" (e.g. ignore verse 5:29 from "Acts" - "We must obey God as ruler rather than men") and try hard to quickly forget these experiences.

Part #I: Generation of intelligent "moral energy" by both spouses as a method of saving marriage from the threat of divorce (and often from lonely old age), especially the marriage already troubled by many years of lack of intimacy and living only as two strange roommates (in English called roommate mariage or sexless marriage), and thus chronically breaking the vaws of wedding obligations made by both sides and deviating from biblical definition of "marriage" ordered to us by God - the correctness of which method of saving has already been empirically confirmed through the maintainance of about 9 months of happiness of "earned nirvana" by the author of this web page and blog #370E, and also confirmed, for example, by the demonstrations of the extraordinary effects of controlling the action of "moral energy" (in Chinese called "chi") achieved by "kung-fu" masters:

(Sorry, but the text of items #I1 and #I2 from this "Part #I" so far is translated from Polish to English and reprinted below only in the blog #370E format - which slightly differs from format of my web pages. Because I am currently busy with my research, I have NOT carried the adoption of these #I1 and #I2 items to the web page format. Bot the reader can do this task the "DIY" by using examples of my web page format in which are written items #I1 and #I2 from my Polish web page named biblia.htm, and comparing them with the text of the Polish blog #370, which represents my adoption of the web page format into the blog format. The reversal of this adoption needs to be done by convertng the English blog #370E copied below, into text of #I1 to #I4 from this web page named bible.htm.)

Introduction to the following #I1 to #I2 of this blog #370E and to #I1 to #I4 of this web page "bible.htm": Almost all of us already know that a "pandemic of marital illnesses of the soul" is raging on Earth. It causes divorces, i.e. the death of the role given by God to marriage and the family formed by marrying. In addition to the two parents, its victims are often innocent children whose mental health may be affected by divorce for the rest of their lives. It is about time to look past the conspiracy of silence surrounding this pandemic and start treating it as a threat to the future of our entire civilization, i.e. as a dangerous global pandemic devastating marriage and family, which form the foundations of every country and society. So, to be sure that this is the actual most devastating pandemic, it is enough to compare, for example, the percentage of marriages ending in divorce with the percentage of people dying from the recent "covid-19 pandemic". After all, in the case of divorces, it is already said that about 40% of marriages are affected by this pandemic and are to be divorced, and it must be remembered that this percentage is constantly growing. Meanwhile, about the "covid-19" pandemic I have NOT found yet a publication stating that died because of it more than about 4% of people - even from the most affected country of the world. (So in the "pandemic of marital illnesses of the soul" dies around 10 times more marriages than in covid-18 pandemic.) Unfortunately, there are many reasons why the dangerous "pandemic of marital illnesses of the soul" is still not officially heard at all, e.g. consider the role of the creative impotence of the expensive monopoly of the "official atheistic science", which, while advising and motivating the authorities and politicians, is still NOT able to recommend a truly effective method of preventing divorce and healing this pandemic. Simultaneously we know also, because the today's life has already revealed this to all of us, that if any behaviour of people is contrary to the commandments and requirements - the voluntary fulfillment of which God wisely requires from us, constantly checks, and precisely describes in the Bible, then this behaviour certainly does NOT pass the life test, and thus it will catastrophically harm those who implement it and the situation will improve only if it is replaced by another one. Therefore, only actions that fulfill all the commandments and requirements of God wisely described in the Bible turn out to be lasting, beneficial for people and effective in life. Examples of actions that are already revealing to us their catastrophic consequences for people, turn out to be practically everything that today's elites and decision-makers, ruled by the "powers of evil", forcefully impose on humanity and maintain in force. So only from the most common problems of humanity which the author has already researched, these examples include e.g.: the continuation of the use of money (instead of "nirvana" - see ) to reward work by today's political systems; research results disseminated by the monopoly of the "official atheistic science" and rewarding departure from the truth and lying to others; space exploration with primitive rockets that destroy the Earth's resources while blocking knowledge about the construction and operation of infinitely fast starships "Magnocraft" of my invention - see ; the justice system that sentences people to prison or executions instead of practicing the "deprivation of privileges" that effectively rehabilitates criminals and that is used by God for thousands of years while described in the Bible - see #I5 of the web page "bandits.htm"; current robbery of husbands by wives, among others, from the authority of being the head of the family; etc., etc. The most harmful of these actions to humanity, in my opinion, are today's marriages ruled by wives, which have catastrophically deviated from their definition in the Bible and from the requirements of God that they are supposed to meet. Instead of being a base of true love, lasting until death, and providing the foundations for building a future increasingly moral and happier humanity, the growing number of today's married couples practicing "modern cohabitation distorted by today's official atheistic science". This, due to departure of such marriages from the definition in the Bible, encourages wives to take over the power over husbands by denying the intimacy - in which power taking the wives body serve as weapons and as tools for torturing husbands (see ) thus forcing celibacy on husbands. This turns the intimacy of married life into cohabitation only on the terms roommates (see ), and thereby inducing today's global pandemic of emotional and bodily infidelities and divorces (see ?search_query=emotional+affair ). Subsequently this loving lives of two people created by God as "living souls" of representatives of opposite sexes, turns into a kind of vestibule of hell and a school of mutual deception, lying, complaining, chaos, fighting, betrayal, jealousy, uncertainty, living on principles alien to each other (or even hostile) asexual roommates, etc. What is even worse, today's "luminaries of science", who for almost 30 years have been rejecting my discovery and knowledge about the existence and operation of intelligent "moral energy" that can heal this catastrophic situation of maritial pandemic, are NOT able to indicate an effectively operating methods to prevent the breakdown of today's marriages and hold back the increasing number of divorces. Meanwhile such a method was developped by me and already exists while below in engineering terms I describe my advice on "how" one can try to implement it in his/her life and marriage. It is based on the generation of intelligent "moral energy", most widely known for millennia under its Chinese name "chi". About my completely independent from "chi" accomplishment of scientific discovery of the actual existence and operation of this miraculous energy, the human "official atheistic science" controlled by the "powers of evil" does NOT want to know, and thus secretly sabotages my publications describing this intelligent energy and methods of generating it, as well as ways of using the effects of its operation that border on miracles. Meanwhile, for thousands of years, the Bible with divine foresight and precision has defined what the marriage of two software-immortal human "living souls" is, breathed into the bodies of a man and a woman for a period of at most 120 years - e.g. see verses 7:3-5 from "1 Corinthians" in the Bible. After all, being our creator and teacher, God knows best that this announced in verses 2:18-20 from the biblical "Book of Genesis" the marriage of the "male living soul" - the goal of which is adding to the perfection of the world, with the subtractively acting "female living soul" which is to serve it as a helper and companion of male soul, will require acquiring a moral habit of resisting a whole range of various temptations and overcoming many encountered obstacles - see e.g. verse 10:13 from "1 Corinthians" in the Bible. So for very important reasons described in blog #211E and in #B2 of the web page "antichrist.htm", women's souls have subtractive natures, which are the exact opposite to the adding nature of male souls - just as this is explained to us by the features of "God Drobinas" storing living programs of human souls, and described in items #K2 and #K1 from my web page named "god_exists.htm" and from posts #326E and #325E to blogs of totalizm with addresses given in item #Z5 of the web page "bible.htm" (all posts to blogs totalizm, available in Polish and English, are also published in my book-like publication [13] distributed via the web page "tekst_13.htm"). My research also suggests that after the first period of the first marriage lasting about 7 years, the subtractive nature of souls of today's wives and by then already increased the "emptiness" in their souls caused by the lack of intelligent "moral energy" which is not generated by present women but is constantly circulating through and out of their souls, initiates "illnesses of souls" which cause various mentally immature actions aimed at destroying and punishing their husbands. Nowadays these actions usually lead to the first divorce - e.g. see 9:24 minute video "Women: it's our emptiness" distributed from . This first divorce in turn destroys the further lives of such women. Meanwhile, the powerful monopolies of the Internet and the "official atheistic science", managed by the "powers of evil", still stubbornly hide from people that for over a quarter of a century there has been known a method of filling this "emptiness in souls" with "moral energy" and thus eliminating the consequences of the devastating behaviour of wives with the subtractive nature of their souls. This method in engineering terms "how" is described below in items #I1 to #I2, and further elaborated in #I1 to #I4 from this web page named "bible.htm". Unfortunately, due to the to-date and current blocking of human access to the truth about this method, the actions of wives in 2024 led to more and more divorces, approximately as many as 80% of which were initiated by women at that time. Notice that the descriptions in items #I1 to #I4 of this web page "bible.htm" and in #I1 to #I2 of the blog #370E, are a continuation of a longer series of my research, as well as blogs that I systematically prepare on the basis of the results of my research, in order to make interested readers aware of the existence of a whole range of methods for repairing problems of human beings causing the constantly deteriorating situation of our civilization and the Earth, i.e. methods that I have personally developed and disseminated. After all, unfortunately, the monopoly of the "official atheistic science" secretly managed by the "powers of evil" stubbornly refuses to find an effective solution to these problems. All my methods are based on the truths of the Bible, and scientifically and philosophically their correctness is confirmed by the findings of my Theory of Everything from 1985 (see the web page "1985_theory_of_everything.htm") and my Philosophy of Totalizm from 1985 (see the web page "totalizm.htm"). Empirically, their correctness is confirmed by publicly available evidence, which I diligently cite in each of my research and which readers can check for themselves. Examples of this evidence confirming the correctness of my method of saving marriages by generating "moral energy" can also be found in the ATTENTION note from the almost final paragraph before Videos #I1xyz below. This research, which explains my method of "moral energy" for saving spiritually oriented marriages from collapse and divorce, is the latest in a long list of solutions to the problems with which the "powers of evil" plague and destroy today's marriages. I initiated the topic of the "destruction of marriages" back in July 2011 with my publication explaining the devastating consequences of the "women's marriage monopoly" - described in item #J2.2.2 from the web page "morals.htm", and partly also in the old post #203E to blogs of totalizm. After several other such publications to which links my web page "skorowidz.htm" and the "table of contents" to my book-like collection [13] distributed free of charge in PDF format via "tekst_13.htm", in November 2023, for the topic of "destruction of marriages" I also published post #365E to the blogs of totalizm and items #V1 to #V3 of the web page "humanity.htm" - which opens your eyes to the "destructive trends of today's marriages", for example to: hookup culture, narcissism, etc.

#I1, blog #370E. So while knowing that on Earth just prevail socially extremely destructive "pandemic of marriage soul illnesses", let us explain here in an engineering way "how and why" to married couples who believe in God and the truth of the Bible, which couples in today's times of sexual exploitation and debauchery are looking for a method of remaining in mutual love and fidelity ordered by God, that the intentional generation of "moral energy" also by the wife creates a method of saving from divorce or from marital life without intimacy and intercourses (i.e. from the marriage that ruins the health of the bodies and souls of both spouses, in which the wife usually "closes her legs for her husband" and thus, instead of the full coexistence of a timelessly loving married couple, turns the marriage into just living together with each other as if two complete strangers or even hostile roommates) - which method adapts to their situation and personal characteristics and at the same time allows them to fulfill the biblical definition of "marriage", both through the actions of the wife and the actions of the husband, and which also illustrates to husband and wife the method of achieving even a higher level of happiness resulting from their knowledge of ways of earning for themselves the wonderful phenomenon of totaliztic nirvana:

Motto: "True and timeless love between a man and a woman really does exist - although like everything else it is also burdened with typical human imperfections - but experiencing such true and timeless love is only possible in the first marriage in which both spouses pedantically fulfill the commandments, requirements and definition of marriage given in verses of the Bible" (this is why it is worth opposing the temptations and lies with which the "powers of evil" using bribery, fraud and violence are already openly fighting the truths disseminated by God in the Bible, forcefuly blocking these truths from people who are submissive to them, with the use money and advanced devices of telepathy and remote hypnosis - as I have been describing it for a long time in blogs #359E to #369E and in the results of research to which these blogs refer).

