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Menu 4.)
In spite that the monopoly of "official atheistic science"
researches the reality around us since the times of
Archimedes, it still has NOT managed to discover
that the reality around us is governed by two drastically
different kinds of time. (In publications by the author,
this extremely corrupted and deviated from researching
truths monopoly of "official science" is called the old
"official atheistic science",
or "orthodox science", so that one
could clearly distinguish it from the new
"totaliztic science"
in the spirit of which this web page is written.) One of
these two different kinds of time, in totaliztic publications
called the "irreversible absolute time of universe",
is the time in which lives only our God. This time exists in nature,
elapses in a smooth manner, and in our physical world
it affects only the inanimate matter (i.e. non-living chemical
elements, minerals, rocks, fossils, bones of dinosaurs, coal, etc.) -
which are ageing according to its speed of elapse. The old official
human science believes that this is the only time that exists
in the entire universe. However, the new "totaliztic science"
has discovered, that people actually live in a completely
different time, in publications by the author called the
"reversible software time". That software time
does NOT exist in nature, so it has been artificially
pre-programmed by God and introduced to use during
the biblical Great Flood - as it is explained in items #C3,
#C4 and #C4.1 of this web page. It elapses in short jumps.
(The actual existence of "jumps" of this artificial "reversible software time"
in which we live is revealed to every person by the popular phenomenon
described in item #D1 from this web page.) Because of the existence
of long gaps between subsequent such jumps, the elapse
of this artificial software time is about 365 thousands of times
slower than the elapse of the natural "irreversible absolute
time of the universe". To the ageing in this artificial jumping time
are subjected humans and all the living creatures having DNA.
It also allows for the building of my "Time Vehicles" described on
this web page. Differences in speeds of elapse of these
two kinds of time from our physical world are so large, that
many people notice with naked eyes e.g. astonishingly rapid
ageing of rocks - see item #C4.1 from this web page. The
fact of existence and work in the physical world of these two
drastically different kinds of time, explains also many mysteries
about which so-far people conducted disputes and wars, for
example, explains why the Bible and the history reveal that
God created mankind only about 6,000 years ago, while rocks
and fossils (e.g. bones of dinosaurs or coal) date back to
millions of years. Why people have a "deja vu". Why
exist and become fulfilled. Why God knows the future. Etc., etc.
This web page presents basic explanations and body of
evidence for practically all the above topics and matters.
Personally, I am most surprised that today's scientists
with parrots' inane reverently repeat baseless speculations
of Einstein on the "irreversible absolute time of the universe"
which in our physical world rules only over the ageing of
inanimate matter, while at the same time they completely
overlook the entire ocean of irrefutable evidence that our
physical world is governed simultaneously by as many
as two kinds of time described above, and that people
actually live in the totally different than rocks and fossils,
"reversible software time" - which is artificially created by
God and which elapses in jumps. After all, there is such
huge body of evidence for the
existence and operation of this artificial software time
which elapses 365 thousands of times slower than the
natural absolute time, that just indicating the most
important categories of this evidence took on this web
page the whole "part #D" and yet further sub-item #C4.1.
In fact, there is enough of this evidence, that after
ordering it accordingly to the reliable method of proving called the
"method of matching attributes"
it suffices for formulating the "formal scientific proof"
that should be binding for everyone, even for the most
thoughtless scientists.
The length of life and the inevitability of death
are the most important challenges faced by
humanity, which are associated with time and
with the passage of time. The majority of us
believe, that extending the life, defeating the death
and accomplishing immortality will be obtained through
progress in medicine. They do NOT see, however,
that medical extending of lives requires the undertaking
of immoral activities described in item #B2 below.
Furthermore, judging from the speed of such medical
progress, it can require even several thousands of
years of research before medical fraternity finds a
way to defeat deaths and accomplish the access to
immortality. Even then though, only a few individuals
could use it. After all, it would require making highly
immoral decisions (e.g. taking lives from other people
or creatures to extend our own life). Furthermore,
as such, it would also be very costly, and only a few people
could afford it. On the other hand, the philosophy called
explains to us, that actually there is also a morally
correct path to immortality, and that we could live
forever already at the present level of knowledge
and science. This is because immortality can be
also accomplished in a moral manner with the use
of technology - means through the construction of
technical devices called here
Time Vehicles.
In turn when we have such devices, then
each time when
we arrive to the old age we could repetitively
shift our time back to years of the youth.
In this way everyone could keep extending his
or her life infinitively long. But to get access to these
Time Vehicles, we need to start accepting that such
devices are technologically feasible, and we need
to start building these devices as soon as we can.
To be honest, if I received the assistance that is
required from the very beginning of my research,
means from 1985 - when I discovered how time
works and when I invented Time Vehicles and
developed their design, then even if I would work
just alone on the development of these vehicles,
while the provided assistance limited itself just to
financing and manufacturing subsequent prototypes,
research stations, laboratories, measuring equipment,
etc., still I would manage to complete these vehicles
already a long time ago - as about these wasted
chances I am writing more comprehensively in
items #J1 to #J3 of the web page named
After all, since 1985 tens of years have elapsed.
In turn, in such a case, already a long time ago
the humanity would defeat deaths, while each one
of us would already have the access to immortality -
thus being able to live forever. As it turns out,
constructing these Time Vehicles is relatively
simple. But in order to accomplish it, we all
need to change our attitudes and manners of
thinking. We need to start thinking in categories
of the philosophy of
For example, we must understand that
our universe is so designed by
that "everything that we can
think of, we can also accomplish" - only
that for it we need to fulfil specific conditions. This
web page is to point out for us such a correct
direction in our thinking regarding the completion
of my "Time Vehicles" and the technical access of
humans to immortality through the repetitive shifting
of our time back to years of our youth.
The content of this web page is authorized by
Jan Pajak,
means by a researcher of New Zealand and Poland, and
WorldCat Identity
(see the web page,
who in the early part of 21st century stand out
from the crowd of still-living discoverers and
inventors of these two countries and he became
among them the most widely known in the world,
most variously interpreted, and at that time the
most productive - in spite of conducting his research
without funding and on the principles of a scientific
"hobby" forced by official disapproval of his research
area, although, unfortunately, about his existence
and results of research almost no-one wants to know
in New Zealand, while to annul, deny and mute down
his discoveries and inventions many inhabitants
of Poland conspire into gangs that act as monopolies
distorting the truth and trying to leave for future
generations only lies, trash, poisoned water, polluted
air, destroyed fertility of soil, and devastated nature.
Part #A:
Introductory information of this web page:
Motto of this web page:
"Historical analyzes show that every inventor who
previously managed to theoretically work out the
correct principle of operation and a realistic manner
of technical implementation of this principle for his
invention, and for whom other people (i.e. biblical
"neighbors") guaranteed access to the resources
necessary to build his invention and maintained
his motivation with positive moral support, was
always successful in building his invention before
the end of his/her life."
What are goals of this web page:
"The first step towards the earning of 'immortality' is
to learn what it is all about and what laws apply to it."
The main goal of this web page is an attempt
to realise to readers that the accomplishment
of immortality is NOT so difficult as we may
believe e.g. on the basis of present state of
medicine. Only that in order to accomplish
immortality we firstly need to learn everything
about it, then we need to want it, and finally
we need to actively help these people whose
efforts are bringing it to us (instead of, as so-far,
persecute them with the enraged by the human
immorality the so-called "curse of inventors" -
described in more details in item #G1 from the web page
Other goal of this web page is to explain, that
a simplest and the most sure manner of
gaining an access to immortality, boils down to
the building of "time vehicles". After all, having
such "time vehicles" allows that after each arriving
to an old age, we can shift back in time to years of
our youth and then live again through the entire our life.
To vital goals of this web page belongs also, amongst
others, the explanation what actually is this "reversible
software time" - such explanation is provided in items
#C3, #C4 and #C4.1 from this web page. That is, the
explanation what is that particularly unnatural (artificial)
kind of time, which elapses in jumps, and in which live
and get older all people and all living creatures having DNA,
but to which are NOT subjected and age, among others,
rocks or fossils (such as "bones of dinosaurs" described
in item #H2 from the web page named
This web page reveals also how different is this
artificially created by God "reversible software time"
from the natural "irreversible absolute time of the
universe" - means it explains that this absolute
time flows smoothly with the speed of around 365
thousands of times greater than the speed of jumping
software time, that in this absolute time lives only
our God, and that in our physical world in this absolute time exist and age
all minerals (including rocks, bones of dinosaurs, coal, etc.).
That artificial "reversible software time" elapsing in
jumps does NOT exist in nature, and thus it had to
be artificially pre-programmed by some superior
intelligent being with the knowledge and capabilities
of our God (similarly like also artificially created have
to be a kind of "language" called "DNA code" - due
to the artificiality of the features of which in item #G2
from the web page named
it became possible to formally prove the existence of God).
Therefore, the lack of knowledge of the existence and the
work of this artificial jumping time in the to-date official
human science, deprives the humanity of one of the most
illustrative evidence for the existence of God, who, after all,
pre-programmed this time. In addition, the ignorance of
official science regarding this time, persisting in spite that
almost every person saw with own eyes the phenomenon
described in item #D1 of this web page, which conclusively
proves its existence and work, reveals how erroneous are
the monopolistic claims of the official science. After all, by
being in error in matters of "time" - which is the most important
component of virtually every process from our physical world,
the old, official "atheistic orthodox science" is practically also
in error in all other matters. No wonder that this old, official
science has led the humanity to the situation that we see
around us today, and even worse - that it still has NOT stopped
to push the mankind toward the abyss and the self-destruction.
For more explanations about the artificial characteristics
of the "reversible software time" - see also item #C3 from
a separate web page named
item #G4 from the web page named
and/or item #H2 from the web page named
In that item #C3 from the web page "prophecies.htm",
and also in item #C4.1 from this web page here, it is worth
to give a special attention to the evidential value of noticeable
for us, much faster ageing of rocks than people, and thus
also much faster ageing of human paintings, marks, footprints,
and fossils preserved in rocks and caves. This faster
ageing of rock than people stems from the length of
gaps between subsequent "jumps" of this discrete
time and from multiple repetition of life of people in
the "reversible software time" - while simultaneously
the rocks age constantly in the "irreversible absolute
time of the universe".
Yet another goal of this web page is to realise to the
reader, that in reality it is impossible to truly
understand ourselves, or the reality around
us, or actions of our God, without the prior knowledge
of how works the "reversible
software time" in which exist not only
ourselves, but also all the living creatures from
the entire physical world, that is, without learning
how works the God's "omniplan" described
in item #C4 of this web page, without learning the
design and operation of human "Time Vehicles"
which in this "reversible software time" allow us to
shift back to years of our youth, and also without
the learning of most important consequences
of our living in such "reversible software time". In
other words, it is impossible to fully understand
either ourselves, or what surrounds us, or the
requirements and conduct of
or selected commandments, terminology and
phenomena described in the
without the prior learning by us, for example,
(1) consequences of the phenomena
triggered in practically all immoral immortals,
and described in item #H3 of this web page
under the name of "everlasting hell";
(2) without prior learning of the requirement
described in item #I1 from the different web page named
which results from the existence of this "everlasting hell"
and which states that to any kind of immortal life, meaning
even to the immortal live in the "kingdom of heaven",
may be admitted only those shockingly few people (i.e.
those statistically NOT more than one person for every
approximately 250,000 inhabitants of the Earth), which
in their previous lives already reached the level of "morality"
that in the Bible is assigned to the so-called "righteous"
and that is described in item #I1 of the abovementioned
web page "quake.htm", and thus only those people who
have already acquired the character traits that will protect
this "kingdom of heaven" from turning into the proverbial
"hell" described in item #D8 from the separate
web page named
(3) without the prior learning about different types
of "immortality" described in items #L1 to #L6 from the
separate web page named
and thus without learning about the kind of immortality
that characterizes our soul; (4) without learning
about dangers that immortal beings bring onto other
living creatures from their surroundings - which dangers
are described, amongst others, in item #B1.1 from the web page named
etc., etc. All these facts in turn begin to be disclosed for
us only due the factual and objective research on the work
of "time vehicles" described on this web page, as well
as research on the consequences of the use of such time
vehicles, i.e. the research carried out in accordance with "a
priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science" (i.e. the
new science, which has been described in more detail
in items #C1 to #C6 from a different web page named
while which was summarised briefly in items #C3 and #D8
below on this web page).
Admittedly, none of the goals of this web page is
to prove how ignorant and devoid of pertinent are
the theories of present "official atheistic science"
about time that are officially recognized, nevertheless
it is worth to emphasize here that the
existence and actual operation of the "reversible
software time" (i.e. the "human time") artificially
pre-programmed by God and indicated on this
web page practically refutes the correctness,
legitimacy and truth of many of today's scientific
theories - including the theory of evolution, big
bang theory, and Eistein's theory of relativity -
see also "Fig. #A1a" below.
Fig. #A1a:
Fig. #A1a: The photo taken on 2018/9/20 on
which the author of this web page is photographed
with his former university colleagues, by the highly
symbolic sculpture in one of today's universities.
(Click on the above photograph to see it enlarged.)
The author of this web page, Dr Eng. Jan Pająk
is this bald pensioner with a noticeable tummy
standing next to the famous Chinese philosopher,
named Confucius, while with high respect and
honour shakes the hand of Confucius.) The
sculpture documented in this photo symbolically
illustrates the "checkerboard of time" on which
Einstein and Confucius play a kind of intellectual
match between themselves. According to today's
science, Einstein wins the match. However,
according to the beliefs of the author of this
web page and the evidence presented on it,
this match is morally won by
Confucius - whose famous maxim:
"Look NOT at what is contrary to propriety;
listen NOT to what is contrary to propriety;
speak NOT what is contrary to propriety;
make NO movement which is contrary to propriety"
quoted and exlained in 8 from item #B1.1 of my web page named
are also confirmed several times with high
emphasis in the Bible - e.g. see biblical verse
4:8 from the "Letter to the Philippians", quote
from NIV: "... whatever is true, whatever is noble,
whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is
lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is
excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things."
The author of this web page does NOT conceal in his
publications (e.g. see item #C4.2 from the web page named
that according to his understanding, the Einstein's
theory of relativity for already over 100 "human years"
is freezing all the progress of present "official atheistic
science". For example, it is enough to think about how
much evil this theory introduces to the scientific understanding
of the operation of time, or how strongly it blocks the
empirical search for particles which move above the
speed of light - in which it fulfills a similar inhibitory
and destructive role as do the so-called "laws of
thermodynamics" in the development of "perpetual
motion motors" that further develop the idea of the
Bhaskara Wheel
invented around the year 1150, i.e. the idea illustrated
with films in item #B3 from my web page named
while discussed in more detail in items
#J2 and #J3 from my web page named
* * *
Note! Although the physical world is ruled by two drastically
different kinds of time, i.e. (1 ) by the artificially programmed
time that the new "totaliztic science" named the "reversible
software time", and (2) by the naturally existing in the universe
time that by this new "totaliztic science" is named the "irreversible
absolute time of the universe", the content of this web page
discusses almost exclusively this artificial, elapsing in jumps,
"reversible software time". After all, this web page describes
the movement of people to other times with the use of "time
vehicles", while these "time vehicles" can be built only because
human lives are ruled by this "reversible software time". Thus,
if in any area of this web page the reader encounters the word
"time" used without a qualifier that explains which one exactly -
out of both existing on the Earth times, this word means, the
word actually refers to the "reversible software time". After all,
the full name of that time is long, and its constant repetition
on this web page would spoil the readability of the text, so it
makes NO sense here - especially that this second, natural,
absolute time of the universe, is discussed here only in the
introduction, in this item, and in sub-item #C4.1 of this web page.
#A2, blog #191E.
Principles of operation of "time vehicles" is so simple:
"Even a simplest invention is NOT going to complete itself."
"theory of everything"
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
teaches us, that the principle of shifting back in time and
travelling through time, is very simple. After all, the time
through which we just are living is pre-programmed in
our bodies in natural programs called "programs of life
and fate" that are stored in the form of natural software
within DNA helixes from our genetic system. In turn the
execution control which runs each such a program is
carried out by shifting the resonance point of vibrations
of these DNA helixes. In other words, double helixes of
DNA are like most simple and most elementary forms of
natural computers, which run special "control programs"
called the "programs of life and fate" that are stored in a
software manner within the "counter-matter" that
forms the atomic structure of these DNA. Therefore,
in order to shift us to a different time, it suffices that our
"time vehicle" (see "TV" below in part (a) from "Fig. #G1")
surrounds all DNA helixes contained in our body, with
a sphere of very strong pulsating magnetic field (see
"E" below in part (a) from "Fig. #G1"). The frequency
of pulsations of this field must be equal to the resonance
frequency of the helixes. Then, by controlling the frequency
of vibrations of this sphere of powerful field, it suffices
to shift the resonance points into a different area of
our "program of life and fate" coded into our DNA helixes.
This in turn shifts us to a different point in time, e.g.
again to years of our youth. How exactly this shifting
in time is carried out, is demonstrated to us already
today by "time vehicles" shown below on photographs
from parts (b), (c) and (d) of "Fig. #G1".
The entire difficulty of completing a "time vehicle"
boils down to the constructing of a device called the
"Oscillatory Chamber of the third generation".
This is because such a chamber generates a
pulsating magnetic field that is sufficiently powerful
to be able to surround us tightly with this sphere
of the field and penetrate with this field to every
single cell in our body. Its magnetic field is also
controlled sufficiently precisely to allow the simultaneous
shifting resonance points of all DNA from our body
to a new time. The majority of theoretical problems
connected with the travelling through time and with
building this "Oscillatory Chamber of the third
generation" I already have resolved. Apart from
this web page, my solutions for these problems
are also described on the totaliztic web page named
as well as in volumes 11 and 2 of my newest monograph
marked as
Thus almost the only matter still awaiting the completion,
is the building of that "Oscillatory Chamber of the third
I approximately know how to build that "Oscillatory
Chamber of the third generation". After all, I invented
it. Unfortunately, instead of creating for me reasonable
conditions for research and for the development of
my inventions, the paralysed by the "inventive impotency"
(i.e. by consequences of the "curse of inventors") countries
in which the fate make me to live, allowed that either
someone tried to hunt me down, or they make me
spend my time on an idle and horrifying unemployment
deprived even an unemployment benefit.
#A3, blog #370.
The technical implementation of the principle of shifting us back in time,
described in #A2 of this web page and in blog #191E, is to restore to
us our young bodies and leave unchanged our memory and our knowledge
already gained - thus it allows for an infinitive prolonging our lives:
The travel through time carried out on the
described in #A2 of this web page and in
blog #191E, the principle of "shifting the
execution control to a different point of our
'program of life and fate' ", yields quite
extraordinary outcomes. Namely, the
above principle causes the shifting of our
physical body to a different point in time
from our own life, but it simultaneously
leaves unchanged our memory and keeps
the knowledge which we already gathered.
In the result, if we shift our time e.g. to
years of our youth, then physically we
again will be in bodies which we had
in times of our youths, and also in times
which prevailed during our youth. But
our knowledge and memory will be the
continuation of the knowledge and memory
which we already had at the moment of
shifting our time. Therefore, after such
a shifting of our time, in the body young
again we are to repeat from the beginning
our entire life starting from the point in
time to which we shifted - but our memory
and knowledge this time will be enriched
by experiences of everything that we lived
through during the life to-date.
Such consequences of shifting our time through
changing the execution control in our "program
of life and fate" stored in DNA from every
cell of our physical body is especially suitable
for infinitive extending the length of our lives on
principles which in item #H1 of this web page,
and also in item #C7 of the web page named
is described under the name of "imprisoned
immortality". In this principle after each
reaching the old age one sits into the "time vehicle"
described on this web page and shifts his or her time
again to years of the youth. Unfortunately,
this principle does NOT allow to take with us to
years of youth any technical devices nor any
inanimate objects. This is because their "programs
of life and fate" work on different principles" than
in living organisms. So the only thing that we can
take back with us to our rejuvenated body, is our
memory and our knowledge. Thus for example,
if I build a "time vehicle" already now in my old
age, then I could shift myself back in time to my
young age, but in order to return from over there
to the moment of having again the access to my
time vehicle - I would need firstly to live through
the entire my life and again build this vehicle
from the very beginning (what should be much
easier because I would already have the entire
knowledge from the previous passage through
life and time). The principle described here does
NOT allow also to shift our time to any point
through which we did NOT live yet. Thus, we
in fact are "imprisoned" inside of time of our
lives - in spite that we could repeat this life
infinitive number of times.
Independently from the principle of shifting our
time by changes to the execution control in our
"programs of life and fate", as described on this
web page, there is also a different principle of
time travel described in "part #J" of this web page.
That different principle time travel displays a
different set of characteristics, which I am
explaining in item #J3.
The characteristics of repetitive shifting back in time to years of our youth carried out through the
described here "shifting of resonance point in DNA helixes" which causes our travel through time:
The travelling through time carried out on the
described here principle of "shifting the resonance
point in DNA helixes", is characterised by following
(1) After shifting to a different time,
our body takes all physical characteristics that this
body displayed in the time to which we just shifted,
and in which time we previously lived. Because
the body undergoes a rejuvenation after we shift
to years of our youth, this principle of time travel
opens for us the infinitively long life (i.e. immortality)
accomplished through repetitive returning to years
of our youth after each subsequent living until an
old age.
(2) Into the travel through time we cannot
take with us any object nor any person. Even if together
with us, other people are also taking a trip to a different
time, after arriving in there, these other people find
themselves in bodies, clothing, and places, in which they
were when previously led their lives through a given point
in time. So if in the trip through time we went together
with our wife or friend, then only due a pure coincidence
we could land together in the same point of the physical
space. Notice here, that only a different principle of
travelling through time, briefly described in item #J3
near the end of this web page, allows to shift to a different
time together with other people and together with objects
which we take with us.
(3) However, to different times is shifted
together with us the current state of our knowledge,
our memory, and our current personality (i.e. our
character, level of happiness, sense of humour,
memory. experience, etc.). Thus, if e.g. shifted to
different times is someone already old, then after
the arrival to years of his youth he or she is going
to have again a young body of a young person,
although his or her knowledge, memory, experience,
attributes of character, sense of humour, habits, etc. -
all will be the continuation of the same attributes which
a given time-traveller has at the moment when he or she
shifted back in time. In other words, if to years of youth
we shift an old, grumpy, immoral and unproductive
criminal, then still the same grumpy, immoral and
unproductive criminal will appear in different times,
only that he is going to have a young body - thus
will be able to intensify his destructive influence on
other people. This is why, an iron condition
must be imposed onto the attempts to shift anyone
back in time with method described here - namely
that the person shifted back in time must previously
accomplish the state of
totaliztic nirvana,
so that this condition makes impossible for all immoral
people who practice the
highly corruptive philosophy of parasitism
to shift back to years of their youth and to corrupt
in there all people from their surrounding - as
this is explained more comprehensively in item #I1
from further part of this web page.
(4) The method of time-travel described
here allows only to shift back to the point in time through
which we lived already, or to move forward in time also
to the point in which we lived previously. But after the arrival
to a new time we can interact with our environment.
This means that a given time traveller can participate
actively in everything that he or she encounters in the
time being visited, and he or she can change everything
in there according to his or her "free will".
What inspired me to write this web page:
"The history of new inventions teaches us, that the most difficult stage in their completion is to convince to them other people."
The human immortality is a perfect example
how immensely erroneous can be whatever
is commonly believed in. After all, a typical
opinion about the humanity overcoming death
and living forever is almost exactly opposite
to reality and to truth on this subject. For
example, this typical opinion states that
immortality can be accomplished only through
the progress in medical sciences, and that
the immortality itself will already be a source
of huge happiness to everyone who is saved
by it from a death. In turn, relying on statements
of the Bible and on the present level of human
medicine, it is commonly believed that the
defeat of death and the access to immortality
is going to be achieved only "at the very end" -
means in a very distant future. (See the Bible,
1 Corinthians 15:26 "The last enemy to be
defeated will be death.")
However, the reality and facts state
something completely different. As this is
explained in items #B2 and #B3 of this web
page, the only acceptable (because it is moral)
path to the human immortality leads through
the development of technology, not medicine,
or more strictly through the construction of
time vehicles.
In turn item #H3 of
this web page reveals, that the immortality
obtained by someone who previously did
NOT accomplished the state of so-called
"totaliztic nirvana"
is going to turn out to be a hell and a curse -
NOT a source of happiness. Finally item #K1
of this web page discloses that our civilisation
could have already now both "time vehicles"
as well as the access to immortality - if only
people in their attitudes to creators of new
discoveries and new inventions are NOT so
egoistic, persecuting, cynical, sceptical,
and so deprived the ability of an independent
and logical thinking.
I am promoting the above truths about immortality
already since 1985 - means since the moment
when I discovered how time works. Already then
I could initiate the construction of time vehicles -
if I only received then the help of other people
that is required. In such a case, until today -
means after around a quarter of century, time
vehicles would already be build and working.
After all, even much more complex programmes,
such as "Apollo" or "Manhattan", gave concrete
results already after 8 and 4 years - as I reminded
this descriptively in item #K2 of this web page.
And we must remember that at the time when these
programmes were initiated, their final goals appeared
to be equally distant and equally impossible for
accomplishing as today the construction of time
vehicles seems to be. We also need to remember,
that the detailed knowledge on given subjects in
people who implemented these historical programmes,
was at the time of initiating them even much lower
than the level of my own knowledge about the work
of time and about principles of operation of time
vehicles. Furthermore, people who implemented
these historic programs had NO access to so
obvious confirmations of their ideas as these
numerous confirmations of principles which I
described in items #D1 to #D7 of this web page,
and also in chapter M from volume 11 of my
monograph [1/5].
Unfortunately, in spite that I continually kept explaining
to people the truth about the immortality, providing these
explanations at every opportunity and in numerous
my publications, somehow my efforts do NOT
seem to change the commonly prevailing
(erroneous) views. This hard "scepticism" prevailing
commonly, hit our eyes especially strongly when I
publicly discussed in the Internet the visual proof
on the discrete (jumping) nature of time, which is
described in item #D1 of this web page. (This public
discussion of the proof that time really runs in short
jumps - like our present computer programs, can be
viewed in Internet at addresses listed in item #M3
near the end of this web page.) Such a stubbornly
erroneous "scepticism" of other people about the
immortality, caused that on the meaningful day of
9/11 I decided to prepare a special (this one) web
page on this particular subject. When writing this
web page I hoped that if I manage to explain clearly
and briefly the matter of immortality on a dedicated
web page, then perhaps it finally gets to the attention
of at least some readers. Let's us hope that just this
is going to happen.
Part #B:
What is this immortality and how the humanity can accomplish it:
What actually is "immortality", means the definition of "immortality":
"Things that seem to be obvious frequently turn out to be untrue - the accomplishing of happiness through a medical extending of lives is impossible."
The name "immortality" is assigned to
consequences of defeating death. It means
a possibility to life forever, while those ones
who gained such everlasting life are fully
aware that they live forever and that they
remember parts of their lives through which
they already passed.
The immortality is well known to people since the
oldest times. This is because creatures used
to live on the Earth in past, which were immortal.
Examples of just such immortal creatures are
various ancient gods - see "Fig. #B1" below. Also the
promises to people that one day the humanity
defeats death and accomplishes access to
immortal lives.
The philosophy of
reveals to us, that immortality and everlasting
life can be accomplished through the use
of two drastically different means,
namely (1) medical, and (2) technological.
The group of medical ways of accomplishing
immortality is so obvious that it is commonly
recognised since a long time. It boils down
to medical methods of infinitive extending of
human lives. In turn the most realistic amongst
another group of technological manners of
accomplishing immortality was NOT known to
people before. To the human awareness it
was introduced only by the philosophy of
and also by the
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
from which totalizm emerged. The most realistic out
of these technological manners of accomplishing
immortality boils down to the use of so-called
"time vehicles" for the infinitive extending of
human lives through repetitive shifting people
back to their years of youth each time after they
reach an old age. It is described comprehensively
on this web page.