       I wonder whether the reader has noticed from today's life that surrounds him/her, that with the passage of time increasingly more destruction instead of benefits is caused on Earth by absolutely all the human actions that violate the commandments and requirements of God most precisely defined and explained in verses from the Bible. Have the reader also noticed that these actions are invented and persistently implemented by these human elites who cooperate with the "powers of evil" in order to achieve various immediate benefits. This gradual increase in destruction instead of benefits, is always turning against countries, nations, cities, influential families and individual people who invented these actions and despite warnings from the Bible, persistently implement them in order to serve the "powers of evil" instead of remaining obedient to God, as a final result irrevocably causing the fall and disappearance of these countries, nations, cities, influential families and individual people turning against God - just as this turning against its human creators of all the effects of anti-God's actions I explained in more detail in post #369E to the blogs of totalizm and in #N1 to #N3 from the web page named "newzealand_visit.htm". The reason for this decline and disappearance is that everything that does NOT include the timeless and unambiguously expressed in the Bible commandments and requirements of God, with the passage of time grows into more and more imperfections, distortions, evil and interpretations that are contrary to the content of the Bible. These, in turn, cause that as the greed of people increases and they derive selfish benefits from it, these actions cause more and more harm and destruction, instead of good. Hence either they must be replaced by something based on different principles (at best based on God's commandments and requirements), or they completely collapse, die and cease to exist.
       Examples of what I only have so far carefully examined in order to detect the reasons and mechanisms for its growth into evil, and then I have developed and I indicate for them in my research results of the empirically proven methods of this repair and improvement (searched for using the index from my Polish web page named "skorowidz.htm"), include, among others: [1] political systems and states forgetting God's commandments; [2] the "official atheistic science" which lies to humanity and with its monopoly on universal education also keeps convincing people that there is NO God (in spite of the fact that since 1985 I have developed and published a whole series of scientifically irrefutable formal proofs that God undeniably exists and has a truly "iron hand" in managing our entire "world of matter" - these formal proofs are indicated e.g. in blog #135E and in #G2 and #G3 from the web page "god_proof.htm"), while the effects of the current lies of the "official atheistic science" hidden in the skin of alleged its "achievements" thus increasingly more devastating to those who believed in this science and disobeyed God, now are increasingly manifesting themselves in murderous wars, droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.; [3] the monopolistic "institution of the Internet" which is already leading humanity to implement the "mark of the beast 666" with its concealment of the truth and support for lies - as I described it in my blog #353E and in #H4 to #H4b of the web page "will.htm"; [4] "money" - which for a very long time has been causing humanity’s sufferings and economic collapses, exploitation, poverty, hunger, economic inequality, destruction of nature and the Earth's resources, chemicals and plastics that poison people, etc. - although this "money" could easily be replaced with the happiness of earned nirvana, as I explain it in blogs #328E, #343E and #351E and in items #C7 to #C9 of the web page "nirvana.htm"; [5] human legislation and the justice system - although the Bible has been showing us for thousands of years how the justice system can be reformed following the example of the method of "depriving privileges" used by God, described in blog #362E and in #I5 of the web page "bandits.htm", which exceptionally effectively rehabilitates people who stray from truth and morality; [6] space exploration using rockets that deplete the Earth's resources and litter the orbit of our planet, instead of my infinitely fast Magnocraft - see the web page "magnocraft.htm"; [7] the marital monopoly of women - who using their bodies as weapons and tools for torturing husbands, forcibly wrest from today's husbands the role of heads of families given to men by God, destroying with such robbery the entire future of humanity; and a multitude of yet other failed actions unwisely invented by people and stubbornly and destructively implemented by the rulers and decision-makers secretly controlled by the "powers of evil".
       Probably the reader already knows that in the original text of the Bible, a living person is repeatedly called a "living soul" - e.g. see the wording of verse 2:7 from the "Book of Genesis" provided in correctly translated versions of the divinely inspired content of the Bible. (Notice that in order to undermine the truths, goals and orientation towards inducing human research and inquiry, regardless of the version of the Bible actually inspired by God, the "powers of evil" currently began to generate and disseminate numerous false Bibles and alleged biblical books.) The reason for calling man a "living soul" is that "man is actually a 'software-immortal' soul to which God temporarily added a mortal body to allow this soul to personally experience another portion of his/her absolutely necessary and specially designed lessons in the 'school of life' that is created by God as our world of matter" (for more details see my web pages: "soul_proof.htm", "2020life.htm", and see blog #299E and #J5 to #J5g from my web page called "petone.htm"). Therefore, the spiritual requirements imposed on the marriage of such a "living male soul" with a "living female soul" were also far-sighted and wisely defined by God in many verses of the Bible. Unfortunately, currently a lot of people reclassify them to this gigantic group of truths and knowledge fought by the "powers of evil" for the detriment of humanity and to the already disappearing progressive human behaviour defined by the Bible. There is a phenomenon called "epigenetic inheritance of trauma" which I described in blog #358E and in #F13 to #F13ab of my web page "soul_proof.htm" - which causes that practically everyone in their reincarnation memories stored in the soul has "rescue programs", ordering him or her to secretly look or prepare for himself/herself a way of safe escape from unpleasant situations and from dangers or problems, in spite that just such a quick escape route God prepares in advance for everyone in trouble - I describe this God’s escape path under the name: law of highway through the sea (in Polish: "prawo autostrady przez morze" - e.g. see publications linked to in my Polish web page "skorowidz.htm"). In turn, today's situation on Earth caused that these "rescue programs" are launched in practically almost every person - especially if the faith in God of this person is unstable because he/she does NOT study the Bible, or belongs to some religion that does NOT adhere to the truths of the Bible, and moreover if he/she DOES NOT observes carefully and does NOT draw conclusions, e.g. from comparing Bible verses with what is currently happening in real life (e.g. conclusions of the type described in my blog #369E and #N1 to #N3 of the page "newzealand_visit.htm"). This growing uncertainty of the future caused that around the middle of the previous 20th century, people began to modify marriage, gradually eliminating its spiritual nature and compliance with the definitions of the Bible, and bringing it closer to exclusively corporeal, material behaviours - just as representatives of "fallen angels" (i.e. UFOnauts), including "demons of desire" who are best described by myths about Adam's first wife called "Lilith". (The nymphomaniac "fallen angel" named Lilith is mentioned in verse 34:14 of "Isaiah" in the Bible. However, the descendants of her 3+1 fingered race, in some folklores described as "succubus" and "incubus" - see blog #347E, who, similarly as Lilith did in biblical times, they today also take advantage of their secret occupation of the Earth lasting to this day by carrying out roaming and raping people at nights - in Poland are well known under the name of "nightmare", i.e. "zmora" in Polish. I published material evidence in form of photos of footprints proving the actual physical presence of such "nightmares" with 3+1 toes embedded in the asphalt of the sidewalk near my apartment in NZ showing these footprints in blog #347E and in K1 to #K1e of the web page "petone.htm". In turn, the beautiful Maori folk sculpture of this 3+1-fingered creature that I know under the names of "nightmare" or "incubus", is exhibited in the Petone museum, less than a kilometre away from my apartment, and only a stone's throw away from the Petone Celtic cross. The rape of women of an entire Maori village by a large gang of these "nightmares" with 3+1 toes were formerly recorded with a 5-panel sculpture - a fragment reduced to 3-panels of which I showed in Fig. #D1 described in detail on my web page "newzealand_visit.htm" - where I revealed the secret removal of as many as 2 panels from this sculpture that was secretly carried out by UFOnauts somewhere between the years 2012 and 2017 by method of going back in time - which eliminated the data redundancy error caused by this deletion of 2 panels and which I described in blogs #345E and #346E and in #I1, #I4 and #I5 of the page "1985_theory_of_everything.htm".) The effects of this gradual departure of today's marriages from the spiritually based definition of "marriage" in the Bible requiring voluntary "giving", and then replacing this definition with an animal-like corporeal gratification of forced "taking" currently implemented on Earth by the "powers of evil" (i.e. by secretive powers today deceptively called by their modern name "UFOnauts"), I have already described in greater detail in a number of my publications. For examples of these descriptions, see e.g. blogs #203E or #365E and my web pages from which these blogs are adapted. In turn, for the content of the biblical definition of marriage based on spirituality, see in the Bible, for example, verses: 7:3-5 from "1 Corinthians", 5:21-33 from Ephesians, 3:1-7 from "1 Peter", 9:9 from "Kohelet or Ecclesiastes", 2:18-20 from the "Book of Genesis", and a whole range of others also referred to in the videos linked here in items #I1 and #I2. The most important spiritual requirement of God from spouses is that every marriage should operate on the principle of mutually voluntary "giving" instead of forced "taking" from the spouse - as I explain it in more detail, among others, in blog #365E and in #V1 to #V1a of my web page "humanity.htm". In order to wisely cause this voluntary giving, God very far-sightedly specifies in the Bible his requirement that the wife is to be a helper and life partner of her husband (see verses 2:18-20 from the biblical "Book of Genesis"), because it is the husband who receives from God a specially designed for him a mission to accomplish on Earth (for the execution of which he is directed by God by the events of fate and destiny, although usually he consciously does NOT know about the existence of his mission), and hence this husband also receives from God the power of the head of the family and the authority over his helper, whom is his wife and her body to help him accomplish this mission. (After all, no mission will be successful with two heads - as warned by numerous proverbs of practically every nation, e.g. the Polish "woe to that house where the cow bullies the bull" - in Polish "biada temu domowi gdzie krowa przybodzie bykowi".) However, in order for the husband NOT to abuse or neglect his authority, for the sake of balance, his wife wisely receives authority from God over her husband's body. Such specification of the rules of coexistence in accordance with the definition of marriage in the Bible means that each married couple can arrange all aspects of their life (including sexual, intimate, emotional, spiritual, economic, etc.) in their own way, so that neither the husband nor the wife suffer from deficiencies e.g. in sexual relations which provide them with a lot of moral energy which is so necessary for health and life, or suffer from lack of intimacy or awareness of being loved and respected, etc. I once watched a video about the curiosities of the female body, in which, based on some research, it was claimed that having one sexual intercourse burns in a woman the same number of calories as 7 hours of physical exercise - if I remember correctly, exercise performed in a gym. Since the number of calories burned is a measure of the amount of "physical work" performed by people, this means that even if my unit of work that generates moral energy named "1 [hour of physical struggle]" marked as 1 [hps] that I used to quantify the amount of physical work needed to earn nirvana, burns the same amount of calories as at least two hours of female physical exercise in the gym, still one sexual intercourse could be for a woman the equivalent of generating of up to three [hps] of moral energy. (Note that my unit of "moral work" and "moral energy" called "1 [hps]", as well as the concept of the "relative level of moral energy" marked with the Greek letter "µ", i.e. "mu", I explained in #D2 from my web page named "nirvana.htm". I introduced my unit [hps] during quantitative research on nirvana in the humble conditions and my limited situation of a professorship in tropical Borneo, in order to measure with it the amount of "moral work" put into obtaining and maintaining the "earned nirvana".) This is why young married couples who have around one sexual intercourse a day with the motivation of "voluntary giving" prescribed by the Bible, they can increase a woman's "mu" even to above µ=0.5, making her exceptionally happy in the initial period of marriage. If both of them were then able to maintain their motivations on "giving" instead of "taking", and in addition they also found some additional source of moral energy pre-programmed to induce happiness, then they should be able to achieve totaliztic nirvana within about a year, and then maintain it at themselves for as long as they do NOT change their behaviour. This is also why these young married couples, after the cessation of their regular sexual intercourses, experience an excessively rapid loss of moral energy discussed here - especially when these and all other physical works of a given wife lack proper motivations for "voluntary giving" - which lack is to pre-program the moral energy generated by these works to perform effects other than inducing happiness. After all, "moral work" motivated in this way only appears in the sexual relations of married couples in accordance with the recommendations of the Bible, because it results from the purity of their spiritual motivation of "giving" aimed at inducing happiness in the other person, and from the considerable physical "moral work" put into these sexual relations. (However, the "moral energy" pre-programmed to cause happiness is NOT able to be generated by animal-like corporeal sexual relations aimed at "taking", i.e. by e.g. lust, adultery, one-night stand, "hookup culture", visit to a prostitute, etc. - because spiritually they are motivated by the somehow forced "taking" of pleasure, instead of the "voluntary giving" of happiness recommended by the Bible. The way in which any physical work is spiritually motivated, depends on how is pre-programmed the intelligent moral energy then injected by this "moral work" into the soul of the person performing that physical work. This is why, for example, the moral energy of kung-fu adepts who try to develop for themselves some unique ability, then realizes this ability for them upon request.) Moreover, sexual relations themselves, even in the most loving and most frequently intimate marriage, generate an amount of "moral energy" that only barely covers in everyday life its loss to natural dissipation. Therefore, in order to increase faster the amount of this energy in their souls needed for a happy life, in addition to sexual relations, both husband and wife should also perform some other physical work motivated by the happiness of others, which will also generate this valuable moral energy.
       The breakthrough discovery of the existence of "moral energy", and the engineering research of "how" to generate this energy and how to release its action, I made in 1996 after taking up my professorship on the newly established University at that time having campus still surrounded by jungles of tropical island of Borneo. Hence the information that I present here about this intelligent energy comes from the so-called "first hand", i.e. from the discoverer and at the same time also a researcher who personally experienced everything described here about this energy. Initially I called this energy "zwow" (short from Polish "zasób wolnej woli" meaning the "capacity of free will") because I had previously noticed that it increases our capabilities and chances of actually achieving of what desires our so-called "free will" - see the web page "will.htm". Then I undertook further research on this then discovered "moral energy", which research, with small pauses, continues practically until today. So let us summarize in the following subitems {#I1a} to {#I1n} the most important so-called "milestones" that mark significant events in my research on intelligent "moral energy":
       {#I1a} My first experiment confirming the actual existence and possibility of instrumental detection and quantification of "moral energy". In 1997, in Borneo, I undertook an extraordinary experiment of intentionally increasing the accumulation in my "soul" of the recently discovered "moral energy". I described this experiment in more detail in the INTRODUCTION and in "part #L" of my web page named "smart_tvs.htm", and partly also in my blog #335E. As a result of this experiment, I suddenly reached a state of overwhelming happiness that, because of its tenacity, completely surprised and even scared me. After all, that feeling of happiness was very long-lasting and much stronger than, for example, the strongest orgasm during sexual intercourse, and it is known how short-lived these orgasms are. Meanwhile, days and then weeks passed, and this overwhelming happiness would NOT leave me. However, since tropical Borneo is full of insects and unusual illnesses, this stubborn happiness reminded me contents of books I read in my youth about old-time travels around Africa. I knew from these books that in Africa there is a tropical fly called "Tse-Tse" (see ), the bite of which causes persistent coma and then death. So I started to wonder whether the indescribable happiness that came over me and was NOT going to leave me was not caused by being bitten by some Bornean relative of the Tse-Tse fly, which, however, instead of a coma, would cause a feeling of indescribable happiness. So I started feverishly studying books from the library of the University, where I was lecturing at that time, to find out where this extraordinary happiness came from. Finally, I found in some book that this is the happiness of an unique phenomenon called "nirvana", which later I described on my web page "nirvana.htm". In this way, empirically, and as the first scientist on Earth, I discovered how to earn a lasting feeling of "totaliztic nirvana". My nirvana lasted continuously for about 9 months and disappeared only after the end of my professorship in Borneo and my return to New Zealand - where I had NO opportunity to continue doing the physical and motivated by "voluntary giving" so-called "moral work", which first caused and then sustained this nirvana for me.
       {#I1b} Empirical research on "moral energy" carried out during experiencing my 9-month "earned nirvana". Having a scientific mind from "birth" (as opposed to having a "scientific job for salary and prestige"), throughout the duration of my earned nirvana I also scientifically researched it and experimented with it, e.g. with the aim to determine how much of "moral work" is needed to generate the nirvana (e.g. by using my units [hps] of moral work), how the motivations and other factors cause a noticeable increase or reduction of nirvana intensity, etc. I then discovered, for example, that there are different levels of earned nirvana, and although the lowest level of it causes a feeling of spiritual happiness of a clearly higher intensity than, for example, the feeling of physical pleasure during sexual orgasm, there is still an even higher level of nirvana, which I called "Niagara", because it makes happiness so stunning that it bursts from inside our body and roars like the unstoppable waters of Niagara.
       {#I1c} The discovery of the constant circulation of "moral energy". One of the effects of the research on "moral energy" carried out during the time of experiencing my nirvana, was the discovery made then that "moral energy" constantly flows and escapes. Therefore, in the sense of its characteristics, this intelligent "moral energy" that causes nirvana, accumulated in the human "soul" through moral work, shows a great similarity to the circulation of life-giving "oxygen" through the human body. Just as with the work of our lungs, we obtain oxygen from the air and pump it into the blood, causing that, thanks to the work of the heart, this oxygen nourishes every cell of our body, and then its products are excreted in the urine and through the skin to the surroundings, so also physical work performed by any muscles of our body absorbs intelligent moral energy from the environment, pre-programs it with the motivations and feelings that prevail in us while performing this work, then the work of muscles pushes this moral energy into our "soul", from where it is then released through our numerous chakras and micro-chakras, realizing in our body a kind of physical effects that we have pre-programmed into it with our motivations.
       {#I1d} The identity of the ever-moving "moral energy" to the Chinese "chi" energy and to the energies photographed with "Kirlian cameras" - see . When I scientifically discovered and researched "moral energy", I did not know yet that, once again, I was discovering something that, under completely different names and different scientific interpretations, has been known and described since ancient times. By scientifically analyzing the characteristics of the "moral energy" that I discovered, I realised its identity to the ever-moving energy called "chi" by the Chinese. Moreover, my analyzes have shown that the moral energy escaping from practically all living organisms and inanimate objects is also that eternally moving, glowing, intelligent energy that is shown to us by these so-called "Kirlian photographs". As I also described it in blog #368E and in #B5.1 and in #F1 to #F5 of the web page "pigs.htm", the Chinese have been using the benefits of this energy in their everyday life for over 4700 years under the names "chi" and "Feng Shui", while in ancient times to utilise technically its operation, they constructed the so-called "Zhang Heng seismograph" described on the web page "seismograph.htm" - which detected earthquakes over hundreds of kilometres and which to this day human scientists have NOT been able to build correctly. So after rediscovering it, I teach how to use this intelligent energy to repair many problems of humanity - calling it by its most appropriate name, "moral energy". The above allow us to deduce logically that phenomena currently considered to be "spiritual", as well as phenomena purely "material" (i.e. the only currently considered and researched by the monopole of "official atheistic science") have the same source and origins - which are "God Drobinas" used by God as a building material from which God created and with which God manifests everything that exists in the entire universe. Thus "moral energy", as well as all spiritual phenomena, all of them can be measured and registered with human build instruments. I already know that the flow of moral energy is shown on Kirlian Photography. Since I also know that the carriers of this moral energy are eternally moving "God Drobinas", who also are carriers for programs of human souls (see web page "2020life.htm"), and also source for other phenomena NOT considered to be worth researching by monopoly of "official atheistic science", it is about the time that the new "totaliztic science" (see #C6 from my web page "telekinetics.htm") starts to build devices for registering and measuring these spiritual phenomena - the first of such devices are already described in the Polish treatise [7b] (see web page "tekst_7b.htm") and on my web pages "telepathy.htm" (see "telepathic pyramid" in there), and "seismograph.htm" (see "Zhang Heng Seismograph" in there).
       {#I1e} Pre-programming with our "motivations" and "feelings" the types of physical effects that the intelligent "moral energy" released from the soul is supposed to cause. This is why, for example, by doing physical work with the motivation to make our neighbours happy, we pre-program this intelligent moral energy to induce happiness also in ourselves when it is released from the chakras of our "soul".
       {#I1f} My discovery that abundance of this intelligent moral energy influences the well-being of a given person, while the lack of it thereof initiates "illnesses of the soul" - e.g. "depression". While still in Borneo, I also discovered that the relative amount of "µ" (i.e. the "mu" coefficient) of moral energy accumulated in the "soul" drastically influences the well-being of a given person. The first descriptions of this discovery - that in my opinion represents a breakthrough for psychiatry and psychology, I published almost 30 years ago, in 1998, in subsection II3.1 from "volume 4ii" of my monograph [1/3], distributed free of charge via the web page "tekst_1_3.htm". Unfortunately, to this day my discovery, which can, for example, almost completely eliminate depression and suicides caused by depression, has NOT been accepted by the monopoly of "official atheistic science" and its medical, psychological and psychiatric disciplines. Like everything that is particularly heavenly, also this empirical phenomenon of "earned nirvana", which re-evaluated my entire life, disappeared for me some time after I finished my professorship in Borneo and returned to New Zealand. In New Zealand then I had NO conditions to discreetly continue any "moral work" that would maintain my nirvana. (The open continuation of such work risks the deletion of the generated moral energy caused by jealous, hostile, unfriendly, or angrily disposed viewers looking at our work and mentally condemning us or what we do in their sight.) However, the disappearance of my nirvana did NOT stop my research on this phenomenon, especially on its applications that can help other people to eliminate the problems that bother them. For example, the results of my watching of the impact on my own well-being of a decrease in my "mu" coefficient in New Zealand to a value well below µ=0.4, and noting how low the value of "mu" is there in a large number of people whose well-being and behaviour I was able to discreetly monitor, led me to clarify the extremely important discovery previously made in Borneo, that the amount of "moral energy" accumulated in our "soul" determines our everyday well-being, attitude towards ourselves, attitude towards other neighbours, attitude towards life, etc. Currently, the most extensive and systematic descriptions of this discovery are provided in item #D3 of my web page "nirvana.htm".
       {#I1g} A method of treating depression through the generating of "moral energy". The clarification of that discovery that it is the lack of moral energy that causes depression, allowed me to develop, I believe, the only possible, truly effective, and deprived side effects principle for a method of treating the "illness of the soul" called "mental depression", and for preventing suicides caused by this depression. I described this principle in blog #318E and in #C6 from the web page named "nirvana.htm".
       {#I1h} The need to verify my previous belief that "moral energy" is generated only by voluntary "moral work". My previous finding, which I discreetly confirmed with empirical observations, that in fact every person whose level of moral energy "mu" falls below µ=0.3, falls into a state of depression, also directed my attention to the probable mistake in my previous belief that performing "physical work" with other motivations than "voluntary giving", does NOT generate "moral energy". This is because my later research revealed that works NOT motivated by "giving" do NOT generate "earned nirvana", but generate "moral energy" pre-programmed to induce physical phenomena other than the feeling of happiness. For example, by discreetly examining e.g. athletes and bodybuilders who, in gymnasiums or during sports training, perform the physical work of their training and exercises, typically motivated at "taking" as they do it mostly for themselves, I determined that they also do NOT fall into depression if they have NOT previously given up their regular efforts. It's just that the manifestations of releasing their intelligent energy are different than the manifestations of releasing energy generated with the motivation of "voluntary giving". So I started to believe that in fact absolutely every "physical work", regardless of whether it is voluntary or forced, generates moral energy and thus prevents falling into depression. By the way, because they motivate their training by "taking" contrary to God's commands, instead of "giving" in accordance with God's commands and requirements, these athletes and bodybuilders lose the unique opportunity to experience the happiness of earned nirvana while building their muscles and body appearance. To earn also nirvana it would be enough that instead of the unproductive work of physically overcoming the resistance of training machines in gymnasiums, they would do the same work altruistically for the good and happiness of some people - e.g. to carry in the winter supply of coal or potatoes to the cellar of some oldies who themselves would NOT be able to accomplish such carrying, thus then the change in the motivation of athletes and bodybuilders from "taking" into such "giving" would simultaneously bring them a "totaliztic nirvana" together with an increase in their muscularity and slenderness of the body. Even if these athletes do NOT put in as much muscle work in gyms as I did in my experiment in Borneo, they still probably generate an amount of moral energy that is higher than their daily dissipation of this energy. So over time, by changing their motivations to "giving", they would earn the happiness of nirvana. After all, even properly motivated nurses from hospitals can earn nirvana for themselves (see #B3 of the web page "nirvana.htm") - although their workload is probably much lower quantitatively than the work input in training e.g. bodybuilders or professional athletes.
       {#I1i} My memory of participation in shows of "kun-fu" masters from Shaolin of China, providing me with data proving that each constantly repeated physical work generates moral energy. In my current recognition that in fact every physical work generates moral energy, initially induced by the empirical observation that athletes do NOT experience depression until they stop their training, I was finally confirmed by subsequent analyzes of the training of "kung-fu" masters from Shaolin in China. In shows of almost miraculous abilities of these masters I had the opportunity to participate in person during my professorship in Malaysia, and I described them in more detail in subsection B3.2 from volume 7 of monograph [1/5] distributed free of charge on the web page "text_1_5.htm", and partly also in (4) from the web page #K2 "god_exists.htm". As I found out, adepts of e.g. kung-fu, who train their bodies and muscles to learn some "superhuman" ability (e.g. breaking steel rods into fluff or into tiny fragments with their own heads), also generate a lot of intelligent moral energy for their souls with these physical exercises. However, with their motivations for performing these physical exercises, they pre-program the generated moral energy for a specific effect of their actions (e.g. for smashing steel rods into fluff when they come into contact with their heads).
       {#I1j} Necessity of correction to my previous publications about "moral energy". In other words, my latest correction to the original discovery about the generation of moral energy, states: every physical work generates moral energy - but the difference in the motivations for "taking" or "giving" with which each physical work can be performed, as well as the feelings and situations that accompany this work during its implementation, can pre-program into the moral energy generated by this physical work a huge range of commands "what" final effects this energy is to produce during its subsequent release from the soul. This my publication here is the first in which, having already been certain of the above fact, I officially report, explain, and support with evidence this correction to my previous discovery. The consequence of this amendment is, among others: assuring the reader that every type of sexual intercourse, including even intercourse with a prostitute, also generates moral energy in large quantities - however, the action of this energy during its release from the soul will depend on the motivation and feelings with which it has been pre-programmed. This is a warning sign. After all, for example, in wives who practice adultery, incorrect pre-programming of their moral energy may cause disgust or even hatred towards their husband or numbness and feelinglessness in relations with their husbands. In addition, some types of work may also have highly harmful consequences, e.g. prostitution - venereal diseases, e.g. "kung-fu" fighting or crimes - bodily injury or confrontation with the justice system.
       {#I1k} The importance of the milestone age of 60. In 2006, I reached the age of 60 from the growth part of my life. I also knew then that the maximum of 120 years of human life consists of a cycle of 60 years of growth and a cycle of 60 years of decline described by the Chinese lunar calendar based on the animal zodiac, which about 4,700 years ago was developed and given to the Chinese by a friendly to humanity, superior intelligence much higher than that of humans - I explained the history of this calendar in blog #368E and in #B5.1 and in #F1 to #F5 of the page "pigs.htm". So starting from 2006, I initiated to empirically trace "how" in these next 60 years of the declining part of every person's life (described by the Chinese calendar) disappear the abilities and chances to earn a totaliztic nirvana. I discovered then that if, after building my "time vehicles" described on the web page "immortality.htm", the experiencing of the happiness of nirvana becomes an irrevocable requirement to be shifted back in time to the years of youth, this shifting back cannot be carried out later than in the 60th year of a given person's age. This is because after the age of 60, all human physical potentials (i.e. even the speed of passage of time) are significantly declined - see my blog #312E or item #L3 of the web page "oscillatory_chamber.htm".
       {#I1l} The discovery that, unlike men, women somehow feel in themselves a "lack of moral energy", described by them as a kind of "inner emptiness" in their soul (I suspect that this feeling is somewhat similar to how indefinitely manifests itself in men e.g. a "hunger" for sexual intercourse). The group of the most interesting findings about moral energy also includes the discovery that during my research aimed at developing the method described here for saving the breakdown of today's marriages caused by a lack of moral energy, while reviewing videos on this subject distributed on the Internet, I discovered that most women physically feel a lack of amount of moral energy in their souls that is required for their happy life. Women describe this lack of moral energy felt in their "souls" as an "inner emptiness", void, numbness, a lack of relationship with themselves, and with several other descriptions. Unfortunately, the "powers of evil" have cleverly forced women into a "culture of illusion" and the belief that it is their husbands or lovers (and NOT themselves and the intelligent moral energy generated by them) who are responsible for filling the void in their "souls". This culture, supplemented by the effectiveness of the blockade with which the "powers of evil" prevent people from learning about my publications that have been disseminated since 1998 and which provide people with knowledge about the existence and operation of "moral energy", cause that firstly wives close their legs to their husbands. Then they start the so-called emotional marital betrayals - see (which, like every sexual intercourse, generates a lot of moral energy for them). Finally believing in the "delusion" that it is a lover (and not a return to practicing sexual relations that generate a lot of moral energy) who will restore happiness to their lives, they decide to divorce. After the divorce they end up alone - because who wants to marry a divorcee about whom he knows that she cheated on her previous husband. This "inner emptiness" of a woman's soul is best described in videos of a female marriage guide in my opinion currently the best in the world that is publishing her findings on the Internet - the eye-opening videos of who are collected in the "podcast" from YouTube with the address: . However, apart from this wise marriage guide, about the need to fill up the "emptiness in women souls", to eliminate sexual numbness and feelinglessness, and to "establish a relationship with oneself" - which are caused by the delusion that it is the husband or lover who should fill this missing element of the soul of women (means NOT women themselves through the personal generation of moral energy), are also emphasized by other researchers and sources - I have linked to videos containing them below, e.g. in Videos #I1xyz .
       {#I1m} The nirvana political system. Let us return, however, to the "milestones" and history of discoveries related to moral energy and to the healing of "soul ilnesses" caused by the lack of this energy. Regardless of learning about the "world pandemic of wives closing their legs to their husbands and the resulting marriages based on the terms of living as stranger roommates" - the research and description of the proposed method of treating marriages devastated by it I have included here, also the same in-depth knowledge and experience of "earned nirvana" allowed me to undertake research work over the "nirvana political system". I presented this system, among others, in blogs #328E, #343E and #351E, and in #C7 to #C9 of the page "nirvana.htm". Together with a friend, we also created a 33:36-minute Polish-language video (but with English "cc"), available on YouTube from 2021/4/22, entitled "Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany" (which title can be translated as: "World Without Money: Nirvana Political System"), and which is available for free at .
       {#I1n} What's next in my plans for research on moral energy. The most recently undertaken topic of the application of the researched knowledge and truth about the existence and operation of intelligent "moral energy", is the engineering development of "how" to pre-program the moral energy generated by oneself, and "how" then to saturate with it inanimate objects and the nature surrounding us while simultaneously obeying the commandments and requirements of the Bible, so that the characteristics of moral energy then implement the intended supernatural effects for us. My latest work that I have already published on this subject is blog #369E and #N1 to #N3 from the web page "newzealand_visit.htm". However, in fact this research is based on observations made during my professorships in Malaysia, Borneo and Korea that revealed to me how "giving" strong feelings to any object saturates it with our moral energy pre-programmed with the motivations with which these feelings are directed to this object - e.g. see #D1 to #D3 from the web page "malbork .htm", and subsections I5.7 from volume 5, as well as JB3.2 from volume 7, of my monograph [1/5]. This, in turn, allows - if we, as a civilization, deserve that God gives to us such a chance, that humanity is to develop methods, e.g. "how" to give a steel sword the ability to drive it into a stone like into butter (see /results?search_query=galgano+sword+in+the+stone ) or even how to pierce the currently unmatched hard shells of UFOs with a sword, or "how" to make our steel tools resistant to rust and the effects of time (see ?search_query=mysterious+sword+that+defied+time ), or "how" to give some armor the ability that no bullet, explosion or weapon would be able to damage it, etc., etc. After all, there are archaeological discoveries, currently carefully hidden by the monopoly of the "official atheistic science" obedient to the "powers of evil", proving that all the above supposedly "supernatural" features of inanimate objects and nature are available to people who act in accordance with God's commandments.
       The learning "how" to generate the "moral energy" absolutely necessary for marital happiness and durability, now is exceptionally urgent because, unfortunately, the biblically defined operation of marriages only lasted until machines became more and more widespread. After all, machines gradually eliminated the "physical work" necessary for any human action to be classified as the so-called "moral work". Moreover, machines have also eliminated the moral motivations of "giving and volunteering" when performing any "jobs", replacing them with the monotony of unmotivated activities serving only to earn and to take "money" - in today's humanity desperately needed to live and to pay bills. Meanwhile, meeting both requirements: "voluntary physical effort" and "motivations of 'giving' aimed at the good of others", is absolutely necessary for programming the intelligent moral energy that has just been generated to bring happiness to us - as I explain it in detail in items #D1 and #D2 from the web page named "nirvana.htm" and in publications linked there. Unfortunately nowadays, the majority of married couples living in cities do NOT perform almost any voluntary physical work motivated by selflessly "giving" something to others, thus programmed by such motivation to induce someone's happiness with the product of these works - i.e. works of the type that I described in the INTRODUCTION and in "part #L" of my web page named "smart_tvs.htm" and partly also in blog #335E. As a result, when for any reason after the wedding, a married couple stops regular sexual intercourse (e.g. because the husband or wife goes on a multi-month contract to a distant town), the level of moral energy in both of them, pre-programmed to induce happiness, suddenly begins to drop rapidly. This drop can easily reach the harmful level when "mu" coefficient amounts to µ=0.3 (i.e. "provocativeness"), about which I warn in blog #318E and in item #D3 of the page "nirvana.htm" that after "mu" falling to it or even below it, people become "opposite to normal", i.e. they fall victims of the illness of the soul called "depression", they lie, and in accordance with their "free will" they always make conscious decisions to act immorally and in whatever they do to listen only to their own whims and ignore the whispers conscience. Wives excel in such behaviour, because they begin to strongly feel the lack of something in their lives, NOT KNOWING that it is the "moral energy" pre-programmed for happiness, which they themselves are able to, and should, constantly replenish in themselves by also performing other "moral works" than voluntarily helping the husband or, for example, do works other than marritial sexual intercourse - an example of one of such different works that generates moral energy pre-programmed to bring pleasure or happiness is described in "Problem 1" from item #D2 of my web page "nirvana.htm", while a whole series of similar works I discuss in subsection JE9 from volume 8 of my monograph [1/5]. Because by that time wives usually already knew almost all the imperfections of their husbands, which imperfections are "normal" and consistent with the statement in the Bible that each person is imperfect (e.g. see verse 3:23-24 from the "Letter to the Romans" explained in more detail in #F2 of blog #368E and the web page "pigs.htm", or see Truth (#1) from #V1 in blog #365E and in the web page "humanity.htm", or see the well-known quote which warns wives about the existence of a set of vices and imperfections in each person, expressing it with a wise warning "beware of illusions it has NO flaws" - see ), and at the same time because today's rapid spread of the addiction to hookups (in English "hookup culture"), described in more detail in #V2 of my web page "humanity.htm", and addiction to hand-phones, usually convince wives that it is their husbands (and NOT they themselves) who are obliged to make up for any deficiencies in anything felt by women. (Interestingly, it is the addiction to handphones and multimedia that creates both a way and a compulsion that leads to emotional affairs.) So these wives begin to blame their husbands for the feeling of "lacking something" (i.e. for lacking in their "souls" the "moral energy" that causes a feeling of happiness). Thus, having hand-phones or computers with access to multimedia, in order to make up for these mysterious deficiencies, wives usually begin to break the requirements of the biblical definition of marriage by re-establishing or rekindling their initially innocent-looking contact with supposedly "platonic friends", that is, usually with unmarried "men from their past or work" (see https:/ /, i.e. with men usually called "just friend" by these wives, see - as it is best described by the approximately 11-minute English-language video "Married women can't have male friends" at qLR-OtcbCsc . Over time, these contacts turn first into "emotional affairs" (see ), and then into extramarital "intimacy" and secretly repeated "erotic infidelities". It is common that these betrayals are lasting for years - after all, their "platonic friends", being men in today's immoral times, usually see NO reason NOT to enjoy these "free plums of sexual pleasure" presented to them without any requirements, effort, or risk. Since all sexual, intimate and emotional needs of these wives are usually met in this way, these wives "close their legs" to access by their husbands, and if these husbands demand sexual relations, the wives start to refuse, nag, complain, and call them insultingly, ignore, and treat them in a way that is completely stripped of respect. Ultimately, such treatments typically lead to divorce, which in 2024 was initiated in around 80% by wives who were often emotionally and erotically unfaithful to their husbands. Unfortunately, after the divorce, these wives suddenly discover that their "platonic friends" do NOT want them anymore - after all, the saying goes "why buy a cow if one can drink fresh milk for free everywhere?" In English, what happens after a divorce to many of these probably previously unfaithful ex-wives is called: hitting a wall hard (see ). Research presented in the 9:09 minute English-language video titled "The 4 stage addiction of an affair" and at the address shows that only about 10% of such divorced due to their wives' adultery, marries her lover, and out of this number of weddings, as many as 75% to 80% end in divorce again (probably again due to the wife's betrayal - after all, "a leopard does NOT change its spots").
       The salvation from the above development of today's marital situation is to start increasing the "moral energy" pre-programmed to cause happiness - starting as early as possible, preferably from the very beginning of sexual intercourse or from the beginning of marriage, i.e. when both parties are still enthusiastic in every matter and when this increasing is early enough so that in the case of some random events, or the arrival of e.g. the "time of karma return to one of the spouses" (see the web page "karma.htm") which according to my research typically comes after about 7 years from the wedding date, the level of this moral energy in neither of the spouses did NOT pose a danger of its "mu" falling below µ=0.3. More precisely "how" to generate this moral energy, I described in detail in engineering terms, among others: in items #D1 to #D3 and #C6 from the web page "nirvana.htm", and in my blogs and other publications linked in there. Extremely important in this generation of moral energy is that it is caused only by voluntary physical work that use our own muscles (including, among others, work performed during e.g. marital sexual intercourse). It is also best if this work depends on postulated by the Bible "giving" to other people something that they need and that will bring them pleasure or happiness, i.e. work that is NOT motivated only by obtaining benefits from it mainly for oneself. This is because only such physical work of "giving" pleasure or happiness causes pre-programming of the generated moral energy to induce a feeling of happiness in the person in whose soul this moral energy is accumulated. This is also why, for example, the work of a prostitute, or the sport effort of building one's own muscles in gymnasiums, do NOT generate moral energy that causes happiness - although they pre-program the moral energy generated then to cause effects that were defined by the motivations and feelings with which a given person performed these works (e.g. in the case of work prostitutes - earning money or e.g. hating specific clients, in the case of working in a gym - muscle growth or a more muscular appearance of the body). Therefore, people who believe in God and read the Bible, long before the wedding (e.g. right after the engagement) should conclude some kind of written covenant in which both sides will agree with each other at least on the most controversial aspects of fulfilling the biblical definition of marriage in their marriage - see item #I2 below.
       I am to illustrate the descriptions of this blog #370E with videos from that expand the information discussed here. (Unfortunately, I have yet to find well-prepared such videos in other than English languages that would precisely discuss the problems of married life solved here - if I find them, I will provide links to them.) In May 2024, I found mainly English-language (good) videos on this topic, to which I am linking here. This causes, among other things, that watching these videos requires at least a minimum knowledge of English, although it will also increase the viewer's English knowledge. After all, almost all of these videos have the so-called "closed captions", i.e. narrative subtitles, activated by clicking the "cc" icon. Moreover, all videos can be stopped at any time by clicking, and then again restarted with clicks. This allows one to translate all their words into own language from the "cc" narration subtitles after a short pause, and thus additionally train in understanding English.
       In item #I2 of this blog #370E, as well as in three items #I2 to #I4 of the web page "biblia.htm", I provide in engineering terms, i.e. "step by step", examples of engineering procedures "how exactly" and "why", from the first moment of making a decision about directing one's future towards a wisely defined by the philosophy of traditional marriage designed by God and described in Bible verses, it is worth and should be build solid foundations that will make this marriage consistent with the biblical definition of marriage, thus also filled with love and durable. In these three provided examples, I indicate methods of preventing marriage from completely departing from its biblical definition in as many as three typical situations of today's humanity. I will also describe in more detail the engineering guidelines for these three situations, providing for them the phases (or steps) of building the foundations of a future marriage on the principles of the Bible, which, in my opinion, will be a source of "how" and "why" guidelines for almost all situations one may encounter in real life. For each of these situations, I will also indicate English-language videos that expand and provide empirical material confirming the correctness of the engineering procedures recommended for a given situation. Because, like every human being, I am also highly imperfect and, moreover, a male, whatever I write here is probably, like everything human, NOT absolutely objective, and probably in a completely unintentional, accidental and unconscious way it has been saturated with some shades of "male bias" - this is why, and also to shorten these descriptions, I am to use almost exclusively the words "wife" or "woman", although what I write about her here will typically refer to both partners of the marriage, i.e. both to the husband and to the wife (if it refers only to one of them, then I will specify it, e.g. with the words: husband or wife). Here are the three marital situations discussed here:
       See item #I2 below: advice addressed to young people who believe in the truth of the Bible and are planning their first marriage. (After all, about the Bible it is already scientifically proven that it was in fact inspired by the undeniably existing and omnipotent God, who created each one of us and constantly takes care of us - e.g. see blogs #135E and #228E, or see the 6:08 minute video "Jesus found in ancient records of China" at the address: .) Meanwhile, life confirms that getting married is typically the most important decision we ever make and which can either make us happy, or break us and destroy. Therefore, the advice can be very helpful if two young people of the opposite sex who believe in God, i.e. a man and a woman, have recently met and they are both wondering "how" to best lay the philosophical foundations for a biblically consistent marriage in today's times of lack of faith. This is because today's "modern" marriages are based on a philosophy that violates the definition of marriages from the Bible - see {#I2b} from #I2 below. In today's world of "feminism", "hookup culture", "emotional betrayals" with supposedly "platonic friends" of the opposite sex, lack of actual communication between young people, and young women sometimes "accounting" dozens or even hundreds of nights spent in beds with different men, marriages have a very high chance of quickly ending in bitterness, losses and the madness of divorce - after all, the principles of most of them are against God and NOT with God. Therefore, based on the results of the research I have carried out so far, the advice listed in #I2 below provides young people who believe in God with guidelines written in an engineering style and indicating the main stages or steps of a detailed procedure "how" a candidate for a future wife who has been already met, liked, and her character preliminary learned, to convince, discern, or make sure during occasional conversations whether it is possible to jointly develop consensus on the correctness and goodness of the need to base marriage on wise and timeless guidelines from the Bible. During such casual and occasional conversations, special attention can be paid to determining whether, on the basis of procedural and empirical warnings in English called "red flags", the candidate for a wife or candidate for a future husband just met, meets or does NOT meet the basic requirements that the Bible and empiricism indicate that they are absolutely necessary to build a happy married life, and which I have detailed in {#I2a} from item #I2 below. It should also include the formulation and mutually accepting of a voluntary but written as a kind of "covenant" document, by human laws in English atheistically called "prenup", discussed in {#I2e} below that describe engagement. This document may contain a mutual agreement that will be binding for both of them, detailing the voluntary and mutual rules of conduct of both young people who believe in God and study the Bible and plan to become future spouses, and which will be binding for them from the first day after the wedding. However, the most important item of these preliminary conversations should be the promise to each other that both participants of this couple are ready to voluntarily undertake the "moral works" described in {#I2f} from item #I2 below with the motivation of "giving" prescribed in the Bible, aimed at constant maintaining the level of their moral energy within "mu" between µ=0.4 and µ=0.5, and then followed by undertaking immediate, mutual, decisive and continuous implementation of this promise in real life - which will guarantee them a long and happy married life.
       ATTENTION. Here I am pointing out numbered examples of numerous irrefutable historical confirmations that the increase of "moral energy" pre-programmed with the motivation of "giving" is to generate happiness, strengthens such biblically compatible marriages for living together forever in mutual respect, harmony, love and happiness, and that the present unanimous within almost the entire humanity, the departure of wives with "mu" coefficient below µ=0.3 from this compatibility of marriages with the Bible, is the proof that this departure was secretly forced upon us with an advanced technology (e.g. telepathy or hypnosis) by our fierce enemies and relatives existing outside humanity, praying for the future of which enemies the Bible also commands us to do. (1) The first historically verifiable group of these confirmations is the life of love and happiness of most married couples from my parents' generation in a poor, war-ravaged, starved, abandoned, and persecuted by the rest of the world, and completely deprived of almost all today's machines and home appliances, post-war Poland from 1946 to 1964, in which absolutely everything was made mainly with one's own hands. During this period, I had the honour and pleasure of living in the house of my parents, and for one year in my grandmother's house, both of them living in the small suburban Polish villages of Wszewilki (see the web page "wszewilki.htm") and Cielcza (see the web page "cielcza.htm"). The rules of life in both of these villages were then drastically different from the rules of life in the fortresses-apartments of today's cities, barricaded against their neighbours. Suffice to jokingly say it here, for example, that women from one end of these villages knew even what the wives from the other end were cooking for their husbands and children for dinner. So if a wife (like do today's urban wives) would force then her husband into celibacy by closing her legs for him, or if she lived with her husband on the currently popular principles of a completely alien roommates, and spoiled her reputation by satisfying all her intimate needs with a "just friend" that was NOT her husband, then the whole village would immediately know about it. Of course we, the young generation of these villages, would also know about it - after all, then everyone quickly learned the truth and there were NO so-called "privacy laws". However, until the fall of communism in Poland, I never heard of any such case (just as I did NOT hear of anyone taking drugs at that time). At the same time, however, I know that the wives of these villages then lovingly performed a lot of voluntary "moral work" motivated by the "giving" recommended in the Bible. For example, let's just consider the job of cooking dinner for a really loved family. For today's city wives, it comes down to effortlessly opening a few cans and flipping a gas or electric switch to heat up for their husband's the ready-made contents of those cans - the food of which is packed with industrial chemicals inducing countless illnesses. Meanwhile, for example, my own mother, when she wanted to, for example, lovingly cook our favourite "chicken broth with noodles" for dinner (eating which was a real treat for us at that time), she firstly had to chase the hen to catch it (unless we did this for her), then cut off the hen head, then "scald" it with hot water, pluck the feathers and singe the down, gut and remove the contents of the stomach and bile from the liver, then "season" it so that the meat tastes good and only then the hen was ready to prepare the broth. In total, with one hen, the mother lovingly performed more physical "moral work" than today's wives do in their entire day. It was similar with noodles - I do NOT remember that in those days anyone bought ready-made noodles in the store, and everyone laboriously and lovingly made it personally from flour, eggs and other primary ingredients according to their unique (and extremely tasty) recipes. Cooking was NOT easy either, because the mother first had to saw the logs and chop wood for the fire. Back then, husbands engaged in hard work all day long in the field and/or industry usually limited themselves to bringing whole trees home, which their wives (or their children) then cut, chopped or broke into smaller pieces to be burned. Cooking was also fun, because wife had to light the fire in the stove, wait for the hob to heat up, and then cook, watch over, season and lovingly perform other cooking secrets that have been known for generations to make the cooked meal delicious and loved by husband and children. In addition, there was home-making of cheese, butter, preserves and all other food items. For example, in order for the butter to separate from the cream carefully scraped from the surface of many pots of stagnant milk, it was necessary to shake the jug containing the cream vigorously in the hands for about an hour. During the seasons, there were additional tasks performed manually, mainly by wives: feeding and tending the flock, planting, among others, potatoes, drying hay, receiving and tying into sheaves of grain hand-cut by the husband, harvesting, threshing grain during which wives spent hours in dust and noise collecting straw from the threshing machine and tying it into sheaves, digging potatoes, making sousages and seasoning meat after slaughtering a pig in the autumn, smoking, and, of course, baking and preparing home-made dishes and drinks for gatherings of the whole large family on several holidays and other celebrations. It is easy to estimate that today's urban wives perform even less than the equivalent of 1% of those purely physical jobs of old times done solely with the power of muscles. This in turn means that today the level of "moral energy" of the entire humanity is constantly decreasing. In the years to come, this value will probably drop to practically zero. This means that a lot of people and all "group intellects" will then attract the so-called "death by moral suffocation" due to the complete lack of moral energy absolutely necessary for life. This death is, after all, an inevitable consequence of the drop in "mu" factor to the value µ=0. This extraordinary type of death, as if attacking and eradicating all those who do NOT listen to their conscience and refuse to acknowledge the correctly documented truth or have NOT learned to look for the truth and distinguish it from lies, I described in more detail in blog #318E and in #D3 of the web page "nirvana.htm". What is most interesting, it occurs in all possible ways that today's "disbelievers" are NOT able to associate with the lack of "moral energy", i.e. it occurs e.g. due to suicides, strange "accidents", "accidental" infections, the accumulation of poisons in the bodies, the so-called "being in the wrong place at the wrong time", etc., etc. Hence, the decrease in the level of "moral energy" is also a kind of warning for all those who avoid any physical work - because to them applies this sarcastic saying recently fashionable on the Internet: "already dead just doesn't know it yet" - see . I, of course, do NOT describe all of the above here in order to convince to the return of the customs of old times (although this return will irrevocably come when our civilization completely collapses in 2030s - see the page "2030_uk.htm"), but only to illustrate that wives in those old times did a lot of "moral works" motivated by giving with love, and that it was the "moral energy" generated and pre-programmed for happiness by loving motivations of these works that made them happy. In turn the happiness of wives causes the happiness of their husbands - see . I also know perfectly well that nowadays there are still many areas of life where people can perform their "moral works" without drawing unwanted attention to themselves - e.g. those that I described in my blog #369E. After all, e.g. beaches, parks, roadsides and streams, and all other public places are littered and overgrown with weeds, but everyone waits for the government or the city to employ e.g. "emigrants" (because the locals believe that the life of "unemployed people with depression" is "better" than any job) and will pay these emigrants so that those with "taking" motivations will start cleaning it up. Likewise is with trees. When I was young, cherries, plums, pears, and sometimes even walnuts were planted along almost every Polish road. By now they are extinct and no one is planting new ones. Similarly, trees grew on the banks of rivers, streams, lakes and ponds, purifying the water and providing shelter for fish and crayfish - today they are no longer there. Also a lot of problems today are caused by various disasters, e.g. floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, landslides, etc. But with removal of their consequences everyone is waiting for the government to give money so that with the motivation of "taking" some workers could eliminate their effects. But when money disappears e.g. due to corruption, nothing is done. So, due to the "money" and "greed" secretly forced upon us, our civilization has turned into the opposite of what God expects from us. Such a change in turn will have very painful consequences. (2) The second and also verifiable group of confirmations that the lack of "moral energy" in wives is the reason for the current global pandemic of wives depriving husbands of sex and that the life of many married couples is on the basis of strangers' roommates, is the fact that the symptoms of this pandemic are identical in all continents and countries of the world. Regardless of whether it is the USA, UK, Korea, Japan, NZ, etc., wives with "mu" factor smaller than µ=0.3 from all these countries currently behave exactly identically. This means that they all stop being intimate with their husband and live with him only as if they were a stranger-roommate, they show no respect for their husbands, they become aggressive, dictatorial, quarrelsome, pointing out and accusing, they secretly satisfy their needs with male "friends", etc., etc. So in combination with (2a) the ferocity with which everything I publish on the subject of "moral energy", nirvana, replacing money with nirvana, healing depression with moral energy, saving marriages with the generation of moral energy, etc., has been fought and blocked on Earth for almost 30 years, and in connection with (2b) the knowledge about the secret occupation of the Earth by our morally bankrupt relatives from the planets of Orion described in blogs #369E to #359E, it becomes obvious that these parasitic relatives from Orion, who have time vehicles and therefore know the future, desperately prevent humanity from learning the truth about the operation of "moral energy" through, among others, reprogramming wives with commands of technical telepathy and hypnosis that force these wives into exactly such behaviours. It is only such global reprogramming of wives that explains why in all countries of the world the marital pandemic discussed here manifests itself with identical symptoms. If these symptoms were generated by the wives themselves, each of whom has a different personality, life experiences and attitude towards her husband, as well as a continent, culture and living conditions, then this pandemic would manifest itself in a completely different way in each of the wives. (3) The third group of confirmations indicated here are all the still hidden or ignored by governments, by the monopoly of the "official atheistic science", by religions, etc., the huge body of evidence of the currently intense, deliberate, and massive, although carefully hidden, reprogramming of people with technical telepathy and hypnosis (including reprogramming of wives with "mu" factor below µ=0.3). Although I have been describing and publishing this material evidence for a long time, e.g. in blogs #359E to #369E, and illustrating it with photographs in "part #K" of the web page named "petone.htm", yet still cooperating with "powers of evil" our governments, official atheistic science, decision-makers, the Internet, religions, etc., stubbornly refuse their acknowledgement, recognition, and open disclosure of the truth about them. (4) Another group of existing confirmations is the extraordinary durability of telepathic and hypnotic reprogramming of wives for actions that violate the commandments of the Bible. For example, in numerous reports of husbands about their attempts to save the marriage by persuading their wives to return to their previous behaviours or to those consistent with the Bible, it is always emphasized that no matter what the husbands do and explain, the wives stubbornly persist in their newly acquired (i.e. technically programmed by telepathic and hypnotic commands) destructive personalities. This in turn confirms that an advanced technique is used to reprogram wives, higher than known to humanity, means it is NOT just a frequent changes of views typical for women. Moreover, it confirms that what is at stake here is the eradication of faith in God from the Earth, while the tragedies of wives and husbands involved in this war between evil and good are just one of the "collateral damage" consistent with the Polish proverb "where the wood is chopped, chips are flying" (in Polish: "gdzie drwa rąbią tam wióry lecą"). (5) The next group of existing confirmations is the fact of the existence of devices that can secretly and harmfully reprogram humanity with various types of technical telepathy and hypnosis, which, according to all existing circumstantial evidence, our morally fallen relatives from Orion have already flooded our civilisation since the times shown in the scene of the crucifixion of Jesus from Fig. #J1a on the web page "bandits.htm", and are definitely still flooding humanity and the Earth until today. An example of an intelligently behaving "satellite" capable of implementing such telepathic and hypnotic reprogramming may be, among others, the so-called "oumuamua" featured on google and youtube. See what is already known about this alleged "satellite" from the descriptions at or from the videos disseminated by +2024 . Unfortunately, almost no one still has the knowledge and courage to officially explain "how" this object can harm humanity, e.g. through telepathic and hypnotic reprogramming of wives, among others, to deny their husbands intimacy and to practice adultery, thereby accelerating the decay of humanity. It is also worth noting that there may be many devices similar to "oumuamua" that telepathically and hypnotically sabotage humanity, e.g. in Earth's orbit, on the Moon, on nearby planets, and even on the Earth itself (consider what can still be hidden, e.g. in pyramids, or in underground UFO tunnels of the type of those from the Polish Babia Góra - described in blog #298E or in #G3 of the web page "aliens.htm"). In turn almost the only personal defense against them that is possible for us and available right now, is to increase the level of "mu" factor for our "moral energy", as described in {#I2f} below.
       See item #I3 on web page "bible.htm": preparing foundations that are consistent with the definition in the Bible, for the principles of operation of the second or subsequent marriage of a previously divorced, widowed, or unwanted wife (or husband). Notice that this building of foundations should implement the most crucial of the pieces of advice given below in {#I2a} to {#I2n}, while almost certainly it will NOT end in success if it does NOT implement the generation of "moral energy" by both partners, as advised in {#I2f} below.
       See item #I4 on web page "bible.htm: saving a given marriage when it is clearly at risk of collapse and divorce - e.g. when it was based on the philosophy (2) from sub-item {#I2b} in #I2 and clearly goes astray or leads to divorce, or when the wife has already closed her legs against access by her husband, or when the marriage does NOT experience sexual relations that generate "moral energy" and are based on "giving", or when it has already become a kind of cohabitation of strangers and often mutually hostile roommates, etc., etc. As in both previous life situations, the absolute requirement for the success of this rescue is the implementation of at least the increase of "moral energy" from {#I2f} below. Since in this situation the wife is certainly already reprogrammed telepathically or hypnotically, I would advise the husband, that even without discussing with his wife the reason for working together, to find some method of persuading his wife to do any physical work every day (after all, any work will increase her "moral energy"), e.g. by working with her on some task using muscles that is also important to her (preferably for her children, family, or someone close to her but NOT male, so that it triggers her motivation to "give") and requires putting in significant effort.