Immoral immortality accomplished with medical methods:
"Because the humanity never will be able to invent and to create alternative
manifestations of life, all methods of medical extending of life always will be
based on either copying or robbing fragments of other living creatures.
As such, medical methods of extending life will always remain immoral
and thus these never become a source of someone's happiness."
The medical method of accomplishing immortality
assumes, that infinitive lifespan can be accomplished
when ways are found with which human bodies
can be maintained always young, so that due to
these young bodies human lives will automatically
extended themselves into infinity. (Of course, as
this is revealed by the mechanism of work of time
described on this web page, this assumption is
naive and completely erroneous.)
In academic circles of medical sciences there is
a kind of international organisation which promotes
research on accomplishing the immortality of people.
This organisation is named "The Strategies for
Engineered Negligible Senescience (SENS)".
It publishes its own journal named "Rejuvenation
Research", while earlier in September 2009 it
organised a conference in the Queens' College
Cambridge, UK (in this conference took part
around 200 scientists). Descriptions of goals
and intentions of this organisation were presented,
amongst others, in the article "Immortality beckons
as scientists tackle ageing" from page A21 of newspaper
The New Zealand Herald,
issue dated on Wednesday, September 16, 2009.
Members of this organisation see the solution to the
problem of immortality in a very naive manner. For
example, they believe that it is enough to medically
eradicate present diseases, find pharmaceuticals
which will renew biochemical processes in the body,
and learn how to replace worn-out parts of the body,
and soon people will be able to live over 1000 years,
or even live forever. The accomplishing possibility
of living over 1000 years, according to them is going
to be possible already in around 25 years. Of course,
this naive view of immortality does NOT take under
consideration a few facts. For example the fact that
already after the World War Two the medical standards
of life in some countries were rapidly increased by
a relatively high value. Yet the longevity has NOT
increased in these countries by the same proportion,
and still very rarely someone lives in them to 100
years (e.g. in 2009 the oldest known man in the world
had 113 years - his name is Walter Brelining). This means
that just the improvement of health does NOT suffice
to extend drastically the longevity. Another fact also
NOT taken under consideration by these scientists
is that since
God in the Bible which He authorised
confirmed that there exists a physical limitation of
the length of human life to 120 years (see the Bible,
Genesis 6:3), this means that must be a valid reason
for this permanently build into our bodies. After all, if
the elapse of our time is really a jumping motion
of the execution control through elementary commands
of our "programs of life", while all the evidence in
existence actually confirm this, then the length of life
cannot be medically extend above whatever is permanently
wired into these "programs of life". In turn to be able
to change this permanent wiring of our "programs of
life", especially to be able to additionally extend the
length of these programs above present permanent
(because physical) limits of their length, we people
must gain the knowledge equal to the knowledge of
After all, this would require, amongst others, the
introduction of extensions to the double helixes of
genetic codes (DNA) in every human cell - see
item #C2 below. But accomplishing such level of
knowledge is NOT going to occur within 25 years
(nor even 250 years). In other words, this naive
claim of believers in medically accomplished longevity
for me resemble claims which I have heard in
years of my youth about cars - namely that still
before the year 2000 cars will already fly in the
air - instead rolling over roads. However, the year
2000 already passed, while the principle of operation
of cars remain exactly the same as the one from
years of my youth (although I invented myself over
a quarter of century devices called the
Magnocraft and the
Oscillatory Chamber,
which can replace cars and allow us to fly, but
so far no-one is rushing to help me to build these
When watching carefully what happens around
us, we can state for sure, that unfortunately, the
humanity practically never can compete with
in creation forms of life which are alternative to
these prevailing at present, and which simultaneously
would be compatible with the life that already
does exist. In turn without the existence of such
life-forms created by people but compatible to
the existing ones, in order
to renew human body and to extend human life,
people must either "copy" or "rob" the necessary
biological resources, e.g. cells or tissues. In
other words, independently from God the humanity
will never be able to create the required biological
resources (e.g. living cells or living tissues) which
would be able to renew the human body and
simultaneously which would NOT be rejected
by organisms of people, but which would NOT
be copied or robbed from other living creatures.
On the other hand, the fact is certain that every copying
and every robbery, especially the copying or robbery
of components of life, is an extremely immoral
activity. It is just because of this fact, that
the humanity invented the so-called "copyrights",
intellectual properties, and a large number of
various laws which supposed to defend people
from robberies. Therefore, independently how
in the future people are going to extend their
lives with medical methods, always this extending
will remain an activity that is highly immoral.
An immoral character of medical extending of lives
will always induce various doubts and protests
in these people who base their actions on whispers
of their own conscience (as this is done by
intuitive totalizts).
Therefore, the path of people to immortality
accomplished through medical methods will
always be full of problems, immoral decisions,
and ethically problematic actions. In turn as
such, it will also be highly expensive, thus
accessible only to a few very rich people.
Moral problems which the humanity is going
to encounter on this medical path to immortality,
are already signalled both by the real life,
as well as by various films on this subject.
Probably the most clear picture of these
problems revealed the science-friction
film of a "thriller" type, entitled "The Island",
MVL, 2005, with Ewan McGregor and Scarlett
Johansson in main roles.
It shows a colony of self-aware human clones
farmed in a city separated from the rest of the
world, only to provide transplant organs for
extending lives of rich people from which they were
cloned. When a time was arriving to medically
kill a given clone in order to harvest its organs,
in order to calm down this clone, as well as other
clones, they were told that it is being send to a distant
island which supposedly was a kind of "heaven
on Earth".
The immoral character of medical extending of
lives has also various other drawbacks. For
example, it does NOT encourage people to improve
their morality through undertaking efforts to accomplish the
totaliztic nirvana -
as it is impossible to experience nirvana while
acting immorally. It also has this attribute, that
it is going to be used mainly by people with
immoral inclinations in their characters. This
in turn will lead the humanity directly into claws
of so-called "everlasting hell" described in item
#H3 below. As such, the medical path of humanity
to immortality is the truly "evil" and instead of
bringing good and happy life, in reality it is going
to bring only the indescribable evil and suffering.
Morally correct immortality accomplished technologically through the repetitive use of "time vehicles":
reveals to us that there is also a morally correct path to the immortality
depending on the use of 'time vehicles' for repetitive shifting back in time
after each arriving to an old age."
It was necessary to develop the philosophy of
to realise to us that there is also much better
(moral) way to the human immortality, than
the path that leads through the immoral
achievements of medical sciences. This moral
way boils down to a technological mastery of
time, or more strictly through the construction
of devices called "time vehicles". Time vehicles
will be able to shift selected people back in time.
Thus when these time vehicles are constructed,
immortality will be accomplished through
simple shifting selected people back in time
to years of their youths, on each occasion
when these people accomplish old ages, or when
their bodies refuse to fulfil correctly functions
that are imposed onto them. This technological
method of defeating death and accomplishing
immortality is moral in every aspect, is simpler
from the medical method, and can be accomplished
already at the present level of technical development
of the humanity.
The technological path to immortality which depends
on the use of time vehicles is also going to create
many additional advantages. For example, it will
allow to eliminate all mistakes and imperfections
in our actions. This is because when someone
realises that he or she committed a mistake in own
actions, then he or she can shift time back, while
in the next elapse of time already avoid committing
the same mistake.
Time vehicles will also be able to perform the present
functions of most perfect pharmaceuticals and
doctors. After all, if for example someone
catches a flu because was dressed wrongly
and got cold, then he or she will be able to shift
time back, while in the new elapse of time get
dressed correctly. Or someone catches an STD,
or gets unwanted pregnancy, because had unprotected
sex, then he or she can shift time back and in a new
elapse of time protect himself or herself much better.
On the same principle it is going to be possible
to eliminate the majority of other illnesses and
consequences of unlucky accidents which in
present times trouble people.
Time vehicles will also enable people to
accomplish their life goals more effectively.
After all, when someone for example uses a
fruitless method of action and becomes defeated
in something very important, then he or she will
be able to shift time back and repeat the attempt
with a different method. In this way time vehicles
will allow to try until a success (we know that
in present times typically we have just a single
go and chance at practically everything). How
such a repetition of attempts works, it is illustrated
perfectly in the film entitled "Groundhog Day" -
mentioned below in item #H3 of this web page.
However, while indicating the fast way of technological
access to immortality, totalizm simultaneously
warns us, that behind every form of immortality
various dangers and requirements are going to
lurk. For example, if people are allowed to live
infinitively long, then no matter in what manner this
is accomplished, these people still can fall in claws
of so-called "everlasting hell" described in item
#H3 below. (Actually, the medical path to immortality
for sure will always lead to this "everlasting hell".)
Therefore, in order to make us aware of requirements
and problems of immortality, in the further parts
of this web page, especially in items #H1 to #H10, most
vital such problems which stem from the infinitively
long lives of people are going to be discussed.
Fig. #B1a-d (OD1 in [1/5]):
Examples of immortal creatures
which in past used to appear on the Earth.
Typically they were believed to be "gods".
But if one analyses carefully their evil behaviours,
then would rather qualify them either to the
present category of "devils", or to the category
of "evil UFOnauts".
(Click on any amongst above photographs in order to see it enlarged.)
Fig. #B1a (upper-left):
The Hindu god most frequently called "Murugan".
It is also called with other names, e.g. Subramanya.
His name means "ever young". Everything in his
life confirms his immortality. This God is the second
son of god "Siva" - which in Hinduism represents the
"god of destruction". A gigantic figure of god Murugan
stands at the entrance to so-called "Batu Caves" in
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Photograph "a" shows him
in frontal view. As this is explained more comprehensively
in item #B6.1 of the web page
god.htm - about secular and scientific understanding of God,
the religion of Hinduism by many is considered to be
the first religion on the Earth, which God disseminated
amongst people just after He created the physical world.
Thus, this religion does NOT contains yet the separate
concepts of God and Satan - understood as separate
carriers of good and evil. Therefore all Hindu "gods"
in fact were creatures that demonstrated with their
actions both, numerous aspects of good, as a significant
dose of evilness. For example, in present times the
behaviour of the above god Murugan would be
described as highly "evil" or "devilish", and thus
more appropriate to "evil UFOnauts" who secretly
occupy and exploit the Earth, than to "gods".
Fig. #B1b (upper-right):
The Hindu god Murugan shown in a back view.
In present times he would be rather considered
to be an UFOnaut with rather an evil character,
than to be a god. After all, he carries a typical
equipment of an UFOnaut. For example, along
his back clearly visible are two absorption bags
for purifying the air with which he breathes.
Old descriptions also claim that he never blinked
his eyes and that his penis was always erected -
so clearly he used a plastic stiffening implant
in his penis, similarly as this is done by present
UFOnauts. Other information about this "god" is
provided in caption under his photograph from
the web page
parasitism.htm - about the philosophy of parasitism.
Fig. #B1c (lower-left):
A line of figures that represent Buddhist so-called
"twelve immortals". According to the Buddhist
mythology these "immortals" NOT only that
were able to live infinitively long, but also had
various "supernatural powers" which induced
deadly fear amongst ordinary people. For
example, the first in the line of these twelve
immortals is the famous "dragon taming Lohan".
This is because he was famous from piloting
and using a flying "vehicle-beast" which in past
was called a "dragon", while presently we would
call a "UFO". On this figure he is shown as he
sits on the horrifying beast that represents a
(click here to see him enlarged).
Interestingly, each single one amongst these
Buddhist "twelve immortals" had anatomical
features which differ from features of typical
people, but are similar to features known from
sightings of UFOnauts - e.g. prolonged ears
similar to that in Buddha. (Notice that anatomic
features of UFOnauts which differ from these
of people, are illustrated in photographs from
the web page
evil.htm - about origins of evil on the Earth.)
Also each one of these immortals had a rather
nasty character, which presently we would
describe with the qualifier "evil". So each
one amongst them fits well into the present
picture of UFOnauts as evil creatures that
secretly occupy and rob the Earth. The
explanation why in old times flying vehicles
presently called "UFOs" were named "dragons"
is provided in item #B3 of the web page
evidence.htm - about evidence of continuous activity of UFOnauts on the Earth.
Fig. #B1d (lower-right):
The view of the entrance to the Buddhist temple
from the city of Melaka in Malaysia. (The spelling
"Melaka" for the name of this city is used in
Malaysia. In English this city is spelled "Malacca".)
It is in this temple that figures of "twelve immortals"
are located. The city Melaka is very old - its written
history is known already since 1403, when Parameswara,
the Hindu Prince from the Kingdom of Sri Vijaya
in Sumatra, chose Melaka for the capitol of his
Sultanate. Since around 1490 this city went under
influences of Portuguese, who conquered it militarily
and turned into their colony already in 1511.
Melaka has many similar old Buddhist temples.
But only this one contains figures of Buddhist
"twelve immortals". Under each figure there is
a metal plate which describes his story and
supernatural feats. Therefore, when one visits
this historic and world-famous city, then it is
worth to pop for a while also to the temple
shown above.
* * *
Notice that you can see the enlargement
of each illustration from this web site. For this, it suffices to click
on this illustration. Furthermore, most of the internet browsers that you may
use, including the popular "Internet Explorer",
allow also to download each illustration
to your own computer, where it can be looked at, reduced or enlarged to the
size that you may want, or printed with your own graphical software.
#B4, blog #370.
The possibility of moral defeating death and
extending our lives through repetitive shifting
time back, is confirmed even in the
There is a holy book on the Earth, which
was authorised by the same omni-knowledgeable
God that created the entire "world of matter",
and also programmed into that world of matter
the so-called reversible doftware time"
in which are ageing all living creatured (in this
number also people), while my discovery of
which reversaible time and its principles of
work I described in blogs of totalizm #345E
and #346E (see their addresses in #M4 of this
web poage), and also in items #I1 to #I5 from
my web page named
This holy book authorised by God-creator
is called the
In His Bible God confirms all key information
about the universe and the future - e.g. see
item #C12 on the totaliztic web page
Only that God always does it in such a way, that
this knowledge is impossible for decoding and
applying by atheists and other people who have
NOT deserve to learn the truth. A vital
information which God confirms in the Bible
that He authorises, is that time is a software quality
which can be shifted back if we wish to extend
someone's life. This information is contained
in the Biblical "2 Kings" 20:1-11, and for a better
reassurance repeated also in "Isaiah" 38:1-8.
In these Biblical verses is described in detail
how God extended the life of someone named
Hezekiah by 15 years - just by shifting
his time back. In this description is
even confirmed illustratively that the principle
of shifting time back boils down to the shifting
back the execution control in natural programs
from the double DNA helix (i.e. exactly as it
is described below in this web page) - only that
in the Bible the "execution control in natural programs
from the DNA helixes" is called the "shadow on
steps of the stairway set up by King Ahaz" - see
"2 Kings" 20:11. However, in order to comprehend
these information from the Bible, one needs to
learn firstly the principles and mechanisms of
work of the "software time" - explained in the
content of this web page, and also one needs
to learn, understand, and accept descriptions
from the totaliztic web page
A more comprehensive description how in the
ancient language of the Bible was explained
exactly the same as from this web page principle
of shifting time back, is presented in item #D5
from the evidential section of this web page.
Of course, the Bible contains much more information
about the possibility of controlling the elapse of
"software time" in manners that will be possible
in the future by human "time vehicles". For example,
in "Joshua" 10:12-14 is described that the elapse
of time can be stopped altogether.
#B4.1, blog #370.
informs us also, that each person, including also you, the reader,
is shifted back in time at least two or three times in the entire life
(this explains why we all feel sometimes the "dejavu"):
A reader of this web page has pointed
to my attention, that the confirmation of
a repetitive shifting people back in time
by God, is provided in the "Book of Job",
verses 33:25-30. This confirmation explains,
that in order to direct correctly the life
of every human, practically every person
is shifted by God several times back
to years of his or her youth. But it so
happens, that this confirmation is
originally expressed in a rhymed form
(poetry). However, the same poem various
translators seem to translate on many
different ways. Thus, that vital information
that "every person is shifted back in time
at least twice or three times", is NOT expressed
with the same clarity in all translations of the
Bible. The best in my opinion expression of
this information, has amongst all Bibles the
Polish translation contained in the Polish
Bible named the "Biblia Warszawsko-Praska
(przeklad biskupa Kazimierza Romaniuka)".
Nearest English translation to this Polish
Bible, out of two English Bibles that I have,
contains the "Good News Bible" (Thomas
Nelson Publishers, 1984). I am going
to quote here from it the text of these
verses 25-30 (note that I underlined
the most vital parts of these verses):
"His body
will grow young and strong again; when
he prays, God will answer him; he will worship
God with joy; God will set things right for him
again. He will say in public, 'I have sinned. I
have not done right, but God spared me. He
kept me from going to the world of dead, and
I am still alive." God does all this again and
again; he saves a person's life, and gives
him the joy of living." Unfortunately,
this translation misses several vital points
which are absent here but present in the
abovementioned Polish translation. For
example, it does NOT make clear that such
shifting back in time God carries out for
every person on the Earth.
In other translations of the Bible, the same verses
were translated in a less understandable and
clear manner. For a comparison I am going
to quote here the same verses 33:25-30
taken from another English Bible that I have,
namely from the "New World Translation of
the Holy Scriptures" (Watchtower Bible ..., NY 2006):
"Let his flesh become fresher than in youth.
Let him return to the days of his youth
vigor. He will make entreaty to God that he
may take pleasure in him. And he will see his
face with joyful shouting. And He will restore
His righteousness to mortal man. He will sing
to men and say, 'I have sinned; and what is
upright I have perverted. And it certainly was
not the proper thing for me. He has redeemed
my soul from passing into the pit. And my life
itself will see the light.' Look! All these things
God performs two times, three times, in case
of an ablebodied man,"
The above comparison of translations from various
Bibles illustrates perfectly also another information, which the
philosophy of totalizm
tries to realise to us and to document at every
opportunity. Namely, that God intentionally
designed His holy texts in such a manner,
that the Bible does NOT offer ready-made
recipes for lazy people and for infidels - thus
in order to understand the wisdom and knowledge
contained in the holy scriptures, people firstly
need to laboriously discover by themselves specific
truths, by climbing uphill in the "moral field", while only
then the Bible confirms these truths for them.
(What is that "moral field" - due to the existence of
which everything that is "moral" and "good for people"
requires laborious climbing "uphill" in that "moral field",
is explained in items #A2.1 and #H2 of the web page
and item #F1 on the web page named
The confirmation with words from the Bible, that
in our lives each one of us is several times shifted
back in time to years of his or her youth, agrees
NOT only with the described in item #C3 below
methods used by God for a precise "tuning" of
life of each one of us to God's superior goals
and intentions, but it also agrees with empirical
facts that God allowed me to see with my own
eyes during my research. After all, several times
in my life God granted me the privilege of seeing
in person cases when God shifted someone's
time back and allowed this someone to live
again (and in a different way) through a specific
section of his or her life. One amongst the most
unambiguous and obvious cases of just such
shifting back the life of a New Zealand inventor
and a definite restoration of his house (which
two subsequent phases of destruction I saw
with my own eyes), plus probably also invalidation
of the previous death of this inventor, is described
comprehensively in items #E1, #C2, #D2, #D4 and
#A4 from the web page named
Presentation of still further ideas about possible principles of gaining immortality:
The immoral principle of immortality accomplished
due to progress in medicine - described
in item #B2 of this web page, and also the
moral principle of immortality accomplished
through the technical shifting us in time back
to years of our youth - described in item #B3
and in the remaining parts of this web page,
are NOT the only principles about which it is
claimed that can make people immortal, and
the description of which I encountered so-far.
In further sub-items of this item I am describing
further such principles.
Immortality accomplished through growing back the lost, damaged, or used up organs and body parts:
Every human cell contains in itself the genetic
information from which it is possible to grow back
all organs and body parts of a given individual.
Only that in people the process of this re-growth
is blocked naturally. But it works in other creatures.
For example, lizards are able to grow back lost tails,
salamanders - lost appendixes, while sharks - lost
teeth. Fortunately, not long ago was found a manner
of unblocking this natural re-growth of lost, damaged,
or used up organs and body parts. This manner
depends on the use of the "releaser of re-growth"
which is contained in an extraordinary powder
called the "pixie dust" - see the article "Severed
finger grows back with help from 'pixie' ", from
page A13 of newspaper
The New Zealand Herald,
issue dated on Friday, May 2, 2008. That "pixie dust"
is received by scraping cells from the lining of a pig's
bladder. After this powder is put onto the wound
formed e.g. after cutting a finger off, the finger
grows back (i.e. something in that powder eliminates
this normally working in people blockade of re-growth
of lost body parts).
The powder called "pixie dust" becomes increasingly
more famous in the world. For example, on Wednesday,
21 April 2010, on the subject of it a sizeable documentary
report was broadcasted in New Zealand television as
part of the cyclical programme "60 minutes" from channel
3 of TVNZ at 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm. In turn, on totaliztic
web pages that "pixie dust" is also discussed in (15)
from item #F2 of the web page
and in (15) from item #F2 of the web page
Gradual extending of lives through the production of mechanical "spare body parts":
In the article "Fifty active years after 50"
from page B1 of New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Wednesday, October
21, 2009, is described a scientific program
which started to be implemented in the United
Kingdom. This program aims at allowing
people to live to 100 years of age through the
development and implementing mechanical
"spare body parts" - which are to replace
parts of body that most frequently fail (such
as metal joints, plastic heart valves, back bones,
The immorality accomplished due to use of so-called "nanotechnology" and microscopic machines:
Quite an interesting idea for accomplishing
immortality was published in the article entitled
"Immortality just 20 years away, claims
US scientist", from page A11 of newspaper
The New Zealand Herald,
issue dated on Thursday, September 24, 2009
(which was a summary of a similar article
published in the British newspaper "Sun").
In this article are described claims of 61-years
old American scientist
who believes that immortality is to be brought
by progress in so-called "nanotechnology" (i.e.
in skill of constructing microscopic machines).
According to his believes, after a good learning
of functions of all components of human bodies,
microscopic machines are to be build of the size
of e.g. red blood cells or nerve cells, while these
machines are to take over all functions of human
bodies the fulfilment of which is to be refused by
ageing cells of a given person. In this way, as
people get older they are to gradually transform
into mechanical "cyborgs" in which increasingly
larger number of bodily functions is to be done
by microscopic machines of the size of individual
cells instead by the true cells of human body.
In my opinion the above idea contains several
unaddressed problems. For example, in order
someone could live forever it is necessary to
secure the continuity of his or her memory and
the continuity of his or her self-awareness. The
site for both these extremely vital life phenomena
is the brain - which also is ageing, and which self-aware
and memory functions in my opinion no machine
can replace. Another problem is the huge number
of these microscopic machines which are necessary
for sustaining the work of body of just a single human.
After all, if we replace with these machines just
only selected cells in an ageing body, e.g. only red
cells of blood, then still it would be necessary to
build a huge factory which would produce nothing
else apart these microscopic machines for the
use by body of just a single person. After all, a body
of every person contains astronomical numbers
of individual cells. Another problem results from
the imperfections of scientific acquisition of knowledge.
Scientists have this tendency that they use simplification
(or “taking out of context” - scientifically called
“system approach”) in their process of learning,
especially that they concentrate their interests
on researching just a single aspect or a single role -
at a cost of learning other aspects or other roles, and
at a cost of learning mutual relationships between
significances of these aspects or roles. On the other
hand, if we create mechanical parts of human body which
will implement only some aspects of their true functions,
then a human provided into these parts will be just
"a partially working person". Still another problem
boils down to the supply such microscopic machines
in energy. In order these machines could fulfil
their functions, they need energy which is to be
consumed by them by the entire period of their
operation. Thus, in order to allow people to live
forever, these machines would need to be supplied
into infinitively large amount of energy. But the
humanity does NOT know, nor it sees to be possible
to get to know, a manner of supplying these microscopic
machines into infinitive amounts of energy extended
to infinitive lengths of time.
The immortality accomplished due to imprisoning human souls in so-called "cyborgs" - means in mechanical bodies:
The idea of this kind of immortality originates
from research done on people abducted to
UFOs. The investigators who research these
People, stubbornly keep coming across circumstantial
evidence that UFOnauts supposedly
intercept souls
of dying people (especially souls of those who committed
suicides). Then they imprison these souls forever in
especially prepared for this purpose computerised
control systems of their UFO vehicles. In this way
their UFO vehicles in fact become kinds of flying
"cyborgs" which have human souls (means
also human memory and intelligence), but
instead of bodies have mechanisms of entire
flying vehicles. In turn UFOnauts that utilise
this imprisoning of human souls obtain a kind
of "artificial intelligence" for their UFO vehicles,
which is equally perfect like human intelligence.
More information on the subject of such imprisoning
of human souls in computerised control systems
of UFO vehicles is explained in second part of
subsection U4.1 from volume 16 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
With the elapse of time these information about
the possibility of constructing "cyborgs" in which
human soul (and thus also human memory and
intelligence) is imprisoned in a kind of body-machine,
leaked somehow from UFO investigators to
creators of science-fiction movies. Thus, presently
an increasingly higher number of films is recorded,
in the style of "Robo-cop". In these films
the idea of accomplishing "mechanical immortality"
described here is being shown in various versions
and interpretations. But generally it always boils
down to imprisoning someone's memory and self-awareness
in a mechanical body of some sort - which body
can later be subjected to periodic repairs and
regenerations, and thus which can keep this
soul imprisoned for infinitively long period of time.
Part #C:
The work of time and principles of technological travel through time:
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
gives us the following definition: time is the
passage of execution control through natural
programs of our lives and fate. In chapter
N from volume 11 of my newest
monograph [1/5]
such a definition of time is described under the
name of "software interpretation of time". Explaining
this definition with our words, each one amongst
us carries in his or her counter-material duplicate
(i.e. in his or her "spirit") a special system of
superior natural programs, which (the system)
is called the "soul" by present religions. One
amongst programs that are constituting this
complex "soul", is an unique kind of natural
program, which could be called the "program
of life" or the "program of life and fate".
This unique natural program is composed of
a long sequence of elementary commands,
the sequential execution of which causes
our passage through the life. In turn this
execution of subsequent commands from
the "program of life and fate" is carried out
by a special system of automatic "execution
control". The stepping movement of this
"execution control" from running one such
elementary command, to running next
such elementary command (in our
"program of life and fate"), is perceived
by us as the "elapse of time".
Independently from this web page, the above
"software interpretation of time" is discussed
on several totaliztic web pages - e.g. in item
#G4 of the web page
dipolar_gravity.htm - about the Concept of Dipolar Gravity
in item #C1 from the web page
timevehicle.htm - about time, travelling through time, and about time vehicles,
or in item #I1 from the web page
evolution.htm - about the need for intentional fabrication by God of the body of evidence which supports the corner stones of atheistic views, e.g. "natural evolution" or the "big bang".
In turn the software human "soul", together
with the so-called "program of life and fate"
that is contained in this soul, are described
in items #C1 and #C4 of the totaliztic web page
soul_proof.htm - with compendium of physical and medical evidence, photographs, and experiments, which confirm the existence of immortal human souls.
In item #C3 from this web page, and also
in item #G4 from the web page named
dipolar_gravity.htm - about the Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
is explained how exactly time works. (This
explanation was briefly repeated in item
#C1 above.) In turn item #D1 below from
this web page describes the empirical
proof which documents that time actually
does elapse in jumps - means time
elapses exactly in the manner as this is
explained by the Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
So now it is turn to explain how time vehicles
are going to shift this time back.
It is explained more comprehensively
in "part #I" of the totaliztic web page
evolution.htm (about the need for intentional fabrication by God of the body of evidence which supports the corner stones of atheistic views, e.g. "natural evolution" or the "big bang"),
that the carriers of natural "programs of lives
and fate" for all living creatures are the double
helixes from their genetic codes (DNA).
It is the rhythmical stepping (staircase-like)
one-after-one execution of individual commands
from these "programs of lives and fate" stored
in atoms of genetic codes, that living creatures
perceive as the "elapse of time".
It is also because of this stepping execution
of this program, that the elapse of time has
a discrete (jumping) character - which is
documented by the empirical proof described
in item #D1 below. Every atom and every
molecule of genetic codes from living creatures
contains and stores in itself a section of this
"program of life and fate". Such a section
defines how in a given moment of time the
cell from the body of living creature that
this program describes supposed to look
like. Also the section of program links
this cell from the body with a given layer
of the "timespace". (What actually is this
"timespace", also called "omniplan", it is
explained comprehensively on a number
of my publications - for example see item
#C3 below on this web page, or see item
#G4 from the totaliztic web page named
dipolar_gravity.htm - about the Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
or see item #B2.1 from the web page named
timevehicle.htm - about time, travelling through time, and about time vehicles.)
Each subsequent section of this "program
of life and fate" is executed at the moment
when the atom and molecule
in which it is stored gets into a resonance
with vibrations of the "timespace". Thus, the
key to control over the elapse of someone's
time, is the capability to induce a resonance
of these atoms of genetic code of a given
creature, which we want, instead of these
atoms which resonate under the control
of natural mechanisms of the "timespace".
(More about the role of genetic codes is
explained in "part #I" of the totaliztic web page
evolution.htm - about the need for intentional fabrication by God of the body of evidence which supports the corner stones of atheistic views, e.g. "natural evolution" or the "big bang".)
The device which is going to be able to execute
practically the resonance of a selected atom and
selected molecule of someone's genetic codes,
is the so-called
Oscillatory Chamber of the third generation.
This is because such a chamber is able to generate
extremely powerful magnetic field of an ideally constant
value. Onto this ideally constant magnetic field this
chamber is going to superimpose impulses of the
required frequencies and the required course of
curves that describe changes of the field. In this
way the Oscillatory Chamber of the third generation
is going to excite the resonance of a selected
atom and selected molecule of someone's genetic
code. This in turn is going to cause, that such
someone is to be shifted in time to the period in his
or her life that is described by a section of the program
of life and fate which is stored in this resonating
atom and particle. If this resonating atom and particle
are to be positioned below the atom and particle which
are just resonating because of the action of natural
mechanisms of "timespace", then such a creature
is to be shifted back in time, e.g. to years of his or her
As the above reveals it, the general principle of
shifting time back is relatively simple. In order to
be able to shift time back it suffices to build the
Oscillatory Chamber of the third generation,
and then surround ourselves with a powerful
and correctly controlled magnetic field that is
generated by this Oscillatory Chamber. According
to a well-known (Polish) saying "to a cleaver
head just one word is enough" (in the Polish
language "mądrej głowie dość po słowie"), this
general principle indicates the direction towards
which should go the research effort of future
builders of time vehicles. Of course, another
(English) saying states that "devil is in details".
So in order to build time vehicles, still many
amongst these "details" need to be learned.
It is a bit like with a general principle
of atomic bomb - which is presently known
to practically every child. (I.e. with the principle
stating that "in order to build an atomic bomb
it is enough to construct a device which several
pieces of nuclear fuel of under-critical mass
joins rapidly into a single piece of such fuel
with over-critical mass.) After all, luckily for
us it is just because of such "details" that
even large countries which already have
nuclear fuel and have the required level of
technology, still are unable to construct such
a bomb. Relating this to the requirements of
building time vehicles, it is rather pity that so
many people do everything in their powers
to make impossible for me undertaking the
construction of this miraculous machines. After all,
the missing details which my creative mind could
work out either theoretically, or learn empirically
from research on UFOs of the third generation,
or determine experimentally, within just several
years, the future researchers may need to seek
for hundreds of years or perhaps even for thousands
of years. In the meantime all people from our
civilization will still be forced to die, because
the lack of time vehicles will NOT allow them
to shift back in time to years of their youth
after their arrival to an old age.
The topic of practical implementation of principles
of time vehicles is also presented in subsection
N3.2 from volume 11 of my newest
monograph [1/5]
(disseminated free of charge via this web page),
as well as in item #B6 from the totaliztic web page
How our time really works - means what is this "timespace" (called also "omniplan"):
"Only the immensely wise God was able to create the world so excellently
as we see it around us - in turn so immensely wise God would NOT have
created a world in which there would be something, e.g. time,
that God would NOT be able to freely control so that it implements His superior intentions and goals."
My theory of everything,
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
explains the concept of our time and the work
of our time (i.e. this time, which the new "totaliztic
science" calls the "reversible software time"
and thus mainly which is discussed on this web
page) in a completely different way than did it
the old, official, "atheistic orthodox science"
(i.e. that old, monopolistic, ignorant and arrogant
science, which is described more broadly,
amongst others, in items #C1 to #C6 from a
different web page named
while which was summarised briefly in item
#D8 from this web page). For example,
according to my Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
time is actually a kind of motionless
"software landscape" formed from a special kind
of program and data stored in the "counter-world"
and called here the "omniplan" or "timespace",
while our life depends on moving through this
"landscape". (It is worth to remind
here, that the old official science says just the
opposite, namely that time "flows" around
us - similarly like a stream flows around a stone,
while we stand in one place - like that stone
stands in a stream.) Due to the fact, that in
reality "time is motionless while we travel
through this time", God can freely rule over
time, while for us people it is possible to
build "time vehicles", which - similarly like
our present vehicles, also allow us to move
through time in all possible directions, i.e.
to shift back in time, to accelerate time
forward, to stop the elapse of our time,
etc. In this item I am going to explain to
the reader more precisely how the Concept
of Dipolar Gravity describes the work of our time,
while more specifically, explain how works this
"omniplan" ("timespace") - with which God
actually controls time, while through which
we can also accomplish various extraordinary
capabilities, like to shift our time back (i.e.
to become immortal), to skip forward in time
(i.e. to visit the future), to stop the passage
of time (means to live through whatever we
like the most for as long as we wish), etc.
Immensely wise God intentionally pre-programmed
our physical world in so intelligent manner, that it
gives Him a free reign over every possible parameter
of the universe, including also reign over time, i.e.
so that, for example, God freely is able to shift time
back, move time forward, stop the passage of time,
view, change, and adapt to His plans and goals
everything that happens in any time (i.e. also in
times that we consider to be the past or the future),
etc. After all, such a free reign of God over all the
parameters of the universe, including His control
over time, allows Him to accurately govern over the
physical world which He has created, and thus allows
the precise achievement of His superior divine goals.
God does NOT hide such pre-programming of our
physical world, and informs us, e.g.: "So also
will be the word that I speak - it will not fail to do
what I plan for it; it will do everything I send it to
do." (The Bible, Iaiah, 55:11)
Of course, a kind of a by-product of this intelligent
pre-programming of time by God, is that we can
also benefit from it. After all, if we advance our
knowledge to the level, that we learn how to control
this "timespace" ("omniplan"), then we will also be
able to execute our control over time. In other words,
the fact that God reigns over time, means also that if we
deserve it with the moral life and with the persistent
learning of truths, then we also will be given a similar
mastery over time. This in turn will give us the capability
for immortal lives.
Such a control over the time God has achieved
through the wise formation of the physical world
into a software structure, or a software entity, which the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
calls the "timespace" or "omniplan".
This "timespace" ("omniplan")
in reality is a "natural control program" developed
by God and stored in memory of the intelligent
counter-matter, which program controls over
everything that happens in the entire physical
universe. Notice, that I introduced
here both these names, i.e. "timespace" and
"omniplan", so that depending on the situation
being described, I can use either the name
"timespace" - which illustrates how we move
through time, or just use the word "omniplan" -
which explains the role that the "timespace"
fulfils in the intentions of God. Thus, both of these
names, i.e. "timespace" and "omniplan", mean
here exactly the same, while the meaning of both
of them illustratively describes that God created
this "software structure", or "software entity"
which I have called with these names.
In my busy life, filled with a variety of activities,
already a long ago I got to know a similar (but
created by people) "software structure", which
actually is one amongst several developed by
the human technology and simplified "models"
or "imitations" of the divine "omniplan". This human
"software structure" that I met quite a long ago, thus
that lies at the foundations of my later understanding
as to how works the software time pre-programmed
by God, is the so-called "control program"
for the numerically (computer) controlled machine
tools. Due to learning in years of my youth,
how exactly such "control programs" work in
machine tools, and due to my understanding
that for the numerically
(computer) controlled machine tools, such
"control programs" are exactly the same as
for people is time, I was later able
to NOT only understand myself how wise God
pre-programmed the work of software time for
us, but I was also able to explain this work of time
to other people - which explanation I provide,
amongst others, in this item. Later in my life,
I also discovered that the "control programs"
for machine tools are just one amongst many
similar simplified "models" or "imitations" of the
divine "omniplan". Some amongst these other
"models" or "imitations" are even known more
widely and more commonly than these "control
programs" from machine tools. Therefore, they
are even more suitable for the use in order to
explain to readers how works this software time
created by God. One amongst the most frequently
used at the moment, and hence the most widely
known such "models" or "imitations" of software
passage of time, is an ordinary movie film (e.g.
a feature film) stored in a computer's memory and
played by someone on the screen of that computer.
So in order to better understand what is that "omniplan",
and how works this software "timespace" created by God
for governing over time, I am introducing here quite
a simple and primitive analogy of time to a movie film
stored in a computer. This movie film is shown on
a computer screen and viewed by a computer illiterate,
i.e. viewed by a person who does NOT know computers
well enough to be able to control them just by himself.
For such an illiterate who is only viewing (although
emotionally living through) the action of this movie
film, the flow of the events from the film through a computer
screen is an analogy to the flow of time in our lives.
Namely, just like in our lives, on that computer screen
also one can see the events that occur in sequence
one after the other, one can see the objects and
creatures involved in these events and affected by
their consequences, also for the heroes of that film
the development of events on the computer screen
is like the development of real-life events in our lives,
etc. Furthermore, just as it is with the passage of time,
such a film displayed on the computer screen and
viewed by a computer illiterate also flows in only one
direction, namely only towards the future.
However, unlike the illiterate viewers of this film
from the computer screen, and also in contrast
to the heroes of this film, the situation is quite a
different one for programmers familiar with the
principles of encoding videos in the computer
memories. After all, this film from the screen of
a computer, is actually a kind of program. Thus,
such a programmer well familiar with the
principles of movies' encoding in computers,
can select in the computer memory any part
of the program of that film, and then change
this part in any manner that is suiting him or
her the best. For example, if the bride of
the hero from that film, dies in a park because
onto her head falls with a thunderous noise a
heavy branch broken off a tree - as this is
described, for example, in the article [1#C3]
entitled "NZ burial for woman killed by falling branch"
from page A8 of the New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post
(issue dated on Thursday, September 27, 2012),
such a programmer can change that part of the
film e.g. into a situation, that onto this bride falls
a flower wreath thrown by a nearby bride who
implements an old custom that it can be caught
by a next miss which soon is to get married. As
a result of such type of changes introduced by
the programmer, this illiterate watching a movie
film and symbolising here the audience (witnesses)
of someone's real life, would see a completely
new story-line that are experiencing the heroes
of that film (which heroes are analogies to
us in the described here "imitation" of time).
Exactly on the same way works software time.
Only that for time an equivalent to this film stored
in the computer memory, is the described here
software "timespace" (i.e. "omniplan") - stored
in the memory of the intelligent counter-matter
from the counter-world. Simultaneously, the
equivalents of the heroes from that film, are
ourselves, while the equivalent of that computer-illiterate
watching a movie on a computer screen, are
"witnesses" of our lives - that is, all other living
creatures from the physical world, which together
with us are watching and experiencing what is
happening throughout the entire universe. I mean,
neither we (nor these other creatures), are able
to change anything significant in this supposed
film, but we only are witnessing and reliving what
in the universe is unveiling. But God is like the
programmer from the above analogy - who
pre-programmed the entire this film. So God
can reprogram any portion from that film in
the manner that suits Him. Only that this
reprogramming God is carrying out in the
other "counter-world", which is superior to
our "physical world" in the same way as a
computer's "processor" is superior to the
"screen", and thus that this counter-world
is managing everything that is going on in
our physical world.
The primitive analogy of time together with timespace
(or omniplan) described above, to the software
encoding of a film in the computer memory,
perfectly explains the operation and features
of time. To better realize this explanation, I
am going to describe now the actual features
and principles of operation of time - as these
are described by my
theory of everything,
means by my
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
Here they are:
Time is a kind of motionless "software landscape".
This means that like a film placed in the computer's
memory is simply a kind of fixed "landscape of bits
and bytes", also time and programs that control it
are just "software landscape stored in the memory
of intelligent counter-matter". (This "landscape" I call here the
"timespace" or "omniplan" - depending on which of
these two names illustrates better a given part
of a description.)
The flow of time is a movement of the "execution control"
over that "timespace" ("omniplan"). To view a video
from the computer's memory, a kind of pointer, indicator
or a "cursor", must be moved through this "landscape of
bits and bytes" which stores the entire content of the film.
This pointer (cursor) indicates the frame of the movie film
that is about to be displayed. Such a process of moving
the "cursor" and the work of computer caused by it,
programmers call the "execution control". Similarly is with
time. The current point in time from the "omniplan" that
we just are living through, is indicated by the pointer of
the "execution control" contained in our genes. In turn
the elapse of time is simply the movement of this "execution
control" through the "omniplan".
Time elapses in short jumps - similarly like a movie
film passes through a computer screen. This jumping
passage of time is documented by the facts described
in item #D1 below on this web page. The jumpy (i.e.
NOT continuous) passage of time is in turn the empirical
evidence, that time works exactly as it is described here.
(After all, if time was as it is described by the old "atheistic
orthodox science", then its passage would be continuous.)
For creatures that still have NOT deserved to have time
vehicles, time flows in only one direction, that is always
only towards the future. Such creatures are therefore
similar to that computer illiterate from the previous descriptions,
who still does NOT know how to operate a computer, and
thus who can see the movie film only once - when someone
else displayed it to him. Our present civilization as a whole,
as well as almost all of today's "atheistic orthodox scientists",
are just equivalents to such computer illiterates. However,
totalizts who get to know findings of the Concept of Dipolar
Gravity, no longer are similar to such complete illiterates
like present professional scientists. In turn creatures that
already know how to use time vehicles are like people who
have learned to use computers. However, the highest level
of human cognition is the ability to build time vehicles.
The operation of time vehicles boils down to introduction
of changes to the current position of the pointer in the "execution
control" of the "omniplan" described here. In other
words, just as a person who is capable of using a computer
can repeat or skip through any parts of the movie film
played on the computer screen, also creatures which
use time vehicles cause that these time vehicles shift
the "execution control" to other points in time from the
"omniplan". Of course, it is mainly God who intentionally
shifts the "execution control" whenever He decides so,
while time vehicles are only able to duplicate some of
God's actions.
Time vehicles are NOT able to change anything from
our past or the future, and they can only shift us to
a different point in time, which we naturally have
experienced in our previous life. So they are
similar to a computer that is NOT able to change the
plot of the movie film stored in its memory without
the programmer's intervention. To make a change,
in the new passage of time we ourselves must choose
for ourselves a different path through the life, means
we must enter onto a different path leading us through
this divine "omniplan".
God is the programmer of time, and thus He can
change whatever He wants both from the events of the
past as well as from events of the future. In other
words, God is like the programmer from the previous analogy
of a computer movie film, who not only can shift execution
control in this film to any scene, but also who is able to
"reprogram" the story-line of the entire film into a completely
different one. In fact, God does so for each of us and
He does it several times in our lives - to which changes
God even admits in the Bible (as it is described in item
#B4.1 from this web page). After all, if God shifts us back
in time and at the same time He erases the appropriate
portion of our memory, we do NOT have the slightest idea
about the occurrence of this shifting us back in time -
even though we sometimes wonder why certain life-situations
seem familiar to us, as if we had already experienced them
("deja vu"). Due to these capabilities, God is able to accurately
"pre-program" the life of each one of us in a manner that
is consistent with the superior God's goals and intentions,
and also with our knowledge, skills, and character traits,
as well as with the fate for which each one of us individually
The passage of "real time" which occurs in the counter-world,
is of a different kind than the passage of "software time" in
our physical world. In the previously introduced
analogy of time to a film displayed on a computer screen,
the "real time" that elapses in the counter-world can be compared
to the time that elapses for the computer itself (i.e. that
computer, in memory of which the film is stored), and also
to the time that elapses for the programmer who operates the downloading
and displaying of this film. However, the "software time" that
elapses in our physical world, can be compared to the
elapse of time which experience the characters (heroes)
from that film displayed on the computer screen. Thus,
for example, if the display of the movie film is interrupted,
because the person watching it has e.g. do some other
works, then for the characters from that film time is to
stop in one place and stands still until when this person
returns to watching the movie. On the other hand, if the
watching of a film is shifted back to the beginning, the
time of heroes from that film is also to shift back to the
beginning and then re-start to run from the very beginning.
The above illustrates that God and all spiritual beings from
the counter-world live in the "real time", which could also
be called the "absolute time" - because it is impossible
to turn back. (Of course, for God and for spiritual beings
this impossibility of reversing their "real time" actually does
not matter, as God and these beings exist immortally - as it
is explained comprehensively in item #C3 from the web page named
However, due to the pre-programming of the physical world
by God into the form of "omniplan", everything that exists in
the physical world is living in a different "software time",
which can be stopped, shifted backward, accelerated forward,
as well as every event of which God can reprogram into a
completely different event.
God has a simultaneous insight into all times of the
physical world (i.e. God see at the same time whatever
for us is the past, as well as whatever for us is the present,
and future). This is because the "timespace" pre-programmed
by God already contains within itself all possible times,
all objects, and all the events from the entire physical
world - similarly as in the previous analogy to the film
contained in the computer's memory, this computer has
stored in itself the entire course of the film, NOT only a
moment of time that just appears on the computer screen,
and thus the situation of which moment just experiences
the hero from the film. (Thus, for example, a programmer
familiar with the encoding of that film in a computer, also
has a simultaneous access to all of its plots, and if he wants
he also may "fine tune" to each other, and change, events
taking place in that film into events that are most suitable for him.)
Due to this simultaneous insight into all times and all events
from the physical world, God has the ability to "fine tune" to
each other, all moments of time in which each event of the
universe are occurring - so that their results were exactly
in line with His superior plans and goals. That is why, if
God wishes so, He can precisely fine-tune e.g. the moment
of the collapse of a heavy tree-branch described in [1#C3]
above, to the moment when a person passes under this
tree-branch - which person e.g. is subjected to the
principle of the "extinction
of most immoral" described in item #G1 from
the web page named
(Intriguingly, so far I came across as many as three almost
identical cases, when someone's fiancé has died, killed by
a tree-branch that with a great bang broke off from the tree
when this girl walked right under it. The first of these cases
affected Zbyszek ...... - i.e. my office colleague from the
Technical University of Wrocław.
At a description of another similar case I came across in
a newspaper, but I have NOT written down the editorial
data of it. However, when I came upon the third such a case,
almost identical to two previous ones, I already wrote
down the editorial data of it and then repeated these data
in the article [1#C3] above. It is worth noting here that such
a "scenario of killing a fiancé with a falling tree-branch"
could NOT be re-played repeatedly so many times in the
world in which prevails the time described incorrectly
by the old "atheistic orthodox science".)
There are various serious consequences of this
fact that in the "omniplan" from the very beginning
are already preprogrammed all times, all events,
and all the objects of the physical world.
One of these consequences is the co-existence
of what is called the "destiny" with what we call the
"free will" (this co-existence of both of them
I am going to explain further on another occasion).
Another consequence is that the duration of the
physical world is limited, and thus that actually
one day unexpectedly to people, still the "end
of the world" announced in the
is to come.
Only that, according to what I am explaining e.g.
in items #N1 and #C2 from the web page named
this "end of the world" is still very far away. Before
it will happen, for example people first are to build
"time vehicles" and overcome death with these vehicles -
just as the Bible foretold. Yet another consequence
of the pre-programming of physical world into the
form of "omniplan", is that the storage of this "omniplan"
in the memory of the counter-world must absorb the
appropriately enormous "information capacity" of the
counter-world. That "information capacity" can be
compared here to a capacity of the computer's memory
that stores the film from the previously-described analogy.
After all, the longer is the film and the more characters
and objects are in it, the more memory it takes when it
is stored in a computer. In turn, the "information capacity"
of the counter-world required for the storing of the entire
"omniplan" which God created, decisively influences
the relative proportion between the size of the elementary
particles of counter-matter from the counter-world, and the
size of any of the elementary particles of matter from the
physical world. The point is, that every elementary
particle of counter-matter can store in itself only a limited
amount of information - similarly as in today's computers
each unit of memory can store only a certain amount of
the so-called "bits". So in order that to every elementary
particle of matter (which a particle of matter is, however,
a separate object in our physical world) is assigned in the
counter-world the amount of memory which is able to
accommodate all the information related to this particle
and which is present in the "omniplan", it is necessary
to assign to this particle of matter the large number of
elementary particles of counter-matter. This number will
also be the higher, for the longer passage of time God
has pre-programmed our physical world. Thus, if we
estimate the amount of information that these elementary
particles of counter-matter must store on the subject of
every elementary particle of matter from the physical world,
and it still is multiplied by the amount of time the "omniplan"
has been pre-programmed, then we must find out that
the ratio of dimensions of a single
elementary particle of counter-matter from the counter-world,
to the dimensions of a single particle of matter from our
physical world, must be enormous and probably it exceeds
the ratio of size of one elementary particle from our physical
world to the size of entire galaxies in space.
In other words, we already consider ourselves (i.e. the
human body) as giants in comparison, for example, to
sizes of single cells from our bodies, not to mention
comparing our size to the size of atoms and elementary
particles. But our mind is NOT even able to comprehend
how gigantic we are, if we compare ourselves to the size
of individual elementary particles of counter-matter.
Since, in spite of these enormous differences in sizes
and in the required behaviours, God programmed this
everything so precisely that it runs "like a Swiss watch",
we can imagine how incredibly great are: the knowledge
of God, His power, and the glory, respect, and obedience
to Him, which He deserves from us. For me the breath
is clogged up from the impression, when I think how
vast and how wonderful is the knowledge of God, and
how immensely creatively He designed our present
physical world. And I do NOT forget the fact, that a
long time ago, God said in the Bible, that the next
world that He will create will be even grander and
more perfect than our present one.
The analogy to the movie film from our computer,
that I introduced here to my descriptions of time
to make them easier for understanding, is, of
course, a very primitive and simplified one.
In fact, instead of the "film" used in my above
analogy, this divine "omniplan" is more similar
to these "control programs" from the
today's machine tools with numerical (computer)
control - the programming of which I had dabbled
in during my career as an "adiunkt" (i.e. assistant
professor) at the
Technical University of Wroclaw, Poland.
(The reader may have already heard that once I
even created my own language for programming
machine tools with numerical control. This language is
called JAP - for descriptions of it see for example
my article "The automatic programming language
for lathes with NUMEROBLOK 21 T01 control system" -
in the original Polish language: "Język automatycznego
programowania tokarek sterowanych numerycznie
w układzie NUMEROBLOK 21 T01", Mechanik, No.
4/1973, pp. 175-178.) In addition, this divine "omniplan"
is NOT pre-programmed in the "procedural" convention -
as still commonly today are programmed control
programs for machine tools. Rather, it is a kind of
futuristic and more advanced version of what today's
programmers call "OOP" (from "Object-Oriented
Programming"). However, the above is explained
here only in a marginal capacity, to realize to the
reader that although the principle of the divine
program of "omniplan" can be easily explained by
the previously stated analogy to a film, the actual
program of the "omniplan" is extremely complicated
and precise. It will probably take centuries of most
strenuous research by followers of my "totaliztic
science" with its "a priori" approach to research,
before people manage to learn precisely what is the
structure and work of this divine "omniplan", and how
the humanity can also use this "omniplan" in its own
ventures. (Notice here also, that professional scientists
practicing the old, wrong, arrogant and still monopolistic,
the official so-called "atheistic orthodox science" with
its "a posteriori" approach to research, practically
never will be able to work out the design and operation
of the "omniplan" described here - because of their
philosophical limitations. Thus, if the humanity does NOT
formally manages to establish quickly the competitive
and new "totaliztic science" - as explained in items
#C1 to #C6 from the web page named
then the building of time vehicles and conquering of
death will remain for people only an unfulfilled dream.)
How God uses the reversible software time, controlled by the "omniplan" (also called the "timespace") ,
so that the life of each person is designed and differentiated individually and that the required
characteristics of the "soldier of God" are developed in this person:
"Although the old official science has NO competence and knowledge to design and to carry out experiments
which prove the existence of God, the new 'totaliztic science' has already indicated experiments showing that
our world is ruled by the reversible software time - while only the intelligence and purposefulness of God are
able to create a world ruled by such reversible software time."
Those readers who thoroughly familiarised
themselves with the previous item #C3 from
this web page, already have learned
the design and operation of the so-called
"omniplan". So now they are able to define
for themselves what is this "omniplan", and
to explain how with the use of this "omniplan"
God exerts the control over time. Thus, they
know that in the Concept of Dipolar
Gravity the name "omniplan" is assigned
to the superior software entity (i.e. to a
type of natural program) which resides
in the intelligent counter-matter and
organizes operation of the entire physical
world. In order to be able to organize
the operation of the entire physical world,
this "omniplan" is actually a kind of a "landscape"
composed, among others, from the appropriately
pre-programmed software definitions (i.e. from
"souls") of all objects that ever existed, exist,
or will exist in the entire physical world and
in all times in which these objects are to exist.
(It is just because of the necessity of
continuous participation in this "omniplan"
of the souls of all objects from the physical
world, that God does NOT judge the soul of
every person immediately after his or her
death, but keeps this soul "asleep", and in
constant readiness to be revived, until the
"end of the world" described in item #N1
from the totaliztic web page named
Due to such a composing of the "omniplan"
as a kind of "landscape" formed from all the
objects and all times of the physical world,
the life and passage through the time of each
of these objects is reduced to its movements
(in small jumps) through this landscape - similarly
like the content of a movie film boils down to
the jumpy movements of pictures of heroes
of that film along the landscape created
from various physical objects and from other
characters of that film. In addition, such a
composition of the "omniplan" allows also that,
if necessary, any of its constituent objects
can be taken away from a given place in the
"landscape" and moved to other place or any
other time.
That software entity named "omniplan" allows
God, amongst others, a strict control over time.
As it is revealed to us precisely by the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
while described for interested people on numerous
totaliztic web pages and monographs, the
"omniplan" transforms the order of events which
in the reversible software time from our physical world occur
sequentially one after the other, into events that
the absolute (real) time from the counter-world
are available simultaneously. The
"omniplan" achieves this transformation of the
order of events through defining the time NOT
as a continuous passage, but as a sequence of
miniature jumps of time. In each of these jumps
of time, a next phase of changes of events
from the physical world is defined. This phase
is visible in there as a still image of the given
phase, NOT as a moving change. So, due to
this transformation of the order of events and
due to turning moving sequences of events into
sequences of their motionless phases, for
God all the events and all times from our physical
world are available simultaneously, and in the same
absolute (real) time of the counter-world, and
thus they are viewed by God as series of still
images from the successive phases of the events
progressing in the physical world. In other
words, due to "omniplan" the progress of events
in our physical world are viewed by God the same
way as we can see subsequent still frames from
a movie film. Thus, in that God’s virtual world (counter-world),
the development of every single one amongst events
of our physical world (i.e. the event that takes
place in our reversible software time), God is
able to see simultaneously as a series of still
images - and this regardless of whether in our
physical world this event is seen by us as if it occurred
in the past, occurs now, or is about to occur in the
future. Only the inertia of our eyes, gives later to these
quickly flashing still images of individual phases of
the changes, the nature of smooth movements and
uniform conversions. However, experiments and
devices, such as those described in items #D1
and #D2 from this web page, again reveal to our
eyes, that what we perceive as a smooth movement
and change, actually is a series of still images parading
in short increments in front of our eyes (thus they
experimentally prove the truth of findings of the new
"totaliztic science" which are described here).