       Nauczenie się "jak" generować "energię moralną" absolutnie niezbędną dla małżeńskiego szczęścia i trwałości, obecnie jest wyjątkowo pilne ponieważ, niestety, zdefiniowane Biblią działanie małżeństw trwało tylko do czasu coraz szerszego upowszechnienia się maszyn. Maszyny bowiem stopniowo eliminowały "pracę fizyczną" konieczną aby dowolne działanie ludzkie zaliczane było do tzw. "prac moralnych". Ponadto maszyny wyeliminowały też moralne motywacje "dawania i ochotniczości" podczas wykonywania dowolnych "prac", zastępując je monotonnością pozbawionego motywacji działania służącego tylko zarabianiu "pieniędzy" - w dzisiejszej ludzkości potrzebnych na życie i na spłacanie rachunków. Tymczasem spełnianie obu wymogów: "ochotniczy wysiłek fizyczny" i "nastawione na dobro bliźniego motywacje dawania", jest absolutnie konieczne dla zaprogramowanie na przynoszenie szczęścia właśnie generowanej inteligentnej energii moralnej - co szczegółowiej wyjaśniam w punktach #D1 i #D2 ze swej strony o nazwie nirvana_pl.htm i w publikacjach tam linkowanych. W dzisiejszych bowiem czasach większość mieszkających w miastach małżeństw NIE wykonuje niemal żadnych ochotniczych prac fizycznych z motywacją bezinteresownego "dawania" bliźnim zaprogramowanego wzbudzaniem szczęścia produktu tych prac - tj. prac typu tych jakie opisałem we WSTĘPie i w "części #L" swej strony o nazwie smart_tv.htm oraz częściowo także w blogu #335. W rezultacie tego, kiedy z jakichkolwiek powodów po ślubie małżeństwo zaprzestaje regularnych stosunków seksualnych (np. ponieważ mąż lub żona wyjeźdża na wielomiesięczny kontrakt do odległej miejscowości), poziom zaprogramowanej na wzbudzanie szczęścia ich energii moralnej ich obu nagle zaczyna gwałtownie spadać. Spadkiem tym łatwo dotrzeć aż do szkodliwego poziomu "mi" wynoszącego µ=0.3 (tj. "prowokacyjność"), o jakim w blogu #318 i w punkcie #D3 strony - nirvana_pl.htm ostrzegam iż po spadnięciu aż do niego lub nawet poniżej niego ludzie stają się "odwrotni do normalnych", tj. wpadają w chorobę duszy zwaną "depresja", kłamią, oraz w zgodzie ze swoją "wolną wolą" zawsze podejmują świadome decyzje aby postępować niemoralnie i w tym co czynią słuchać wyłącznie własnych zachcianek zaś ignorować podszepty sumienia. W takim postępowaniu celują zaś żony, ponieważ zaczynają one silnie odczuwać brak czegoś w swym życiu NIE WIEDZĄC iż jest to właśnie zaprogramowana na szczęście "energia moralna" jaką one same są w stanie i same powinny w sobie nieustająco uzupełniać wykonując też "prace moralne" inne niż ochotnicze pomaganie mężowi czy np. inne niż małżeński stosunek seksualny - przykład jednej z takich to prac przysparzających energię moralną zaprogramowaną na przynoszenie przyjemności lub szczęścia opisałem w "Problem 1" z punktu #D2 swej strony nirvana_pl.htm, natomiast aż cały szereg takich prac omawiam w podrozdziale JE9 z tomu 8 swej monografii [1/5]. Ponieważ zaś do owego czasu żony zwykle poznały już niemal wszystkie niedoskonałości swych mężów, które to niedoskonałości są "normalne" i zgodne z twierdzeniem w Biblii iż każdy z ludzi jest niedoskonały (np. patrz werset 3:23-24 z "Listu do Rzymian" wyjaśniany szerzej w #F2 bloga #368 i strony pigs_pl.htm, albo patrz Prawda (#1) z #V1 w blogu #365 i stronie humanity_pl.htm, czy też patrz znany cytat jaki ostrzega żony o istnieniu zbioru wad i niedoskonałości u każdego z ludzi wyrażając to mądrym ostrzeżeniem "strzeż się iluzji bo ta NIE ma żadnych wad"), a jednocześnie ponieważ dzisiejsze raptowne upowszechnienie nałogu klukowania (po angielsku "hookup culture") opisywanego szerzej w #V2 mojej strony humanity_pl.htm, wmawia żonom iż to właśnie ich mężowie (a NIE one same) mają obowiązek uzupełniać wszelkie braki czegokolwiek odczuwane przez kobiety, żony owe zaczynają właśnie na mężów zwalać winę za swoje poczucie "brakowania im czegoś" (tj. brakowania im w "duszach" wywołującej poczucie szczęśliwości "energii moralnej"). Aby zaś uzupełnić owe tajemnicze braki żony zwykle zaczynają uciekać się do łamania wymagań biblijnej definicji małżeństwa ponownie nawiązując lub rozpalając początkowo swój wyglądający zupełnie niewinnie kontakt z rzekomo "platonicznymi przyjaciółmi" czyli zwykle z nieżonatymi "mężczyznami ze swej przeszłości lub pracy" (tj. z mężczyznami przez owe żony zwykle po angielsku zwanymi "just friend") - tak jak najlepiej opisuje to ok. 11 minutowe wideo angielskojęzyczne "Married women can't have male friends" o adresie . Z upływem czasu owe kontakty przekształcają się najpierw w "emocjonalne afery" potem zaś w pozamałżeńską "intymność" i powtażalne sekretnie "zdrady erotyczne". Zdrady te zwykle trwają całymi latami - wszakże owi ich "platoniczni przyjaciele", będąc mężczyznami w dzisiejszych niemoralnych czasach, zwykle NIE widzą powodu aby NIE delektować się tymi prezentowanymi im bez żadnych wymagań, wysiłku i ryzyka "darmowymi śliwkami seksualnej przyjemności". Ponieważ zaś wszelkie seksualne, intymne i emocjonalne potrzeby owych żon zwykle są w ten sposób zaspokajane, żony te "zamykają swe nogi" dla dostępu przez mężów, zaś jeśli ci mężowie domagają się stosunków seksualnych, żony zaczynają odmawiać, gderać, narzekać, obrzucać ich wyzwiskami, ignorować, oraz traktować w sposób zupełnie odarty z szacunku. W końcowym efekcie typowo te postępowania prowadzą do rozwodu jaki w 2024 roku już w 80% inicjowany był właśnie przez żony często niewierne swym mężom emocjonalnie i erotycznie. Niestety, po rozwodzie nagle żony te odkrywają iż owi ich "platoniczni przyjaciele" wcale ich już NIE chcą - wszakże "po co kupować sobie krowę jeśli wszędzie za darmo można napić się świeżego mleka". Po angielsku to co po rozwodzie dotyka więc sporo takich zapewne uprzednio niewiernych byłych żon nazywane jest hitting a wall hard. Badania zaprezentowane na 9:09 minutowym angielskojęzycznym wideo o tytule "The 4 stage addiction of an affair" i adresie wykazują iż tylko około 10% takich rozwiedzionych z powodu małżeńskiej zdrady żon poślubia swego kochanka, z tej zaś liczby ślubów aż 75% do 80% ponownie kończy się rozwodem (zapewne ponownie z powodu zdrady żony - wszakże "lepard NIE zmienia plamek na swym futerku").
       Ratunkiem przed powyższym rozwojem dzisiejszej sytuacji małżeńskiej jest właśnie podjęcie przysparzania zaprogramowanej na powodowanie szczęścia "energii moralnej" - rozpoczęte tak wcześnie jak to możliwe, najlepiej od samego początku wpółżycia seksualnego lub od początku małżeństwa, tj. kiedy obie strony są nadal entruzjastyczne w każdej sprawie i kiedy przysparzanie to jest na tyle wczesne aby w przypadku jakichś zdarzeń losowych lub nadejścia np. "czasu zwrotu karmy któregoś z współmałżonków", według moich badań typowo nadchodzącego po upływie około 7 lat od daty ślubu, poziom tej energii moralnej u żadnego ze współmałżonków NIE stwarzał niebezpieczeństwa spadku jej "mi" poniżej µ=0.3. Dokładniej "jak" przysparzać ową energię moralną, po inżyniersku opisałem to szerzej w punktach #D1 do #D3 oraz #C6 ze strony nirvana_pl.htm, oraz w moich blogach i innych opracowaniach tam linkowanych. Ogromnie istotnym w tym generowaniu enegii moralnej jest iż powoduje je tylko ochotnicza praca fizyczna (w tym, między innymi, praca wykonywana podczas np. małżeńskiego stosunku seksualnego). Najlepiej też jeśli praca ta polega na zgodnym z Biblią "dawaniu" innym osobom czegoś co one potrzebują i co spowoduje u nich przyjemniość lub szczęśliwość, czyli jaka NIE jest motywowana tylko osiąganiem z niej korzyści głównie dla siebie samego. Tylko taka bowiem praca fizyczna powoduje programowanie generowanej energii moralnej na wywoływanie poczucia szczęścia u osoby w duszy której energia ta jest składowana. To dlatego np. praca prostytutki ani sportowy wysiłek budowania własnych mięśni w salach gimnastycznych NIE przysparzają powodującej szczęście energii moralnej - choć programują one generowaną wówczas energię moralną na wywoływanie efektów, które zostały zdefiniowane motywacjami dla jakich dana osoba wykonywała te prace (np. w przypadku pracy prostytutki - powodowanie zarobku, w przypadku pracy w sali gimnastycznej - wzrost mięśni lub bardziej muskularny wygląd ciała). Dlatego też osoby wierzące w Boga i czytające Biblię jeszcze na długo przed ślubem (np. zaraz po zaręczynach) powinny zawrzeć jakiś rodzaj spisanego przymierza w którym obie strony zgodzą się ze sobą przynajmniej co do najbardziej kontrowersyjnych aspektów wypełniania w swym małżeństwie biblijnej definicji małżeństwa - patrz punkt #I2 poniżej.
       Opisy nieniejszej strony będę starał się ilustrować wideami z jakie poszerzają omawiane na niej moje informacje. (Niestety, dobrze opracowanych polskojęzycznych wideów precyzyjnie omawiających rozwiązywane tu problemy małżeńskiego życia nadal jeszcze NIE znalazłem - jeśli je znajdę wówczas je przytoczę.) W maju 2024 roku znalazłem więc głównie angielskojęzyczne (dobre) widea na ten temat, do jakich tu linkuję. To powoduje iż oglądanie tych wideów wymaga chociaż minimalnej znajomości angielskiego, aczkolwiek będzie ono także zwiększało znajomość angielskiego u oglądającego. Wszakże niemal wszystkie z tych wideów mają tzw. "closed captions", czyli napisy narracji, uruchamiane kliknięciem w nich na ikonkę "cc". Ponadto wszystkie widea daje się kliknięciem zatrzymywać w dowolnej chwili, poczym ponownie je uruchamiać. To zaś pozwala aby wszelkie ich słowa po krótkim zatrzymaniu tłumaczyć sobie z napisów narracji "cc" na polski, a tym samym dodatkowo szkolić się w rozumieniu języka angielskiego.
       W trzech następnych punktach #I2 do #I4 tej "części #I" niniejszej strony przytoczę teraz po inżyniersku, tj. "krok po kroku", trzy przykłady inżynierskich procedur "jak dokładnie" i "dlaczego", od pierwszej chwili podjęcia decyzji o nadaniu swej przyszłości mądrze nakazywanych filozofią tradycyjnego małżeństwa definiowanego wersetami Biblii przez Boga, warto i powinno się podejmować budowę solidnych fundamentów jakie nadadzą temu małżeństwu zgodność z biblijną definicją małżeństwa, oraz twałość. W owych trzech przykładach wskazuję metody zapobiegania całkowitemu odejściu małżeństwa od jego biblijnej definicji w aż trzech typowych sytuacjach dzisiejszej ludzkości. Dokładniej opiszę też tu inżynierskie wytyczne dla owych trzech sytuacji, podając dla nich fazy (czy kroki) budowania na zasadach Biblii takich fundamentów przyszłego małżeństwa, które moim zdaniem będą źródłem wytycznych "jak" i "dlaczego" dla niemal wszystkich sytuacji z jakimi można się zetknąć w rzeczywistym życiu. Dla każdej z tych sytuacji wskażę też angielskojęzyczne widea jakie poszerzają i dostarczają empiryczny materiał potwierdzający poprawność kierunku postępowań inżyniersko rekomendowanych dla danej sytuacji. Ponieważ, tak jak każdy z ludzi, ja też jestem wysoce niedoskonałym i na dodatek mężczyzną, to co tu piszę prawdopodobnie jak wszystko co ludzkie NIE jest absolutnie obiektywne, a zapewne w sposób zupełnie niezamierzony, przypadkowy i nieuświadamiany zostało to nasycone jakimiś odcieniami "męskiej stronniczości" po angielsku zwanej "biase" - to dlatego, a także aby skrócić niniejsze opisy, będę w nich używał niemal wyłącznie słowa "współmałżonka" lub "partnerka" chociaż to co o niej tu piszę typowo będzie odnosiło się do obu partnerów małżeństwa, tj. zarówno do męża jak i do żony (jeśli zaś odnosi się wyłącznie do jednego z nich, wówczas sprecyzuję to np. słowami: mąż lub żona). Oto omawiene tu trzy sytuacje małżeńskie:

Patrz punkt #I2 poniżej: rady adresowane dla młodych ludzi wierzących w prawdę Biblii i planujących swoje pierwsze małżeństwo. (Wszakże o Biblii naukowo jest już dowiedzione iż faktycznie została ona zainspirowana przez niezaprzeczalnie istniejącego i wszechmocnego Boga, który stworzył każdego z nas i nieustająco nim się opiekuje - np. patrz blogi #135 i #228, albo też patrz 6:08 minutowe wideo "Jesus found in ancient records of China", o adresie: .) Życie tymczasem potwierdza, że małżeństwo typowo jest najważniejszą decyzją jaką kiedykolwiek się podejmuje a jaka może nas albo uszczęśliwić, albo też złamać i zniszczyć. Rady mogą więc być wysoce pomocne jeśli dwoje młodych i wierzących w Boga ludzi przeciwstawnej płci, tj. mężczyzna i kobieta, niedawno się spotkało i właśnie oboje zastanawiają się "jak" w dzisiejszych czasach braku wiary najlepiej ukierunkować układanie fundamentów filozoficznych dla zgodnego z Biblią małżeństwa. Dzisiejsze bowiem "nowoczesne" małżeństwa bazują na filozofii łamiącej definicję małżeństw z Biblii - patrz {#I2b} z #I2 poniżej. W dzisiejszym świecie "feminizmu", "hookup kultury", "emocjonalnych zdrad" z rzekomo "platonicznymi przyjaciółmi" przeciwstawnej płci, braku faktycznej komunikacji pomiędzy młodymi ludźmi, oraz młodych kobiet niekiedy "zaliczających" dziesiątki lub nawet setki nocy przespanych z coraz to innymi mężczyznami, małżeństwa mają więc bardzo wysoką szansę szybko skończyć się goryczą, stratami i obłędem rozwodu - wszakże zasady większości z nich idą przeciw Bogu a NIE z Bogiem. Dlatego na bazie wyników badań jakie dotychczas wykonałem, rady zestawione w #I2 poniżej wskazują wierzącym w Boga młodym ludziom wytyczne spisane po inżyniersku i wskazujące główne etapy czy kroki szczegółowej procedury "jak" już spotkaną, lubianą i wstępnie już poznaną kandydatkę na przyszłą współmałżonkę przekonać do, rozeznać, lub upewnienić się podczas okazyjnie prowadzonych rozmów, czy jest możliwe wspólne wypracowanie zgodności poglądów w sprawie poprawności i dobra potrzeby zabazowania małżeństwa na mądrych i ponadczasowych wytycznych z Biblii. W trakcie bowiem takich luźnich i okazyjnie prowadzanych rozmów, szczególną uwagę daje się przykładać do ustalenia czy na bazie postępowaniowych i empirycznych ostrzeżeń po angielsku zwanych "red flags", właśnie poznana kandydatka na żonę lub kandydat na przyszłego męża wypełnia lub NIE wypełnia podstawowych wymagań, które Biblia i empiryka wskazują jako absolutnie konieczne do budowania szczęśliwego pożycia małżeńskiego, a jakie wyszczególniłem w {#I2a} z punktu #I2 poniżej. Powinno ono też obejmować sformułowanie i zawarcie ochotniczego ale spisanego jako rodzaj "przymierza" dokumentu legalnego przez ludzkie prawa po angielsku nazywanego "prenup" opisanego w {#I2e} o zaręczynach. W dokumencie tym bowiem może być zawarta obowiązująca ich następnie umowa o szczegółach dobrowolnych i obopólnych zasad i postępowań obojga młodych ludzi wierzących w Boga i studiujących Biblię planujących stać się przyszłymi współmałżonkami, a obowiązujących ich już od pierwszego dnia po ślubie. Najważniejszym jednak punktem tych wstępnych rozmów powinno być obiecanie sobie nawzajem iż oboje uczestnicy tej pary są gotowi ochotniczo podjąć wykonywanie opisywanych w {#I2f} z punktu #I2 poniżej "prac moralnych" z nakazywaną w Biblii motywacją "dawania" w celu nieustającego utrzymywania poziomu swej energii moralnej "mi" pomiędzy µ=0.4 a µ=0.5, poczym podjęcie natychmiastowego, obopólnego, zdecydowanego i nieustajacego wdrażania tej obietnicy w życie - co zagwarantuje im długie i pełne szczęścia pożycie małżeńskie.

BACZNOŚĆ. Tu bowiem wskazuję przykłady z licznych niepodważalnych potwierdzeń historycznych, że przysparzanie "energii moralnej" zaprogramowanej motywacjami "dawania" na generowanie szczęśliwości umacnia takie zgodne z Biblią małżeństwa żyjące ze sobą dozgonnie we wzajemnym szacunku, zgodzie, miłości i szczęściu, oraz że obecne jednomyślne w obrębie niemal całej ludzkości odchodzenie żon o "mi" poniżej µ=0.3 od tej zgodności małżeństw z Biblią jest dowodem iż odchodzenie to zostało nam sekretnie wmuszone zaawansowaną techniką (np. telepatii lub hipnozy) przez istniejących poza ludzkością naszych zajadłych wrogów i krewniaków, modlenie się o przyszłość których Biblia też nam nakazuje. (1) Pierwszą historycznie sprawdzalną grupą tych potwierdzeń jest takie właśnie życie w miłości i szczęściu większości małżeństw z pokolenia moich rodziców w biednej, zniszczonej wojną, zagłodzonej, opuszczonej i prześladowanej wówczas przez resztę świata, oraz zupełnie pozbawionej niemal wszelkich dzisiejszych maszyn i domowych urządzeń powojennej Polsce z lat 1946 do 1964, w której absolutnie wszystko wykonywało się własnymi rękami. W tym bowiem okresie ja miałem zaszczyt i przyjemność żyć w domu moich rodziców, a przez jeden rok i mojej babci, z niewielkich, podmiejskich, polskich wsi Wszewilki oraz Cielcza. Zasady życia w obu owych wsiach były wówczas drastycznie odmienne od zasad życia w zabarykadowanych przed bliźnimi twierdzach-mieszkaniach z dzisiejszych miast. Wystarczy iż np. tu żartobliwie podpowiem, że mieszkanki jednego końca owych wsi wiedziały nawet co żony z drugiego końca właśnie gotują swym mężom i dzieciom na obiad. Gdyby więc jakaś żona (tak jak dzisiejsze żony z miast) zmuszała swego męża do celibatu poprzez zamknięcie dla niego swych nóg, albo gdyby żyła z mężem na popularnych dziś zasadach zupełnie mu obcej współlokatorki, oraz psuła swą reputację zaspokajając wszelkie swe potrzeby intymne z innym niż mąż "przyjacielem", wówczas cała wieś natychmiast by o tym wiedziała. Wiedzielibyśmy też o tym także my, młode pokolenie owych wsi - wszakże wówczas wszyscy szybko poznawali prawdę i NIE było wtedy narzuconych nam przez "moce zła" tzw. "praw prywatności". Jednak aż do czasów upadku komunizmu ja o żadnym takim przypadku nigdy NIE słyszałem (podobnie jak NIE słyszałem aby ktokolwiek wówczas zażywał narkotyki). Jednocześnie wiem jednak iż żony owych wsi wykonywały wówczas z miłością bardzo wiele ochotniczej "pracy moralnej" motywowanej zalecanym Biblią "dawaniem". Przykładowo rozważmy tylko pracę gotowania obiadu dla naprawdę wtedy kochanej rodziny. Dla dzisiejszych żon z miast sprowadza się ono do bezwysiłkowego otwarcia kilku puszek i przekręcenia przełącznika na gazie lub elektryczności aby podgrzać mężowi gotową zawartość tych puszek - upakowaną indukującymi wszelkie choroby chemikaliami. Tymczasem np. moja własna matka, gdy zechciała np. z miłością ugotować na obiad ulubiony przez nas "rosół z kury z makaronem" (zjedzenie którego wówczas było dla nas prawdziwą ucztą), najpierw musiała uganiać się za kurą aby ją złapać (chyba iż my w tym ją wyręczyliśmy), potem uciąć jej głowę, potem ją "sparzyć" gorącą wodą, oskubać z piór i opalić z puchu oraz wypatroszyć i wyciąć zawartość żołądka i żółci z wątroby, potem "zaprawić" aby mięso dobrze smakowało i dopiero potem kura była gotowa do przygotowania rosołu. W sumie z jedną kurą matka w miłością wykonywała więcej fizycznej "pracy moralnej" niż dzisiejsze żony w całym swym dniu. Podobnie było z makaronem - NIE pamiętam aby w owych czasach ktokolwiek kupował w sklepie gotowy makaron, a wszyscy go pracowicie i miłością wykonywali osobiście z mąki, jajek i innych składników według swych unikalnych (i ogromnie smacznych) receptur. Gotowanie też NIE było łatwe, bo matka najpierw musiała upiłować z kłód i porąbać drwa na ogień. Wówczas bowiem mężowie zajęci całodzienną ciężką pracą w polu i/lub przemyśle, zwykle ograniczali się do przywiezienia całych drzew do domu, które potem żony (albo ich dzieci) rozcinały, rąbały lub łamały na palone mniejsze kawałki. W końcu gotowanie też było uciechą, bowiem trzeba było rozpalić ogień w piecu, zaczekać aż płyta się nagrzeje, a potem gotować, pilnować, doprawiać i z miłością wyczyniać znane od pokoleń sekrety kucharskie aby gotowany posiłek był pyszny i ulubiony przez męża i dzieci. Do tego dochodziło domowe wykonywanie serów i masła - np. aby masło wydzieliło się ze śmietany ostrożnie pozbieranej z powierzchni wielu garnków zastałego mleka, trzeba było przez około godzinę silnie potrząsać w rękach bańką zawierającą tę śmietanę. W sezonach zaś dodatkowo następowały też wykonywane ręcznie głównie przez żony: karmienie i obchodzenie trzody, sadzenie ziemniaków, suszenie siana, odbieranie i wiązanie w snopy zboża koszonego przez męża, żniwa, młócka zboża podczas której żony przez całe godziny w pyle i hałasie odbierały słomę z młockarni i wiązały ją w snopy, kopanie ziemniaków, wyrób wędlin i zaprawianie mięsa po jesiennym zabiciu świni, wędzenie, oraz oczywiście pieczenie i przygotowywanie domowych potraw i napojów na zjazdy całej dużej rodziny z okazji kilku świąt i innych uroczystości. Łatwo więc oszacować iż dzisiejsze żony z miast wykonują nawet mniej niż odpowiednik 1% tamtych prac czysto fizycznych. To zaś oznacza iż dziś poziom "energii moralnej" całej ludzkości nieustająco spada. W latach 2030tych zapewne wartość ta spadnie praktycznie do zera. Czyli gro ludzi i wszystkie "intelekty grupowe" ściągną wtedy na siebie tzw. "śmierć przez moralne uduszenie" z powodu zupełnego braku absolutnie potrzebnej do życia energii moralnej. Śmierć ta jest wszakże nieuchronną konsekwencją spadku "mi" do wartości µ=0. Ten niezwykły rodzaj śmierci, jakby atakujący i wypleniający wszystkich którzy NIE słuchają swego sumienia oraz odmawiają uznania poprawnie udokumentowanej prawdy lub NIE nauczyły się poszukiwać prawdy i odróżniać jej od kłamstwa, opisałem szerzej w blogu #318 i w #D3 strony "nirvana_pl.htm". Co najciekawsze, następuje ona na wszelkie możliwe sposoby jakie dzisiejsi "niedowiarkowie" NIE są w stanie powiązać z brakiem "energii moranej", tj. następuje np. z powodu samobójstwa, dziwnego "wypadku", "przypadkowej" infekcji, akumulacji trucizn w organiźmie, tzw. "znalezienia się w niewłaściwym miejscu o niewłaściwym czasie", itp. Stąd spadek poziomu "energii moralnej" jest też rodzajem ostrzeżnia dla wszystkich którzy unikają jakiejkolwiek pracy fizycznej - do nich bowiem odnosi się to modne ostatnio w internecie sarkastyczne powiedzenie: już nieżywy tyle iż jeszcze o tym nie wie (po angielsku: "already dead just doesn't know it yet"). Wszystkiego powyższego ja oczywiście wcale tu NIE opisuję aby przekonywać do powrotu zwyczajów dawnych czasów (choć powrót ten nieodwołalnie sam nadejdzie kiedy nasza cywilizacja całkowicie upadnie w latach 2030tych), a aby wykazać iż żony w tamtych czasach wykonywały mnóstwo motywowanych dawaniem z miłością "prac moralnych" oraz iż to "energia moralna" generowana i programowana na szczęście owymi pracami czyniła je szczęśliwymi. Szczęście zaś żon powoduje szczęście ich mężów. Doskonale wiem także iż w dzisiejszych czasach nadal istnieje wiele obszarów życia, gdzie ludzie mogą wykonywać swoje "prace moralne" bez zwracania na siebie niepożądanej uwagi - np. te jakie opisałem w swym blogu #369. Wszakże np. plaże, parki, pobocza dróg i strumieni, oraz wszelkie inne miejsca publiczne są zaśmiecone i zachwaszczone, jednak wszyscy oczekują aż rząd lub miasto zatrudni np. "emigrantów" (bo miejscowi wierzą iż życie "bezrobotnych z depresją" jest "lepsze" niż jakakolwiek praca) i zapłaci tym emigrantom aby ci z motywacjami "brania" zaczęli to sprzątać. Podobnie z drzewami. W czasach mojej młodości przy niemal każdej polskiej drodze były posadzone czereśnie, śliwki, gruszki, a niekiedy nawet orzechy. Do dziś one wymarły, a nowych nikt już NIE sadzi. Podobnie drzewa rosły przy brzegach rzek, strumyków, jezior i stawków, oczyszczając wodę i dając rybom i rakom schronienie - dziś też ich już tam NIE ma. Masę problemów dziś stwarzają najróżniejsze kataklizmy, np. powodzie, huragany, tornada, obsuwiska ziemi, itp. Także i z ich następstwami wszyscy czekają aż rząd da pieniądze aby z motywacjami "brania" ktoś mógł eliminować ich skutki. Gdy zaś z powodu korupcji pieniądze poznikają, nic NIE jest czynione. Czyli dzięki skrycie wmuszanym nam "pieniądzom" i "chciwości" nasza cywilizacja zamieniła się w odwrotność tego co Bóg od nas oczekuje. Taka zaś zmiana będzie miała bardzo bolesne konsekwencje.

(2) Drugą i też sprawdzalną grupą potwierdzeń, że to brak "energii moralnej" u żon jest powodem obecnej ogólno-światowej pandemii pozbawiania mężów seksu przez żony oraz życia małżeństw na zasadach obcych sobie wpółlokatorów, jest fakt identyczności symptomów tej pandemii we wszystkich kontynentach i krajach świata. Niezależnie bowiem czy jest to USA, UK, Korea, Japonia, NZ, itp., żony o "mi" mniejszym od µ=0.3 ze wszystkich tych krajów obecnie zachowują się dokładnie identycznie. Znaczy wszystkie one zaprzestają intymności z mężem i żyją z nim wyłącznie jak z obcym współlokatorem, wykazują brak szacunku do męża, stają się agresywne, dyktatorskie, kłótliwe, wytykające i oskarżające, swe potrzeby sekretnie zaspokajają z męskimi "przyjaciółmi", itd., itp. W połączeniu więc z (2a) zaciekłością z jaką od niemal 30 lat zwalczane i blokowane jest na Ziemi wszystko co publikuję na temat "energii moralnej", nirwany, zastąpienia pieniędzy nirwaną, uzdrawiania depresji energią moralną, ratowania małżeństw generowaniem energii moralnej, itp., oraz w połączeniu z (2b) wiedzą o sekretnej okupacji Ziemi przez naszych upadłych moralnie krewniaków z planet Oriona opisywanych w blogach #369 do #359, staje się oczywiste iż owi mający wehikuły czasu i stąd znający przyszłość krewniacy z Oriona desperacko powstrzymują poznanie przez ludzkość prawdy o działaniu "energii moralnej" poprzez przeprogramowywanie żon nakazami technicznej telepatii i hipnozy wmuszających żonom dokładnie te zachowania. Tylko to bowiem wyjaśnia dlaczego we wszystkich krajach świata omawiana tu pandemia małżeńska manifestuje się identycznymi symptomami. Gdyby bowiem symptomy te genertowały same żony, każda z których ma przecież odmienną osobowość, doświadczenia życiowe i stosunek do męża, oraz kontynent, kulturę i warunki życia, wówczas u każdej z żon pandemia ta maniestowałaby się na zupełnie odmienny sposób. (3) Trzecią grupą wskazywanych tu potwierdzeń są wszystkie te nadal utajniane lub ignorowane przez rządy, monopol "oficjalnej nauki ateistycznej", religie, itp., dowody intensywnego obecnie, celowego i masowego, chociaż starannie ukrywanego programowania ludzi techniczną telepatią i hipnozą (w tym i programowania żon o "mi" poniżej µ=0.3). Choć te materialne dowody od dawna już opisuję, np. w blogach #359 do #369, oraz ilustruję fotografiami w "część #K" strony o nazwie "petone_pl.htm", jednak ich uznania i otwartego ujawniania prawdy na ich temat współpracujące z "mocami zła" nasze rządy, oficjalna nauka ateistyczna, decydenci, internet, religie, itp., uparcie odmawiają. (4) Jeszcze jedną grupę istniejących potwierdzeń stanowi niezwykła trwałość telepatycznych i hipnotycznych zaprogramowań żon na postępowania łamiące przykazania Biblii. Przykładowo w licznych raportach mężów o ich próbach ratowania małżeństwa poprzez perswadowanie żonom powrotu do ich uprzednich postępowań lub tych zgodnych z Biblią, zawsze jest podkreślane iż bez względu na to co mężowie czynią i wyjaśniają, żony z kamiennym uporem trwają w swych nowo-nabytych niszczycielskich osobowościach. To zaś potwierdza iż do przeprogramowywania żon użyta jest zaawansowana technika wyższa od znanej ludzkości, a NIE jedynie typowe dla kobiet częste zmienianie swych poglądów. Ponadto potwierdza iż stawką jest tutaj wyrugowanie z Ziemi wiary w Boga, zaś tragedie żon i mężów wplątanych w te wojnę zła z dobrem są tylko jednym z "następstw ubocznych" zgodnych z polskim przysłowiem "gdzie drwa rąbią tam wióry lecą". (5) Następną grupą istniejących potwierdzeń jest fakt istnienia urządzeń jakie skrycie i szkodząco mogą programować ludzkość różnymi rodzajami technicznej telepatii i hipnozy, którą według wszelkich istniejących poszlak - nasi upadli moralnie krewniacy z Oriona już od czasów pokazanych na scenie ukrzyżowania Jezusa z Fot. #J1a na stronie "bandits_pl.htm", aż do dzisiaj, zdecydowanie zalewają ludzkość i Ziemię. Przykładem np. inteligentnie zachowującego się "satelity" zdolnego realizować takie telepatyczne i hipnotyczne programowanie, może być, między innymi, tzw. "oumuamua" opisywany w google i youtube. Patrz co o tym rzekomym "satelicie" już wiadomo z opisów w lub z wideów upowszechnianych przez . Niestety, nadal niemal nikt NIE ma wiedzy i odwagi oficjalnie wyjaśnić "jak" ów obiekt może szkodzić ludzkości np. telepatycznym oraz hipnotycznym programowaniem żon na odmawianie swym mężom intymności i na praktykowanie zdrad małżeńskich, a w ten sposób przyspieszających rozkład ludzkości. Warto też odnotować iż podobnych do "oumuamua" telepatycznie i hipnotycznie sabotażujących ludzkość urządzeń może być wiele na orbicie, na Księżycu, na pobliskich planetach, a nawet na samej Ziemi (rozważ co można nadal ukrywać np. w piramidach, lub w podziemnych tunelach UFO typu tych spod polskiej Babiej Góry - opisanych w blogu #298 lub w #G3 strony "aliens_pl.htm"). Jedyna zaś już możliwa dla nas obrona przed nimi polega na powiększaniu poziomu "mi" naszej "energii moralnej", tak jak opisane w {#I2f} poniżej.