The most important achievement, due to which starting
from the time of the biblical Great Flood, God runs
the lives of all physical beings in that reversible software
time controlled by the "omniplan", is that this allows
God to design accurately every detail of the events
that affect humans. After all, the fact that due to the
work of "omniplan", all events and all the times from
our physical world, are seen by God simultaneously
as series of still images, allows God to design precisely
every detail from the developments of events taking
place in our physical world, and to tune the course
of each of these events to the course other events.
For example, if God decides to eliminate someone
from the further life by the collapse of a heavy tree
branch on his or her head, then just suffices that
in a sequence of still images of this someone
walking under a tree, God so redesigns these images
that they show fall of a branch and crushing the head
of that person. So when the "program of life and fate"
stored in DNA of that person, turns to implement this
sequence of images, then in fact the branch is to fall
on his or her head, and that person is to die.
The pre-programming of the reversible time from our physical world
in the form of such software "omniplan", brings also
benefits for us, humans. This is because it allows
people to build and to use "time vehicles" - such
as these described on this web page.
The described above design and implementation of the
reversible software time in the form of the "omniplan"
allows God to achieve all the goals which in His superior
wisdom and purposefulness of action God set for
Himself. Let us review now the most important out
of these goals, along with explanations as to how
due to the "omniplan" God accomplishes the completion
of these goals. Here they are:
Such individual upbringing of each person, that he or
she fulfils the purpose of the creation (i.e. "pursues the
knowledge"), and simultaneously acquires the required
by God characteristics of the "soldier of God". Due
to the "omniplan" God has an access to the software
design of the entire life of each individual person. God
is also able to freely redesign every part of this life, the
accurately synchronizing the passage through this part
with the events that take place in the surroundings of this
person. In this way God is able to subject this person
to such a selection of events affecting it, which has
the highest chance of increasing the knowledge and
of developing in this individual the traits and types of
experiences that God wishes this person has acquired
in order to most effectively carry out in the future
its tasks as the "soldier of God" - to perform which tasks
God is laboriously upbringing and training every person
(as this is explained in item #B1.1 from the web page named
But if it turns out, that a given selection of events did NOT
manage to develop in this person the necessary knowledge
and attributes required from a "soldier of God", then the
principle of operation of the "omniplan" allows God to
shift that person back to his or her years of childhood,
then pass it again through a specially designed for him
or her set of different events. As God confirms this
in the Bible (see item #B4.1 above on this web page),
every person is in this way repeatedly shifted back in
time to the years of his or her childhood at least two
or three times during the lifetime. This repetitive shifting
back in time, is discontinued only when God judges
that events to which He subjected this person make up
in it all the qualities that God requires from it, or when
God comes to the final conclusion that this particular
person is unable to acquire the traits of character
required by God, and thus that it must be eliminated
from the further plans of God.
Allowing God such changing of the fate of each person
in relation to the fate of other people, that everyone who
finishes the training for the "soldier of God" gathered in
himself or herself the unique and very different pool of
life experiences, than the pool of experiences gained by
other "soldiers of God". The point of God is, that the
increase in the diversity of life experiences which gathered
individual "soldiers of God", multiplies the battle usefulness
of the army that these soldiers are to make up. This is
because the Army of God must be characterized, among
others, by intelligence and by the ability to develop innovative
manoeuvres. These in turn are only possible, if each of
His soldiers accumulated a diverse body of experience in
his or her life. So it is worth to notice here, that the approach
of God to training of His troops, is quite the opposite to
the approach of human rulers and politicians. After all,
human rulers are trying to cause that all their soldiers
went through the same training, as well as acted and
thought in exactly the same way (preferably automatically
and without thinking - like "robots"). Not surprisingly,
that if such a "robotic" human army is to fight the "gangs
of civilians" - as this was the case, for example, during
wars in Vietnam or Afghanistan, then these "robots" are
always beaten by civilians having in themselves accumulated
a significantly wider variety of life experiences.
Such a control over the course of life of every person, that
it has both, the "free will" to choose its experience, and
that it still fulfils its "destiny". Namely, only in our first
passage through the life, each one of us has the total
"free will" to do whatever he or she wants. But after this
first passage through the life, God shifts us back in time
to years of our youth and erases our memory - as explained
in the biblical quotation from item #B4.1 of this web page.
However, our most important achievements that we accomplished
during that first passage through our life, are then inscribed
on a permanent basis to our so-called "program of life
and fate" stored in our DNA. Thus, from that time on, they become our "destiny".
So every next passage through our life, we are repeating
these achievements, while at the same time we additionally
"improve" them - because God has already been preparing
and training us for their accomplishing since our childhood.
Therefore, in the next passages through the time and through
our own lives, this our first passage through time and life
is already becoming our "fate" and "destiny". On its basis
in fact God individually redesigns the life of each one of us
in such a way, that each one of us has fulfilled those initially
programmed accomplishments of his or her "destiny", and that simultaneously
obtained such kinds of knowledge and experience, and
built in himself or herself such qualities of character, about
which God cares the most. So it is NOT a very wise behaviour
of many people, who refry as they can against their destiny
and against these God efforts which are to impart the attributes
which God requires from them.
Gathering the history and the memory of a person's life
in his or her software
and the use of the physical body of that person only as
a kind of "vehicle" which carries this "soul" and allows it
to complete physical activities. The location of human
life in the reversible software time which is controlled by
the divine "omniplan", allows God to separate the software
"soul" of every person, from the physical "body" of that
person. That soul God turned into the carrier of self-awareness,
character, memory and the history of life of every person.
This in turn is to allow God to resurrect in the future the dead
people and to give to them new (immortal) bodies - while
their self-awareness, memory, knowledge, and character
are to remain unchanged, similarly as they remain unchanged
e.g. after a surgical transplant of a heart, kidney, or a limb.
(More details about this resurrection is provided in item
#J3 from the web page named
In addition, turning the software soul into the carrier of our
awareness, knowledge, memory, and history of life, also
allows God to move a given soul to any other body still in
the present physical life - if such a move turns out to be needed.
Placing the soul of a given person in this body, which
according to the knowledge of God, is best suited to fulfil
the "destiny" of that person. As we know, what a
person is able to do or to accomplish in his or her life,
to a large extent depends on the parents and the family
to which this person belongs, on the country and the
city in which he or she was born and lives, on the support
of influential friends with which this person went to the
school or which managed to meet, etc. Therefore, if
God discovers, that the "destiny" that someone had
chosen and programmed with its first passage through
the time and life, is NOT done best in the physical body
that this person initially received, then God shifts that
person to years of his or her childhood, and then transfers
his or her soul to a more suitable body. Examples of
evidence that proves the feasibility of such a transfer
of souls, are reproduced near the end of this item -
see in there a link to the paragraphs {3200} and {3230}
from the Polish
treatise [3b].
The most educational elimination from the life and from
the impact on other people, of individuals who, in spite
of God's efforts, do NOT implement their destiny.
Unfortunately, NOT with every person God is successful
in achieving its destiny. For example, NOT every person
is suitable for the upbringing into a "soldier of God".
So if, after several repetitions of changes in the kind
of events that affect a given person, God determines
that this person stubbornly does NOT acquire the
characteristics required by Him, then God classifies
this person to the category of "disposable" people. In
turn, according to the information provided in the Bible,
such "disposable" people will NOT be resurrected to
the immortal body and NO longer are to participate
in the further plans of God, but only at the end of the
current (initial) phase of raising the humanity, after the
final judgment, their bodies and souls are to be irreversibly
burned. However, in order to NOT waste completely the
life of given person, God always gets rid of it in a manner
that has the highest educational value for the rest of the
people who learn about the fate of that person. Therefore,
after the empirical finding that this person is totally unsuitable
for the implementation of God's future plans, God shifts
this person back to the time in his or her life which God
selects as the most appropriate for the educational to
others elimination of him or her from among the living,
then He designs the manner in which this person is to
leave our physical world. Thus, although for people who
learn about the departure of a given person from among
the living, that departure may look as if it was still e.g.
in his or her youth, actually the
reason for every premature human death is what a giver
person has done as an adult in his or her previous passages
through time and through the life. (This is why
the philosophy of totalizm warns: "pay attention to what
you do as an adult, because it will be deciding what fate
you will meet during the years of your youth".) More
details about sending off from this world such "disposable"
people, is contained in item #G1 from the web page named
and in items #D1 to #D3 from the web page named
It should be noted here, that the number of such "disposable"
people overwhelmingly outnumber the people which God
manages to raise into effective "soldiers of God" - that is,
to rise into people who meet the Biblical definition of the
so-called "righteous" explained in item #I1 from the web
page named
For example, we already know from the information contained
in verses 21:10-23 from the biblical "Book of Revelation", and
explained more thoroughly in item #J3 of the web page named
that at the end of the current (initial) phase of raising
the humanity, all these "righteous" are to fit into a single
flying city built in the form of
Four-Propulsor Magnocraft type T12.
Because we know already now the dimensions of that
Magnocraft type T12, and also because we know
approximately how many cubic metres of its interior
is required to support a comfortable life of each one
amongst these "righteous", already now it is possible
to approximately estimate, for how many "righteous"
God ultimately intends to give the immortal body
and the eternal life. Hence, knowing an approximate
number of people who have lived on the Earth since
the time of creation, we can roughly estimate of what
is the approximate "density" of these "righteous" amongst
the human population. My estimates of this "density" seem
to indicate that in average for every million of people
who lived, or live now, on the Earth, fall NOT more than
four people who fulfil the biblical definition of "righteous".
What even more intriguing, independently from the
abovementioned verses 21:10-23 from the biblical
"Book of Revelation", approximately a similar number
of finally saved "righteous" seems to also confirm verse
14:3 from that Revelation - which verse can be interpreted,
that their number is to be a "hundred and forty-four
thousand" (i.e. 144 000). (Notice here, that in order to reassure
us about the correctness of most vital information, the
applies the principle of repeating this information in
3 different its places.) The justification why only such
a small number of people is to be selected by Jesus
to accompany Him in the flying city, stems from
phenomena which appear in a community of imperfect
humans that received an access to immortal life -
especially from the phenomenon that under the name
"everlasting hell" is described in item #H3 of this web page.
Thus, NOT without a vital reason, in a whole range of places
from the Bible, are provided warnings which suggest,
that after the final judgment, to the eternal life God permits
only those persons, who fulfil the biblical definition of
"righteous". In other words, if during the final judgment God implement
those biblical warnings with the severity, and results of my
research of God seem to indicate that this is to be the case,
then it is possible that after the "end of this world", resurrected
to the eternal life is on average only one person in NOT less
than every 250,000 of people previously living on the Earth.
In turn all the remaining people perhaps may be resurrected
only for being irreversibly burned after the final judgment -
I hope I am wrong in these estimates and may God show
us mercy. In the face of such meaningful premises, one
should NOT be surprised, that in item #B1.1 from the web
page named
I am emphasizing that every present religion has been distorted
so considerably, that for achieving a variety of benefits
and political gains, in many enormously important matters
it simply is lying to its followers.
Such management of decisions, actions, and the fate
of subsequent communities, cities, nations, and countries,
that they form a social climate and the conditions, which
are most favourable for the attainment of God's plans
and intentions. In other words, the creation of
such conditions and social climate in each human
environment, which are needed by God, and NOT
such which would suit, or serve, the people in the
best manner possible. But because the God's goal
is the upbringing of people into the tough and
battle-hardened "soldiers of God" - as this is
explained in item #B1.1 from the web page named
the use of "omniplan" allows God a daily implementation
for every human being, a very effective, although rather
unpleasant for people, the "principle of upbringing" which
is described under the name of the "principle of reversals"
in item #F3 from the web page named
Also, in spite that this educational "principle of reversals"
is highly disliked by people, and that all the time people
take various efforts to get rid of it somehow, the pre-programming
of the "omniplan" allows God to maintain the implementation
of this principle for people almost continuously for thousands
of years.
Such an "iterative" change of the fate of every nation
and of the entire our civilization, that the fate of humanity
exactly fulfilled the scenario of divine prophecies - which
scenario God designed for Himself and for us soon after
the introduction of the reversible software time during the
Biblical Great Flood, while detailed descriptions of which
God encrypted in the content of Bible. It just so happens
that each of the events that God designed for upbringing
a given individual person onto an unique "soldier of God",
with its consequences also affects other people, and to
some extent influenced the fate of entire our civilization.
However, the principle of operation of the "omniplan" is
so perfect, that after the introduction of any changes to
the life of a given person, in other parts of the "omniplan"
God immediately sees how this change has affected the
lives of other people and the fate of the entire human
civilization. In this way God can iteratively shift time of
a given person and so improve the events that affect this
person, that the impact of these events will NOT change
the scenario of the divine plan which for thousands of
years is prophesized in the holy books (e.g. in parts 9
and 12 from the "Book of Daniel" in the
As a result, through the repetitive shifting back the life
of selected people up to ages of their youths, and through
the subsequent passing of these people by increasingly
more refined by God types of experiences, on one hand
God is able to improve the knowledge and character traits
of these people, on the other hand, He still is able to maintain
in force the announced in the Bible scenario of events that
are to affect the entire humanity.
The "omniplan" allows also God such realization of the
"end of the world", that its coming will fulfil all the conditions
and situations foretold in the Bible, while simultaneously
it will not break any amongst God's promises that the Bible
reveals to us. In the Bible is contained many details
about the end of the world. For example, it explains that
before the arrival of the end of the world, the official laws
issued by governments are to openly run against the laws
given to people by God - the beginning of which process
can be seen already now (as it is reported e.g. in item
#B5.1 from the web page named
The Bible also explains, that before the arrival of the end
of the world the people who gained the knowledge of God
and who will try to live morally, will be subjected to incredible
persecution comparable to that which underwent Christians
in the ancient Rome. So we can guess, that the old "atheistic
orthodox science" (see item #D8 below for descriptions of
that old science) will still continue to keep its absolute monopoly
on the human knowledge and the control of human views, by
using terror and by encouraging governments to lock in prisons
people attempting to follow the findings of a new "totaliztic science",
and also that governments are to prohibit NOT only reading, but
even having, for example, the Bible. (Notice, that already now
exist countries, in which ownership of a copy of Bible is forbidden
by the authorities, while these people who are caught on having
a copy of that holy book risk their lives. An information about
one of such countries is contained in the article [1#C4(9)]
entitled "Kim's ex shot dead over porn-report", from page B2
of the New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post Weekend
(issue dated on Saturday, August 31, 2013), while additionally
confirmed in the article [2#C4(9)] entitled "North forces
public to watch executions", from page A24 of newspaper
The New Zealand Herald
(issue dated on Wednesday, November 13, 2013). In the Bible
is also contained a lot of promises, which in order to NOT break,
God must bring the end of the world in a strictly defined way.
For example, in item #I1 from the web page named
I am pointing out the biblical promise of God, that He will NOT
destroy with a cataclysm that He sends, any community amongst
which lives at least 10 particularly moral people whom the Bible
describes with the name "righteous". Since the end of the world
will also be for the people a kind of cataclysm sent by God, this
promise means, that before the arrival of it God must establish
on the Earth such conditions, that on the entire planet will NOT
be more than 9 persons living a highly moral life, which are to
fulfil the biblical definition of "righteous". All of the above taken
together mean practically, that the end of the world must be
carefully prepared, and thus that it will not happen so soon.
In item #N1 from my web page named
I interpreted verses 12:11-12 from the "Book of Daniel" in the
Bible - which quite openly suggest when the end of this physical
world is to come. According to my interpretation of this verse,
the end is to NOT occur earlier than in the year 2656 AD, while
it may occur even much later than in the year 2656 AD.
Unfortunately, so far I am too busy to search through the Bible
(and to objectively interpret on the basis of the findings of the
new "totaliztic science"), the two further indications of the date
of the end of the world contained in the Bible, in order to see
whether they also point at the same year 2656 AD. After all,
when authorizing the Bible, God has adopted a policy (which
He also indicated for us in the
that in order to avoid improper interpretations of the important
information contained in the Bible, caused by imperfections of
the human speech, each more important amongst such information,
God expresses in the Bible in at least three different places
and with the use of at least three different phrases or expressions.
In turn the date of the end of present world belongs to such very
important information. Therefore, if the year 2656 in fact is to be
the year of actual end of the world, then at it should repeatedly
point out the reliable and unbiased interpretations of at least three
different prophecies encrypted in the
It is worth to also emphasize at this point, that various dates of the
end of world are continually indicated by people eager for fame,
power, money, etc. Thus, for these dates, it is useful to learn the
principle, which confirms what is the motivation of the
person which announces it. Namely, the
closer date of the "end of the world" is indicated by someone,
the higher is the probability that with the use of it this person wants
to gain some personal benefits; simultaneously the further this date
lies beyond the scope of life of a given person, the greater is the
certainty that this person provides it for the actual sense of moral
duty and for the belief that this date is correct, and thus that the
disclosure of it by this person represents a moral help to other
people. At the same time, for the actual date of the
end of the world is effective the foretold in the Bible principle,
that in times when that date is approaching, the inhabitants of
the Earth will NOT be aware of it. The year 2656 AD fulfils also
this principle, because (as I already explained this above) before
the arrival of that year, on the entire Earth people probably are
to be officially punished just for having a copy of Bible and for
the dissemination of the information contained in the Bible, while
the findings of the new "totaliztic science" will then be persecuted
so viciously as a kind of heresy the spread of which is treated in
the same way as in medieval times was witchcraft treated. Already
in present times we see the beginning of such inquisition-like
oppression of findings of the new "totaliztic science". For the
example of this oppression consider the kind of "welcome" which employees of the
old official "atheistic orthodox science" has prepared for the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity and for the
philosophy of totalizm -
although both these morally unique intellectual accomplishments
of the humanity form the scientific and philosophical foundations
for the new "totaliztic science" so desperately needed by present people.
Examples of the most important goals achieved
by God through the introduction of management
system for the "reversible software time" (i.e.
the system described here under the name of
"omniplan"), reveal the vital truth missed by a
majority of people, namely that due to making
people's lives (and also lives of all other creatures)
dependent on the "reversible software time",
God gained an absolute control over everything
that happens in the entire physical world.
In turn, due to this absolute control, God is now
able to precisely control literally everything, so
that it is absolutely consistent with His intentions
and plans. For example, items #C1 to #C9 from the web page
reveal, that God controls even the amount of pain
and suffering that individual people must experience,
in turn items #H1 to #H7 from the web page named
explain, that due to this "omniplan" God is presently
able to control even the fate and history of every
truth. In turn us, humans, due to living in the
"reversible software time" gained the ability to
build time vehicles and the chance to access technical
version of immortality - which is to be open to us through
building these time vehicles.
Analysis of the content of Bible document, that
the artificially pre-programmed by God
"reversible software time" did NOT exist at the
time of the physical world creation, and thus
was NOT always used by God for running
the lives of living creatures. In fact, many biblical
descriptions suggests, that
before the Great Flood,
people (and all other creatures from the physical
world) had physical bodies operating on completely
different than currently principles, which implemented
their lives in the "absolute time" in which God also
lives and which time God is unable to reverse or
control freely. These bodies were NOT
susceptible to God's interventions, did NOT get older
with the elapse of time, had the ability to extend their
lives almost infinitively, while their deaths occurred
only when they were deprived of a kind of "life energy"
which they replenished through eating fruits from
a special "tree of life". In turn, about the fact, that
before the Great Flood and before the Noah's Ark,
people (and all other living creatures) had such
bodies working on different principles than our
present bodies, which allowed them to live according
to the "irreversible absolute time of the universe"
(i.e. according to the same natural and irreversible
time in which our God lives), certifies a number
of facts discussed below in sub-item #C4.1. However,
watching the results of His attempts to control
of what was happening on the Earth then, God
quickly realized that He had made a big mistake
letting people to live in the absolute passage of
time - over which He had no control. That is why
God decided to destroy that world from before
the Great Flood, while in the new world make
dependent the people's lives and also lives of
all other creatures that by His command Noah
took to his ark, from the newly programmed
by God, already" reversible software time"
fully controlled with God's "omniplan".
The moving of people
(and all other creatures) from the life in "irreversible
absolute time", to the life in "reversible software time",
took place sometimes around the middle of the duration
of the Great Flood, when all the living creatures
of that time were inside of the Ark of Noah.
This moving probably required the transfer of
consciousness and memory (means the transfer of
of all the creatures present on the Noah's Ark, to their
new and slightly modified bodies. But God knows the
principle of such a transfer of "souls" to different bodies.
After all, according to what was already stated previously,
God quite commonly uses this transfer even now. For
example, in present times such a transfer of human
"souls" to other bodies, means the transfer of human
consciousness and memory, as well as the separation
of the "souls" from bodies, thus suspending the
consciousnesses of people away from their physical
bodies and allowing these consciousnesses to watch
what was happening to their bodies, is relatively
frequently demonstrated to
UFO abductees -
descriptions of one of them are even published in paragraphs
{3200} and {3230} from the Polish
treatise [3b].
In addition, many people experience such a separation
of the soul from the body during so-called "NDE" means
"Near Death Experience" - for example, during major medical
procedures. A lot of descriptions of such NDEs is available
in the literature.
The above explanation of the most important aspects
of the operation of divine "omniplan" try to realize to
us several very important facts. For example, they
remind us, that for our good and our moral development,
God precisely designed and constantly monitor every
detail of our lives, and thus that if we draw the appropriate
lessons from even the most unpleasant for us experiences,
then these also enrich the databank of our unique experience
and useful knowledge. In addition, these explanations also
enlightens us that God implements the designed in advance
(and described in the Bible) plan of such fate of our entire
civilization, that in the future will provide us with the kinds
of historical memory that will prove most beneficial to the
next phases of the completion of God's intentions (e.g. to
this phase of the trained of people to be "soldiers of God",
which after the resurrection of dead and after the creation
of immortal bodies, will continue for the next 1000 years,
and which will be implemented in a flying "city", i.e. in Magnocraft
type T12, described in item #J3 from the web page named
as well as to the subsequent phase of testing of people in
the role of already trained "soldiers of God", in which testing
"soldiers of God" are to deal militarily with armed supporters of e.g.
They also reassure us additionally about the fact described
in items #C1 to #C5 from the web page named
that we are NOT just "bodies"
having "souls", but rather that in reality
God gave us the nature of the
"souls", which to acquire the required traits of character
and experience, are placed in the most suitable for us
"bodies", then are passed in these bodies through types
of experiences that are designed individually for each one
of these souls. The above explanations are also
trying to make clear for us, that each person has both, the
"free will" to shape his or her life and his or her fate, as
well as with own fate he or she fulfils the "destiny". In addition,
these explanations also highlight very important to us fact,
already described on many other totaliztic web pages, that
whatever we experience in time of
youth, stems directly from what we do in our adulthood.
(This is so because in different passes through our time
and life, God repeatedly shifts us back to years of our youth,
so that, among others, we could improve whatever we do as
adults, about which fact of our multiple shifting back in time we are
assured NOT only by the principle of operation of the "omniplan",
but also by the Bible - see item #B4.1 above on this web page.)
The confirming body of evidence and most important consequences
of the introduction of unnatural "reversible software time" with jumping
elapses, pre-programmed by God during the Biblical Great Flood:
'Although God considered all the creatures and the entire former physical world that He
created within the first six days to be "very good", the iterative improvements that He
introduced later, by today have completely restructured several times these creatures and world.'
Because a vast body of evidence presented
in "part #D" of this web page confirmed
conclusively, that the lives of people are
governed by this artificially pre-programmed
by God "reversible software time", now there
is the turn to document with another body of
evidence, the discovery of the new "totaliztic
science" described in item #C4 from this web page,
that this artificial time with the jumping elapse
was introduced by God only around a half of
duration of the biblical Great Flood. In other
words, now there is the turn to present a
wealth of evidence which confirms, that the
"reversible software time", has NOT existed
and has NOT been working since the beginning
of the creation of the physical world, but was
additionally pre-programmed (means like "patched")
to our physical world, when the Earth, cosmos
and people already existed, while God did NOT
want to destroy everything that He previously
created, only to reprogram into it a new kind
of time. For the fact of the introduction
of that artificial time only then, certifies a vast
body of evidence, many of items of which I
have already revealed in the previous descriptions
and publications indicated below. So in order
to NOT expand unnecessarily the volume of
this web page, I am providing here only summaries
and links to a few most vital amongst further
examples of such items of evidence - which
include, among others:
A wealth of evidence contained in descriptions from
the Bible. After all, as it reveals the web page named
independently from the list of moral requirements which
people must fulfil in their lives, the Bible (authorized-inspired
by God Himself) is, among others, also a kind
of God's autobiography and at the same time a written
history of the universe prepared from God's perspective.
The most important evidence derived from the Bible,
which confirms the introduction of "reversible software
time" only during the Great Flood, includes amongst others:
Biblical descriptions of God's helplessness towards the
absence of obedience in people who lived before the
Great Flood. After all, the only prevailing then
"irreversible absolute time of the universe" did NOT
allow God to serve then to people educational methods
of the type of "principle of reversals" described previously.
Biblical descriptions of the methods with which
at that time God was trying to persuade people
to return to the path of obedience to their God -
e.g. God showing Himself to people, sending angels
to Earth, inspiring prophets, etc.
Biblical descriptions of longevity of humans
living before the Great Flood (i.e. before the
Great Flood people lived till almost 1000 years).
Various evidence, which confirms that the bodies of people
before the flood were about double the size than after the
flood. To this evidence should NOT only be included
the famous statement "but in these times there were
giants on the earth" from the Biblical "Book of Genesis",
verse 6:4 - which can be interpreted in many ways, but also
numerous other facts - for example, the fossilized imprints
of giant human feet found in various places throughout
the world. Most of today's researchers of antediluvian times
agrees about the fact that before the Great Flood, people
were about twice taller than today. Of course, if before the
flood, people were about twice as taller, and immediately
after the flood they turned out to be smaller, this fact means
that somewhere during the flood God made a drastic
reprogramming of the principles on which the human body
operates - including the reprogramming of the kind of time
in which people live.
The change of principles on which worked bodies of
people from before the Great Flood and work bodies of
present people. For example, the information provided,
amongst others, in verse 3:22 from the biblical "Genesis",
that before the Great Flood people died only
when their bodies consumed the entire reserve
of the kind of "life energy" given to these bodies
through eating the fruit from God's "tree of life",
or through the birth, combined with the
information contained, amongst
others, in verses 90:9-10 from the Biblical
"Psalms" - which confirms, that after the
Great Flood people died already like today
at the age of around 70 to 80 years
(because their bodies were subjected to
ageing). Or the information, that before the flood,
people consumed fruits only (i.e. all of them
were "vegetarians"). From old Israelite sources
is also known that bodies of pre-flood people
were NOT eaten by worms, nor subject
to decay after the death. This matter is
discussed, amongst others, on pages 213
and 217 from the Polish-language book
[1JG9.4] by Andrzej Olszewski,
"Paradoksy tajemnicy wszechświata" (i.e.
"paradoxes of the mystery of the universe"),
Warsaw, 1998, ISBN 83-900944-2-8 - the
part of which about the lack of decomposition
of human bodies before the Great Flood
is discussed in subsection JG9.4 from
volume 8 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
A large proportion of the pre-flood people
grew also to sizes of giants.
The information contained in the Bible, that in fact there
are two different kinds of time and two different speeds
of elapses of these times. For example, the information
from verse 3:8 of "2 Peter" - quote: "But do not ignore
this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day
is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as
one day". This information should be interpreted,
amongst others, that there are two different kinds
of time, and that God lives in a different time than
us, so that when in our artificial "reversible software
time" elapses just one day, in the natural "irreversible
absolute time of the universe", in which lives our
God, can elapse even around 1000 years. An
information about the existence of two kinds of time
with two different ways of elapsing is also encoded in
the choice of words with which in the biblical "Book
of Genesis" God describes the smooth passage of
time during the creation of the world and people,
and then describes reversibility and jumping character
of time which existed after the Great Flood - e.g. see
the quotation from item #D5.1 of this web page.
The confirmation provided in verses 22:15-16 from the Biblical
"Book of Job", which directly confirms that during the flood
a new kind of time was introduced. To this confirmation
drew my attention one of the readers. This is because it is
easy to overlook, as these verses in different editions of the
Bible are translated in various ways. Their most clear
translation probably provides the "KJV Bible" -
in which these verses state, quote: "(15) Hast thou
marked the old way which wicked men have trodden?
(16) Which were cut down out of time, whose foundation
was overflown with a flood." According to this reader,
the expression "out of time" in the above verse, so-far is
erroneously interpreted as "prematurely". After all, in times
of writing the Bible, people had already several precise terms
expressing the meaning "prematurely". But in the Bible each
word is chosen and balanced unspeakably precisely. Hence
the correct interpretation of the purposeful use in this verse
just the words "out of time" expresses practically the meaning
"those who died before the new time" or "those
who died before the introduction of time". About
the fact, that this verse directly confirms the introduction
of "reversible software time" during the flood, evidences
also the fact, that we have here the highly precise positioning
in time - in the verse are specifically indicated the ungodly,
who died before the flood.
A wealth of evidence contained in regularities of the
development and the history of the mankind. Until
the biblical Great Flood the humanity was developing
chaotically. But after the flood suddenly occurred the
clearly noticeable regularity in its development and history,
that could only occur if its development and history initiated
at that time is intelligently controlled in compliance with
a divine "scenario" pre-planned in advance - that is, in
compliance with the "omniplan" described in items
#C3 and #C4 above, that manages the "reversible software
time". Here are easiest noticeable by nearly every
person examples of these regularities in the development
and history of the mankind:
The fulfilment of prophecies. As it is explained in the
introduction and in item #C3 from another mine web page named
the fulfilment of so-called "prophecies" would NOT be possible
if the fate of humanity and the Earth is NOT ruled by the
pre-planned in advance by God "scenario" described under
the name of "omniplan" in items #C3 and #C4 of this web page.
But prophecies actually do fulfil themselves - especially if they
originate from the Bible (which fact is already proven by a
huge body of various scientific evidence). For example, the
majority of prophecies concerning the history of humanity
that are provided by the Bible, already has fulfilled itself with
the precision of a Swiss watch - as an example consider
the described in item #N1 from my web page
the 1,260 years long period of the political power of the Roman Catholic Church
(i.e. from 538 AD to 1798 AD), foretold in the Bible and
described in verse 7:25 from the biblical "Book of Daniel".
Of course, some non-biblical prophecies formulated by
selected humans also fulfil themselves - only that among
people a lot of "false prophets" appears, who
either simply are wrong, or who pretend that they know
what the future is to bring us (their predictions typically
do NOT fulfil themselves). Moreover, even in fulfilment of
prophecies told to us by people who are inspired by God,
God also is forced to make deliberate inaccuracies. After
all, God must constantly remind the mankind that every
human is imperfect and fallible, and furthermore God must
also avoid assigning the undeserved statute of a "prophet"
to e.g. immoral individuals who by some accident were able
to predict that something is to occur - for details see the final
part of item #B8 from my web page named
So usually from the prophecies of people supported by God
is fulfilled only "what" is to happen, but these people can drastically
be erroneous in the matter of "when" it is to happen, "who"
and "where" is to carry it out, etc. - for details about this
"what", "when", "who", etc., see item #C3 from my web page named
As an example of the human prophecy, which already fulfilled
itself, consider the prophesised by Nostradamus the inventing of my
Magnocraft of the third generation
(on this web page also called a
Time Vehicle),
described in more details in item #H1.1 from my page named
That prophesised by Nostradamus invention of my Magnocraft
already fulfilled itself, only that the construction of this starship
is still awaiting to be completed by humans. So the fulfilment of
prophecies is the further proof, that since the Great Flood people
and Earth actually are subjected to
both kinds of time described on this web page. At the same time
it is also the proof that God exists - as only God could pre-program
the non-existing in nature "reversible software time" and then also
reprogram humans for the life in this artificial time created by Him.
The pre-planning in advance of the order and type of inventions.
The best proof of this preplanning is the so-called "Cyclic Table
for Earthly Propulsion Systems" that I invented (or discovered)
yet in 1972, and the implications of which I briefly described,
amongst others, in items #C3 and #H1.1 from my web page named
while I discussed it in great detail in item #B1 from the web page named
Cyclicity and repeatability of historical epochs in the human
development. In item #K1 from my web page named
as well as in item #A3 from my web page named
I described and illustrated the discovered by myself so-called
"Periodic Table of Epochs in Human History". This Table reveals
that the subsequent epochs in the evolution of mankind are
arranged in shockingly repetitive cycles, similar to the cycles
which we see, for example in the "Periodic Table of Elements",
or are described in my previous sub-item #B2 the "Periodic Table
for Earth's Propulsion Systems". But in order to arrange even
the human history into highly repetitive cycles, God must use
the tool such as "Omniplan" described here.
The loosing of every war by the aggressors. A few
examples of aggressive wars, which in the final effect
were always lost by aggressors, is discussed on the web page named
bitwa_o_milicz_uk.htm -
with the summary presented over there in item #I2. That
systematic loosing of wars by aggressors could NOT have
happened if the fate of humanity is NOT ruled by the divine "omniplan".
The work of the principle of the "extinction of most immoral".
Without reprogramming of human bodies during the Great Flood
to the work according to the "reversible software time", it would
NOT be possible the consistent implementation by God of the
"principle of the extinction of most immoral"
described in more detail in items #G1 to #G6 from the web page named
and in item #B1 from the web page named
The consistent work of the divine educational method
for people, named the "principle of reversals".
This principle is described in item #F3 from my web page
while its use is justified in item #B1.1 from the web page named
In turn, the consistent implementation of it on Earth is continuously
documented by events from the world around us. However, the
consistent implementation of this principle would NOT be possible
if during the biblical flood, people were NOT reprogrammed to
a life in the "reversible software time".
A wealth of evidence that is contained in the world that surrounds
us, and thus that is scientifically verifiable by any
interested researcher. It includes, among others:
The existence on the Earth of two drastically different rates
of ageing, which, for the more observant people, can be noticed
even with the naked eye, i.e. the slow ageing of people, and the
shockingly rapid ageing of rocks and fossils (e.g. bones of dinosaurs, coal, etc.).
The reason for the existence of these two different rates of ageing
is that people are subjected to the "reversible software time"
artificially pre-programmed by God, while all minerals (including
rocks and fossils) are subjected to the naturally existing in nature
the "irreversible absolute time of the universe" - as it is described
in items #A1 and #C4 of this web page, as well as, amongst others,
in item #H2 from the web page named
item #G4 from the web page named
or items #C3 and #H1.1 from the web page named
The fact, that to the ageing consistent with the "irreversible absolute
time of the universe" is only subjected everything that could NOT
be reprogrammed on the Noah's ark, is one amongst many confirmations,
that the introduction of artificially pre-programmed "reversible software
time" had to take place when all of living creatures having DNA were
on that ark. That fact, that hard rocks in just a few years can be subject
to changes of shapes for which the natural erosion should take them millions
of years, I noticed already a long time ago in several places of New Zealand,
for example, on the volcanic rock of so-called "Lawyers Head" from
Dunedin, or on the rocky path to the lookout platform for penguins
watching in Oamaru - which I had documented long ago at the end
of item #H2 from my web page named
Similar sightings were also reported to me by several
more observant amongst my friends.
Remains of living creatures from before the Great Flood
(such as bones of dinosaurs), which due to being subjected
to the action of "irreversible absolute time of the universe"
are aging much faster than the remains of creatures that
lived after the Great Flood. For example, everything
that lived before the flood, until today turned into fossils
the age of which science estimates at millions of years.
In contrast, everything from after the flood, already lived
in the "reversible software time", thus is at most 6,000
years old - for details see item #H2 from the web page
Limiting the action of "reversible software time" only to living
creatures that have their DNA - the ancestors of all of which
creatures were on the Noah's ark. If the "reversible
software time" would be introduced by God already at the
stage of creation of the physical world, then it would work on
everything that exists in the physical world - which situation
would represent much more optimal and elegant pre-programming
of this world, than the visible today "patching" tolerated in
the current work of physical world accordingly to two different
kinds of time. But since God was forced to resource to this
"patching", this is the sign, that He has programmed and
introduced the "reversible software time" only much later
than the time of creation of the physical world, while using
for this purpose the presence in the Noah's ark of all living
creatures equipped in DNA.
Differences of ages between the human history documented
in writing or in organic matter, and documented with data
entrenched into rocks and fossils. Historians and
archaeologists derive their dating from several different
sources, for example from various written records made
by people, from remaining organic matter, from dating of
objects of mineral nature, from fossils, etc. As it turns out,
sources of dating based on everything for which the rate
of ageing has NOT accelerated after the biblical Great
Flood, for example, based on writings or on organic matter,
give the age of mankind not greater than 6,000 years.
In contrast, sources of dating based on everything that
after the Great Flood ages about 365 thousands of times
faster than humans, for example based on drawings
from walls of caves, on fossilised human footprints, etc.,
give the age of mankind reaching tens of thousands of
years (e.g. in cases of drawings from caves) or even
millions of years (e.g. for fossilized human footprints).
Scientists who believe in
interpret this fact, that the humanity evolved millions of
years ago, while groups of humans were painting cave
walls tens of thousands of years ago. However, such
an interpretation overlooked is the fact, that during the
Great Flood a different kind of artificial time was
introduced to people, which causes that humans
and organic matter age about 365,000 times slower
than minerals, rocks, caves and fossils.
The need for iterative improvement of the physical world
and people. When God created the physical world
and the people, He pre-programmed their work according
to the "irreversible absolute time of the universe". After all,
until today the oldest part of it and practically the most of
this world, i.e. all elements, minerals, rocks, planets, stars,
etc., still work according to this natural absolute time. Also,
it would NOT make a sense to complicate the act of creation
by chaotic pre-programming (already since the beginning) of two different
kinds of time in the operation of one physical world. Anyway,
before the creation of humans and experiencing their
existence, God had NO way to learn, that their lives
according to the natural absolute time proves to be
impossible to control. As God Himself admits this in
the Bible, after the creation of the world and the people
God considered everything (including also the work of entire
physical world according to the natural absolute time) to be
"very good" (see Bible, "Genesis", 1:31). Currently,
however, humans and all living creatures with DNA
are already living by the artificially programmed
"reversible software time" - which allows God the
continuous iterative improvement of them, described
in item #C3 from the web page named
Because so drastic reprogramming lives of humans
and all other living creatures onto the artificial jumpy
kind of time, required the reduction of their numbers
to just a few living individuals, the only period of time
when this reprogramming could take place, was the
Biblical Great Flood during which was destroyed
almost the entire population of the Earth - except
for those few reprogrammed individuals.
* * *
There is a huge number of various consequences
of the documented above introduction by God,
starting from the date of the Great Flood, of this
artificially programmed "reversible software time",
and thus subjecting the physical world to a
simultaneous action of two different kinds of
time with two different speeds of elapses.
These consequences dramatically change the
rules on which actions should be implemented
in virtually every area of human activity. For
example, in every kind of dating they require
that the present units of the elapse of time, such
as year, day, hour, etc., should relate only to
everything that contains DNA. For dating of
everything that is ageing accordingly to the
"irreversible absolute time of the universe",
e.g. for dating of metals, rocks, fossils, etc.,
need to be introduced completely different
units. In turn, for example in all analyzes of
actions it is necessary to take into account
the fact, that God is
constantly improving our physical world,
using the method which under the name
"iteration" is described in item
#C3 from the web page named
Hence, the majority of quantities which
now we see and experience around us,
and which the old "atheistic orthodox science"
tell us that they are "unchangeable", for example
the majority of already completed activities,
principles, phenomena, laws of nature, physical
constants, appearances, written texts, structures
and positioning of buildings, locations of human
settlements, etc., in past were NOT necessary
the same as are now, nor must be the same
in the future. In fact, I already experienced
in my life, and described in a number of my
publications, changes of many supposedly
"unchangeable" quantities listed here.
However, in my opinion, the most important
consequences of the simultaneous existence
and operation in our physical world as many
as two different kinds of time, is that because of the ignorance
and arrogance of that old, official, "atheistic
orthodox science", this science completely "got
things wrong" in all matters relating to the essence
of time, operation of time, speeds of the passage of
time, dating, etc. For example, in spite of the researching
of the physical world since the time of Archimedes,
present scientists still do not realize that the various
components of our physical world are subjected to
the action of these two different times with two drastically
differing speeds of elapses, and thus that e.g. rocks
and fossils get older hundreds of thousands of times
faster than individual people and the entire mankind.
As a result of this state of things,
practically everything
that the old, official, "atheistic orthodox science" tells
people about "time" is untrue, is a kind of "scientific
nonsense", and is the misleading of people and making
them to err. In addition, the oversight
by the old science of the fact, that the artificially
pre-programmed by God "reversible software time"
does exist and works, while it naturally could NOT
appear in the universe, deprives people of one
amongst the most clear items of evidence for the
existence of God. In the light of what explains
e.g. item #I1 from the web page
such pushing people into acceptance of the "scientific
nonsense" really spoils lives of all those poor people who
entrust the findings of the present "atheistic orthodox
science" and whose actions are guided by what this
science tells them. Another important in my opinion
consequence of the simultaneous existence and operation
of these two different kinds of time, is that it reveals
how much complacent is the present official science
in its claims, as well as how dangerous for the whole
mankind is a monopoly of this science in the official
dissemination of knowledge. After all, errors, blindness
and distortions of this science, NOT only that just led
us to the visible today ruining of the Earth, and NOT
only that allow this science to lead the entire humanity
into an abyss, but it also destroys the harmonious
coexistence of people with God. It is about time that
the official launch of the new "totaliztic science"
takes away the "monopoly for knowledge" from this old
science, and restores a balance to the human development -
as it is explained in items #C1 to #C6 from the web page named
Part #D:
Evidence and proofs that time has a software character, and thus that it can be shifted back:
Here is how each one of us can see with own eyes that time flows
in jumps (i.e. time has a discrete character), and thus that
my findings regarding the possibility to build time vehicles
and to live forever are correct and can be implemented technically:
YES, yes!. In fact
there is a generally noticeable phenomenon, which can
provides each person with a conclusive experimental proof
for the existence and for the work of this artificially pre-programmed
by God, passing in jumps, the so-called "reversible
software time" - in which time live all the people and
all the creatures having DNA. This phenomenon represents
therefore also a commonly available experimental proof for the
feasibility of building my "Time Vehicles" and for the ability of
these Time Vehicles to shift us back in time. Every reader can
see this proof with his or her own eyes and in a natural daylight.
In order to see it, it is enough to find some spinning object
which is slowly accelerating from zero to the velocity
of around 1800 flickers per second, and which has
some spokes, holes, wings, propellers, unevenness,
lines, etc., the increasingly faster flickering of which
we are able to see with our own eyes in a daylight. For
example, this object can be a gradually accelerating
propeller of an airplane or blades of the entrance turbine
in a jet engine just being started, a hole in a belt pulley from
a three-phase electric motor which accelerates a heavy
farm machinery - and thus which gradually increases its
spinning from zero to a typical for such motors speed
of 1800 rev/min, a wheel of a car that is overtaking
us, and even spokes from the back wheel of our
bicycle placed on a floor with wheels pointed upwards
and gradually accelerated by someone when we are
tentatively watching it. Well, if we carefully watch
such slowly accelerating spinning object, then we
should see a strange change of its direction of
rotation. Namely, initially our eyes are to notice
clearly in which direction it is spinning. But at some
stage of the acceleration our eyes are to tell us that
the spinning of this object firstly stopped, and then
reversed direction in relation to reality. This visual
impression taking place in daylight, that the direction
of spinning of a gradually accelerated object is opposite
to the real direction of its spin, is the proof that time
passes in jumps - as the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
describes this to us, and thus also the proof that time
vehicles can be build. More information about
this visual proof that time passes in jumps is explained
in item #D2 of the web page
god_proof.htm - with the review of scientific proofs for the existence of God,
and also in item #A1 of the web page
timevehicle.htm - about time vehicles and principles of technical shifting time back.
It is enough to learn two things in order to understand
why exactly this visual impression that spinning
objects rotate backward is the proof that time can
be shifted back (and thus that time vehicles can
be build and that through repetitive shifting time
back to years of our youth we could live forever).
Namely learn (1) the use of so-called "stroboscopic lamps"
for visual stopping or for changing the direction of
rotation of spinning objects, and (2) the principle
on which time works. The use of stroboscopic lamps
is described in many sources, e.g. in Internet,
in manuals for repair of cars, and in textbooks of physics.
So I am NOT going to repeat it here. In turn to understand
the principle on which time works, one needs to read
item #C1 from this web page, or even better -
item #G4 from the web page
dipolar_gravity.htm - about the Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
When reading in there about time, we will learn that
time in fact is the passage of execution control along
the natural program of our life. This program is composed
of sequences of individual commands - like present
computer programs also are. So the execution control
runs a command after a command in a jumping
manner. Thus, when we look at a spinning object, the
completion of each of these commands in our life
program is like a single flash from a stroboscopic lamp
beamed at a spinning object. So if this object spins very
fast, then the completion of a single command from our
life program shows this object to us just only in a specific
position. Therefore, when the frequency of flickering of spokes
in this spinning object is close to the frequency of completion
of individual commands in our life program, then both these
frequencies begin to interfere with each other - we see this
interference as an apparent reversal of the direction of spin
of the object being watched. A similar effect, only that
seen exclusively in darkness - instead in the daylight, is
simulated in spinning objects through the use of repetitive
flashes of "stroboscopic lamps".
Of course, as one should expect and as it is very
easy to verify, present official and highly paid science
has NO clue why the effect described here in fact
appears in the daily light on spinning objects. After
all, present scientists reject the entire my Concept
of Dipolar Gravity and scoff at my discoveries.
Thus they also reject my explanation of this effect
as being caused by the jumpy elapse of time.
In turn, without acceptance of the fact, that time
elapses in short jumps and pulsates like a
"stroboscopic lamp", this phenomenon cannot
be explained. Predictably, present scientists are
NOT going to openly admit that they are ignorant
in this particular matter. When I discussed the
proof described here in internet on
google discussion groups,
various "experts" crudely tired to hide their ignorance
by arrogantly playing wise men through using scientific
terminology of the kind "stroboscopic effect", or
"inertia of human body". However, these well-paid
"experts" were unable to explain neither mechanism
which causes that whirling objects look as if they
rotate backward, nor indicate any evidence that
this their "highly scientific" terminology actually
is confirmed by any other already researched
attributes or phenomena.
After the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
explained to us what is time, how time works, and
what commonly-known and accessible proof
each one amongst us can see to obtain the assurance
that these explanations are true, it should become
easy for us to understand that shifting time back
is possible and relatively easy. After all, in order
to shift our time back it is enough to catch this
execution control and to move it to the initial part
of the program of our life. In turn the device
capable to accomplish this is already known. It is
the so-called
Oscillatory Chamber of the third generation -
which I would constructed many years ago if not
these hordes of hostile people who did everything
in their power to prevent me from building this
wonder device.
I do NOT wish to extend this web page
by proving here also that every evidence for
the elapse of time in small jumps, is simultaneously
another proof for the existence of God. After
all, the reader should be able to deduce by himself
or herself, that time which elapses in jumps,
and thus which can be shifted backward, could be
implemented only in case when God does exist
and thus when He intentionally designed time
just in such an extraordinary manner. (For
details see the description of so-called "timespace"
constructed by God and explained in items
#C6 and #E1 of the web page
timevehicle.htm - about the work of time, time travel, and about time vehicles.)
The above, commonly accessible, visual proof
for the jumping (discrete) character of time, is
also described in item #D2 of the web page
god_proof.htm - with the review of scientific proofs for the existence of God,
in item #A1 from the web page
timevehicle.htm - about time, travelling in time, and about time vehicles,
as well as in subsection M1.3 from volume 11 of
monograph [1/5].
Method and equipment for experimental determination of the speed of time elapse in individual people:
The physical proof described above, for a
jumping (discrete) character of time, provides
us simultaneously with a principle for measuring
the speed of elapse of time in individual people,
as well as provides us with a first instrument for
measuring this speed. As the philosophy of
explains this, time does NOT elapse with the
same speed for every person and for every
situation. For example, this speed changes with age,
thus e.g. for older people time flows much faster
than for youngsters. Also in situations that release
powerful feelings time clearly changes the speed
of flow. Therefore, if we construct a kind of propeller
which is to measure precisely for a given person
the frequency (speed) of flickering at which this
person notices that the propeller apparently changes
the direction of rotation into an opposite one, then
we obtain an instrument for measuring the speed
of elapse of time in individual people.
The design of such an instrument for measuring
the speed of elapse of time in individual people
is so simple, that it is possible to be completed
just by technically inclined hobbyists and by DIY
(i.e. do it yourself) people. On the other hand,
because there is NO hope that such measurements
are going to be carried out by present professional
scientists who are so hostile towards my theories
and results of my research, herewith I am strongly
encouraging the reader to build such an instrument
if he has such possibilities, so that he could help
me in my research - according to descriptions
from item #K2 below on this web page. In turn,
after the instrument is build, I strongly encourage to
measure, both in himself, and also in other people
who are different by age and by emotions
experienced, the speed of individual elapse
of time. Then I would ask to send me outcomes
of these measurements. The basic component
of such an instrument for measuring the speed
of time, is a small electric motor with regulated
rotational velocity. The best if it would be possible
to get a motor which could be supplied in electricity
from an oscilloscope. Then it would NOT be necessary
to measure its rotational velocity, as this velocity
would be indicated by the OSCILLOSCOPE.
To the exit axe of this motor a single-armed
propeller should be attached with a clearly
visible pointer - e.g. painted in black or white.
Furthermore, it is needed to link this motor with
some electronic system for measurement of
its rotational velocity. The measurement itself
would boil down to a gradual increase of the
rotational velocity "rpm" of this electric motor,
and to a simultaneous careful watching in daylight
the single pointer spinning. The velocity of the
elapse of our own time will be indicated by the
rotational velocity "rpm" of the electric motor
from this instrument, in which the single-armed
pointer will make a visual impression on us that
it stopped its rotation (i.e. the moment of time
just before this pointer begins to appear as if
it started to rotate in the direction that is opposite
to the real one). The best is to express this speed
of the elapse of one's own time in Hertz (Hz) units.
So if our measuring instrument captures the rotational
velocity "rpm" in "rotations per minute", and if we
use only a singe-armed pointer-propeller, then our
velocity of the elapse of time expressed in "Hz" is
given by the equation "Hz = rpm/60".
It is worth to remind here, that the measuring
device described above fulfils the known saying
that the "simplicity is a key to success". After
all, it is extremely simple. In its simplicity it
resembles the first measuring device of electronics,
means an electroscope. And we need
to remember, that this long path which electronics
crossed on its way to present success, also
started from such a hugely simple discovery.
After all, the beginning of electronics was when
the inventor of electroscope discovered that
if a rubbed amber is touching two gold leaves,
then these leaves repel each other. In this way
was build the first measuring instrument of
electronics (i.e. an electroscope) which indicated
the presence of electricity. Then people learned
how to utilise this electricity. From this come out
that today we have computers, television sets,
and telecommunication satellites. Similarly is with
this simple device that I described in previous
paragraphs. It begins from a simple discovery,
but it can lead the humanity to immortal lives.
After all, it is this humble beginning, or more
strictly this tip of a symbolical "submerged iceberg",
which can be noticed because it sticks out
above the surface of water.
On the device discussed here it is worth to carry
out the measurements of the speed of elapse of
time for at least two people with a drastically varying
age, e.g. on a teenager and on a retired person.
The reason is that the bigger the difference in age,
the bigger also should be the difference in speeds
of the elapse of time.
The experimental measurements of the speed
of elapse of time in individual people may lead
us to shocking discoveries. This is because such
measurements NOT only confirm that time has
a software nature - as it is explained by the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
but also that e.g. some people
are obese NOT because of their genetics or
amount of calories that they eat, but e.g.
because their day is much shorter than a day
of slim people - thus some obese people may
have not enough time to burn all calories that
they eat.
The above method of measuring the speed of
elapse of time in individual people is also discussed
in item #D2 of the web page
god_proof.htm - with the review of scientific proofs for the existence of God.
Examples of evidence originating from living organisms, which confirm the software
nature of time, and thus confirm the possibility of building "time vehicles" described here:
Organisms of people and animals are sources
of a wealth of evidence for the software nature
of time. In turn, through confirming that time
has a software nature, this evidence confirms
also that time can be shifted back, and that
"time vehicles" described on this web page
can actually be build. Below I am providing
examples of most commonly known cases
of such evidence.
Biological examples of evidence for different speeds of the discrete elapse of time for each species, each age, and for each kind of intense emotions:
The software time described by the
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
has this attribute that it does NOT elapse with
the same speed for all living creatures. Practically
time elapses with a different speed for each
species of living creatures. For example, for
a fly or a mouse, it elapses many times faster
than e.g. for a snail or a tortoise. Also within
a given species of creatures, e.g. within the
population of people, speed of the elapse of
time changes with the age and with the intensity
of feelings that one experiences.
Most clearly changes in the speed of the elapse
of time are revealed to people during accidents that
endanger their lives. People who experience such
accidents report later that time slows then down
to almost a snail speed. It is the empirical finding
which almost constitutes a kind of a proverb, that
a person who falls from a roof, in a short time when
he or she flies between a roof and a ground, has
enough time to have a picturesque review of the
entire his or hers life. Of course, such a review
would be impossible if the time passed then with
a normal speed. A similar experience of a huge
slowing down of time report all people who
went through the so-called "NDE" (Near Death
On the other hand, if one thinks about it thoroughly,
if the elapse of time was an objective and constant
quantity - which our official science claims it to be,
then it should elapse with exactly the same speed
for all creatures, for all ages, and for all emotions.
For these reasons, the empirical findings
and experiences of biological sciences that in
some situations and for some species time flows
with different speeds, in fact represents biological
evidence for the software character of time and
for the possibility of building time vehicles.
* * *
In addition to facts described above, there is
also a vast pool of evidence that the elapse of
time is a kind of "program" stored in our genetic
system (or more strictly in the so-called "program
of life and fate" stored in DNA from our genetic
system). More comprehensive discussion of this
huge body of evidence is provided in item #J6 from
the web page
Transplanting of characters of organ-donors confirms that DNA contain software so-called "programs of life and fate":
Since the time when people started to transplant
hearts, kidneys, lungs, liver, and other ill organs
from one person to another, it started to
turn out that together with transplant of organs
receivers obtain also attributes of donors'
character. For example, in receivers of such
organs rapidly appears a taste for food and
for music which was liked by organ donors,
they rapidly change their daily routines into
similar to these in donors, rapidly experience
allergies or phobias which had donors, rapidly
become sad, difficult, or humorous - exactly
like donors used to be, etc., etc. Accumulated
already is a huge amount of evidence for
such transplanting attributes of character
from donors into receivers of organs. For
example, I saw even a part of American
documentary series entitled "Weird or What?",
in New Zealand broadcasted on TVNZ 3 at
7:30 to 8:30 on Monday, 31st January 2011,
in which documented were numerous examples
of such transplant of attributes of character.