Patrz punkt #I3 poniżej: przygotowywania zgodnych z definicją w Biblii fundamentów dla zasad działanie drugiego lub następnego małżeństwa uprzednio rozwiedzionej, owdowiałej, lub niechcianej przez nikogo żony (czy męża). Odnotuj iż owo budowanie fundamentów powinno wdrażać w życie najbardziej kluczowe z poniżej podanych rad {#I2a} do {#I2n}, zaś niemal z pewnością NIE zakończy się sukcesem jeśli NIE wdroży wspólnego przysparzania "energii moralnej" doradzanego w {#I2f} poniżej.

Patrz punkt #I4 poniżej: ratowanie danego małżeństwa gdy wyraźnie jest już zagrożone upadkiem i rozwodem - np. w przypadku gdy oparte ono było na filozofii (2) z podpunktu {#I2b} w #I2 i wyraźnie schodzi na manowce lub wiedzie do rozwodu, albo kiedy żona już zamknęła swe nogi przed dostępem przez jej męża, albo gdy małżeństwo NIE doświadcza generujących "energię moralną" i bazujących na "dawaniu" stosunków seksualnych, albo gdy już stało się rodzajem współzamieszkiwania obcych sobie i często wzajemnie wrogich współlokatorów, itp., itd. Jak w obu poprzednich sytuacjach życiowych, też absolutnym wymogiem sukcesu tego ratowania jest wdrożenie co najmniej przysparzania "energii moralnej" z {#I2f} poniżej. Ponieważ w tej sytuacji żona z całą pewnością jest już zaprogramowana telepatycznie lub hipnotycznie, ja radziłbym mężowi aby bez dyskutowania z żoną prawdziwego powodu wspólnej pracy, znalazł jakąś metodę nakłonienia żony do codziennego wykonywania dowolnej pracy fizycznej (wszakże dowolna praca będzie zwiększała jej "energię moralną"), np. poprzez wspólne z nią pracowanie nad czymkolwiek dla niej też istotnym (najlepiej dla dzieci, rodziny, czy kogoś jej bliskiego ale NIE męskiej płci, aby wywoływało to u niej motywacje "dawania") i wymagającym wkładania znacznego wysiłku.

Video #I1x (top): ("Emotional Abandoment is the betrayal", 8:15 min),

Video #I1y (middle): ("Are you aware of this surprising emotional killer" - loneliness, 4:33 min),

Video #I1z (down):
(this last video reveals the inability of today's women to be happy - due to the chronic deficiency of "moral energy" in their souls, 12:28 min).

Videos #I1xyz - click on the links above to view these videos: Here are examples of videos documenting that women instinctively feel inside a lack of "moral energy" as a kind of "emptiness in their soul", feelinglessness, or "lack of connection with themselves". On the other hand, unfortunately, men do NOT feel at all a lack of moral energy, but can only infer this lack from the state of their personality. Meanwhile, truly "in a devilish way", taking advantage of the fact that, by being also intense physical work, each sexual intercourse generates moral energy for a woman the amount of which according to one of the videos corresponds to the generation of this energy during about 7 hours of exercise in the gym, the "powers of evil" secretly occupying the Earth forced humanity to the "romantic lie" that women's "emptiness within themselves" is to be filled by their husbands or lovers. However the truth is that no one except women themselves can fill this "emptiness in their souls". After all the only way to fill this void in the soul is to perform physical work that generates "moral energy". Unfortunately, nowadays most of women almost do NOT do any physical work. At the same time, women putting the responsibility for this void onto their husbands leads to adultery, divorces, ruining the marital heritage, loss of reputation, lonely old age, and shame to their descendants. Therefore, these items #I1 to #I4 of the web page "bible.htm", as well as the blog #370E, indicate in engineering terms of "how" women can effectively fill such a void by volunteering physical work, preferably in cooperation with their own husbands and while motivated by the "giving" commanded by Jesus (means NOT by "taking" - see blog #365E or #V1 to #V1a from the web page "humanity.htm") and for the good and happiness of other neighbours, which voluntary work will generate for them the necessary amount of "moral energy" pre-programmed into lasting happiness.

#I2, blog #370E. Przygotowanie, obopólne zaakceptowanego, oraz wdrożenie w życie, "małżeńskiego przymierza" obu przyszłych współmałżonków dla urzeczywistnienia fundamentów małżeństwa zgodnych z Biblią oraz z ich cechami osobowymi, motywacjami i celami życiowymi w sytuacji ich pierwszego i zamierzonego do wytrwania aż do śmierci małżeństwa dwojga młodych ludzi wierzących w Boga i aktywnie uczących się życia studiowaniem Biblii i osobistym generowaniem u siebie energii moralnej:

Motto: "Na każdą pierwszą w naszym życiu współtowarzyszkę i pomocnicę ze wszystkich długotrwałych związków istniejących w całym naszym świecie materii, Bóg zawsze daje nam najpierw partnerkę która jest najbardziej odpowiednia i pasująca do cech naszego charakteru, celu lekcji moralnych które Bóg wyznaczył nam do przeżycia w obecnym naszym życiu materialnym, oraz do niespłaconej uprzednio karmy jaka pozostała nam do przeżycia" (to samo ma miejsce w przypadku partnerów - to dlatego NIE tylko pierwsza żona lub pierwszy mąż potem okazują się być najlepszymi ze wszystkich jakich doświadczyliśmy, ale również najlepszymi są nasz pierwszy kot, pies, krowa, koń i dowolni inni partnerzy jakich w swym obecnym życiu najpierw otrzymaliśmy - odnotuj przy tym iż przy nadaniu nam drugich i następnych z takich partnerek lub partnerów Bóg stosuje procedurę opisaną dokładniej w #6C z podrozdziału I4.1.1 w tomie 5 mojej monografii [1/5] pod nazwą moralne "prawo drabiny partnerskiej", w której to procedurze ten uczestnik właśnie upadłego związku, który jest winny spowodowania upadku, otrzymuje już gorszego partnera/rkę niż jego/jej partner uprzedni, ponieważ zgodnie z zasadą "pozbawiania przywilejów" opisywaną w blogu #362 i punkcie #I5 strony bandits_pl.htm Bóg odbiera mu te przywileje, które ów ktoś złamał powodując dany rozpad, z kolei ten/ta z partnerów który NIE jest winny rozpadu uprzedniego związku otrzymuje lepszego dla jego obecnej sytuacji partnera/rkę niż ten/ta z uprzedniego związku, a ponadto "przywileje" jakich powtarzalnego przestrzegania dowiódł podczas rozpadu zostają mu dodane przez Boga - jeśli uprzednio nimi jeszcze się NIE cieszył/ła).

       Staranność, dalekowzroczność, przewidywalność i głębia z jaką dana para przygotuje i praktycznie wdroży w swym dalszym pożyciu małżeńskim fundamenty małżeńskiego "przymierza" sugerowanego wersetami Biblii a opisanego w {#I2c}, które wyznaczy kurs ich pierwszego w życiu małżeństwa, zapewne okażą się najbardziej znaczące dla dalszych ich losów życiowych. Po inżyniersku wyszczególniłem więc w poniższych podpunktach {#I2a} do {#I2n} swe rady co do najważniejszych z kroków i działań jakimi mogliby stopniowo wdrażać w życie owo przygotowanie i praktyczne zapoczątkowanie wspólnego życia. Ale, jak przysłowie przypomina, "każdy jest kowalem własnego losu". Każdy też jest w odmiennej sytuacji. Stąd opisane poniżej kroki to jedynie podsumowanie i przypomnienie "co i jak" możnaby uczynić. Jednak od czytającego zależy "czy" lub "które" z nich uznałby za warte podjęcia w jego/jej sytuacji. Kroki te obejmują, między innymi (odnotuj, że dla skrócenia tekstu ja kontynuuję pisanie "ona" zapowiedzianego w #I1, faktycznie jednak rozumiejąc "ich oboje"):

{#I2a} Spotkanie i wstępne poznawanie kandydatki na przyszłą współmałżonkę. W tym kroku podczas okazyjnie prowadzonych rozmów należy dyskretnie się upewnić czy istnieje zgodność poglądów w sprawie potrzeby bazowania małżeństwa na mądrych i ponadczasowych wytycznych z Biblii. W tych luźnich i okazyjnie prowadzanych rozmowach szczególną uwagę należy przykładać do postępowaniowych i empirycznych ostrzeżeń po angielsku zwanych "red flags", że właśnie poznana kandydatka na żonę lub kandydat na przyszłego męża NIE wypełnia podstawowych wymagań, które Biblia i empiryka wskazują jako absolutnie konieczne do budowania szczęśliwego pożycia. Najważniejsze z tych "red flags" obejmują bowiem ustalenie czy: nasz/a kandydat/ka jest ateistą/ką i kłamcą o "narcyzystycznych skłonnościach", zaś w przypadku kobiet także feministką o wysokim tzw. "body count"; jej przeszłość kwalifikuje ją do grupy tzw. "damaged goods"; ma skłonności do kontrolowania i agresji jak osoby zwane "narcyzystami"; NIE ma najmniejszego zamiaru aby nieustająco się komunikować w każdej sprawie ze swoim partnerem aby wypracować wraz z nim wspólną strategię postępowania (tam zaś gdzie brak komunikacji zaczyna się ukrywanie i tajemnice - ich zaś istnienie zawsze jest oznaką zdrady); ponadto czy: pieniądze i dobra materialne, a także fizyczny aspekt związku i wygląd partnera są jego/jej najważniejszymi motywacjami postępowania; wywodzi się z kraju, kultury lub religii odmiennej od cechujących nas. Owo wstępne rozeznawanie kandydatki na żonę obejmuje też empiryczne sprawdzenie czy istnieje obopólna zgodność co do potrzeby bazujących na przykazaniach i wymaganiach Biblii fundamentów przyszłego pożycia. Sprawdzenie to polega na dokładnym przedyskutowaniu stosunku partnerki do powiększania swej wiedzy o prawdach życiowych zakodowanych w Biblii poprzez systematyczne studiowanie Biblii, a także jej opinię o ochotniczym i wspólnym z mężem powiększaniu zasobów zaprogramowanej na przyjemność lub szczęście "energii moralnej" celowymi działaniami opisanymi w {#I2f} poniżej. Jeśli poznanie to upewni nas iż tych "red flags" jest relatywnie niewiele (wszkże każdy z nas ludzi jest niedoskonały) i że istnieje obopólna chęć aby wyeliminować ich impakt w późniejszym pożyciu, a także iż istnieją przesłanki na ochotnicze i obopólne udoskonalanie siebie samego i wzrostu w trakcie danego związku małżeńskiego, wówczas można przystąpić do realizacji następnego kroku.

{#I2b} Przedyskutowanie z tą kandydatką dwóch obecnie istniejących i drastycznie do siebie przeciwstawnych filozofii działania dzisiejszych małżeństw. Celem jest tu uwypuklenie zalet i potrzeby wspólnego popracowania nad wdrożeniem tradycyjnego małżeństwa bazującego na ponadczasowej definicji z Biblii. Pierwszą i najstarszą z tych dwóch filozofii najtrafniej odzwierciedla nazwa (1) tradycyjna filozofia bazowania małżeństwa na przestrzeganiu przykazań, wymagań, oraz definicji podanych w poprawnie przetłumaczonych wersetach Biblii zainspirowanej przez Boga. NIE powinno się przy tym ukrywać, że w swym małżeństwie jest się zwolennikiem praktykowania tejże pierwszej filozofii działania małżeństw, ponieważ bazuje ona na zgodnym z Biblią "ochotniczym dawaniu" jakie generuje "energię moralną" objgu współmałżonków. Ponadto NIE ukrywać także iż relatywnie nowy, skrajny i niszczycielski ruch kobiecy zwany "feminizm", praktykowaniu tej tradycyjnej filozofii intensywnie się przeciwstawia pod wymówką (a tak naprawdę to z powodu usilnie wmuszanego obecnie kobietom przez "moce zła") fałszywego zrozumienia przez feministki wersetu 5:21-33 z Efezjan w Biblii nakazującego aby żona (która jest specjalnie zaprojektowana i stworzona przez Boga dla wypełniania funkcji współtowarzyszki i pomocniczki męża) wykazywała w małżeństwie omawiane w {#I2j} poniżej podporządkowanie autorytetowi swego męża (to podporządkowanie po angielsku jest celowo przez "moce zła" nazywane błędnym słowem "submission"), ponieważ to mąż przez Boga jest uznawany jako głowa każdej rodziny (wszakże rodzina NIE może mieć aż dwóch głów, bo żadna decyzja w niej by NIE działała - zgodnie z przysłowiem chińskim "gdy łódź ma dwóch właścicieli, wówczas będzie przeciekała", czy japońskim "gdy statek ma dwóch kapitanów wówczas wyląduje na skałach"). Do coraz głębszego omawiania tej filozofii (1) należy potem wielokrotnie powracać, aby obie strony dobrze wiedziały na czym ona polega i do czego praktycznie się sprowadza (tj. do tego co skrótowo omawiam w niniejszym #I2). Podczas tych późniejszych omówień, powinno się nawet dokładnie zaplanować jakie działania na początku będzie się wspólnie realizowało w ramach przysparzania "energii moralnej" - patrz {#I2f}, poczym w przyszłości przygotować wszystko do realizacji tych działań. Ponieważ generowanie energii moralnej zaprogramowanej na małżeńskie szczęście jest kluczem do trwałej i szczęśliwej wspólnej przyszłości, w podjętym na ten temat całym cyklu późniejszych rozmów należy się definitywnie upewnić co do gotowości kandydatki na żonę do zapobiegania skutkom niebezpiecznego spadku energii moralnej "mi" u dzisiejszych żon. Zapobieganie to wymagałoby bowiem udziału żony w wykonywaniu różnych ochotniczych prac fizycznych w rodzaju tych wzmiankowanych w {#I2f} poniżej, przy jednoczesnym utrzymywaniu motywacji na bezinteresowane i szczere "dawanie" ich produktów innym bliźnim (tj. dawanie bez czerpania z tego dawania żadnych korzyści materialnych, a jedynie korzyści duchowe w rodzaju generowanie "energii moralnej"). Spadek energii moralnej u kobiet prowadzi bowiem do ogromnej liczby problemów psychicznych i zdrowotnych, zaczynając od coraz silniejszej depresji psychicznej, poprzez medyczne problemy z sercem, ciśnieniem i do wszystkiego co od tych pochodne. Dlatego zadaniem mężczyzny jest NIE tylko fizyczne chronienie żony przed niebezpieczeństwami i agresorami, ale także przed powodami szybkiego spadku energii moralnej. Zarówno "jak" wykrywać taki szybki spadek energii moralnej, jak i metody jej odbudowy, opisywane są w licznych moich publikacjach. Z kolei drugą i najnowszą z filozofii działania małżeństw, bowiem formowaną właśnie przez "feminizm" począwszy od okolo lat 1960-tych, można nazywać (2) filozofią kupowania i sprzedaży usług małżeńskich. W tej filozofii żona "kupuje" od męża jego zarobki (lub ich część), dom, utrzymanie, podarunki, potraktowanie jakie sobie wymarzy, ochronę przed wszystkim co może jej się przytrafić, wychowywanie jej dzieci, itp., w zamian płacąc za to wszystko swym ciałem (tj. małżeńskimi stosunkami seksualnymi i swą intymnością) oraz niektórymi innymi usługami, np. gotowaniem. Z uwagi na motywację "brania" jaka dominuje wszystko co w tej filozofii się dzieje, np. stosunki seksualne NIE generują w niej "energii moralnej" zaprogramowanej na powodowanie szczęścia - bo pod względem motywacji wykazują one duże podobieństwo do prostytucji. Chociaż owa druga filozofia historycznie istnieje dopiero od bardzo niedawna, do chwili obecnej zdołała ona wypracować sobą wiele nastawionych na cielesną przyjemność dla kobiet trendów jakie żony w nich praktykują. Przykładami tych trendów mogą być po angielsku zwane (odnotuj iż pod każdą z tych nazw kryje się więcej niż autorzy ich opisów zdecydują się wyjaśnić we fragmentach internetu praktykujących tzw. "polityczną poprawność"): hookup culture, Yoni massage, Swedish massage, Female Led Relationship, Sumissive Men, Rom Coms, Open Marriage, Polyamory, Tantric Massage, Sex Clubs, oraz kilka jeszcze innych. Jak tu się NIE dziwić iż w dzisiejszych czasach niektórzy religijni działacze zaczynają ostrzegać iż ludzkość wiedziona przez "feministki" (za aktywnością których sekretnie ukrywają się "moce zła") stała się już gorsza od biblijnej Sodomy i Gomory. (Odnotuj szokującą prawdę, iż według wyników moich badań, owymi bezlitośnie wyniszczającymi nas "mocami zła", okazują się być skrycie okupujący nas "UFOnauci" do dzisiaj sekretnie przylatujący na Ziemię z planet Oriona, czyli zaawansowani technicznie ale upadli moralnie potomkowie naszych przodków jacy oryginalnie zasiedlili nas na Ziemi, a stąd do których i nas nadal ważne jest powiedzenie "krew z naszej krwi".) Jeśli więc poznana kandydatka wykazuje inklinacje do zaakceptowania pracy nad nadaniem swemu małżeństwu cech filozofii (1) bazującej na Biblii, wówczas można kontynuować realizowanie dalszych punktów poniższej procedury. Jeśli zaś wykaże tendencję ku preferowaniu filozofii (2) i NIE daje się przekonać iż (1) jest lepsza dla losów małżeństwa, zdrowia i naszej duszy, dlatego zgodniejsza też z wierzeniem czytelnika, wówczas radziłbym uchronić siebie przed poważnymi problemami w przyszłości i przed żałosnym pożyciem małżeńskim w rodzaju "przedsionku piekła" poprzez "zerwanie" dalszej z nią znajomości i poszukanie sobie innej kandydatki na współmałżonkę.

{#I2c} Empiryczne sprawdzenie czy da się wypracować obopólną zgodność co do potrzeby stworzenia rodzaju filozoficznych fundamentów przyszłego pożycia bazujących na przykazaniach Boga i wymaganiach podanych w Biblii, jakie potem będą wyrażone w pisanej formie "przymierza". Sprawdzenie to polega na dokładnym przedyskutowaniu stosunku obojga partnerów do wszystkiego co tu omawiane w #I1 i #I2, ze szczególnym naciskiem na nieustające kontynuowanie powiększania swej wiedzy o prawdach życiowych zakodowanych w wersety Biblii poprzez podjęcie wspólnego studiowania Biblii (i to NIE tylko fragmentów dotyczących małżeństw - czyli NIE tylko tych jakie wskazuję i omawiam w #I1 do #I4 niniejszej strony) oraz innych źródeł (np. wideów z youtube interpretujących problemy poruszane w co istotniejszych wersetach Biblii), a także poznanie jej opinii o późniejszym ochotniczym i wspólnym z mężem powiększaniu zasobów "energii moralnej" celowymi działaniami opisanymi w {#I2f} poniżej. Najpilniejsze w tym kroku staje się jednak tak wczesne jak to możliwe sformułowanie i zawarcie ochotniczego i spisanego jako rodzaj dokumentu małżeńskiego "przymierza" przez ludzkie prawa po angielsku nazywanego "prenup". W owym ochotniczym, dobrowalnym, obopólnym i sporządzonym legalnie na piśmie "przymierzu" przyszłych współmałżonków dla pierwszego ślubu dwojga relatywnie naiwnych młodych ludzi wierzących w Boga i studiujących Biblię, powinno się ustosunkować co najmniej "jak" dane małżeństwo ma zamiar zgodnie i obopólnie realizować każdy z niniejszych podpunktów {#I2a} do (#I2n}. Dobrze jest jednak zawrzeć w nim też niektóre istotne dane o finansach i własności dóbr oraz dorobku małżeństwa. Powodem jego sporządzania na piśmie jest iż jeśli z jakichś powodów małżeństwo w przyszłości ulegnie wypaczeniu, ów dokument "przymierza" łatwo pozwoli im wypaczenie to wykryć i podjąć obopólne wysiłki jego naprawy. Ponadto jeśli coś w małżeństwie zaczyna się psuć, osoba jaka za to popsucie ponosi odpowiedzialność nagle może "utracić pamięć" i zaprzecza każdemu uprzednio tylko ustnie sformułowanemu uzgodnieniu. Życie wykazuje bowiem, że odejmująca natura wkodowana w psychikę kobiet może nakłaniać żony do zaprzeczania wszelkim uprzednim uzgodnieniom jakie NIE były spisane i jakie NIE są im na rękę, szczególnie w późniejszych czasach, kiedy po doświadczeniu spadku ilości jej energii moralnej dana żona dokona tak lubianego przez kobiety przeglądu pedantycznie gromadzonych w jej pamięci wszelkich już poznanych wad swego męża i odkryje iż jak wszyscy ludzie (NIE uznając jednak iż także jak wszystkie żony) ów mąż też jest istotą niedoskonałą jaka NIE wykazuje pełnej zgodności z jej nierealistycznymi marzeniami, lub co gorsza kiedy żona skusi się ku innemu mężczyźnie z powodu tzw. emocjonalnej niewierności po angielsku zwanej "emotional affair" opisywanej w {#I2i} poniżej. Jeśli jednak zgodność opinii istnieje na poziomie zadowalającym obie strony (u rzeczywistych ludzi zawsze bowiem są najróżniejsze opinie w każdej sprawie), wówczas można przystąpić do spisania i legalnego zarejestrowania "przymierza". Po jego zredagowaniu i spisaniu można przejść do następnych kroków przygotowywania tradycyjnego małżeństwa.

{#I2d} Dogłębne przedyskutowanie "dlaczego" i "jak", oraz rozeznanie poglądów kandydatki na żonę, w sprawie nakazywanego Biblią ochotniczego "podporządkowania się żon autorytetowi mężów". W dzisiejszych bowiem czasach jest to problem jakiego rozstrzygnięcie już na tym etapie okaże się najbardziej istotne dla późniejszych losów małżeństwa. Wszakże gro dzisiejszych kobiet odmawia uznania faktu stworzenia mężczyzny przez Boga dla roli głowy całej rodziny. Tymczasem w praktyce mężczyzna jako głowa rodziny okazuje się być najistotniejszą składową budowania zgodności planowanego małżeństwa z przykazaniami i wymaganiami Biblii. Jeśli więc w późniejszym czasie się okaże iż żona w typowy dla kobiet sposób w głębi duszy NIE zamierza wdrożyć tego podporządkowania i po ślubie zmieni swoje poglądy, wówczas małżeństwo ma dużą szansę NIE wytrwania próby czasu i skończenia się rozwodem, albo też życie męża stanie się rodzajem "przedsionka piekła" omawianego w punkcie #I4 niniejszej strony. (Pamiętajmy o staropolskim przysłowiu "źle dzieje się domowi, gdzie krowa przybodzie bykowi".) W celu rozstrzygnięcia tej kluczowej sprawy, radziłbym zacząć od wspólnego i uważnego przeglądnięcia omawianych w {#I2j} poniżej wideów angielskojęzycznych o tzw. "poddaniu ciał żon autorytetowi mężów" - po angielsku: "submission of women to their husbands" (i polskojęzycznych - jeśli takie da się znaleźć). Potem zaś trzeba podjąć doglębną dyskusję dla upewnienia się czy zarówno mąż jak i żona są zgodni w swoich poglądach co do inżynierskich "dlaczego" i "jak" w tej sprawie.