If one considers thoroughly the phenomenon
documented by these facts, then it turns out that
does NOT exist any other possibility of transplanting
the character of donors into receivers of organs,
than via the software "program of life and fate"
described on this web page. After all, if this
transplanting of character is explained (as it
is done by present science) by any mechanism
of a "hardware" memory, e.g. memory written
permanently into the biological structure of
cells from a given organ, then still it disallows
to explain the mechanism which would convert
this hardware memory of cells into fate (i.e. into
character and actions) of a given person. This
is because such a hardware memory can be
compared to having a piece of paper with the
content of an email - which still does NOT allow
the receiver to read this email (for a receiver
to read and implement this email, still it is necessary
to have a typist, a "Cyber Cafe", the Internet,
and a receiving computer link to Internet). But
the software coding of the "program of life and
fate" explains in one go all mechanisms of
this phenomenon. In turn the confirmation by
evidence described here, that the transplanted
organs shift to the receiver their own software
"program of life and fate", is simultaneous with
the confirmation that time has a software nature,
that time can be shifted back, and that "time
vehicles" can be build - as it is explained
by this web page.
Evidence for the possibility of shifting time back that originate from research on UFOs:
UFOnauts already for a long time use on the
Earth their "time vehicles". Therefore UFO
research is the provider of the largest number
of evidence for the feasibility of building time
vehicles and for the capability of people to shift
back in time. On this web page some amongst
these items of evidence are going to be discussed
in item #G1 below.
Various items of evidence for the use of time
vehicles on the Earth by UFOnauts is also described
on several web pages of totalizm. For example,
it can be found in item #D6 and in part #D of the web page
timevehicle.htm - about time, travelling in time, and about time vehicles,
or in item #F1 of the web page
explain.htm - about scientific interpretation of authentic photographs of UFOs.
#D5, blog #175E.
How the
confirms the principle of overcoming death through
reversing the passage of time with backing motion
of "shadow" along the staircase of DNA helixes:
"The Bible is NOT a list of free recipes for lazy and ignorant people.
Rather it is a bundle of puzzles aimed at confirming and supporting
these people who with their effort earned learning some extremely vital truths."
Many people probably will be shocked to learn
that the Bible contains in its verses the confirmation
for principles on which "DNA" can be used in the
operation of "time vehicles". After all, the Bible
was written still in antiquity - when no human
had an idea about DNA nor about time vehicles.
This is why a majority of present scientists feel that
they can ignore or dismiss the Bible to be just a
collection of fables and stories told by ancient shepherds.
But this ancient Bible NOT only confirms the role
of DNA for the principles of operation of time vehicles. It also
confirms that the ability to shift back in time accomplished
due to DNA, allows people to overcome death
and to accomplish the access to infinitively long
life. In other words, this ancient Bible contains
the confirmation of exactly the same principles
of overcoming death and accomplishing immortality,
which I had the honour to work out only in 1985
on the basis of my
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
and which I described in more details on this web
page. Let us remind these principles here. The
immortality is explained by them as the outcome
of using "time vehicles" for repetitive shifting selected
people back in time to years of their youth, each time
after these people reach an old age and are close to
death. In turn the principle of shifting these people
back in time boils down to shifting back the indicator
of so-called "execution control" (i.e. to shifting back
something like a "computer cursor") in natural so-called
"programs of life". For every person these "programs
of life" are written in the double spiral of DNA which
by its appearance resembles stairs in a spiral stairway.
The Biblical confirmation of the principle of overcoming
the death through shifting time back is described
in first 11 verses from the "2 Kings" 20:1-11.
In these 11 verses, the Bible describes a case
of shifting back time for a historic figure, i.e.
for the king of Judah named Hezekiah. This king
ruled over Jerusalem for 29 years from 729 till
716 BC. He was famous from his devotion to God.
Thus, when he got ill and supposed to die, God
decided to extend his life for further 15 years -
through shifting his time back. To the shock of
present historians, this shifting his time caused,
that while being already a king, he again landed
in times when the king was his father named Ahaz.
(In Judah a new king could assume the throne
only after the death of the previous king.) In the
result of this, in the second passage through time,
for a significant proportion of his rules he needed
to co-regent with his father. This his co-reign with
his father is confirmed by the historic sources -
thus indirectly also confirming that the time of
Hezekiah was really shifted back.
In the Bible king Hezekiah is mentioned in many
places. For example, in "2 Chronicles" entire
chapters 29 to 32 are devoted to him. Biblical
verses from "2 Kings" 20:1-11 discussed here,
describe in details how God carried out this
shifting Hezekiah back in time. This description,
and also technical data provided in the Bible
and supplemented with the excellent selection
of words and illustrative comparisons, provide
us now with the confirmation of correctness for
all key principles described on this web page.
The further analyses from this item are to indicate,
that principles of shifting back in time described
in the Bible, similarly to principles of shifting back
in time described on this web page, boil down to
moving back the special "indicator of execution
control" within super-coils of DNA double helixes.
In item #C5 of the web page
bible.htm -
a principle used by God is explained (which is also
a God's recommendation and example for people).
It states that "confirmations for every matter must
be seek from two or three independent witnesses
or sources". This is why, to increase our certainty,
the description of principles of overcoming death
through shifting us back in time, is discussed
thoroughly and repeated in the Bible in two separate
books. Thus, independently from the indicated above
"2 Kings" 20:1-11, the same principles are repeated
also in "Isaiah" 38:1-8. Furthermore, their occurrence
is additionally confirmed in "2 Chronicles", 32:24-26.
#D5.1, blog #370.
Let us have a look at these 11 verses from "2 Kings" 20:1-11:
Because NOT every reader is going to have
a copy of Bible in hands while reading this
item, I decided to quote here these short 11
verses from "2 Kings" 20:1-11. The quotation
which I am providing below originates from the
Bible used by Catholics and entitled "Good
News Bible", American Bible Society, 1976 -
note that in the next item I am using quotation
from a different Bible. So here is these extremely
important 11 verses:
20:1 About this time King
Hezekiah became sick and almost died. The prophet
Isaiah son of Amoz went to see him and said to him,
"The Lord tells you that you are to put everything in
order, because you will not recover. Get ready
to die." 20:2 Hezekiah turned his face to
the wall and prayed 20:3 "Remember, Lord,
that I have served you faithfully and loyally and
that I have always tried to do what you wanted me
to." And he began to cry bitterly. 20:4 Isaiah
left the king, but before he had passed through
the central courtyard of the palace the Lord told
him 20:5 to go back to Hezekiah, ruler of
the Lord’s people, and say to him, "I, the Lord,
the God of your ancestor David, have heard your
prayer and seen your tears. I will heal you, and in
three days you will go to the Temple. 20:6
I will let you live fifteen years longer. I will rescue
you and this city Jerusalem from the emperor
of Assyria. I will defend this city, for the sake
of my own honor and because of the promise
I made to my servant David. 20:7 Then
Isaiah told the king’s attendants to put on his
boil a paste made of figs, and he would get
well. 20:8 King Hezekiah asked, "What is
the sign to prove that the Lord will heal me and that
three days later I will be able to go to the Temple?"
20:9 Isaiah replied, "The Lord will give
you a sign to prove that he will keep his promise.
Now, would you prefer to have the shadow on
the stairway go forward ten steps or go back
ten steps?" 20:10 Hezekiah answered,
“It’s easy to have the shadow go forward ten
steps! Have it go back ten steps." 20:11
Isaiah prayed to the Lord, and the Lord made
the shadow to go back ten steps on the stairway
set up by King Ahaz.
Herewith I am inviting you to accompany me in
the detailed analysis of the above 11 verses from
the oldest part of the Bible. These verses (1) confirm
the role of DNA in principles of accomplishing
immortality, (2) confirm the principle of shifting
people back in time, and (3) confirm the software
nature of time. As such,
these verses confirm principles and phenomena
which in times of writing the Bible were known
only to God. I interpret scientifically the content
of these 11 verses on basis of the knowledge
which I accumulated so far on subjects these
verses concern. Perhaps learning by the reader
what these verses really state would allow also him
or her to experience the same feelings of awe
and amazement which I experienced in October
2009 when for the first time a realisation of
the content of these verses has opened for
me. After all, for me learning the true meaning
of these verses was like witnessing a miracle
with my own eyes. The verses confirmed
that the principle of operation of "time vehicles",
which I worked out and described only in 1985,
in fact the Bible has described over two thousand
years ago. Only that the previous generations of
scholars were blind to these principles. Furthermore,
the verses also documented that already in ancient
times God knew exactly that one day on the Earth
a man will appear, who is to understand and appreciate
this reassurance and support that God prepared
so long ago in His Bible (as it appears from the
quotation provided at the beginning of the web page
god.htm -
already then God knew even the name of that man).
So these verses reveal how farsighted and foreseeing
are thoughts of God. They also reveal how
awesome is our God!
#D5.2, blog #175E.
Let us analyse together what these 11 verses from "2 Kings" 20:1-11 are really saying:
For me personally the most impressive is
the precision and skills with which in just
11 sentences-verses from "2 Kings" 20:1-11
God managed to confirm all key principles
of overcoming death through shifting back
the "software time". (On this web page just
brief descriptions of the same principles filled
the entire web page.) To be even more difficult,
these Biblical descriptions God so coded, that
for atheists and for people who did NOT went
through the trouble of learning the described
on this web page principles of shifting the
"software time" back, these Biblical verses
look like fables of ancient shepherds. Really,
the Biblical confirmation of principles of shifting
back in time discussed here, constitutes also
the confirmation of thesis explained in items
#C1, #C5 or #C11 of the totaliztic web page
bible.htm -
namely that "the Bible opens its true content only
to believers and to people initiated into the given knowledge".
But returning to the precision and skills with which
in 11 sentences of "2 Kings" 20:1-11 God confirmed
the principles of overcoming death through shifting
back in time, this confirming was accomplished
through formulating the God's explanations into
several phases. Namely, firstly in verses 20:1-3
of "2 Kings", God reassured the reader that a
given description concerns a man who arrived
to the end of his life and is to die. For example,
in the verse 20:1 is written, amongst others:
"... Hezekiah ... you will die and will not live."
Then in verses 20:4-7 God explained that He
decided to extend the life of dying Hezekiah
by 15 years. For example, in verse 20:6, God
states "... I shall add fifteen years to your days..."
Then, in verses 20:8-10, God utilises the
analogy of motion of the sun shadow in only
one direction to unambiguously confirm that
this extending the life of Hezekiah is to be carried
out through shifting him back in time. For example,
in verse 20:10 is contained, amongst others, the
statement "... the shadow should go backward
ten steps." Finally, in verse 20:11, God utilises
the knowledge of readers, in order to confirm for
them that the principle of this shifting time back
does boil down to moving back the execution
control in the natural "program of life" stored
in the double helix of DNA (i.e. the helix
that looks like a spiral stairway). For this
is used a hidden symbolism of "steps of
the stairs of Ahaz" coded in the meaningful
context of the expression "... he made the
shadow that had gone down gradually go
back on the steps, that is on the steps of
the stairs of Ahaz, ten steps backward."
Some people like to skilfully mask the obvious
meaning of their statements with the jocose "puns"
(this is especially favoured by Englishmen). In
such puns typically the same words are used in
at least two different meanings. For example
"Mr Close is not close". Unfortunately, as time
progresses, people use puns increasingly less
frequent - after all present minds are sterilised
with the thoughtlessness of television and by
rapid deterioration of educational level, so present
people are NOT as clever as past generations.
But in past it was different. For example on page 822
of the book "The Oxford Companion to the English
Language", edited by Tom McArthur (Oxford
University Press, 1992, ISBN 0-19-214183-X),
under the keyword "Pun: In Scripture", is written
"In ancient times, puns were used to suggest deep
truths." Actually the older times we consider,
the more appreciated puns were. So it should
NOT surprise us, that in
the Bible which God authorises, puns are used
especially frequent. After all, puns hide also from
unauthorised people the true content of whatever
these verses are to say. Thus the same words
used in verses of the Bible, relatively frequent
have completely different meanings. In this way,
in order to understand the depth of the Bible
and to understand the true meaning of given verses,
it is necessary to accomplish beforehand a deep
knowledge in a given subject. An example of such
"pun" taken from the Bible, when the word "water"
is used once in the meaning of "counter-matter",
while the other time in the meaning of real "water",
is discussed in item #C3 of the totaliztic web page
and in item #B5 of the web page
Due to the use of such "pun" with two meanings
of the word "water", the Biblical descriptions of
the process of creation of the physical world
effectively camouflage their true meaning from
unauthorised and ignorant people. Similarly,
in order to camouflage against unauthorised
and ignorant people the true meaning of verses
from "2 Kings" 20:1-11, in these verses words
"shadow" and "Ahaz" are used in two completely
different meanings (i.e. the same word replaces
in there two different words). For example, the
first use of the word "shadow" refers to a real
"sun shadow". But the second use of the same
word "shadow" refers in there to the "indicator"
(i.e. a kind of "cursor") in a "system for controlling
the execution run". Similarly, in the majority of the
Bible the word "Ahaz" refers to a historic person,
i.e. to the king of Judah named Ahaz - which
ruled in years 735 to 715 BC. (This king was the
father of king Hezekiah - i.e. the one whose time
was shifted back. The Bible refers to this king's
name "Ahaz" in a number of places, for example
in "1 Kings" - see in there the entire chapter 16,
in "2 Chronicles" 28:22-25, and in "Isaiah" - see
there the entire chapter 7.) But in the verse 20:11
from "2 Kings", the word "Ahaz" refers NOT to
a person with this name, but to a "system of
execution of time control". Let us explain
now more comprehensively why it is so.
In the Bible the word "Ahaz" most frequently is
used just by itself or when being proceeded by
the word "king". But in "2 Kings" 20:11, the use
of this word is preceded with the word "steps".
In turn as we know from any language, a change
of preceding word is able to completely change
the meaning of a given word and expression. In
this case, the change replaces the pointing at a
"person" by pointing at an "object". So exactly
what kind of "object" is indicated in this verse.
The first hint about this "object" results from the
revealing by the Bible that the "object" serves
for expressing the elapse of time. Some Bibles
even translate this word as "the dial of Ahaz".
This means that the "object" is a kind of system
or mechanism for expressing the elapse of time.
A second hint on this object results from the
meaning of the word "Ahaz". This word is an
abbreviation from the word "Jehoahaz" -
literally meaning "he who controls". Thus, after
the change of indication from a "person" into
an "object", the word "Ahaz" means something
that today we would call with a more professional
name of a "clock system for execution control".
A third hint is a skilful use of the preceding
word "stairs" in the verse discussed here. It
indicates that the "object" actually has a shape
of "stepped system of control". In still another
hint, the meaning of this "stepped system
of control" is linked with the circular motion
of sun's shadows, thus suggesting that this
"stepped control system" has the shape of
a "spiral stairway". All these hints are still
completed in the Bible with another set of
information, namely with the quantitative data.
For example, the Bible emphasises that the
shifting back this "indicator of current time"
(i.e. the "shadow") along such a "spiral and
stepped system of control", by 10 steps,
causes the shifting back person's life by
15 years. This quantitative data, in connection
with the content of verse 6:3 from "Genesis", informs
us that the spiral system of control about which
we are talking here, contains in total as many
as around 80 steps. (Means, it is rather huge.)
Thus, all the above hints taken together, suggest
that the Bible is talking about a really sophisticated
and spectacular system, or mechanism.
If such a system was really constructed by people
in the kingdom of Judah (Jerusalem) - which is
deprived of mountains, then it would became a
kind of another "technical wonder of the ancient
world". Numerous historical sources would brag
about it throughout the entire ancient world. But
in the history is nothing on this subject. It means,
that for sure this system was NOT a product of
human hands. Most clearly the Bible refers here
to some system of control that exists in the nature.
If we collect together all hints that the Bible provides
regarding this natural control system, then its
identification is obvious. It is the DNA double helix.
Such DNA "natural spiral stairway" is the only
natural creation that fulfils all attributes illustrated by
hints contained in the discussed verses of the Bible.
In order to summarise outcomes of the above
decoding, the verse 20:11 from Biblical "2 Kings"
passes to us skilfully coded information, that
in order to shift someone's time back, an "indicator
of a current time" (i.e. a "shadow") must be
moved backward in the "system of control over
the elapse of time" - which is DNA. In this way
for people with the required knowledge who know
the content of this web page, the Biblical verse
reveals that the system of governing over the
"execution control" in human "programs of life"
is similar to a "clock control system" used in
present computers for the control over the
run of computer programs. All this taken together
reveals to those people who know already principles
of operation described in the content of this
web page, that the verse 20:11 in fact confirms
the principle of shifting back time through moving
back the resonance point in the double helix of
DNA. (Interestingly, for outside observers the
resonance point in any vibrating helix resembles
a "shadow" on this helix.) In spite that I frequently
keep returning to reading the Bible, the true
meaning of verses from "2 Kings" 20:1-11 discussed
here I started to realise only in October 2009 -
in spite that the principle of shifting back in time
which is presented on this web page I knew
already many years earlier (i.e. I worked out
and described it thoroughly starting from 1985).
Actually in October 2009 my attention to these verses
directed my countryman, Mr Jerzy Miazgowicz (E-mail
[email protected]).
This in turn realises how skilfully and effectively
the true meaning of these verses was camouflaged
from unauthorised people. Clearly, the intention
of God in formulating these verses was to confirm
and to reassure the inventor - after "time vehicles"
are already invented and worked out, NOT
to provide a "ready solution" to lazy and ignorant
people who did NOT earn the honour of knowing
how time travel is to really work. (In other words,
"the Bible does NOT provide principles which people
still do not know, but only confirms and supports
principles which were already earned with a heavy
effort". In this way the Bible also supports the
canon that "everything that is moral must climb
uphill in the ‘moral field’ along the so-called ‘line of
the greatest resistance’ " - for more comprehensive
explanations see "part #G" from the web page
The above is worth to be complemented with the
emphasizing the influence which the Biblical
confirmation of the principle of defeating death
and accomplishing immortality described here
introduces to our certainty of the existence of
God. After all, a Bible which is NOT authorized
by God would NOT be able to provide any
information or references on a double helix of DNA.
Furthermore, even a child is aware that if the
Bible is NOT authorised by God, then in only
11 sentences cannot be contained so many
precise and skilfully coded information that
confirms principles of shifting time back.
For example, just decoding principles - the
description of which in the Bible occupies
11 sentences, for me required to write
here over 3 pages of Word's text. In other
words, apart from God Himself, no-one in the
entire universe is able to skilfully pack so many
precise technical information to 11 sentences
written in ancient everyday language. In addition,
the DNA helix to which these Biblical descriptions
refer, was discovered only relatively recent.
Only God Himself could know about the DNA
helix in times of writing the Bible. For this reason,
the Biblical confirmation of the principle of
accomplishing immortality described on this
web page, is both, still another proof that the
"Bible is authorised by God Himself" (as this
proof is explained on the totaliztic web page
and also another scientific proof that "God
really does exist". This proof can be added
to a long list of similar scientific proofs
for the existence of God indicated and
interpreted on the totaliztic web page
How the moral awareness of humanity is to be lifted due to this
biblical reassurance that time vehicles can be build and that
these vehicles are to allow accomplishing immortality for people:
philosophy of totalizm
explains the role of physical world and our
planet in the following manner: "The physical
world and the Earth are intelligently pre-programmed
and perfectly camouflaged machines which
lift the moral awareness in souls passed through
them." In other words, our lives on the
Earth can be compared to passing grain ears
through mechanism of farming machines for
crop threshing. After such threshing in
this "moral threshing machine" our souls
are cleaned from the most dangerous desires
to cultivate immorality. In turn for souls, which
after passing through the life do not learn
anything and still turn out to be unripe for
"threshing" on the Earth from their inherited
immorality, God keeps several further methods of
uplifting their morality described on the web page
(e.g. so-called "reincarnation" and repetitive
passing through the "threshing machine" - as
described by Hinduism, or the "hell" and "deletion"
explained in the
If one considers the matter thoroughly, then it
turns out that literally everything in our physical
world was pre-programmed so intelligently that it
constitutes a mechanism for natural uplifting moral
awareness of our souls - for examples see item
#G3 on the web page
or item #D6 on the web page
So let us explain now, how the biblical reassurance
described here, that "time vehicles" can be build and
that with the use of these time vehicles the humanity
accomplishes an access to immortality, also represents
a component of such mechanism for uplifting moral
awareness in humans.
The reassurance described in the Bible for sure
is to cause that with the elapse of time increasingly
more people become tempted by the prospects
of gaining an access to immortality through
building time vehicles. Simultaneously the elapse
of years combined with the lack of real progress
in medical extending of longevity is to realise to
people that in real life actually does happen what
is explained in items #B2 to #B5 of this web page.
In the result, after some time a decision maker
will finally give in to the temptation and will finance
the building of time vehicles. But when the humanity
finally decides to undertake this building, then it
is to turn out that - similarly as myself in past,
also future builders of "time vehicles" are to be
troubled by a powerful action of the "curse of
inventors" - which is described in item #B4.4
from the web page named
and in "part #G" of the web page
This "curse of inventors" will make impossible the
completion of "time vehicles" for as long until the
true morality of least moral members of the society
is lifted to the required level. In the result, if the
humanity finally gives to the temptation to have
time vehicles and to accomplish immortality through
them, then people will have no other option but to
lift the moral level of even the most immoral amongst
inhabitants of the Earth - see also item #I1 below
on this web page.
#D6, blog #191E.
Filmed proof that time travel is possible:
It is 1928. Charlie Chaplin makes his movie
entitled "The Circus". After some scenes, the
camera is directed at the crowd that watch
filming. Into the view of it comes a woman.
Similarly as women almost 100 years later,
she walks while discussing something intensely
through the hand-phone. On the film clearly is
visible her hand-phone and her engagement
into the talk. This extraordinary take remains
in film archives undiscovered for the next over
80 years. After all, in that times no-one knew
what is a hand-phone. Such a telephone is
NOT invented for further 50 years. Only near
the end of 2010 a more inquisitive than others
Irish film maker
discovers the significance of this scene. After
all, he is a professional who is able to distinguish
an original from a fabrication. He also has a
sufficient knowledge to understand what this
scene shows. Besides, by people who do not
know what it shows, the section of this film was
disseminated for many years on the DVD with
authentic copy of that old film. So it is absolutely
certain, that the film shows an authentic old scene
(not e.g. someone’s modern fabrication). The
original version of this scene is disseminated
on the factory DVDs with copies of the film
"The Circus", in the part of these DVDs named
"Documents", under the title "The Hollywood
Premiere". The section of the film containing
this extraordinary scene the inquisitive Irish
film maker placed fast in the YouTube, while
the entire matter is reported to the world via
press agencies. I learned about all this from
the article " 'Time traveller' snapped" published
on page A3 of newspaper
The New Zealand Herald,
issue dated on Thursday, October 28, 2010.
The next day I viewed also this scene from the
original film available in YouTube at the address
The reaction to this objective evidence of the
existence of Time Travellers on the Earth, is
typical for arrogant people of 21 century. The
majority of viewers unable to think, hides their
embarrassment with own ignorance in matters
of the work of time, in typical manner - i.e.
scoffing sarcastically at the objective proof.
In turn these sparse
viewers, who still try to think, decrease the
evidential value of the film by claiming that
supposedly this filmed woman could NOT talk
by a hand-phone, as in 1928 still there was
no infrastructure on the Earth which would allow
to connect her with the person receiving her call.
Unfortunately, in their negation of the authenticity
of that film, they overlook several obvious possibilities.
For example, that if someone arrives to the past
in a time vehicle, then this vehicle is going to be
parked somewhere nearby, and thus it is that
vehicle that can provide the infrastructure needed
for connecting the caller to the receiving person.
Or that time vehicles will NOT be build in the
Earth for some time, thus until the time they
are completed the hand-phones may get so
much improved, that they may NOT need any
present infrastructure and hardware that links
them to the receivers of their calls.
Of course, enemies of my research will keep
silencing or scoffing the truth presented on this
web page, that if at a required time I was offered
a right conditions for scientific inquiries and a
requires financing for my research, then until
today our civilisation would already have working
time vehicles. But whatever would be the arguments
of such enemies of my research, the fact remains
that the filmed proof for the existence of time travellers,
adds itself to a whole array of other evidence which
confirms my rational and well documented explanation,
that the building of time vehicles is possible, while
"time travellers" are already an objective phenomenon
on our planet.
Independently from the above description, the
information about the existence of that film of
1928, that captured a woman talking through
a hand-phone, is also described in subsection
M1.7 from volume 11 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
That subsection is a part of the extensive chapter
M from monograph [1/5], devoted to a comprehensive
explanation of principles of operation, design,
and major problems of "time vehicles" completion.
Photographs that document the existence of "time travellers":
Typically people are highly sceptical in the
matter of authenticity of "old photographs".
After all, with the present level of computer
technology which allows to "fabricate" even
most complex "photomontages", the preparation
of hoaxes that pretend to be "old photographs"
is technically possible and easily accomplishable.
Therefore, I personally rather do NOT insist
that photographs represent evidence for the
existence of "time travel". However, in connection
with other evidence presented on this web
page, especially in items #D5, #D6 and #D7,
the "fabrication" of which is impossible, such
photographs of "time travellers" are additional
evidence which at least suggest to consider
the possibility of "travelling through time" and
the feasibility of my "time vehicle". Thus, for
the use of these most "open minded" readers,
I am going to indicate here an example of just
such a photograph.
Just such an old photograph of a "time traveller",
which for me looks to be authentic (although I do
NOT pretend to be an "expert" of photography,
thus I can be wrong), was available in December
2010 at the web page of someone named
Jason Kottke - see the address
The person who show this photograph reassured
viewers that it has not been digitally tampered with.
The photograph presents some old gathering of
1940s. In the crowd of old-fashion dressed
people, there is one "tourist" in a today dress -
which completely does NOT fit into the rest.
As we can see from the photograph, he just
watches what is happening. He is dressed
in a "t-shirt" with a typical print on it (net-print,
or heat-print) - such techniques of printing on
shirts started to be used only around 40 years
later. His glasses look like a model in sale after
the world war two. His photo-camera is also modern
and completely different than these used in 1940s
(although it is difficult to determine what model it
is - because the photograph is not very clear).
Well, I leave the reader to decide whether this
photo is another example of evidence that "time
travellers" do exist, or is just going to see it as
someone's interesting "photomontage".
I would like to ask the reader to look at old photographs
in his or her possession, that show groups of people,
and to check whether these can represent any further
evidence of capturing "time travellers". In case of
suspecting that the reader has such an evidence,
I would be grateful for letting me know via my email
addresses indicated below in item #M4.
The formal scientific proof that the "counter-matter" of DNA
is the carrier of software "programs of life and fate", based
on the physical identity of DNA helixes in a given individual:
"If two physically identical computers work in a drastically different manner,
then it means that (1) their work is controlled by software stored in their
memories, and that (2) this software is composed of very different programs."
In item #A2 of this web page I explained the
principle of operation of time vehicles. This
principle reveals, that time travel, construction
of "time vehicles", and the access to immortality
through the repetitive shifting people back to
years of their youth each time they accomplish
their old age, are possible because double
DNA helixes are most elementary forms
of natural computers. These helixes run the
software of so-called "programs of life and fate"
stored in memory of the "counter-matter", which
control the elapse of time in every living creature.