{#I2e} Zaręczyny. Jeśli powyższe postulaty zostały zaakceptowane przez przyszłą żonę, można jej zaoferować pierścionek zaręczynowy. Jego przyjęcie rozpocznie tradycyjnie mający trwać około jednego roku okres zaręczyn. Okres ten można wykorzystać na obopólnie podjęte praktykowanie wdrażania w życie legalnie już obowiązujących obojga z nich bo spisanych w {#I2c} i uprawomocnionych wytycznych co do zasad jakmi zgodnie będą się kierować w przyszłym współżyciu oboje ze współmałżonków. Wszakże zasady te zapewne będą raczej nowe dla nich obojga, zaś nikt się nie rodzi z wiedzą jak stosować coś zupełnie nowego. Warto tutaj jednak podkreślić iż dana wierząca w Boga para NIE powinna zaczynać swych stosunków seksualnych co najmniej do czasu kiedy owe zaręczyny zostały zaakceptowane przez przyszłą żonę. Jeśli zaś przyszła żona nadal jest dziewicą, co w parach wierzących w Boga nadal powinno być surowo przestrzeganą regułą, wówczas najlepiej jeśli pierwszy, tj. najistotniejszy dla nich obojga w całym ich życiu, stosunek seksualny odbył się tradycyjnie podczas nocy poślubnej. Dziewictwo, a także okoliczności jego "konsumowania", są najważniejszymi sprawami w życiu każdej kobiety. Przykładowo, od czasów starożytności było wiadomo, że kobieta zachowuje w swych jajnikach (ovule) fragmenty DNA każdego z partnerów z którym miała stosunek seksualny. Te zachowane fragmenty DNA powodują, że dziecko spłodzone z kobietą, która miała stosunki z więcej niż jednym seksualnym partnerem (tj. ma tzw. "body count") wcale NIE jest dzieckiem tylko tego "ojca" który je spłodził, a dzieckiem wszystkich mężczyzn z którymi kobieta ta miała seks. Wiedząc o tym, który z mężów dobrowolnie zechce być "współojcem" swego własnego dziecka? Niestety, owa starożytna wiedza została zmyślnie zablokowana jeszcze w latach 1970-tych i to wraz z innymi prawdami jakie w młodości mogłem swobodnie poznawać - np. wraz z wiedzą iż istnieją i jak działają "promienie zimna", "telepatia" - działanie której już w 132 roku AD wykorzystywał doskonalszy od obecnych starożytny tzw. "sejsmograf Zhang Henga", czy "zdalne hipnotyzowanie" np. podczas "opętań" ludzi przez UFOnautów wnikających w czyjeś ciała - patrz blog #363. Wszakże od początku lat 1970-tych najistotniejsze prawdy zaczęły być zajadle blokowane, krytykowane i zaprzeczane przez skorumpowany monopol "oficjalnej nauki ateistycznej" jakim rządzą sekretni okupujący nas krewniacy z planet Oriona. Na szczęście istnieje Bóg, który obiecał w Biblii (np. patrz "Łukasz" 12:2-3 i 8:17, albo "Mateusz" 10:26-28) iż żadna prawda NIE będzie przed nami ukryta, tyle iż musimy jej poszukać pomiędzy usilującymi nas zwodzić kłamstwami wrogów Boga. W rezultacie zarówno ja, jak i podobni do mnie zwolennicy prawdy, czynimy wszystko co w naszej mocy aby wiedza o tych prawdach została ponownie każdemu udostępniona - np. patrz 11:19 i 4:44 minutowe widea o tytule "Women retain the DNA of every man they have sex with" (tj. "kobiety zachowują DNA każdego mężczyzny z którym miały seks") i "Women retain DNA of all sexual partners" upowszechniane pod adresami i . Z kolei moje opracowania o modyfikowaniu oprogramowania jajników kobiety przez spermę każdego jej partnera seksualnego, udostępniam np. w blogach #342 i #365, oraz w publikacjach tam linkowanych - np. w {7} strony "evil_pl.htm" albo {7d} z #V2 strony "humanity_pl.htm". Ponieważ zaręczyny są zdarzeniem zarówno duchowym znanym i sprawdzonym przez Boga, jak przez ludzką tradycję, to już od ich momentu warto zaczynać przestrzeganie przez obie strony biblijnej definicji małżeństwa, szczególnie zaś wersetu 7:3-5 z "1 Koryntian". Przestrzeganie to wymaga powiększania swej znajomości Biblii kontynuowane przez cały czas. W dzisiejszych czasach jest ono jednak coraz łatwiejsze, bowiem w youtube dostępnych jest rosnąca liczba wideów omawiających małżeństwa poprzez interrpretacje słów Biblii, zaś coraz więcej ludzi ma telefony z internetem, komputery, a nawet tzw. smart TV. Wszystkie zaś te urządzenia pozwalają wyszukiwać i z przyjemnością sobie przeglądać takie widea wyszukując je właściwymi słowami kluczowymi, np.: submissive wife . Przykładami wideów dla omawianych tu problemów, dostępnymi po angielsku w kwietniu 2024 roku, mogą być: ("God's Design" biblical role of woman as wife, ok. 12:15 minutowe), ("You should fire your wife", ok. 4 minutowe), ("There is only one reason mariages fail", ok. 8 minutowe), czy ("Why I decided to initiate sex every day for 4 weeks", ok. 9 minutowe). Tu warto dodać iż najnowsze badania, wyniki jakich są już szeroko upowszechniane w internecie, stwierdzają iż w obecnych czasach młode małżeństwa odbywają średnio po trzy stosunki seksualne na tydzień - najlepiej aby małżeństwo podjęło o nich umowę iż wszystkie z nich będą inicjowane przez żonę. Wszakże brak inicjowania stosunków przez żonę, dodatkowo powiększany typowo błędną interpretacją nastroju żony przez męża skonfundowanego jej żeńskimi zachowaniami, zwykle z upływem czasu stając się źródłem licznych problemów - jeśli NIE są one zgodnie eliminowane np. taką obopólną umową wdrażaną od dnia zaręczyn lub ślubu.

{#I2f} Praktyczne podjęcie uprzednio planowanych i raz zaczętych systematycznie potem już powtarzanych wspólnych "prac moralnych" ochotniczego "dawania" przysparzających "energię moralną" zaprogramowaną motywacjami na wywoływanie uczucia szczęśliwości. Dzień tygodnia wybierany na wykonywanie tych prac powinien być dniem wolnym od innych zobowiązań ich obu, oraz obopólnie powinien być uznawany za "doba bez multimediów", tj. doba w której NIE ogląda się telewizji (nawet wiadomości), NIE otwiera się komputera, zaś użycie telefonów ogranicza się do absolutnie koniecznego minimum (np. do zadzwonienia osobie jakiej się zawozi produkt swej ochotniczej pracy np. iż "właśnie już jedziemy i będziemy około siedemnastej czyli piątej", zaś w przypadku odbierania telefonu, do przeproszenia "wybacz, ale właśnie znajduję się w środku czegoś pilnego - pozwól więc że zadzwonię do ciebie jutro"). Takie celowe przestrzeganie "doby bez multimediów" pomaga w uniemożliwieniu wpadnięcie w nałóg ich użycia, który to nałóg w dzisiejszych czasach staje się zmorą większości ludzi jacy zapominają iż wszystkie multimedia są jedynie "narzędziami" mającymi pomagać, a NIE przeszkadzać, w naszym prawdziwym życiu. Ponadto pomaga w ożywianiu więzi rodzinnej. Ponieważ wszystkie prace podejmowane w ramach tego przysparzania "energii moralnej" spełniają biblijną definicję "dobrego uczynku", dniem ich wykonania może też być np. sobota. Cokolwiek zaś się wybierze na swe "prace moralne" powinno to być NIE rzucające się w oczy innym ludziom i wyglądać, lub być czynione, w zgodzie z panującymi trendami lub tradycjami - np. rano wybranie się na spacer po plaży, brzegu rzeki, lub rzadko uczęszczanej części parku z nieprzeźroczystym workiem na śmiecie i gumowymi rękawiczkami chroniącymi dłonie i wyzbieranie tam a potem ekologiczne pozbycie się wszystkich napotkanych śmieci, albo zasypanie jakiejś dziury-wyboju w rzadko używanej drodze przez pustkowie, also odśnieżenie wejścia do domu niezbyt sprawnego fizycznie znajomego, krewnego, samotnej matki z dzieckiem, lub kogoś zupełnie nam obcego, itp. Około zaś wieczora, odwiedzenie kogoś, np. starszej wiekiem i samotnej stryjenki lub znajomej naszych rodzicow z jakiejś znanej jej i nam okazji czy rocznicy, połączone jednak z zawiezieniem jej ciasta lub tortu jakie uprzednio osobiście para ta upiekła, poczym wspólne z nią jego zjedzenie, przy okazji częstując ją też czymś przez siebie przywiezionym o czym się posądza iż ona sama tego wcześniej NIE próbowała, np. czarnej fermentowanej chińskiej herbaty, soku z mango, lodów z duriana, czy nawet starożytnego likieru "Dom" Dominikanów - który z uwagi na jego walory zdrowotne, w Azji używany jest w celach uzdrowieniowych. Dobrze też uprzednio poczytać sobie o tym co się przywozi, tak aby mieć temat do opowiedzenia tego odwiedzanej osobie/om i oderwania tym jej/ich myśli od codziennych problemów. Ponieważ dzień ten powinien plegać na "dawaniu" a NIE na "braniu", wszystko co potrzebne należy z góry przygotować i zabrać ze sobą - nawet papierowe talerze na ciasto i kubki do picia (na wypadek gdyby na miejscu ich brakowało). Ponieważ "diabeł NIE spi" i zawsze usiłuje popsuć każdy dobry uczynek, na końcu dnia należy przedyskutować ze sobą co owego dnia NIE wyszło jak spodziewane poczym rozważyć jak w przyszłości można ten rodzaj postępowań zorganizować lepiej. Wdrażając swe prace moralne należy pamiętać, że w dzisiejszych czasach mężczyźni naturalnie wykonują sporo prac fizycznych. Stąd omawiane tu ich wspólne organizowanie i wdrażanie jest ogromnie istotne. Powinno więc uwypuklać możliwie jak najpełniejsze nabycie nawyku ich wkonywania też przez kobietę. Jednak NIE spowodować przeładowania obowiązkami aby NIE załamać moralnie ani fizycznie delikatnej natury kobiet. Wszakże dzisiejsze kobiety żyjące w miastach NIE są nawykłe do wykonywania pracy fizycznej. Jednocześnie uzupełnianie rozpraszania zasobów energii moralnej tylko ochotniczo "dającymi" stosunkami seksualnymi NIE wystarcza do nieustannego uzupełniania i powiększania strat ilości tej energii - a tym samym do odczuwania przez żony rodzinnego szczęścia i zadowolenia z prowadzonego życia. Wszakże przykładowo typowo wykonywane przez obecne żony otwarcie kilku puszek konserwowych i zagrzanie ich zawartości na gazie aby przygotować posiłek dzisiejszemu mężowi, czy siedzenie w pracy przy komputerze lub telefonie, wcale NIE stwarza wymaganej ilości wysiłku fizycznego aby uzupełniać u kobiet codziennie rozpraszane ilości tej energii. Dlatego piewszym i najbardziej istotnym postępowaniem każdej pary jest właśnie zorganizowanie i praktyczne wdrożenie w życie jakiegoś sposobu powiększania ilości energii moralnej u obu współmałżonków, szczególnie zaś u żon. Ja wierzę iż najlepszym na to sposobem byłoby posiadanie i wspólne uprawianie własnego i bezpiecznie zlokalizowanego ogródka (np. działkowego) po z góry przyjętym i systematycznie wdrażanym przez siebie celem iż około 90% produktów tego ogródka będzie rozdane szczerze i bez żalu oraz zupełnie za darmo tym zupełnie obcym sobie osobom (a np. nie jedynie własnej rodzinie), którym produktów tych chronicznie brakuje (aby jednak tym NIE uzależniać ich od siebie lub skłaniać do lenistwa, co jakiś czas trzeba zmieniać odbiorców i każdego roku wybierać odmiennych takich kandydatów dla swego "dawania") szczególnie na takich którzy będą widocznie wdzięczni dawcom za ich otrzymanie. Przykładowo autor tej strony ma ogródek przy swoim mieszkaniu, każdego zaś roku pieczołowicie stara się posadzić i wypielęgnować do wielkości końcowego sadzenia poszukiwane drzewka owocowe (brzoskwiń, winogron, zaś ostatnio też orzechów włoskich) jakie po około dwuletnim wyrośnięciu rozdaje za darmo wraz z ofertą ich osobistego komuś posadzenia, tym posiadaczom ogródków z miasteczka Petone, których wzrokowe rozeznanie pozwala uznać na najbardziej sadzonek tych potrzebujących. Gro też owoców rosnących w swym ogródku, autor pozwala zjadać ptakom lub rozdaje bliźnim. Inni mieszkańcy miasta jacy NIE mają własnego ogródka, zapewne mogą taki ogródek sobie wydzierżawić albo kupić w jakimś miejscu bezpiecznym nawet dla samotnie pracujących tam kobiet. Inną możliwością jest podjęcie jakiejś produkcji potrzebnej wielu starszym, niesprawnym, lub niezasobnym osobom, przykładowo jak ta opisana we w/w "Problem 1" z punktu #D2 swej strony nirvana_pl.htm. Osobista generacja "energii moralnej" jest ogromnie potrzebna przez dzisiejsze kobiety, stąd jej jak najszybsze zorganizowanie z myślą o dobru przyszłej własnej żony pownno mieć jeden z najwyższych priorytetów. Aby przy jej realizowaniu powiększać więź małżeńską, jest wskazane aby mąż też powiększał swą energię tak często jak może pracując fizycznie razem z żoną nad tym samym produktem końcowym przeznaczanym do altruistycznego rozdawania.

{#I2g} Wybranie lub przygotowanie słów wyrażających ślubną przysięgę po angielsku zwaną "vows". Przysięga ta jest ogromnie istotna bowiem chociaż dzisiejsi ludzie manipulują jej treścią, Bóg domaga się aby była w nich ujęta esencja w/w wersetów Biblii, tj.: 7:3-5 z "1 Koryntian", 5:21-33 z Efezjan, 3:1-7 z "1 Piotra", 9:9 z "Koheleta czyli Eklezjastesa", oraz 2:18-20 z "Księgi Rodzaju". Wszakże przyszła żona przysięga w niej nadaną jej przez Boga rolę towarzyszki i pomocnicy jej męża oraz stwarzania dla męża atmosfery szacunku, pokoju, miłości, prawdy, zaufania, pomocy i faktycznego uznawania go za głowę rodziny posiadającego autorytet nad jej ciałem, z kolei przyszły mąż przysięga to samo uznając autorytet żony nad jego ciałem oraz jej rolę jako jego towarzyszki i pomocniczki. Tymczasem w wielu instytuacjach religijnych, a także świeckich, przysięga ta została wypaczona i pozbawiona zgodnych z Biblią najistotniejszych szczegółów. Stąd dla ślubu i złożenia przysięgi należy wybrać tę instytucję, która ma wszystkie tradycyjne składowe zawarte w Biblii, zaś jeśli jej się NIE znajdzie, wówczas trzeba domagać się aby w wybranej na ślub instytucji przysięga ta została złożona według słów jakie nowożeńcy sami dla sobie sformułują a jakie będą zawierały wszystkie te kluczowe informacje z Biblii - co w dzisiejszych czasach staje się coraz powszechniejszym trendem.

{#I2h} Ślub i miodowy miesiąc. Jest istotnym aby go zorganizować w sposób stwarzający potem bardzo przyjemną pamięć romantyczną dla obojga partnerów, jednak w dzisiejszych realiach życiowych możliwie jak najbardziej skromny i oszczędny - wszakże istotnym jest aby fundusze raczej wydać na udoskonalenie przyszłego życia młodej pary zamiast np. na upijanie i wykarmianie przelicznych znajomych i członków rodziny.

{#I2i} Rozwiązanie problemu "emocjonalnych zdrad" powodowanych przez owych rzekomych "platonicznych przyjaciół" odmiennej płci po angielsku przez żony zwanych "just friends" (którzy w praktyce niemal nigdy NIE okazują się być "platonicznymi"). Zgodnie z najnowszymi badaniami to właśnie owi "przyjaciele" są źródłem większości rozwodów, a ponadto często zamieniają mężowi jego małżeństwo w rodzaj nieustającego niebezpieczeństwa, źródła podejrzeń i przedsionka piekła. Dlatego coraz więcej badaczy zaleca iż w bazujących na Biblii małżeństwach wszyscy "nieżonaci przyjaciele" przeciwstawnej płci powinni być wyeliminowani przez obojga współmałżonków z jakichkolwiek dalszych kontaktów (włącznie z wydeletowaniem ich kontaktów ze swych telefonów komórkowych, które nieustająco powinny być też do wglądu przez obojga współmałżonków, bowiem od wieków wiadomo iż "okazja czyni złodzieja", oraz "pańskie oko konia tuczy" - stąd pochodzi słynna mądrość "wierz ludziom ale bierz pieniądze pod zastaw" samego Lenina) - po więcej szczegółów patrz YT widea oraz ich komentarze, które w maju 2025 roku dostępne np. pod adresami: ("Married women can't have male friends", 11:20 minut), ("Just friends", ok. 5 minut), ("Why opposite sex friends may be dangerous", ok. 7 minut), czy ("Cheating one time thing", ok. 7 minut). Odnotuj iż owych wideów jest bardzo dużo, bowiem rzekomych "platonicznych przyjaciół" w dzisiejszych czasach jest coraz więcej, zaś swoim wysyłaniem sekretnych SMSów i nieustannym kręceniem się wokół zaciekle walczących o prawa ich posiadania dzisiejszych żon stwarzają oni coraz więcej problemów i rozwodów, a także utaty reputacji przez żony oraz wstydu i rozczarowania dla dzieci jakie z czasem odkrywają iż "ojciec" wcale NIE jest ich ojcem - tak jak w tej zabawnej w Polsce lat 1960 piosence "Chochoły - Skandal w rodzinie", jednak dziś już boleśnie rzeczywistej: (3:02 minuty). Ponadto coraz więcej rozwodów ujawnia też iż to właśnie oni są emocjonalnymi a często i seksualnymi źródłami sporej proporcji dzisiejszych rozwodów. To dlatego zaczyna się wprowadzać prawa obowiązkowego testowania ojcostwa przy zasądzaniu alimentów. Aczkolwiek więc narastająca niewierność żon i obecne prawa narazie pozwalają aby ich nieodpowiedzialne postępowania tolerować, moja osobista opinia jest iż oboje uczestnicy małżeństwa wypełniającego definicję z Biblii ochotniczo powinni zaprzestać wszelkich prywatnych kontaktów z nieżonatymi osobami przeciwstawnej płci (chyba, że w coraz rzadszych takich kontaktach zawsze udział bierze mąż i żona i nigdy kontakty NIE odbywają się bez wiedzy i pozwolenia obojga współmałżonków). Zaufanie wszakże łatwo stracić, a potem ogromnie trudno je odzyskać. Z kolei warunki pracy zawodowej powinny być takie aby bezświadkowe kontakty tego typu były obowiązkowo eliminowane - np. podczas zawodowych rozmów zawsze drzwi powinny pozostawać otwarte do wglądu przez wszystkich przechodzących obok (tak jak od dawna mają obowiązek to czynić wykładowcy uczelniani). Ponadto, moim zdaniem ludzkie prawodawstwo powinno iść za przykładem Filipin i obciążać takich "przyjaciół" finansową odpowiedzialonością za następstwa tego co może wyniknąć z ich ulegnięcia pokusom (np. jeśli po rozwodzie trzeba płacić alimenty, a NIE udowodnią oni swej niewinności, to oni a NIE mąż powinni płacić alimenty).

{#I2j} Praktyczne wypracowanie najdogodniejszych dla danego małżeństwa procedur tego co Biblia nazywa "poddanie ciał żon autorytetowi mężów" zaś w dzisiejszym internecie zwodniczo okrzykują po angielsku: "submission of women to their husbands", a co krótko już było omówione w podpunkcie {#I2d} powyżej. W tym celu najlepiej poprzeglądać widea z internetu na temat ochotniczego poddania się żon autorytetowi męża, poczym starać się wdrażać w życie najlepsze rady owych wideow. A wideów tych jest coraz więcej i są coraz lepiej opracowane - po przykłady patrz ("What it means submit to your husband", 8:41 minut), ("How to be a submissive wife", 5:50 minut), ("15 practical ways to submit to your husband", 12:41 minut).

{#I2k} Uniemożliwianie zaincjowania małżeńskiej tzw. emocjonalnej niewierności po angielsku zwanej "emotional affair". W życiu zdarza się wiele sytuacji kiedy zgoda i miłość małżeńska zostają nagle zakłócone czyimiś pasożytującymi postępowaniami. Przykładem tutaj może być czasowe rozdzialenie się małżeństwa ponieważ jeden z partnerów wyjeżdża na kilkumiesięczny kontrakt do odległej miejscowości lub kraju, albo rodzi się dziecko jakie powoduje ogromny nawał nowych obowiązków przy jednoczesnym uśpieniu racjonalnego myślenia brakiem snu wywołanym przez dziecko. Dobrze o takich sytuacjach informują np. widea o adreach: ("The 6 stages of emotional affairs", 9:13 minut), ("6 triggers that cause emotional affairs", 10:52 minut), ("Stages of an emotional affair", 10:06 minut), czy ("Women: don't be ignorant", 6:34 minut). Trzeba bowiem pamiętać, że jeśli małżeństwo NIE zapobiegnie takiej zawsze niewinnie zaczynającej się od jakiejś rozmowy "emocjonalnej niewierności", wówczas szybko prowadzi ona do "emocjonalnego rozwodu" (czyli małżeństwa bez seksu), potem zaś do "kosztownego rozwodu prawnego" - patrz "The emotional divorce happens first" z adresu (9:38 minut).

{#I2l} Poznanie i praktykowanie biblijnych ról obu rodziców w wychowywaniu dzieci. Nic NIE ma gorszego wpływu na czyjąś przyszłość, jak wyrastanie dziecka "bez ojca chowanego". Z powodu braku przykładu ojca i braku jego surowych ojcowskich metod wychowawczych, dziecko wyrasta na uprzednio omawiane "damaged goods" - np. patrz 14:17 minutowe wideo "Pumped by chad and damaged forever" o adresie Dlatego po przyjściu dzieci, kobieta musi pamiętać iż jej mąż jest głową rodziny także i w sprawach wychowywania dzieci, zaś ona tylko jego towarzyszką i pomocnicą. Stąd żonie NIE wolno w obecności dzieci podważać decyzji męża - nawet jeśli w duchu z nimi się NIE zgadza (co kobiety czynią zbyt często). Pamiętać też trzeba iż Bóg który nas stworzył i zna lepiej niż wszyscy mędrcy ludzkości razem wzięci, nakazuje w wesetach Biblii "cielesne karanie" dzieci, bez względu na to jakie prawa dla takiego karania pouchwalały parlamenty dzisiejszej zarządzanej przez "moce zła" ludzkości - tak jak na przykładzie tzw. "prawa antyklapsowego", karma za które już obecnie dewastuje bezpieczeństwo całej Nowej Zelandii, wyjaśniam to szerzej w #B5.1 i #G4 strony will_pl.htm.