Unfortunately, my discoveries of the work of time,
manner of shifting back in time, and principles
of operation of "time vehicles" - which open for
the humanity the access to immortality through
allowing people to repeatedly shift back in time
to years of their youth each time they arrive to
an old age, encountered reception which is rather
detrimental for our civilisation. Not only that these
discoveries are ignored by well-paid professional
scientists, but in addition are also persecuted
with rude and noisy criticism of internet mob,
which is completely deprived of ability for
rational thinking and for civilised debating.
Clearly, the most hostile inclined
persecutors of myself and my research are
not discouraged even by these numerous
examples of evidence discussed in previous
items #D1 to #D6 of this web page, nor by
my postulates based on facts and logic
which are so easily verifiable by everyone.
Therefore, in this item I decided to provide
still another proof which is based on commonly
known facts, and which also unambiguously
confirms that "double helixes of DNA are actually
miniature natural computers which run software
'programs of life and fate' contained in the
memory of their 'counter-matter' ".
The proof described here, which confirms that
"double helixes of DNA in fact are simplest natural
computers that run the software codes of 'programs
of life and fate' stored in their memories", is based on
a sequence of very elementary empirical findings.
The first out of these findings is obvious for everyone.
It states, that "every cell of the body displays a
different development, function, work, changes, fate,
etc." In other words, the "passage through time"
for every single cell of living body of a given
individual differs from passages through
time of remaining cells from the body of the
same individual. The second commonly known
empirical finding about DNA, is that "the double
helixes of DNA can only be used by criminology
for identifying an individual from which they
originate, because independently from which
cell of this individual they are retrieved, their
hardware (atomic) structure is still exactly the
same". For example, when soon after formulating
the proof described here, on 23 November 2010
I checked what about the use of DNA in criminology
is described in internet web pages devoted to
this subject, then e.g. on then available web page
with the address
I found the following statements expressing the
above (commonly known) empirical finding -
quote from the abovementioned web page:
"a person's DNA is the same in all areas
of their body, it can't be altered or modified
in any way"; and also "DNA is found
in blood, skin cells, hair and all around the
human body".
Of course, my findings and knowledge on the
topic of "counter-matter" - which I described
and supported with wide evidence in volumes
1, 4, 5 and 11 of my newest
monograph [1/5],
provide an unambiguous explanation for the
empirical findings described above - stating that
"the passage through time and fate of completely
different cells of body is controlled by DNA which
has the same hardware (atomic) structures".
This explanation states, "DNA must
contain software 'control programs' written
into the intelligent memory of 'counter-matter'
that forms the hardware (atomic) structure
of these DNA". In other words, double helixes
of DNA are actually equivalents of these
computers described in the "motto" from
this item (which "motto" reminds us the
obvious truth that "if exist two physically
identical computers which carry out drastically
different activities, then this is a proof that such
computers (1) contains inside some software
that controls their activities, and (2) this software
is different in each one of these computers").
After all, as we know it from the use of DNA in
criminology, from the physical point of view
DNA helixes in a given individual look identical,
no matter from which cell they were taken. On
the other hand, in each of these cells, the same
looking DNA extends the control over a completely different
course of the development, function, work, changes,
fate, etc. - for a given cell. This in turn would
be impossible if the "control program" which
these DNA must contain inside, was written
in a hardware manner by being "permanently
hardwired" into the hardware (atomic) structure of these
DNA. In other words, to be that way, DNA must
store inside some "programs of live and fate"
which have the purely software character.
The fact proven here, that DNA helixes are actually
miniature computers with own memories in which
they store their "control programs", is also confirmed
by various other empirical evidence on which
genetics continually is "stumbling". An excellent
example of this evidence is the recent discovery
regarding "trauma", reported, amongst others,
in the article "Trauma research punches hole
in Darwin's theory" from page B13 of New Zealand
Weekend Herald,
issue dated on Saturday, November 27, 2010.
According to this discovery, in people who
experiences some serious trauma, e.g. in
returning from a war, their DNA is modified, so
that consequences of this trauma are passed
to next generations of their descendants. But if
these next generations do not experience similar
trauma, then the content of their DNA returns to
previous norm after around 3 generations. Of
course, if the information would be carried out
by DNA in the manner "permanently hardwired",
then such passing consequences of trauma to
next generations would be impossible. Unfortunately,
present genetics still believes unconditionally in
the "permanent hardwiring of DNA information".
Therefore, these intermediate modifications of
DNA information, genetics still tries to explain
as consequences of modifying influences of
chemical "epigenetic regulators". But this
explanation can be related only to a single
individual and it cannot be spread over several
generations. Therefore, if we wait another several
years, then probably genetics finally has no option
but to admit, that DNA helixes are small computers which
carry in memories their software "control programs".
I am always fascinated by the close-mindedness
with which some present scientists twist their
interpretations of the surrounding reality.
In the result, scientific errors, twisting,
and deviations of the interpretation of reality
are already as numerous and omnipresent
as if the life-goal of the present generation of scientists
was to impregnate people with all possible kinds of
untruth before they mature to learn the truth.
An example of just such close-minded interpretation
of reality, which however, empirically supports
the truth of the formal scientific proof from this
item, is the
"NASA's alien DNA with arsenic" -
the descriptions of which was rumbled in all television
news of New Zealand on Friday, 3rd December
2010. (On the subject of these "alien DNA with
arsenic" appeared also press releases - for
example see the article " 'Aliens' amongst us
on Earth" from page A3 of newspaper named
"The New Zealand Herald"
(issue dated on Friday, December 3, 2010), or
the article "Arsenic-eating germ boosts chance
of finding extra-terrestrial life" from page A23 of
the New Zealand newspaper named
"The Dominion Post Weekend"
(issue dated on Saturday, December 4, 2010),
or see articles on the same subject published in
the same time e.g. at addresses or
According to these descriptions, scientists
from NASA discovered "alien bacteria" in the
Californian lake named the "Mono Lake". In this
volcanic lake water is so saturated with arsenic,
that supposedly Earthly bacteria have no right
to life in there. However, scientists from NASA
detected bacteria in that lake which not only that
live in the arsenic waters, but in addition these bacteria
adopted arsenic to their cellular structures, while
in their DNA they replaced atoms of phosphorus
with atoms of arsenic. But in present official understanding
of DNA as "hardwired permanently" carriers of
life information, such replacement of atoms of
phosphorus from DNA with atoms of arsenic,
should completely destroy the ability of these
DNA to control the life of cells. So the conclusion
to which jumped quickly scientists from NASA,
is that these bacteria from the "Mono Lake"
must be "alien" - i.e. must arrive to the Earth from
distant cosmos. Of course, scientists from NASA,
who interpreted in that way the replacement
of atoms in DNA, probably feel too busy to
read about my humble discoveries. These
discoveries for a long time try direct the notice
of other researchers to the fact, that DNA really
are miniature natural computers, the hardware
of which does NOT carry any information, but
just runs the implementation of the information
that is stored in a software manner in the
"programs of life and fate" that are inside
of computer-like memories of these DNA.
After all, if these scientists knew my publications,
then would also knew, that kinds of atoms from
which DNA hardware is composed, have no
significance to the life and fate of given cells.
What only matters are just these software
"programs of life and fate" which are stored
in memories of hardware from these DNA.
Even a more illustrative explanation for the
small significance of that replacement of atoms
of phosphorus with atoms of arsenic, has the
"computer analogy" from the "motto" to this
item. This is because the motto realises that
"if two computers constructed on opposite
ends of the world from completely different
electronic components, perform exactly the
same functions and run exactly the same
algorithms, then this only means that (1) their
work is executed by software 'control programs'
stored in their memories, and that (2) this 'control
software', which each of these computers stores
in own memory and then executes, is composed
of very similar or even identical programs".
In other words, if the NASA interpretation for
swapping of elements in DNA is compared to
the situation of present computers, then what
NASA claims is an equivalent of the claim that
e.g. Korean computers must have "alien" origin
as they have different atoms and different electronic
components than e.g. American computers. Thus,
the message which I would like to realise through
this example of the "bacteria from Californian
Mono Lake with arsenic DNA", states that these
bacteria are NOT "aliens" of cosmic origin (as
erroneously rushed to announce scientists from NASA),
but are still another highly evidential example, which
additionally conforms my formal scientific proof
from this item, that "DNA are miniature natural
computers, the hardware of which only executes
the software 'programs of life and fate' that are
stored in a software form in memories of
these DNA".
The formal scientific proof described here is
immensely important. After all, in addition to
the evidence provided before on this web page,
it also confirms the correctness of the principle
of operation of "time vehicles"
described on this web page, which is to provide
people with access to immortality. Furthermore, it also
confirms that the "counter-matter" displays attributes
of a liquid computer hardware, in memory of which are
stored software control programs. In this way it
confirms the truth and correctness of everything
that about the "counter-matter" (and thus also about
e.g. the self-evolution of God from chaotically
behaving counter-matter) was explained, e.g.
in item #E1 of a separate web page named
and in item A1.1 from volume 1 of my newest
monograph [1/5],
and it also confirms the truth of whatever about
the creation of the physical world and man by
God was explained and supported with evidence
in items #C3 and #C4 of the separate web page named
In addition, the proof discussed here is also
helpful in illustrating how thoughtless and how
deprived of inquisitiveness are present users
of empirical findings about DNA. After all, these
users know jolly well, that in every cell from the
body of a given individual, DNA controls over a
different development, function, work, changes,
fate, etc., for this cell. Simultaneously they
also know that in a given individual the hardware
(atomic) structure of this DNA is sufficiently
identical for all cells of the body, that on the
basis of the DNA taken from any cell, it is possible
to identify the entire given individual. In spite of
this, none amongst users of DNA to-date come
to a conclusion, that such facts confirm that
DNA helixes in fact must be kinds of miniature
control computers which run software programs
stored in their memories. None of them was also
noticing, that in order codes contained in DNA
could control the development, function, work, changes,
fate, etc., of individual cells, there must exist some
mechanism of carrying the control commands into
cells - while our science to-date has NOT identified
such a mechanism yet. In face of such a lack of
thinking and inquisitiveness on part of other scientists,
is it really in interest of the humanity to still officially
ignore my discoveries and outcomes of my research?
Is it really worth to take seriously these noisy attacks
of internet mob which not only is similarly mindless,
but which in addition is also deprived of the specialised
knowledge that is required to understand ideas
described here?
In order to emphasize the immense significance
of the proof described here, and also to formally
introduce this proof into a permanent accomplishment
of human knowledge, below I am going to repeat
this proof in the form that is customary for formal
scientific proving according to principles of mathematical
logic. So here is the formal scientific proof, stating
that "the hardware entities known as DNA double
helixes are the most simple forms of natural computers
that control the passage of their cells through the time
by using software 'programs of life and fate'
stored in the memory of 'counter-matter' that constitutes
the physical structure of these DNA", completed
with the use of methods of mathematical logic:
"The hardware entities known as DNA double helixes
are the most simple forms of natural computers
that control the passage of their cells through
the time with the use of software 'programs of
life and fate' stored in the memory of 'counter-matter'
that constitutes the physical structure of these DNA".
Basis proposition:
(') The control of development, function, work,
changes, fate, etc., of subsequent cells in a living organism,
which represents the passage of these cells through
time, can occur only if (1) DNA from these cells contain
either appropriate programs stored in a software
manner (i.e. DNA contain some forms of natural
"programs of life and fate" stored in the memory
of the "counter-matter" that constitutes these DNA),
or if (2) these DNA contain programs stored in a
hardware manner (i.e. programs which are "permanently
hardwired" into the hardware (atomic) structure
of these DNA). The fact that present criminology
is able to identify given individuals on the basis
of the hardware (atomic) structure of DNA of
these individuals taken from any cells of their
bodies, proves that the hardware (atomic) structure
of these DNA cannot be a carrier of the hardwired
code of such a program, because (a) this hardware
(atomic) structure is identical in all cells of a given
individual - and thus it CANNOT reflect the diversities
of development, function, work, changes, fate, etc.,
of subsequent cells in a given organism, and also
because (b) there is no outside mechanism
which would read and implement such a hardwired
program. This way the above facts completely
exclude the possibility that such controlling programs
are "hardwired permanently" into the hardware
(atomic) structure of DNA.
(") The above basis proposition can also be
expressed in a slightly different manner, for
example with words:
Control over the development, function, work, changes,
fate, etc., of a given cell, which must have a different
course for every cell of a given individual, and thus
which represents the passage of a given cell through
time, may be accomplished either (1) by
DNA helixes which are kinds of most elementary
natural computers that run appropriate "programs
of life and fate" written in a software manner into
the memory of "counter-matter" that constitutes
these DNA, or can be accomplished (2)
by the DNA which are kinds of "permanently hardwired"
programs written into the hardware (atomic) structure
of these DNA in a hardware manner, and which are
later read and implemented by a different mechanism
located outside of these DNA.
The fact that present criminology is able to identify
every individual on the basis of hardware (atomic)
structure of the DNA of that individual taken form
any cells of his or her body - no matter what is the
development, function, work changes, fate, etc., of
this cell, proves that the hardware (atomic) structure
of these DNA cannot be a carrier of such a "hardware
coded program", because (a) this hardware
(atomic) structure is identical in all cells of a given
individual - and thus it does NOT reflect the diversity
that is required for expressing the differences in
development, function, work, changes, fate, etc.,
of every single cell from a body, and also because
(b) for such a "permanently hardwired
program" would need to exist a mechanism outside
of the DNA which would implement this program -
but the science has NOT encountered to-date any
trace of it. Thus, the above facts completely eliminate the
possibility that such a control program is "hardwired
in a hardware manner" into the hardware (atomic)
structure of DNA.
The above basis proposition is to be transformed
with the use of tautological form of the method known
under the name of "disjunctive syllogism". This
form can be written as [(p || q) && !p] => q,
in which the assertion "p" says "the control
of development, function, work, changes, fate,
etc., of subsequent cells in a living organism, can
be so diversified only if the DNA of these cells
contain appropriate programs stored in a hardware
manner (i.e. the atomic structure of these DNA
contains 'permanently hardwired programs of
life and fate' )", while the assertion "q" says "the
control of development, function, changes, and
fate of subsequent cells in a living organism, can
be so diversified only if the DNA of these cells
contain appropriate programs stored in a software
manner (i.e. contain in memories some forms of
natural 'programs of life and fate' stored in memory
of the 'counter-matter' that constitutes these DNA),
while the atomic structure of these DNA is just a
simplest form of computer hardware that executes
the run of these program". In turn the assertion
"!p" states "the fact that present criminology is
able to base the identification of individuals on
DNA taken from any cells of their bodies, which
proves the identical hardware structure of DNA
in cells with drastically different development,
functions, work, changes, fates, etc., completely
eliminates the possibility that programs
contained in these DNA are written in a
hardware manner by being 'permanently
hardwired' into the hardware (atomic) structure of these
DNA". The transformation of these propositions
implies the conclusion that "the development,
functions, changes, and fates of individual
cells of a body are so diversified because
their DNA contain software programs that
describe the passage of a given cell through
the time (i.e. DNA helixes contain natural
programs stored in memories of the
'counter-matter' that form their atomic structure)".
The above inference chain unambiguously and conclusively
proves the truth of the theorem that "the hardware entities known
as DNA helixes are the most simple forms of natural computers that
control the passage of their cells through the time with the use of
software 'programs of life and fate' stored in the memory of
'counter-matter' that constitutes the physical structure of these DNA".
* * *
For the use of these readers who are NOT
familiar with the notation that is applied in the
above proof, I would like to explain that
symbols "p", "q", and "r" mark subsequent
"assertions" utilized in this proof as logical
variables. In turn symbols "!", "&&", "||", and "=>"
mark logical operators "not", "and", "inclusive or",
and "implies" (if ... => then ...").
The above proof for the role of DNA software in controlling
the elapse of time, is just one amongst a whole series of
mutually related formal scientific proofs developed for
the first time by the author of this web page due to the
use of tools of the new so-called "totaliztic science":
The above proof is just one amongst an entire
series of mutually related formal scientific proofs,
the honour of developing of which for the first
time in the world was granted by God to the
author of this web page. All these related formal
proofs are briefly summarised and mutually linked
in item #G3 from the totaliztic web page named
Also all of them introduce immensely vital consequences
both individually for each one of us, as well as
for the entire our civilisation. After all, these formal
proofs repair deficiency of our knowledge which
result from intentional ignoring by the old official
so-called "atheistic orthodox science" of
practically every area involved in these proofs -
for examples of such ignoring see item #A2 from
the web page named
(The name "atheistic orthodox science" is increasingly
frequent used for describing this old monopolistic
science, the erroneous claims of which we still are
forced to learn in schools and at universities, while
which immoral practices are disclosed more exactly
in items #C1 to #C6 from the web page named
Moreover, all formal scientific proofs from this series
were formulated with the use of modern methods of
scientific proving (e.g. methods of mathematical logic,
or the method of matching attributes). These proofs
include, amongst others:
The formal scientific proof that "the counter-world does exist"
(this "counter-world" is actually another world
existing parallel to our "physical world" and it is
filled with the continually moving substance
called "counter-matter" which displays
attributes of liquid computer hardware) -
see item #D3 of the web page named
or see subsection H1.1.4 from volume 4 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
The formal scientific proof that "God does exist" -
see item #G2 from the web page
item #B3 from the web page
or see subsection I3.3.4 from volume 5 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
The formal scientific proof that "God created the first
pair of people" - see item #B8 of the web page
or see subsection I1.4.2 from volume 5 of the monograph marked
The formal scientific proof that "the humanity lives in the world created
and wisely ruled by omnipotent God" -
see item #B3 from the web page named
The formal scientific proof that "people have immortal
souls" - see item #G2 from the web page named
item #C1.1 of the web page named
or see subsection I5.2.1 from volume 5 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
The formal scientific proof that "God authorised the
Bible" - see item #B1 of the web page named
or see subsection M7.1 from volume 11 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
The formal scientific proof that "DNA are most simple
forms of natural computers which control the passage
through time of cells in which these DNA
reside, while this control of the passage
of cells through time they accomplish by
a sequential running of software 'programs
of life and fate' contained in memories of
these DNA" - see item #D7 of this web page (named
or see subsection M1.6 from volume 11 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
The formal scientific proof that "UFO vehicles do exist
objectively and they are already operationalMagnocrafts" -
which the formal proof is historically the first proof
that I developed and published for the area of knowledge
intentionally ignored by the old official "atheistic orthodox
science" - for details see item #G3 from the web page named
This proof for the objective existence of UFOs
is presented on the web page named
and also in subsections P2 to P2.17 from volume 14 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
* * *
I really encourage readers that for their own good
they consider the existence and validity of these
proofs in everything that they do in their lives. As
I explain this e.g. in item #G1 of the web page named
or in item #I3 of the web page named
such consideration can turn out decisive in many
life situations and sometimes may even translate
into life (instead of death).
The development of all these formal scientific
proofs became possible only due to establishment
of a new so-called "totaliztic science"
broadly described, amongst others, in items
#C1 to #C6 from the web page named
or in items #F1 to #F3 from the web page named
The reason is that the old so-called "atheistic
orthodox science" (i.e. this official science paid
from our taxes, which erroneous statements people
continue to learn in schools and universities) abuses
its absolute "monopoly for knowledge" to refuse
carrying research on these topics, which are in
any way contrary to the officially adopted by it
philosophical foundations of the kind of the "Occam's
Razor", atheism, "a posteriori" approach to research -
i.e. the approach "from effects to causes", etc.
(Notice that this old "atheistic orthodox science"
completely ignores "a priori" approach to research -
i.e. ignores the approach "from cause to effect"
means "from God understood as a superior cause
of everything, to the world around us as the effect
of actions of that God". This approach "a priori" was
implemented with the modern scientific methods
only by the new "totaliztic science", while the above
formal scientific proofs represent only a single one
amongst numerous kinds of the results that it already
yield. Various other results of the same "a priori"
approach to research are summarized in item #B1
from the separate web page named
The proof presented above was subjected to the
public discussion on internet discussion forums
of the "Google" search engine at addresses
indicated in item #E2 of the web page named
Furthermore, this proof is also included into
subsection M1.6 from my newest
monograph [1/5].
On 3rd January 1984 I invented an accumulator
and converter of magnetic energy that is immensely
vital for the entire humanity. I called it the "Oscillatory
The Oscillatory Chamber could be described as
kind of an electromagnet in the shape of a transparent
chamber that is empty inside, in which electrical
charges rotate around the main magnetic axis,
taking the form of strands of parallel electric sparks -
instead (like in electromagnets) electrical current
that flows in wires of a conductor. Every Oscillatory
Chamber is a source of a powerful magnetic field
which is simultaneously a precisely controlled field.
Columns of this magnetic field gush outside of
every Oscillatory Chamber through two walls of it,
namely through the floor and the ceiling - as illustrated
in "Fig. #E1" below.
In spite that I constantly make such efforts, at NO
university in which I worked so-far I was allowed
to undertake the completion of this chamber. It is
pity, as the history of inventions to-date indicates,
that NO-ONE can replace the creative mind of the
original inventor in the completion of his invention.
Therefore, whatever the original inventor builds in
just a few years, other people may need tens or
even hundreds of years of intense efforts to
complete it.
The Oscillatory Chamber is going to be build in
three different generations - see "Fig. #E1".
Each one amongst these generations of the
Oscillatory Chamber will have a different shape.
For example, the Oscillatory Chamber of the
first generation is going to have the shape of
a transparent cube. The name
Oscillatory Chamber of the third generation
is assigned to the most advanced generation of
this device - which will be able to shift time back.
Thus, the Oscillatory Chamber of the third generation
is going to be the "heart" and the most important
component of every time vehicle.
The design and principles of operation of the
Oscillatory Chamber are described in details
in volumes 2 of two my scientific monographs,
namely my newest
monograph [1/5],
and my slightly older
monograph [1/4].
Briefly this chamber is also summarised on
several web pages of totalizm, for example
on the web page devoted entirely to it and named
oscillatory_chamber.htm - about the Oscillatory Chamber,
as well as in part #D of the web page
eco_cars.htm - about pollution free eco-cars of our future.
Therefore, on this web page I am NOT going to
repeat these descriptions.
Fig. #E1 (F3 in [1/5]): The external
appearance of Oscillatory Chambers of the
(a) first, (b) second, and (c) third generation.
The continuous lines mark the appearance
of the Oscillatory Chambers themselves.
These chambers are transparent and
empty inside. Thus they show the rotation
of strands of electric sparks, which spin
along inner peripherals of side walls of
these devices. In turn the broken lines
mark on this figure small sections of
columns of precisely controlled magnetic
field (N, S) gushing to the environment
from the floors and ceilings along magnetic
axes "m" of these chambers. Notice that
for practical reasons, on the above drawing
these columns of field must be cut off at
some distance from outlets of the Oscillatory
Chambers. But in a real life these columns
are forming closed circuits of force lines of
magnetic field - only that these circuits are
too huge to be fully shown on the above
(Click on this drawing to see it enlarged.)
The Oscillatory Chamber of the first generation
which has the shape of a transparent cube that
is empty inside. Around side walls of this cube
thick strands of bright electric sparks are visible
in rotation.
The Oscillatory Chamber of the second generation
which has the shape of an octagonal, transparent
box (i.e. a section of an octagonal rod). Also in
this chamber strands of bright shimmering sparks
are to be visible are they rotate around the side
peripherals of it.
The Oscillatory Chamber of the third generation
which has the shape of a transparent box with 16
side walls. Because such a box looks almost like
a round one, this most advanced generation of
Oscillatory Chambers will look like a section of a
transparent pipe, around the peripherals of which
spin strands of bright, regular, and evenly thick
sparks. The columns of precisely controlled magnetic
field generated by this Oscillatory Chamber will
gush to the environment from both ends of it, i.e.
from the floor and from the ceiling.
What are differences between subsequent generations of the
Oscillatory Chambers:
The Oscillatory Chamber of the first generation
is going to take a cubical shape - as this is
shown in "Fig. #E1" above. Its construction
will allow people to learn phenomena and
principles which are vital for the implementation
of its principles of operation. After being
constructed the Oscillatory Chamber will
find countless applications. For example
it is going to be used as the propelling device
for building magnetic starship of my invention,
It is also to be used as a perfect battery
for accumulating energy in so-called
zero pollution ecological cars.
Empirical experience gathered during the building
and use of cubical Oscillatory Chambers of the first
generation will allow humanity to build also octagonal
Oscillatory Chambers of the second generation.
Oscillatory Chambers of the second generation
will be utilising a different control over the rotation
of electric sparks than the one used in the first
generation. This in turn will allow to use it for the
generation of more precisely controlled magnetic
field which will be capable of generation of so-called
"Telekinetic Effect". Therefore such Oscillatory
Chambers are to find use in so-called "telekinetic vehicles"
described in chapter M from volume 11 of
monograph [1/5].
In turn experiences gathered during the building
and use of the octagonal Oscillatory Chamber of
the second generation will allow the humanity to
build also the sixteen-sided Oscillatory Chamber
of the third generation. The Oscillatory Chamber
of the third generation will use still another principle
of control over the rotation of electric sparks than
the Oscillatory Chamber of the second generation.
This in turn will allow it to generate magnetic field
which will be controlled even more precisely than
the magnetic field from chambers of the second
generation. In the result, Oscillatory Chambers of
the third generation will be able to cause changes
in the elapse of time - e.g. shift time back. This is
why such Oscillatory Chambers will find application
in "time vehicles" described more comprehensively
in chapter N from volume 11 of
monograph [1/5].
Fig. #E2a-c (F5, F8(2s), F8(3s) in [1/5]):
The side appearance of so-called "twin-chamber
capsules" composed from two Oscillatory
Chambers of (a) first, (b) second, and (c) third
generation. These capsules are formed
through placing a smaller "inner" Oscillatory
Chamber "I" to the empty interior of a
much larger "outer" Oscillatory Chamber
"O". Both chambers, i.e. inner "I" and
outer "O" have opposite orientation of
their magnetic poles (N, S). In the
result, their magnetic outputs subtract
from each other splitting themselves
into two magnetic streams. The first
"C" amongst these two streams
circulates just between both chambers,
while the second resultant "R" amongst
these two streams is yield to the
environment by such a twin-chamber
capsule. Thus these capsules allow
very precise control over all parameters
of the generated magnetic field. This is
why they are going to be used in propulsors
of the future
of all three generations - in this number also
"time vehicles".
(Click on this drawing to see it enlarged.)
Fig. #E2a (left):
The cubical "twin-chamber capsule" of the first
generation. It represents the basic arrangement
of two Oscillatory Chambers of the first generation
combined together in order to increase their
controllability. This capsule illustrates the general
principle of formation of such arrangements from
Oscillatory Chambers of all three generations. Namely,
all the twin-chamber capsules are formed from two
oppositely oriented chambers placed one inside
the other. Because of the need for free floating
of the inner (I) chamber suspended inside of the
empty outer (O) chamber, the side edges "a" of
both Oscillatory Chambers must meet strict
mathematical relationships - e.g. for the Oscillatory
Chambers of the first generation must meet the
equation (F9) from volume 2 of [1/5]: ao=ai(sqrt(3)).
(These relationships can later be verified and
confirmed on authentic photographs of UFOs -
e.g. see "Fig. #C9" on the web page
or on marks lefts on the ground during landings
of UFO vehicles - see "Fig. #G2" below on this
web page.) The resultant magnetic
field (R) yield to the environment from
these capsules is obtained as a difference
between outputs from two chambers having
opposite orientation of their magnetic poles.
The principles of formation of this resultant
field (R) are illustrated in "Fig. #E3". The
twin-chamber capsule allows full control over
all the attributes of the produced magnetic field.