{#I2m} Stopniowe rozpoznawanie oraz dokonywanie wyłącznie w obrębie małżeństwa obopólne uzdrawianie objawów bycia "uszkodzonym dobrem", które każdy z ludzi w jakimś stopniu wykazuje. Wszakże Biblia powtarzalnie podkreśla iż każdy z nas jest niedoskonały. Z kolei psychiatrzy i psychologowie nawymyślali aż tyle różnych chorób, iż według nich w dzisiejszych czasach NIE ma już nawet jednego "zdrowego człowieka". W bazującym na definicji Biblii małżeństwie konieczne więc jest z góry zrozumienie i zaakceptowanie, że zarówno mąż jak i żona, podobnie jak każdy inny rzeczywisty człowiek na Ziemi (w tym i autor niniejszej prezentacji wyników jego badań), posiada i nosi w sobie najróżniejsze niedoskonałości, które dla duchowego wzrostu trzeba próbować identyfikować i eliminować, zaś jeśli się NIE da, wówczas trzeba nauczyć się je tolerować, z kolei dla najbardziej niszczycielskich z nich znajdować sposoby zapobiegania ich ujawnianiu się (tak jak w niniejszej procedurze wskazuję to w {#I2b}, {#I2f}, {#I2i}, czy {#I2j} ). Tę potrzebę leczenia lub tolerowania dobrze wyraża angielskie przysłowie "what cannot be cured must be endured" (tj. "co NIE może być uzdrowione musi być cierpione"). W tym małżeńskim i obopólnym rozpoznawianiu i uzdrawianiu symptomów bycia "uszkodzonym dobrem" należy stosować kilka zasad i wymogów, najważniejsze z których obejmują: (1) czynienie tego bez udziału kogokolwiek poza samym mężem i żoną, tj. bez udziału np. odpłatnych tzw. "ekspertów", psychologów, lekarzy, itp. (powody unikania ekspertów wyjaśniam na początku #I4 i #I3 poniżej na tej stronie), (2) pamiętanie iż wszystkie objawy bycia "uszkodzonym dobrem" faktycznie są "chorobami duszy" jakich nigdy NIE leczy się "pigułkami" z apteki, a do ich leczenia używa się szczerych rozmów, przeglądu pamięci, rozumienia i nakazywanego Biblią wybaczania postępowań przodków lub bliźnich, oraz generowania inteligentnej "energii moralnej" odpowiednio zaprogramowanej naszymi motywacjami z jakimi energię tę generujemy (wszakże nasze motywacje podczas jej generowania programują tę energię na rodzaj zadania jej późniejszy upływ ma zrealizować), oraz (3) podczas leczących je rozmów trzeba nosiciela danej "choroby duszy" jakoś ukierunkować aby odkrył w swej pamięci i historii życia z jakiego zdarzenia, tragedii, przeżycia, itp., dana "choroba duszy" wyrosła, poczym wspólne ze współmałżonkiem wyjaśnienie i usprawiedliwienie niewinności tych osób które je spowodowały (zwykle rodziców danej osoby). Jeśli zaś symtomy będą trwały owe (3) trzeba powtarzać do skutku aż dotrze się do właściwych korzeni danej "choroby doszy" i zneutralizuje usprawiedliwieniem ich szkodliwość. Niezależnie od udoskonalania charakterów współmałżonków prowadzenie leczenia tych "chorób duszy" zwiększa umiejętności wzajemnego komunikowania się obojga współmałżonków, które jest ogromnie istotne dla dobra każdego małżeństwa.

{#I2n} Wspólnie z żoną powiększanie też przez całe życie poprawnej wiedzy o małżeństwie, kobietach, mężczyznach, żonach i mężach, ponadczasowych prawdach, ludzkich cechach i jakościach, itp., jednak pozyskując tę wiedzę NIE z podporządkowanej "mocom zła" i stąd okłamującej ludzkość "oficjalnej nauki ateistycznej", a poprzez czytanie Biblii, poznawanie przysłów, powiedzeń, doświadczeń swych przodków, oraz mądrości życiowej zainspirowanej przez Boga a gromadzonej np. w przysłowiach poprzez trwające całe tysiąclecia obserwowanie i skondensowane wyrażanie prawd o rzeczywistym życiu. Przykłady takich przysłów obejmują np. japońskie powtarzane na 7:06 minutowym wideo "100 Japanese proverbs" o adresie, np. stwierdzające "beat your wife on the wedding day, and your married life will be happy" (tj. "zbij swą żonę w dniu ślubu a twoje życie małżeńskie będzie szczęśliwe") z 7:06 minuty tego wideo, czy stwierdzające "all married women are NOT wives" (tj. "wszystkie poślubione kobiety NIE są żonami") z 6:50 minuty. Przysłowia tego typu uświadamiają bowiem iż niemal wszystkie kobiety dobrowolnie NIE zamierzają się podporządkować autorytetowi męża, stąd konieczne są specjalne postępowania lub sytuacje aby ich krnąbrność pokonać jak w przypadku nieujeżdżonego dzikiego konia. Podobną wymowę ma chińskie przysłowie omówione w blogu #211 i punkcie #B2 mojej strony antichrist_pl.htm a stwierdzające "źli mężowie zawsze mają dobre żony, zaś dobrzy mężowie zawsze mają złe żony" (typowo z powodu egzekwowania lub braku nad tymi żonami ich męskiego autorytetu faktycznej głowy rodziny). Warto tu dodać, że w dzisiejszych czasach żony nadal są "ujeżdżane", tyle iż przez życie, a NIE mężów - ponieważ jeśli się NIE podporządkują swojemu mężowi wówczas po coraz obecnie częstrzym rozwodzie spędzą samotnie długą i gorzką starość pełną wyrzutów i chorób.

       Do powyższych {#I2a} do {#I2n} warto dodać, że kobiety i niektóre żony NIE ustają w swoich wysiłkach wymyślania coraz to nowych sposobów aby "odejmować" wszystko co wspiera biblijną rolę męża jako głowy rodziny. Mąż nigdy i od samego początku swego związku NIE powinien więc pozwolić aby dowolna kobieta, szczególnie zaś żona, podważała jego autorytet i potwierdzała tym brak szacunku oraz ateistyczne skłonności. Jest na ten temat wiele mądrych opracowań w internecie, przykładem których może byś 3:35 minutowe wideo "7 things a man should never tolerate from a woman" z adresu: . Mi osobiście naprawdę szkoda kobiet, bowiem są one największymi wrogami szkodzącymi sobie samym. W sytuacji bowiem kiedy istnienie Boga jest niepodważalnie dowiedzione naukowo (tyle iż upowszechnianie wiedzy o tych niepodważalnych dowodach jest zawzięcie blokowane), Biblia jest dość klarowna co stanie się z tymi ludźmi, którzy NIE zdadzą "egzaminu z moralności" jakim faktycznie jest to obecne nasze życie w "świecie materii".

#I3. Post-divorce formation of the foundations for a new marriage based on previous experiences of the fall and breakdown of the previous one, and intended this time to build its growth and durability and protect it from the fate of a similar fall and breakdown:

(Sorry, but the further text of this "Part #I", although with the exception of item headings, still awaits to be translated from Polish to English - which task the reader can roughly do "DIY" by using one of these free translation programs available in Internet and translating the Polish version of the rest of this "Part #I" available either here, or in items #I3 to #I4 from the Polish web page named biblia.htm.)

Motto: "Każdy z ludzi jest niedoskonały, zaś z powodu odejmującej natury 'Drobin Boga' jakie są nośnikami żeńskiej duszy, psychologia poszczególnych kobiet jest szczególnie niedoskonała a zachowanie niemożliwe do przewidzenia" (to dlatego rozwody i powtórne małżeństwa stanowią jedynie uleganie iluzji iż kolejny partner jest pozbawiony wad i da nam szczęście na które my sami powinniśmy zapracować powiększaniem własnej energii moralnej, czyli stanowią zamienianie już poznanych niedoskonałości poprzedniego partnera na nowe i jeszcze niepoznane niedoskonałości nowego partnera - choć jedyną drogą do relatywnej szczęśliwości w naszym krótkim życiu materialnym jest budowanie wzrostu małżeństwa poprzez przestrzeganie rad i wymagań jakie Biblia przypisuje temu ziemskiemu związkowi racjonalnie myślących mężczyzn i danych im przez Boga żeńskich towarzyszek i pomocniczek).

       Przygotowanie, wdrożenie w życie oraz legalne spisanie fundamentów omawianego powyżej w punkcie {#I2c} "przymierza" wyznaczającego kurs drugiego (lub jeszcze następnego) małżeństwa, będzie znacznie trudniejsze niż dla pierwszego. Oprócz bowiem urzeczywistnienia wszystkich kroków {#I2a} do {#I2n} omówionych w punkcie #I2, oboje kandydaci na współmałżonków muszą osobiście przejąć na siebie rolę "lekarzy duszy", którzy najpierw muszą poprawnie "zadiagnozować" najważniejsze lub nawet wszystkie "choroby duszy" jakie ponarastały w duszach obojga z nich w wyniku przeniegu i zdarzeń ich poprzedniego życia, poczym postarać się "pouzdrawiać" te choroby. Jeszcze trudniejszą tę diagnozę i uzdrawianie czyni fakt, że dla wielu najróżniejszych powodów, jakie opiszę w punkcie #I4 poniżej, ich przeprowadzenie muszą zrealizować osobiście, NIE kortzystając z usług żadnego tzw. "specjalisty", a jedynie opierając się na wiedzy i prawdach jakie znajdą w wideach lub opisach z internetu. A chorób tych każdy z nich może mieć aż kilka. Wszakże do czasu kiedy znajdą kandydatkę na swoje drugie małżeństwo, albo np. przeżywali gorycz i zawód nieudalności, rozpadnięcia i rozwodu pierwszego małżeństwa, wszystkie powody których powinny być zidentyfikowane, zadiagnozowane "dlaczego" poczym wyleczone, albo też przeżywali rozczarowania nieudanych randek i poszukiwań kandydatki na współmałżonkę, nieprzewidująco nagromadzili dla siebie nadmierną liczbę osób przeciwstawnej płci z jakimi spali i uprawiali stosunki seksualne (po angielsku liczba ta nazywa się "body count") NIE wiedząc iż im większa owa liczba tym bardziej dewastujące dla duchowości i psychiki są jej następstwa, oraz zapewne rozwinęli w sobie jakiś rodzaj wrogości, sceptycyzmu i braku poszanowania dla przeciwstawnej płci - NIE mówiąc już o tym iż każdy z nich może też nosić w sobie oznaki jeszcze dawniejszego bycia tzw. "uszkodzonym dobrems" po angielsku zwanym "damaged goods".
       Takiego zadiagnozowania i wyleczenia będzie wymagało wszystko co boleśnie tkwi w pamięci każdego z nich. Wszakże przynajmniej jeden z partnerów, lub nawet oboje, ma lub mają w pamięci upadek jego/ich pierwszego małżeństwa - co znaczy że prawdopodobnie ma już za sobą jakieś NIE dzielone jeszcze z nikim innym przemyślenia i wnioski dotyczące powodów i następstw tamtego upadku i że w następnym małżeństwie będzie starał się panicznie ich unikać. A pamiętać trzeba samotne przemyślenia bez dzielenia ich z kimś mającym odmienny punkt widzenia mogą być błędne. Jednocześnie utrzymanie przy zdrowiu drugiego i następnych naszych małżeństw przy zgodności z definicją małżeństwa w Biblii z pewnością okaże się ogromnie trudne. Powodów tych trudności w utrzymaniu kochającego się małżeństwa będzie sporo - najważniejsze z nich już wskazywałem, lub postaram się dodatkowo omówić w pod punktach jakie poniżej podam.
       Wyjaśnijmy więc sobie teraz po inżyniersku w podpunktach {#I3a} do {#I3d} procedurę przeprowadzenia "czego" i "jak" powinniśmy samodzielnie aczkolwiek we wzajemnym zaufaniu i współpracy obojga kandydatów starać się wyleczyć trapiące nas "choroby duszy" i przygotować fundamenty obojga przyszłych współmałżonków do utrzymanie tego kolejnego ich związku małżeńskiego w zgodności z nakazami Biblii.

{#I3a} dla leczenia "chorób duszy" konieczne jest pamiętanie iż w naszym życiu każde upadkowe zdarzenie, utrata, a także źródło naszego bólu, jest także radzajem lekcji moralnej. Lekcje te są nam udzielane ponieważ ich celem jest wzbudzenie naszych przemyśleń nad błędami i niewłaściwymi zachowaniami w które zabłądziliśmy a tym samym udoskonalanie własnego charakteru poprzez zmianę naszych postępowań i nawyków. Leczenie bowiem "chorób duszy" NIE polega na połykaniu pigułek jkakie przepiszą nam dzisiejsi psychiatrzy lub lekarze, którzy będąc wyedukowani w dzisiejszym zarządzanym przez "moce zła" systemie edukacyjnym monopolistyczne a stąd dla swych niecnyuch interesów upowszechniającej kłamstwa "oficjalnej nauki ateistycznej", typowo NIE wierzą nawet iż dusza wogóle istnieje, a wymaga zmiany motywacji, sposobów myślenia, postępowań, nawyków, oraz cech charakteru, które daną chorobę spowodowały. Pigułki bowiem na "choroby duszy" i dzisiejsze sposoby myślenia są powtórzeniem średniowiecznych metod uzdrawiania ciała poprzez "upuszczanie krwi". Podobnie jak lekarstwo zwane "prozak" a opisywane w #??? mojej strony ???, pwodują one bowiem otwieranie "czkramów" duszy i upuszczanie nimi "energii moralnej". To zaś tylko chwilowo wprowadza pozorną ulgę, jednak długoterminowo tylko pogarsza sytuację, bowiem upuszczona przez nie "energia moralna" musi potem zostać pracowicie wygenerowania fizycznym wykonywaniem ochotniczej "pracy moralnej".

{#I3b} wyleczenie owych "chorób duszy jakie wynikają z w/w faktu iż każdy ze współmałżonków, który uprzednio doświadczył upadku swego małżeństwa, czyli czasami nawet obojgu z nich, staje się tzw. "dobrem uszkodzonym", jakie relatywnie szeroko jest/są opisywane w internecie pod angielskimi słowami kluczowymi: damaged goods . Z kolej drugi ze współmałżonków, nawet jeśli NIE przeszedł jeszcze przez piekło rozpadu uprzedniego małżeństwa i rozwodu, albo cierpień i zawodów owdowienia, ciągle też będzie takim "uszkodzonym dobrem" bowiem drugie lub kolejne małżeństwo zwykle jest zawierane w późniejszym wieku, stąd w międzyczasie wiele zdarzeń emocjonalnie wypaczających charakter tej osoby zdołało się zdarzyć.

{#I3c} ów w/w fakt iż długo niezamężne kobiety mogą z czasem nagromadzić wysoce dewastujący ich duszę i ciała, a także emocjonalne i genetyczne wyniszczające ich życie, to co po angielsku jest nazywane high body count. Ten problem omawia wiele wideów linkowanych już poprzednio. Jego wyleczenia jest w stanie dokonać tylko dana kobieta poprzez samo-dyscyplinowanie swych postępowań w imię szczęścia swego pożycia, tak aby jej jedynym końcowym partnerem stał się jej mąż.

{#I3d} praktycznie każda długo niezamężna kobieta, a także każdy długo nieżonaty mężczyzna, których jakby nikt uprzednio NIE chciał, z całą pewnością nabył/ła nieprzyjemnych cech charakteru dla kobiet w Polsce dawniej nazywanych "staropanieńskie zagrania", które też wymagają wyleczenia. W Chinach i po angielsku takie kobiety zwykle są nazywane leftover women, Aczkolwiek u mężczyzn manifestują się one inaczej, ciągle trzeba je leczyć. Mogą one przykładowo mieć charakter dziwnych nawyków, jakie albo irytują współmałżonkę, albo też wzbudzają jej obrzydzenie, niechęci do komunikowania się z kimkolwiek, agresywności i tendencji np. do rzucania w kogoś tego co właśnie mają w ręku, itd., itp.

{#I3e} Rozważenie urzeczywistnienia małżeństwa NIE zawartego legalnie. Takie bowiem małżeństwo eliminuje pośpiech w zawarciu legalnego małżeństwa oraz oddala pilność rozwiązywania wszelkich spraw ekonomicznych i finasowych z nim związanych, a tym samym stwarza sobie dodatkowy czas aby owo legalnie NIE zawarte małżeństwo wspólnie szukało sposobów na zidentyfikowanie i wyleczenie trapiących je "chorób duszy" (a czasami i chorób ciał), stopniowo wypracowując własne wzrosty duchowe i osiąganie coraz wyższej szczęśliwości małżeńskiego pożycia. W Biblii wszakże zostało umiejętnie zakodowane, że praktycznie każdy seksualny stosunek mężczyny i kobiety przez Boga jest traktowany jak małżeństwo i stąd ma następstwa dokładnie takie same jakie byłyby gdyby zaszły pomiędzy mężem i żoną - po szczegóły patrz opisy skutków obecnego tzw. "monopolu małżeńskiego kobiet" opisane w punkcie #J2.2.2 mojej strony morals_pl.htm. aczęściowo także w starym wpisie #203 do blogów totalizmu. Ta sytuacja uprawnia ludzi do zawierania małżeństw NIE legalnych - np. w sytuacjach kiedy ktoś jest już mężem czy żoną, ale z istotnych powodów uprawianie stosunków seksualnych pomiędzy mężem i żoną staje się niemożliwe. W takim nielegalnym małżeństwie na początku realizuje się wszelkie punkty {#I2a} do {#I2e} jakie powinny być zrealizowane dla małżeństwa legalnego zawieranefo, ale na dodatek trzeba poinformować każdą żonę lub męża iż to inne małżeństwo ma miejsce oraz jeśli to możliwe uzyskać na nie ich zgodę.

#I4. Saving an existing marriage from breakdown and divorce because it has already deviated from its biblical definition, i.e. one of (or both) spouses is (are) in the so-called "emotional betrayal" (in YT described under "politically correct" name: "emotional affair") and has become deprived of sexual relations and other forms of marital intimacy, and both spouses neglect each other (instead of: "nurturing their relationship") and they live like strange roommates:

Motto: "Aby małżeństwo trwało i było szczęśliwe, trzeba nieustająco je podlewać, odżywiać i chronić przed atakami pasożytów - tak jak najbardziej nam potrzebną roślinkę" (to dlatego oboje współmałżonkowie dla własnej szczęśliwości i w imię szczęścia swego męża czy żony mają obowiązek podjęcia wszelkich środków jakie leżą w ich możliwościach aby zapewnić wzrost duchowy oraz szczęście obojga z nich - wszakże "w miłości, we wojnie, oraz w rewolucjach wszystko jest dozwolone, a dzisiejszym małżeństwom absolutnie niezbędna jest już rewolucja").

       Aby uzdrowić własne małżeństwo z groźnych problemów typowo wiodących do bolesnego i niszczycielskiego rozwodu, mąż pełniący nadaną mu przez Boga funkcję głowy rodziny zmuszony jest podjąć rolę zarówno "detektywa" - który bazując na wskazówkach opisanych w punktach #I1 i #I2 tej strony wytropi powody dla jakich jego małżeństwo upada, np. z powodu odejmującej natury trwale wprogramowanej w duszę żony (zapewne w około 80% źródłem tych powodów okaże się bowiem żona i jej początkowo niewiny "tylko znajomy" lub kolega z pracy - tj. "just friend"), a także wytropi powody jakie powstały z jego własnej winy (zapewne się okaże iż w około 20% zawiniło także jego zachowanie). Ponadto musi też przyjąć na siebie funkcję wiodącewgo "lekarza duszy" (opisanego w {#I2n} powyżej), który powykrywa i pouzdrawia najważniejsze z zaistniałych powodów rozpadu, które w niemal 100% będą wynikały z "chorób duszy" zarówno męża jak i żony.
       Najtrudniejszym apektem tych mężowskich ról "detektywa" i "lekarza duszy" jest iż mąż NIE powinien nawet próbować korzystania z pomocy jakiegokolwiek "eksperta" w sprawach małżeńskich, zaś jedynym jego sprzymierzencem niekiedy może okazać się właśnie jego żona - jeśli zdoła ją przekonać iż wspólnym celem obu tych jego ról jest uratowanie małżeństwa od rozwodu, a jednocześnie jego żona osiągnęła już wystarczającą dojrzałość duchową aby to ratowanie doceniać i mu w nim pomagać, oraz jeśli NIE zaawansowała ona zbyt mocno jej "emcjonalnych zdrad" i nadal ma w sobie jakąś resztę szacunku i uznania dla możliwości męża. Absolutna konieczność NIE korzystania w tych wysiłkach z pomocy tzw. "ekspertów" od ratowania małżeństwa jest spowodowana następującymi czynnikami:

[#I4a] Zachowanie prywatności. Intymne problemy małżeńskie należą do najbardziej osobistych spraw. Z uwagi więc na szacunek dla czyjejś pamięci i dla reszty rodziny, NIE powinny one być ujawniane nawet po śmierci danych osób. Jeśli jednak ich rozwiązywanie powierzy się "ekspertom", wówczas NIE ma gwarancji, że w dzisiejszych czasach powszechnej pogoni za sławą i pieniędzmi, poufna natura tych problemów będzie respektowana. Wszakże np. poszukujący sławy "ekspert" może sekretnie nagrywać lub filmować owe rozmowy i NIE wiadomo co potem z tymi nagraniami lub filmami zdecyduje się uczynić. A jeśli inni poznają ich szczegóły NIE ma gwarancji iż NIE przyniesie to zniesławienia i szyderstw dla potomków i całej rodziny. "Ekspert" może też napisać książkę - tak jak dzisiejsi eksperci mają zwyczaj to czynić, z treści której potem ktoś rozpozna kim są jej główne charaktery.

[#I4b] Pieniądze. "Eksperci" zainteresowani są w dochodach i pieniądzach - wszakże są "ekspertami" dla płacenia swych rachunków za życie lub dla wzbogacenia się. Dochody i pieniądze jednak się urywają kiedy dany problem zostanie wyleczony. Dla powodów więc jakie opisałem w #I1, #I2, #G2.3 i #A2 ze strony healing_pl.htm, a częściowo także w blogu #207 i w #T7 strony solar_pl.htm, istnieje groźba iż mogą oni opóźniać wyleczenie i przedłużać przywiązanie swych pacjentów do swoich klinik. Wszakże przez tak długo aż pieniądze zastaną całkowicie wyeliminowane z użycia przez ludzkość i zastąpione wynagradzaniem pracy szczęśliwością zapracowanej nirwany zilustrowanej naszym półgodzinnym filmem o adresie , niemal wszystko co związane z pieniędzmi i z ich wypłacaniem często będzie obarczane chciwością i złem - zgodnie z wersetem 6:10 "1 Tymoteusza" w Biblii.

[#I4c] Brak rzetelnej wiedzy u "ekspertów". Sporo tzw. "ekspertów" kończy swą edukację po ukończeniu swego szkolenia, poczym zajmuje się niemal wyłącznie "robieniem pieniędzy". Z reguły NIE mają więc pojęcia co nowego się dzieje w dyscyplinie jaką reprezentują - chyba iż jest to im wciśnięte siłą np. przez koncerny farmaceutyczne. Nawet też jeśli coś nowego się dowiedzą, ciągle tego NIE wdrażają w swej praktyce dla wielu powodów, np. z powodu braku czegoś potrzebnego, zazdrości zawodowej, sprzeczności tego z wiedzą jaka poznali podczas edukacj, itp. Są oni wszakże szkoleni przez monoppol na edukację prastarej "oficjalnej nauki ateistycznej". Ta zaś jest skrycie zarządzana przez okupujące Ziemię "moce zła" jakie faktycznie są technicznie wysoko zaawansowanymi jednak moralnie upadłymi naszymi krewniakami ludzi z planet Oriona - w Biblii typowo nazywanymi: upadłe anioły, diabły, serpenty, węże, demony, smoki, itp., zaś w dzisiejszych publikatorach opisywani jako "UFOnauci". Ci zaś nasi krewniacy usilnie wmuszają ludzkości wiarę iż Bóg, dusza, ani duchowość NIE istnieją, zaś wszystko co się dzieje we wszechświecie pochodzi z materii. Dlatego większość obecnych tzw. "ekspertów" NIE wierzy iż "dusza", czy "choroby duszy" faktycznie istnieją, zaś nawet jeśli wierzy, wówczas ciągle NIE będzie niemal nic wiedziała o duchowym pochodzniu ludzkich problemów oraz o ich duchowym leczeniu. Nic dziwnego iż mogą oni wmawiać swym klientom iż np. "depresję", która jest jedną z najpowszechniejszych "chorób duszy" (patrz #C6 ze strony "nirvana_pl.htm" nirvana_pl.htm, lub blog #318), trzeba leczyć pigułkami z apteki.

[#I4d] Poza farmaceutyczne sposoby leczenia wszystkich "chorób duszy". Wszystkie "choroby duszy" leczy się np. troskliwymi rozmowami, analizą historii ich powstania, przekonywaniem dlaczego tym którzy je wywołali warto wybaczyć, itp. Wszystko więc co potrzeba do ich wyleczenia ma więc do swej dyspozycji mąż i żona.

[#I4e] Brak głębokiej znajomości danych pacjentów, jaka umożliwiałaby wyleczenie ich "corób duszy". Tylko bowiem dany pacjent, oraz jego współmałżonka będą dogłębnie wiedzieli co naporawdę "jest grane" w sprawie danej "choroby duszy".

[#I4f] Wewnętrzna niechęć pacjentów do ujawniania najważniejszych sekretów swego życia. To zaś typowo utrudnia lub nawet uniemożliwia wyleczenie szczególnie wstydliwych "chorób duszy", szczegóły których instynktownie będą usilnie ukrywane przed obcymi.

       Wiele problemów małżeńskich wiodących do rozwodu wynika z tzw. "emocjonalnego uszkodzenia kobiet" (po angielsku "damaged goods women"). W dawnych czasach w Polsce używane było dla niego powiedzenie "bez ojca chowane". Opisywało ono osoby, które zostały emocjonalnie wypaczone brakiem ojca. Sporo kobiet, które wyrosły jako córki tzw. "samotnej matki" skrycie nosi w sobie wpojone im przez matki żal, niechęć, a czasami nawet nienawiść, do mężczyzn. Jednocześnie ich natura i potrzeby kobiety domagają się aby znalazły męża. Niestety, w jakiś czas po ślubie owe skryte nastawienia zaczynają się ujawniać, zaś taka kobieta zupełnie zmienia na agresywne swoje odnoszenie się do męża, zaprzestaje małżeńskie komunikowanie się, a często nawet "karze" swego męża za fakt iż jest mężczyzną. To dlatego w YouTube narasta liczba ostrzeżeń i rad w sprawie tychże "damaged goods females". W dzisiejszych zaś czasach tzw. "narcyzyzmu", "hookup kultury", "toksycznego feminizmu", "me too movement", oraz innych podobnych trendów, sporo takich właśnie kobiet wymyśla najróżniejsze powody aby torpedować formowanie zgodnych z Biblią małżeństw poprzez uniemożliwianie wdrażania kluczowego wymagania z wersetów 7:3-5 w "1 Koryntian" czy 3:1-7 z "1 Piotra", iż to mąż ma autorytet nad ciałem żony - chociaż NIE mają żadnych zastrzeżeń iż żona ma autorytet nad ciałem męża. Jak daje się odnotować, szczególnie krzykliwe i szkodliwe dla kraju stają się one jeśli znajdą się w gronie członków parlamentu lub nawet rządu - przykładem na co może być tzw. "ustawa anty-klapsowa" jaką opisałem w punktach #B5.1 i #G4 swej strony will_pl.htm. Po więcej informacji na niniejszy temat patrz angielskojęzyczne YT widea o adresach: "Pumped by chad and damaged forever", 14:17 min, "This is why the Bible says to never mess with narcissism", 56:48 min, "How social media induces depression", 3:42.
       Na szczęście istnieją rodzaje emocjonalnie "uszkodzonych kobiet" (tych, które po angielsku nazywane są damaged goods female), dusze u których z ich własną pomocą mąż powinien próbować uzdrowić z takich najbardziej niszczycielskich istniejących "chorób duszy". Wszakże dla leczenia "chorób duszy" NIE używa się "pigułek z apteki", a szczerych rozmów, przeglądu uprzedniego życia, oraz ochotniczych mian swego postępowania. Jeśli więc czytelniku poślubić jedną z tak uszkodzonych żon, zaś manifestacja jej "choroby duszy" grozi zniszczeniem waszego małżeństwa np. ponieważ ona już osiągnęła ów względny poziom "mi" wynoszący µ=<0.3 w spadku swej "energii moralnej" i np. już ma od nowa rozognioną emocjonalą zdradę ze swymi rzekomo "platonicznymi przyjaciółmi", wówczas bez względu na to co żona zaczyna wyczyniać, ciągle powinieneś próbować uratować wasze małżeństwo. Pamiętaj bowiem iż na pierwszą żonę lub męża Bóg zawsze daje najlepszego kandydatkę/ta. Ponadto celem małżeństwa jest wzrost duchowy a NIE pozbawione problemów, zmian i wysiłku życie. To ratowanie uwolniłoby wszakże wasze dalsze pożycie od cech przedsionka piekła. Takie uzdrowienie by bowiem zakończyło wykorzystywanie, przeklinanie, gderany, odarcie z szacunku i umysłowe oraz uczuciowe wyniszczanie męża przez żonę. Oprócz więc najdrastyczniejszego co wówczas możesz uczynić aby przyniosło ci nieco ulgi, czyli separacji i rozwodu, albo kontynuowania pozbawionego seksu małżeństwa dającego niemal pewność iż jesteś też niszczony przez żonę i skrycie zdradzany, podjąć też możesz kilka innych posunięć. Najważniejsze z nich wyszczególnijmy tu w podpunktach:

{#I4a} Pozwolenie aby żona tymczasowo odeszła i doświadczyła życia pozbawionego opieki i pokierowania męża. Najprostrzym i najłatwiejszym rozwiązaniem jest zwykle pozwolenie aby odeszła (ale bez rozwodu) - jeśli sytuacja na to pozwala. W dzisiejszych bowiem czasach sytuacja samotnej i jakby rozwiedzionej kobiety jest ogromnie twarda. opisuje ją pod słowami kluczowymi: women hit wall hard . W praktyce więc większość z nich po jakimś czasie marzy o pojednaniu się z byłym mężem - co można im umożliwić stawiając jednak legalnie spisane określone warunki bazujące na zadiagnozowaniu przez męża powodów ich uprzedniego zachowania np. przymierzeniem ich do treści punktu #I2 powyżej.

{#I4b} Biblijne "oko za oko ...". Do refleksji często nakłania żony odejście od dziś standardowego "bycia dobrym mężem" i nagła zmiana na podjęcie postępowania podkreślanego w Biblii słynnym "oko za oko, ząb za ząb". Cokolwiek bowiem bolesnego taka żona uczyni mężowi, logika sugeruje iż nawet w krajach o antymęskich ludzkich prawach, jeśli to właściwie się udokumentuje wówczas w obronie własnej mąż powinien mieć prawo też uczynić zwrotnie swej żonie. Zaś żony "uszkodzonego dobra" mają nawet zwyczaj atakowania swych mężów, czy rzucania w nich obiektami jakie właśnie mają w ręku. W przypadku kiedy takie jej działanie spowoduje uszkodzenie ciała lub zadrapanie męża, jakie można udokumentować, ludzkie prawa NIE powinny zabraniać zwrotnego ich oddania w formie kary NIE dokonującej żonie żadnego uszkodzenia ciała. Ukaranie to trzeba jednak zrealizować w sposób fizycznie nieszkodliwy ale za odczuty przez żonę jako rodzaj poskromienia. Przykładowo delikatnie połóż ją na łóżu tyłkiem ku górze i wymierz w jej tyłek trzy lub cztery silne klapsy - tak jak w dawnych czasach uczyniłby to jej ojciec kiedy w młodości była niegrzeczna. Po otrzymaniu takich nieco haniebnych dla niej klapsów, będzie się wstydziła ujawnić je innym. Po zaś ich otrzymywaniu zda ona sobie sprawę jak ogromna jest przewaga siły jej męża w porównaniu z jej siłą - co w przyszłości nieco ostudzi jej zapędy rzucania w swego męża albo jego drapania, czy nawet bicia. Bez względu też jak mały mąż by nie był a duża jego żona, mąż zaprojektowany przez Boga jako "maszyna do wojny i do zabijania" bez większego wysiłku jest w stanie użyć na niej całej swej siły i choćby tylko jedną swą ręką delikatnie położyć żonę na miękkim łóżku i jak niegrzecznemu dziecku wymierzyć w tyłek klapsy swej zaślepionej złością żonie. Jeśli zaś NIE wierzysz w swoją moc i możliwości, oglądnij walki "zawodowo walczących kobiet" ze specjalnie przez nie wybranymi słabszymi od nich męskimi przeciwnikami - pokazane np. na 11:04 minutowym wideo o adresie: ZeDzXd-GRfE "Congrats ladies men ain't holding back".

{#I4c} Okiełznanie żony jak dzikiej i nigdy NIE ujeżdżanej jeszcze klaczy - zgodne z ideologią każdej rewolucji i buntu w historii ludzkości iż "jeśli zawsze odmawiają ci wszelkich sposobów pokojowego uzyskania tego co ci do życia absolutnie potrzebne, wówczas zabierz to sobie siłą". Jeśli więc żona typu "uszkodzone dobro" już przez dłużej niż pół roku zamyka dla męża swe nogi, łamiąc tym swą ślubną przysięgę i główne powody dla jakich małżeństwa wogóle istnieją, zaś wszelkie z nią rozmowy i prośby męża o intymność są uparcie odmawiane, wówczas mąż uzyskuje powtarzalnie w historii Ziemi wdrażane prawo jakie przez tysiąclecia było motorem postępu, aby się zbuntować i spróbować np. ją "okiełznać" - tak jak cieszącego się nadmierną wolnością "żeńskiego mustanga", czy tak jak nowe narody uzyskiwały wolność od ograniczających ich życie agresorów i ciemiężców. Mąż powinien jednak liczyć się ze sporym prawdopodobieństwem, że jak każda rewolucja czy bunt w historii Ziemi, i ta próba też może skończyć się bezowocnie i spowodować zemstę żony wymierzoną przeciwko temu buntowi męża. Dlatego trzeba to czynić w sposób minimalizujący ewentualne szkody. Znaczy w działaniu: niespodziewanie, szybko, z użyciem całej swej męskiej mocy, ale jednocześnie bardzo ostrożnie i delikatnie aby żona NIE doznała żadnego zadrapania czy sińca, oraz przy ograniczeniu mężowskiego postępowania do jedynie intymności typu obejmowanie, dotyki, czy pocałunki trwające tak długo jak w nadanym mu przez Biblię autorytecie dysponenta ciałem żony, mąż uzna za mu potrzebne w małżeństwie - jednak absolutnie zdecydowanie NIE posuwające się przy tym do tego co ludzkie prawa uznają za stosunek seksualny (tj. postępowanie męża ma być zgodne z tym co w #L3 strony cielcza.htm opisałem dla nakazu Jezusa: "Oddajcie więc Cezarowi (Cesarzowi) to, co należy do Cezara, a Bogu to, co należy do Boga" - patrz Biblia, Mateusz 22:21, Marek 12:17, Łukasz 20:25). Przed zrealizowaniem takich "okiełznań" mężowskim autorytetem i mocą, dobrze jest też przeglądnąć w YouTube widea wyjaśniające iż istnieją inne formy intymności małżeńskiej niż penetrujący żonę stosunek seksualny, też dające zarówno mężowi jak i żonie poczucie bycia kochanym, respektowanym, oraz zaspokajanym, poczym wdażać praktycznie wszystkie te formy - patrz np. widea o formach bez-penetracyjnych form intymności małżeńskiej. Wszakże z doświadczeń dawnych czasów do dziś dotrwała wiedza, że rozwydrzeone np. przez feminizm i nieposłuszne mężom żony trzeba "przełamywać" i ujeżdżać - tak jak czyni się to z dzikimi końmi. W dzisiejszych też czasach wiele kobiet sekretnie nawet marzy o zostaniu "okiełznanymi" siłą męskiej dominacji - są nawet ujawniające to widea w youtube, oraz artykuły w prasie - tyle iż zwykle angielskojęzyczne. Są też liczne historyczne przysłowia, np. owo japońskie z {#I2l} "zbij swą żonę w dniu ślubu a twoje życie małżeńskie będzie szczęśliwe", a nawet istnieje 2-godzinny film z 1967 roku bazujący na sztuce Szekspira a noszący tytuł "The Taming of the Shrew" - darmowa kopia ktorego była upowszechniana pod adresem (pamiętam iż polska wersja tego filmu nosiła tytuł "Poskromienie Złośnicy" i ją oglądałem w którymś kinie Wrocławia, ale NIE znalazlem jej kopii w YT).

{#I4d} Rozwód. Niestety, tam gdzie małżeństwo odchodzi od przykazań i wymagań Boga, automatycznie poddaje się ono prawom ustanowionym przez "moce zła". Stąd końcowym i najdrastyczniejszym rozwiązaniem problemu niszczycielskiej żony, bez względu na to jak objawia się jej niszczycielskość, jest rozwód. Większość żon typu "uszkodzone dobro" zwykle same o rozwód wystąpią, bowiem nawykły do wierzenia iluzjom zamiast rzeczywistości, a zapewne mają też one już przygotowanych dla siebie aż kilku rzekomych "platonicznych przyjaciół" - współuczestników ich "emocjonalnych zdrad". Jeśli więc mąż cierpliwie odczeka, ich "odejmująca natura" kobieca popchnie je aby same wystąpiły o rozwód. Niestety, problem jaki istnieje z rozwiedzeniem się z taką "żoną typu uszkodzone dobro", jest iż w dzisiejszych realiach ich rozwód skończy się niemal bankructwem jej męża. Szczególnie jeśli to mąż o rozwód wystąpi. W dzisiejszych rozwodach NIE ma bowiem co liczyć na zrozumienie sytuacji męża przez sąd i prawników. Pomadto takie żony zwykle od lat praktykują udawanie roli "ofiary" swego męża, typowo NIE mają więc problemu z przekonaniem sądu. Obecnie więc nadal rozwody wygrywają głównie kobiety. Dlatego jest istotne aby mąż jak najwcześniej odnotował znaki nieuchronnego (które to znaki dziś rzeczowo informują już widea z youtube - np. iż żona spała z innym mężczyzną) i dobrze do rozwodu się przygotował dokumentując swoją sytuację. Warto więc fotografować i nagrywać wszystko co mężowi może dopomóc. W przypadkach gdy istnieje potrzeba płacednia alimentów na dzieci warto też sprawdzić np. genetykę dzieci, czy faktycznie są one spłodzone przez męża (coraz częściej bowiem ktoś inny jest za to odpowiedzialny).

{#I4e} Negatywne konsekwencje rozwodu. Tak się składa, że tam gdzie istnieje niewierność małżeńska, szczególnie o intensywności wiodącej aż do rozwodu, często indukuje ona także uczucie nienawiści. Owoce zaś nienawiści są trudne do przewidzenia. Czasami bowiem przejmują je także dzieci, lub nawet dalsi potomkowie. Tylko gdy były uczestnik małżeństwa głęboko wierzy w Boga, wówczas przebaczy i będzie się modlił o nienawidzącego go partnera. Natomiast gdy któryś z uczestników małżeństwa ma w sobie jakiegoś "demona", wówczas zaistniała nienawiść może prowadzić do najróżniejszych tragedii. Faktycznie to dawne gazety, a także dzisiejszy internet, wskazują sporo przypadków kiedy rozkład małżeństwa po jakimś czasie kończy się wielkim nieszczęściem - i to wcale NIE koniecznie tej strony która za rozkład ów była odpowiedzialna. Dlatego możliwie najszybciej po rozwodzie, w którym są jakieś poszlaki iż choć jedna ze stron hołduje w sobie uczucie nienawiści, wysoce rekomendowane jest aby co najmniej jedna ze stron (a jeśli da się to obie), przesiedliła się albo do innej miejscowości - jeśli się da, to do aż tak odległej jak tylko możliwe, albo też aby nawet emigrowała do odmiennego kraju. Takie przesiedlenie się może bowiem zaoszczędzić jej wielu późniejszych problemów, a w kilku drastycznych przypadkach może nawet uratować czyjeś życie.

Part #?: ... (These parts of the web page are reserved for future use) ...


#?1. ...(Items reserved for future use and writing)...


Part #Z: Summary, and the final information of this web page:


#Z1, blog #139E. Summary of this web page:

Motto: "A single proof could be overlooked, two proofs could be not believed, three proofs could still be ignored by these most stubborn ones, but four different proofs that confirm the same fact of the existence of God must be taken under consideration, while when the fifth formal scientific proof also joined them, which again confirms the same truth, then we really need to revise our attitude towards God."

       The human science has in its disposal a huge body of evidence for the existence of God, counter-world in which God resides, eternal human soul, for the creation of the first pair of people by God, for the authorization of the Bible by God, etc., etc. But somehow no-one disseminates this evidence officially nor includes it formally into the body of human science. Rather opposite, this huge evidence is treated as a taboo by the majority of scientists, or as something that should NOT be talked about nor written about, means something that scientists should be ashamed of if they know about it. Thus, until the time of developing a series of my formal scientific proofs, published on web pages of totalizm and indicated previously in item #G1, normal people did NOT receive any scientific reassurances which they need badly, and which would confirms that yes, in fact "God does exist" in eyes of science as well, that "there is the counter-world" in which God resides and into which our souls go after we die, that yes, "people do have immortal souls", that "it is God, not a random evolution, which created the first pair of people (i.e. the first woman and the first man", that "God authorized the Bible", etc., etc. If not this loud campaign which lies to people by stating an exact opposite of the above, one could suspect that scientists just overlooked this huge body of evidence about God. But the loud campaign of intentional lies in these matters, clearly indicates that in fact the matter of truth about God looks much different. Namely, that it is exactly as the Bible authorized by God himself explains this to us. Means that the Earth is given unto rules of animal-like creatures which the Bible calls "serpents", "dragons", "devils", etc., while which in present times we call "UFOnauts". As the Bible explains it, these creatures are enemies of God. Thus, because these creatures look identical to people, while the Earth is under their rules, they have the power and capabilities to make impossible to people to learn truths about God. Therefore, these creatures which rule the Earth make impossible to people to learn that the existence of God, counter world, soul, etc., acre actually scientific facts, and that there is a huge ocean of scientific evidence in confirmation of these facts.
       Of course, such a conspiracy of silence and lying about God cannot last forever. Someone from the scientific fraternity must finally find a courage to break the silence and state openly: "Hey, whatever is officially stated about scientific evidence for the existence of God is just a huge lie. In fact there are scientific explanations and evidence that confirm the real existence of God, and there is a lot of these." Somehow it happens that it was me onto whom this unpleasant duty has fallen. It is unpleasant because it is linked to exposing myself to a fury of countless persecution and attacks from these evil creatures in the power of which the Earth still is. However, no persecution and attacks could be worse than the awareness that one have chosen to live in lie. Therefore, in spite of persecution and attacks, herewith I present what I have to say in this matter. On this web page - the formal scientific proof for the authorization of the Bible by God himself.
       The Bible for sure is authorized by God himself - as this is proven scientifically and formally on this web page. The Bible is also an extremely fascinating book. The supernatural intelligence that emanates from the content of it, the everlasting actuality, the ability to give advices and provide solutions for our problems, acting as a kind of a "table of ready-made messages" for a direct communication with God via the so-called "Living Words", prophesizing knowledge of the future, continuous revealing increasingly further secrets that the Bible hides in itself, and many others, qualify it as the most mysterious and supernatural book on the Earth. In fact, apart from the Bible there is no other book on the Earth the authorship of which would admit God himself, and the God's authorship of which would be confirmed independently by facts. So it is worth to have it close to our hands. It is also worth to consult it when we have a serious problem.

#Z2. Other web ages which also discuss the Bible:

       The topic of authorization of the Bible by God himself is also discussed on several other web pages of totalizm. For example, this topic is discussed in items #F2 and #F3 of separate web page devoted to the discussion of the philosophy of totalizm, in item #E2 of the web page about the origins of evil on Earth, and also in item #B4 of the web page about Antichrist.

#Z3. Fast access to the Bible:

       In case the reader would like to check or study the Scripture, but have no a copy of the Bible at hand, below I listed addresses of web pages, which provide online English texts from various versions of the Bible (click on the site which you selected):

#Z4. Purchase or getting a free Bible:

       In present times Bibles are rather inexpensive. So it is worth to purchase one of these and have it handy. This is because they enormously simplify and improve our lives. After all, always when we have a problem, we can consult God through this Bible - using these "Living Words" described in item #C3 above. If, however, we for some reasons cannot afford the purchase of a Bible, then we still can make a use of one amongst these numerous organizations which give away free copies of the Bible, for example Every Bible is a Bible authorized by God himself. Thus, no matter how it gets to our hands, still it is God that authorized whatever we are to find in it - written especially for us.

#Z5. Blogs of totalizm:

       It is also worth to check periodically blogs of totalizm, available at addresses: (posts from #89 = i.e. from 2006/11/11) (posts from #293 = i.e. from 2018/2/23) (posts from #293 = i.e. from 2018/3/16)
All posts to blogs of totalizm (almost each one of which is translated and published again in English) are also available in my publication [13] which is disseminated free of charge via the web page named tekst_13.htm.
       Notice that all blogs of totalizm hold the same text with very similar content of messages.

#Z6. How with the use of web page named "skorowidz_links.htm" one can find totaliztic descriptions of topics in which he or she is interested:

       A whole array of topics equally interesting as these from the above web page, is also discussed from the angle that is unique to the philosophy of totalizm. All these related topics can be found and identified with the use of content index prepared especially to make easier finding these web pages and topics. The name "index" means a list of "key words" usually provided at the end of textbooks, which allows to find fast the description or the topic in which we are interested. My web pages also has such a content "index" - only that it is additionally supplied in green links which after "clicking" at them with a mouse immediately open the web page with the topic that interest the reader. This content "index" is provided on the web page named skorowidz_links.htm. It can be called from the "organising" part of "Menu 1" of every totaliztic web page. I would recommend to look at it and to begin using it systematically - after all it brings closer hundreds of totaliztic topics which can be of interest to everyone.

#Z7. The author of this web page (i.e. Dr Jan Pająk):

       I have a pleasure to inform readers of my web pages, that to commemorate the 70th birthday of the author of this web page (i.e. myself), there was produced and published around 35 minutes long film by Dominik Myrcik, which since May 2016 is available for free viewing in The film is entitled "Dr Jan Pająk portfolio" and it presents graphically most important among my scientific accomplishments. I am inviting readers to view it. The working green links, Internet addresses, promotional leaflets in three languages, and complete descriptions of all three language versions (i.e. English, German and Polish) of this excellently designed and produced HD and HQ film, are available on my web page named portfolio.htm - which was especially prepared for describing the film.
       Current email addresses to the author of this web page, i.e. officially to Dr Eng. Jan Pajak while courteously to Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak, at which readers can post possible comments, opinions, descriptions, or information which in their opinion I should learn, are provided on the web page named pajak_jan_uk.htm (for its version in the HTML language), or the web page named pajak_jan_uk.pdf (for the version of the web page "pajak_jan_uk.pdf" in safe PDF format - which safe PDF versions of further web pages by the author can also be downloaded via links from item #B1 of the web page named text_11.htm).
       The author's right for the use of courteous title of "Professor" stems from the custom that "with professors is like with generals", namely when someone is once a professor, than he or she courteously remains a professor forever. In turn the author of this web page was a professor at 4 different universities, i.e. at 3 of them, from 1 September 1992 until 31 October 1998, as an "Associate Professor" from English-based educational system, while on one university as a (Full) "Professor" (since 1 March 2007 till 31 December 2007 - means at the last place of employment in his professional life).
       However, please notice that because of my rather chronic lack of time, I reluctantly reply to emails which contain JUST time consuming requests, while simultaneously they document a complete ignorance of their author in the topic area which I am researching. Therefore, if the reader sends a request to me, I suggest to let me know somehow that he or she actually went through the trouble of reading my web pages and learning what these pages try to say.

#Z8. A copy of this web page is also disseminated as a brochure from series [11] in the safe format "PDF":

       This web page is also available in the form of a brochure marked [11], which is prepared in "PDF" ("Portable Document Format") - currently considered to be the most safe amongst all internet formats, as normally viruses cannot cling to PDF. This clear brochure is ready both, for printing, as well as for reading from a computer screen. It also has all its green links still active. Thus, if it is read from the computer screen connected to internet, then after clicking onto these green links, the linked web pages and illustrations will open. Unfortunately, because the volume of it is around a double of the volume of web page which this brochure publishes, the memory limitations on a significant number of free servers which I use, do NOT allow to offer it from them (so if it does NOT download from this address, because it is NOT available on this server, then you should click onto any other address from Menu 3, and then check whether in there it is available). In order to open this brochure (and/or download it to own computer), it suffices to either click on the following green link or to open from any totaliztic web site the PDF file named as in the above green link.
       If the reader wishes to check, whether some other totaliztic web page which he or she just is studying, is also available in the form of such PDF brochure, then should check whether it is listed amongst links from "part #B" of the web page named text_11.htm. This is because links from there indicate all totaliztic web pages, which are already published as such brochures from series [11] in PDF format. I wish you a fruitful reading!

#Z9. Copyright © 2024 by Dr Eng. Jan Pająk:

       Copyrights © 2024 by Dr Eng. Jan Pająk. All rights reserved. This web page is a report from outcomes of research of the author - only that is written in a popular language (so that it can be understood by readers with non-scientific orientation). Majority of ideas and presentations providedd on this web page (and also in other publications by the author) are unique for the author’s research, and thus from the same angle these ideas were NOT presented by any other researcher. As such, this web page presents a number of ideas, inventions, theories, illustrations, tables, etc., which are the intellectual property of the author. Therefore, the content of this web page is the subject to the same laws of intellectual ownership as every other scientific publication. Especially the author reserves for himself the moral credit and copyrights for the scientific theories, discoveries and inventions, photographs, illustrations, tables, etc., mentioned or utilised on this web page. Therefore, the author reserves that during repeating any idea presented on this web page (i.e. any theory, principle, explanation, deduction, interpretation, device, evidence, proof, discovery, invention, photograph, illustration, table, etc.), the repeating person revealed and confirmed who is the original author of this idea (means, as it is used in creative circles, the repeating person provided a full moral "credit" and recognition to the author of this web page), through a clear explanation that a given idea is repeated from the web page authorised by Dr Jan Pajak, through indication of the internet address of this web page under which this idea was originally explained, and through mentioning the date of most recent update of this web page (i.e. the date indicated below).
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Date of starting this page: 1 November 2007
Date of the most recent update of this page: 1 June 2024
(Check in "Menu 3" whether there is even a more recent update!)