In the twin-chamber capsules of the first generation
subjected to such a control are the following
properties of the resultant magnetic field (R):
(1) strength of the field (fluently controlled from
zero to maximum), (2) Period (T) or frequency
(f) of pulsations, (3) ratio of the amplitude of the
field's pulsations to its constant component
(ΔF/Fo - see also "Figure #C5" on the web page
(4) character of the field (i.e. constant, pulsating,
alternating), (5) field's variation in time (i.e. linear,
sinusoidal, beat type curves), (6) polarity (i.e. from
whichever side of the capsule the N and S poles
of the resultant field (R) prevail).
In turn in capsules of the second and third
generations controlled are also parameters of the
magnetic field that are to decide about the ability
to form telekinetic effect and changes in the elapse
of time (these parameters still remain unnamed by
present human science).
Symbols: O - outer chamber, I - inner chamber,
C - circulating flux trapped inside the capsule,
R - resultant flux yield from the capsule to the
Fig. #E2b (middle):
An octagonal twin-chamber capsule of the
second generation, shown in a side view.
It is composed of two Oscillatory Chambers
having octagonal cross-section, i.e. a smaller
inner chamber (I) and a larger outer chamber (O).
Fig. #E2c (right):
A 16-sided twin-chamber capsule of the
third generation, also shown in a side view.
It is composed of two Oscillatory Chambers
with 16-sided cross section, i.e. inner (I) and
outer (O). It is this capsule that will be used
in time vehicles to shift time back.
In order to enable a precise control over
the magnetic output generated by the Oscillatory
Chambers, in their practical application
always two such chambers are going to
be combined together into configurations
called "twin-chamber capsules". Such
configurations are shown and explained
in "Fig. #E2" above.
The most vital advantage of such "twin-chamber
capsules" will be their ability to strictly control of
all parameters of magnetic field yield to the environment
from such capsules (including the ability to control
over the changes in time, means over the curve, of
the resultant magnetic field "R"). The principle of this control
is explained in "Fig. #E3" below. On this Figure is shown
an example of principle used for controlling the resultant
magnetic field "R" so that the curve of changes in time
FR=f(t) of the resultant magnetic flux "FR" takes the
course that is a difference between courses of the fields
generated by inner "I" and outer "O" chambers. (In the
case shown in the discussed Figure generated is the
so-called "beat-type curve".) If frequencies of pulsations
of the field in both chambers of the capsule differ from
each other (e.g. when the inner chamber "I" generates
the flux "FI", the frequency of pulsations of which is e.g.
twice as high as the frequency of pulsations of the flux
"FO" generated by the outer chamber "O"), then the
algebraic subtraction of both these fluxes generates
the resultant flux "FR" (shown by curve "FR" on "Fig. #E3")
the fluctuations in time FR=f(t) of which occur according
to a "beat-type curve". In this manner can be obtained
a wide range of changes in the resultant flux "FR" through
just ordinary control over frequencies of pulsations in the
inner "I" and outer "O" chamber (or more strictly through
controlling over their period of pulsations "T" which is
linked to the frequencies "f" through the equation (F8)
from [1/5]: f=1/T). Equally simple becomes the generation
of the pulsating resultant flux "FR" which takes the shape
of any pulsating curve, as well as the alternating flux of
any shape. In each of such case the period of pulsations
of the resultant field can be controlled with the required
Fig. #E3 (i.e. F7 in [1/5]): Curves which
illustrate a principle of control over all parameters
of magnetic field generated by the configuration
of the "twin-chamber capsule" composed
from two Oscillatory Chambers of the same
(Click on this drawing in order to see it enlarged.)
Curves which illustrate the principle of combining
together the outputs from both chambers of the
twin-chamber capsule from "Fig. #E2a" into the
resultant flux "FR". The case of producing the
resultant flux whose variation in time reflects
a beat type curve is considered. The outer
chamber "O" produces the greater magnetic
flux "FN" whose variation in time (determined
at its north, "N" pole) is represented by the
curve "FO". The inner chamber "I" has the
opposite polar orientation - see "Fig. #E2".
Therefore in the direction NORTH where the
north, "N" pole of the outer chamber "O" prevails,
the inner one "I" extends its south, "S" pole.
The variation in time of the output "FS" from
this inner chamber "I" is represented by the
curve "FI". If two fluxes "FO" and "FI" of the
opposite polarity are combined together, the
resultant flux "FR" represents the difference
in their values: FR = FO - FI. This difference
of fluxes FR is yield outside the twin chamber
capsule forming resultant flux "FR". The entire
output "FI" of the inner chamber remains trapped
inside of the capsule as the circulating flux "C"
that circulates internally between the inner "I"
and outer "O" chambers. (Note that in further
deductions the shape of the resultant beat type
curve "FR" is roughly represented by pulsing
curves containing the constant component "FO"
and the pulsating component "ΔF" - see
also "Fig. #E2a".)
How the technically advanced "time vehicles" are going to look like:
Oscillatory Chambers of the third generation,
which are absolutely necessary for constructing
the time vehicles, are also a basic propelling
devices for interstellar spaceships of my own
invention, called the
Therefore, the logic indicates that in the
future both these kinds of vehicles will be
merged together, forming a kind of
Magnocrafts of the third generation
which will be capable of flying NOT only
in the space, but also in time - means
capable of flying in the so-called "convention
of time vehicles". The appearance of these
extraordinary time vehicles is shown in
"Fig. #F1" below.
Fig. #F1 (G1(a) in [1/5]):
The side appearance
of the interstellar spaceship called the
Magnocraft -
means also the side appearance of
a time vehicle. In order the above
Magnocraft of the first generation
is transformed into the Magnocraft
of the third generation capable of
flights in the "convention of time
vehicles", it suffices that its cubical
Oscillatory Chambers of the first
generation (visible above inside
of transparent spherical casings)
are exchanged into sixteen-sided
Oscillatory Chambers of the third
generation shown in "Fig. #E1c"
and "Fig. #E2c". It is worth to notice,
that at the moment when the above
Magnocraft would begin to work
like a time vehicle, its body would
be surrounded with an ideally spherical
ball of glowing space excited by the
magnetic field generated in its sixteen-sided
Oscillatory Chambers, which is capable
to "deform time". Through the glowing
volume of this ball still one could see
the unfocused outlines of the above
starship, especially bright-glowing
outlets from its Oscillatory Chambers.
The appearance of just such a glowing
ball of space excited to glow is described
below in item #F2 and shown on photographs
from "Fig. #G1".
(Click on this drawing to see it enlarged.)
The unique appearance of the characteristic ball of glowing space which was "deformed" with the magnetic field of time vehicles:
The principle of operation of time vehicles
is such, that their magnetic field acts as if
it "deforms" the space in which the shifting
time back takes place. This "deformed" space
assumes the appearance of a glowing sphere
(ball). In turn in the centre of such a glowing
ball are visible brightly lighted outlets from
Oscillatory Chambers of this vehicle. To
summarise, the work of time vehicles will
form an unique picture which every person
will be able to recognise easily. Examples
of photographs of this unique picture of time
vehicles captured in action are shown below
in "Fig. #G1".
The appearance of "time vehicles" and phenomena they induce drastically differ
from the appearance and phenomena formed by less advanced generations of
UFOs and
Already on a number of totaliztic web pages
was explained that flying vehicles with magnetic
propulsion system, such as
UFOs or
can fly on as many as three different principles.
The first generation of these vehicles flies on
principles of magnetic repulsion and attraction.
(Principles of flights for this first generation of
spaceship with magnetic propulsion system are
described comprehensively in chapter G from
volume 3 of my newest
monograph [1/5]
and in chapter F from volume 3 of my older
monograph [1/4] and
while briefly it is summarised on the totaliztic web page
The second generation of flying vehicles with
magnetic propulsion system flies on principles
of technically induced telekinesis.
(Principles of flights for this second generation of
spaceship with magnetic propulsion system are
described comprehensively in chapter M from
volume 11 of my newest
monograph [1/5],
while briefly it is summarised in item #F1.2 of the totaliztic web page
Only the third generation of flying vehicles with
magnetic propulsion system is flying on principles
of time travel. (Principles of flights for this third
generation of spaceship with magnetic propulsion
system are described comprehensively in chapter
N from volume 11 of
monograph [1/5],
while this web page is devoted, amongst others,
to a brief summary of these principles.) In other
words, "time vehicles" are only these starships
which belong to the most advanced, third generation
of magnetic space vehicles.
So, if someone has a sighting of such a magnetic
vehicle in flight, e.g. sees a UFO vehicle, then
from the point of view of probability it is possible
that it is NOT a "time vehicle" at all, but rather any
amongst these three generations of such spaceship.
Thus, a witness must yet establish which generation
is watching. This establishing is relatively easy, as
such vehicles differ amongst themselves not only
in several small technical details, but also in phenomena
which their flight induces. For example, propulsors
of "time vehicles" contain Oscillatory Chambers in
the shape of sixteen-sided rods (see "Fig. #E2c"
above) which clearly differ from cubes and octagons
of Oscillatory Chambers of the first and second
generations. In turn during flights "time vehicles"
are surrounded with ideally round sphere of glowing
space, which clearly differs from shaped like discs,
glowing spaces formed by vehicles of the first and
second generations. (How exactly look like shapes
and outlines of the space induced to glow by UFOs
of the first and second generations, is illustrated
on photographs from the web page
and also from chapter P in volume 14 of
monograph [1/5].)
Of course, flights of "time vehicles", especially their
taking off and landing, induce also various disturbances
in the normal elapse of time - which an inquisitive
eye witness usually also notices in his or her environment.
Some amongst these disturbances of the normal elapse
of time are described on the totaliztic web page
and also in subsection N4.1 from volume 11 of
monograph [1/5].
Part #G:
Sightings of already operational Magnocraft of the third generation - means UFO vehicles that fly in the convention of time travel:
Time vehicles are already sighted and photographed in their flights above the Earth:
Time vehicles are already sighted on the Earth.
Only that people call them "UFO vehicles".
Examples of photographs of time vehicles
are shown in "Fig. #G1" of this web page,
as well as in "Fig. #F2a" from the totaliztic web page
explain.htm - about scientific interpretation of authentic photographs of UFOs.
In turn descriptions of time vehicles, supplemented
with their photographs, are presented in chapter N
from volume 11 of my newest
monograph [1/5]
and in subsection C9 of the Polish
treatise [4c].
More information about reasons for which time
vehicles are sighted and even photographed on
the Earth, is provided in item #F1 from the web page named
in item #L2 from the web page named
as well as in almost the entire separate web page named
evil.htm - about origins of evil on the Earth.
In turn a formal scientific proof that these time
vehicles are real and material technical devices,
is presented on the web page
ufo_proof.htm - about formal scientific proofs for the existence of UFOs.
Fig. #G1a-d (M1(a) in [1/5]):
Illustration of the appearance of time vehicles
at the moment when they carry out a jump
to another point in time. Such time
vehicles operate already on the
Earth for a long time, only that people
call them UFOs. Photographs (b) to
(d) show just such UFOs operating
as time vehicles. On photographs of
these vehicles clearly visible is a sphere
of space excited to glow by energy
of vibrations of magnetic field of
these UFOs. In the centre of this
sphere visible are outlines of
discoidal UFOs with glowing outlets
from Oscillatory Chambers assembled
in propulsors of these vehicles.
(Click on any of these photographs to see it enlarged or to shift it to another area of the screen.)
Fig. #G1a (top-left):
A drawing which explains what actually becomes
visible on photographs of time vehicles. As this
drawing illustrates, photos of time vehicles typically
capture round sphere of space excited to glow
by the energy of vibrations of magnetic field of
this vehicle. This sphere is marked with the symbol
"E" (from English "Energy"). This energy spreads
uniformly in all directions from the main propulsor
of a given time vehicle, behaving similarly like
thermal energy (after all, heat is also a kind of
vibrations). The time vehicle itself marked with
the symbol "TV" (from English "Time Vehicle")
hovers as if hidden inside of this sphere of glowing
space. The drawing shows it in the standing
position. Because of the low transparency of
the sphere, usually most clearly in this time
vehicle are visible outlets from Oscillatory
Chambers of its propulsors.
Fig. #G1b (top-right):
Black-white photograph of time vehicle which flies
in the standing position (i.e. with its floor directed
down, while main propulsor – directed up). The
unique for this photograph is, that apart from the
sphere excited to glow by the energy of vibrations
of magnetic field, the photograph captured also
the relatively clear outlines of discoidal UFO hovering
in the centre of this sphere.
Fig. #G1c (down-left):
A photograph of a UFO of third generation which flies
in a hanging position (i.e. when the main propulsor is
pointed down, while floor is pointed up) and in so-called
"convention of time travel". It clearly shows the sphere
of space induced to glow by powerful vibrations of the
magnetic field of this vehicle, with glowing white outlets
of side propulsors of this vehicle. This spherical excited
("deformed") space distinguishes the appearance of
UFOs which fly as time vehicles, from telekinetic and
purely magnetic UFOs. In order to learn and notice
these differences in the appearance, it is worth to
have also a look at web pages
explain.htm - about scientific interpretation of authentic photographs of UFOs and
ufo_proof.htm - about formal scientific proofs for the existence of UFOs.
These web pages show the appearance of UFOs flying
in all three conventions, namely (1) magnetic, (2) telekinetic,
and (3) time vehicles. Photographs of UFOs flying in all
these conventions are also included to PDF versions of the Polish
treatise [4c]
(see subsection C9 in there), and
monograph [1/5]
(see subsections P2, T2, and N3.1).
Fig. #G1d (down-right):
Still another photograph of a UFO that flies in the
standing position and in the convention of time
vehicle. Again is visible this unique sphere of
glowing space excited by energy of vibrations
of the magnetic field of this vehicle, together
with white glows of outlets from side propulsors
of this space vehicle.
Sightings of UFOs which operate in the "convention of time vehicles" are sources of precious data which allow us to build our time vehicles much faster:
Fig. #G2 (S3 in [1/5]): A reflection of the
"Oscillatory Chamber" from UFOs left on the ground.
The above example illustrates how scientific research
on UFOs can help us in much faster completion
of our own interstellar spaceship - in this case,
in completion of
Magnocrafts of the first generation, type K5.
I have chosen this particular example, because
it does NOT require much explanations to illustrate
its high usefulness and to prove the direct link
between UFOs and the subject of my research.
However, photographs of UFOs working in the
"convention of time vehicles" also hide numerous
data and clues, only that explaining these here
would require long descriptions and a lot of theory.
(Click on the above photograph to see it enlarged.)
The above photograph shows magnetically
scorched grass from a "landing site" of a UFO
of the first generation, type K5, oriented in
a "hanging position" (i.e. with its dome directed
towards the ground). In the centre of this UFO landing
site is visible a square mark which perfectly illustrates
parameters of the outlet from the twin-chamber
capsule of central propulsor in this UFO. This
capsule has the design explained in "Fig. #E2a".
In order to illustrate dimensions of this mark,
near it is placed a white "reference ring" of an
exactly one meter in diameter - the arrow of which
points at the magnetic north. This square mark
from the twin-chamber capsule of the first generation,
scorched magnetically in the grass by the magnetic
field bursting to the environment from outlets of
this capsule, provides us with a whole range of
quantitative data that allow us to verify the validity
of my theories concerning the design and operation of the
Oscillatory Chamber,
as well as the design and operation of the interstellar
spaceship called the
Magnocraft -
which utilises this Oscillatory Chamber for propelling
purposes. For example, this mark allows to determine
exact dimensions of the Oscillatory Chambers from the
central capsule of this UFO type K5, it allows to determine
that during the landing this capsule operated in so-called
"mode of the outer chamber prevalence", and also allows to
confirm that both Oscillatory Chambers from twin-chamber
capsule used in this UFO fulfil the equation (F9) from [1/5]
used in "Fig. #E2a" above - of the form: ao=ai(sqrt(3)).
Please notice that the above photograph is also
shown and explained on the web page
in "Fig. #H1" from the web page
as well as in chapter S from volume 15 of monograph [1/5].
Part #H:
The characteristics and limitations of the "imprisoned immortality" accomplished by the repetitive shifting back in time:
The reader will notice from descriptions in
this part, that I use names and expressions
which we know from religions and from the
so that I can vividly describe with their use
various phenomena and capabilities which
are to reveal themselves after people build
my Time Vehicles. Examples of such names
and expressions include: the "final judgement",
the "everlasting life", the "everlasting happiness",
the "everlasting hell", the "rising of people
from graves", etc. Of course, I could invent
completely new names for phenomena
and ideas that hide behind these names and
phrases. But then such completely new
names would be rather difficult to remember
and would require additional explanations.
Furthermore, their use in relation to situations
which people can also induce technically with
the "Time Vehicles" that they are to build,
illustrates excellently the thesis which is repeated
on a number of my internet web pages, namely
the thesis, that "without
the learning of construction and operation of Time
Vehicles, people are NOT able to truly understand
God nor the Bible" - for example of
this thesis see items #H1.1 and #C3 from the web page named
Therefore, for naming these phenomena and ideas,
I use various religious and biblical terms which almost
everyone already knows very well. But it is worth
to notice that I do NOT do this reuse of names for
religious reasons, but mainly for practicality,
rationality, and appropriateness of the use of
names which are already well known to everyone.
Yet, I also recognise (and emphasize in item
#H10 below) that it is highly meaningful that
so many biblical names are turning out
to be appropriate for describing futuristic
situations of people who use time vehicles.
I am also aware, that phenomena which I
am describing below, reveal to us mechanisms
and requirements that are also to appear
when after the God's "final judgement" God
opens for the imperfect people the access
to immortality and to everlasting life. Thus,
the descriptions below reply also many questions
of the "why" type - which are very difficult
to reply without the knowledge of phenomena
that are described here. For example, they
provide a reply to the question "why after the
God's "final judgement", Jesus opens the access
to the everlasting life in His flying city to only so
small number of highly moral people, as this is
estimated in item #C4 from this web page?" (e.g.
only to a "hundred and forty-four thousand" = 144 000).
What is this
"imprisoned immortality":
Time vehicles described on this web page,
which operate on principles of the deformation
of magnetic fields, allow to come true the
oldest dream of people. This dream is
to accomplish infinitively long life. The principle
of giving to the users of these time vehicles
the infinitively long lives is relatively simple.
It boils down to a repetitive shifting a given
person back in time during the final part
of his or her life. The person is shifted back
in time to the period when this person was
young. In turn after this someone is
shifted back in time, this person remembers
his or her previous lives from previous passages
of times, in exactly the same manner as if the
living was continued through a normal elapse of
time. Therefore people shifted back in
time with a time vehicle again to years of their
youth, still remember their previous part of
life that they led as older people. In this way
they are able to relive through their life any
number of times, remembering each
passage through it. So actual building
of time vehicles gives people who have
these vehicles in their disposal, a taste
of accomplishing the immortality.
This form of immortality, accomplished through
such repetitive shifting back in time, has however
a limitation, which makes "prisoners of their own
times" all these ones who utilise it. Means, these
people may live infinitively long in total. However,
their lives always remain limited to the same period
of time. For example, they can only return back
in time to the date, which must be later than their
date of birth. They can also move forward in
time no more than to the date when the died
naturally. Thus, the outcome of this repetitive
shifting back in time is a kind of "imprisoned
immortality". Furthermore, during every
shifting back in time, these people can take with
them mainly their memories. (They take also with
them everything that is resulting from their memory,
namely their knowledge, life experience, character,
weaknesses, prejudices, etc. - see items #H2 and
#H3 of this web page.) But they are unable to take with
them anything else (material) - that they did not
have already in times to which they just are returning.
Thus, if e.g. in older age they meet some necessary
technical device, which in times of their youth was
not invented yet, or they had a favourite cat or
beloved soul-mate which they got to know only
in the final phase of their life, then after shifting
back in time they loose all this and are forced to
do without it until the time when they meet it again
in the later phase of their life. (They can also
not meet it at all - if in a new passage of time they
choose a different path through the life than the
path which they followed in the previous passage
through time.) Such a limitation and consequences
of this "imprisoned immortality" accomplished
via time vehicles working on the principle of
deformation of magnetic fields described here,
impose a special kind of psychological strain
onto people who utilise it. In the result of this
strain, not for all people this "imprisoned immortality"
turns out to be a blessing. Some people, especially
those who practice in life the philosophy called
actually can perceive it as a kind of curse. Means,
they will not be able to resist using repetitively this
form of immortality - like it was an addiction, but it is
going to make them increasingly more unhappy.
If a given consumer of the "imprisoned immortality"
practices in his or her life the philosophy called
and has a good fortune to live in a totaliztic
civilisation, then this form of immortality becomes
a true blessing for him or for her. After all, due to
leading a pedantically moral life, such someone
is going to maintain the state of
the entire his or her life through. So he or she
is continually happy, cheerful, and optimistic.
Everything satisfies him or her, while his or her
soul is not forcing him or her to seek anything
better than whatever is already there. Furthermore,
such someone continually tries to improve his or
her morality, goodness, and the level of perfection.
Thus, together with the accumulation of the knowledge
and life experience, such someone becomes increasingly
productive for his or her surroundings. All others appreciate
him or her increasingly more and always want him
or her to be with them forever. In the result, for
members of totaliztic civilisations the accomplishing of
the "imprisoned immortality" described here is a
blessing which allows them to lead infinitively long
and indescribably happy lives. Slightly more
about the "everlasting happiness" that members
of such civilisations then experience, is explained
in item #H2 of this web page, as well as in item
#H2 of a separate web page about
In fact, for these people such limited form of immortality
in practice turns out to be equally perfect and effective
as the true immortality described in item #J1 of this web
page. However, the key for such an imprisoned
immortality to become a blessing, is the ability of
people to maintain themselves in the state of continuous
In turn, to be able to continually earn for themselves this
it is absolutely essential that these people live in
the society which practices the philosophy of
However, if a given user of the "imprisoned
immortality" practices in his or her life the
philosophy called
and also lives in a parasitic society, than this limited
form of immortality with the elapse of time turns
out to be a kind of curse for him or for her. After all,
the life in a parasitic society makes impossible for
him or her to accomplish a nirvana. In turn without
a nirvana, such someone is all time pulled apart by
desires and needs impossible to be satisfied, which
eat him or her alive. Because such someone never
is able to have everything that is continually desiring,
with the elapse of time these unsatisfied desires make
permanent changes in his or her psychological
makeup. On the other hand, in spite of shifting back
in time, the psychology, memory, and needs of such
people remain unchanged. Also, as their longevity
progresses, their attributes and character becomes
increasingly evil and unpleasant. So a time arrives
one day, when they become too uncontrollable and
too unbearable to other their countrymen, while their
life becomes a kind of hell. Thus either themselves
voluntarily, or with a delicate push by their countrymen
who cannot tolerate their unpleasantness anymore,
their life is terminated - in spite that they could live
infinitively. In the result for members of a parasitic
civilisation, the accomplishing of an "imprisoned immortality"
described here is a kind of disguised curse and cheat,
which theoretically could give them infinitively long
lives, but which in practice drowns them in suffering
and hell of increasingly higher unsatisfied desires,
increasingly less fulfilled ambitions, and increasingly
more powerful feeling of unhappiness, and thus
which sooner or later must be terminated with a
death. Slightly more about the "everlasting
hell" that members of such civilisations then
experience, is explained in item #H3 of this
web page, as well as in item #H3 of a separate
web page about
So in fact, in civilisations which practice parasitism,
this imprisoned immortality - similarly as
everything else that they accomplish, is only a kind
of illusion, cunningness, and theory. In practice, life of
each citizen of such civilisations is limited and always
finishes with a death, only that lasts a bit longer than
it would normally, and that it spreads amongst all
involved much more destruction and suffering
than it should. However, what is even worst,
with the progressing number of subsequent
repetitions of lives by citizens of such parasitic
civilisations, the level of immorality, unsatisfied
desires, and the feeling of unhappiness in these
citizens is increasingly growing. In the result,
such a civilisation with the elapse of time must
blow itself up - as this is explained in item #H5
below of this web page.
Because of this ability of imprisoned immortality,
to push the civilisation which uses it into the grip
of "everlasting hell", at this point I have an appeal
to our descendants who will build time vehicles.
Namely, I beg them that under
NO excuse they may allow to shift back in time
a person which at the moment of shifting is unable
to prove that just experiences nirvana.
An example of civilisation which right now experiences
such imprisoned immortality are these
evil UFOnauts
who secretly occupy our planet, while whose
time vehicles are shown in item #G1 of this web
What is this
"everlasting happiness"
accomplished due to time vehicles:
"The expression 'everlasting happiness' is also a simplest description of the situation
when inhabitants of a totaliztic civilisation who mastered the skill of maintaining a continuous
use time vehicles for repetitive renewal of their physical bodies, accomplishing
in this manner immortality which becomes an everlasting time of indescribable happiness."
The new "totaliztic science" defines the
human-induced "everlasting happiness"
as a situation which users of the so-called
time vehicles
accomplish at the moment when they
acquire the ability to generate the
"imprisoned immortality" described
in item #H1, and they implement this
immortality in conditions when every
inhabitant of their civilisation
maintains the state of continuous
throughout the entire duration of his or
her life. As we remember, this "imprisoned
immortality" depends on repetitive shifting
back in time to the years of youth of this
person, and on reliving the entire his or
her life an infinitive number of times. If this
repetitive shifting back in time to years
of the youth is carried out when someone
previously already accomplished the
state of the
totaliztic nirvana,
then such a person is going to live
infinitively long, while being very happy
all time along. This is because of this
continual happiness during infinitive period
of time that such a situation is named
the "everlasting happiness".
Because civilisations which practice this
"everlasting happiness" act pedantically
morally regarding practically everything,
in subsequent repetitions of their lives
they can choose increasingly more perfect
variants of their conduct. After all, when they
behave pedantically morally, then by a change
of variants of their behaviour in subsequent
repetitions of their lives that do not spoil the
general course which their civilisation is
following. Therefore, one amongst attributes
of "everlasting happiness" is that participants
of it not only live forever, but additionally
in every repetition of their lives they may
choose a different path through their lives.
Much wider descriptions and explanations
concerning this "everlasting happiness" are
provided in item #B7, #B10 and #E1 from a
separate web page
timevehicle.htm - about time vehicles.
Explanations why the expression "everlasting
happiness" in fact relates to our "physical
life", not to the "fate of our soul after the death"
is presented in item #J3.3 from the web page
soul_proof.htm - about evidence which proves the existence of souls.
In turn explanations as to what exactly is this
"imprisoned immortality", and how we are
going to accomplish it in the future, are
provided in item #B7 of that web page
timevehicle.htm - about time vehicles.
What is this
"everlasting hell" (or "eternal persecution")
caused by immoral use of time vehicles:
The described here, human-induced version
of the "everlasting hell", can be described as
a situation, which members of the civilisations
that already have
time vehicles
accomplish at the moment when they
acquire the ability to generate the
"imprisoned immortality" described
in item #H1, and when they
implement this immortality without
previous maintaining in themselves
the state of continuous
As this is explained in item #H1 above,
such an "imprisoned immortality" depends
on the repetitive shifting a given person
back in time after each becoming old.
But after each such shifting back in time
to the years of his or her youth, the memory
of this person, as well as habits, personality,
character, envy, evilness, etc., remain the
same as they were when this person was
old. In the result, because of this repetitive
shifting back in time to years of the youth
without previous accomplishing the state of the
totaliztic nirvana,
the level of evilness of such a civilisation
is continually growing. After all, they are
lacking the nirvana which would exert
its saving impact on them. This is because
nirvana changes the character and
personality of people who just experience
it. Such people in nirvana become
extremely nice in companionship,
indescribably friendly, helpful, daring,
loving, always satisfied with everything, etc.
In turn in the lack of this nirvana, all
members of this "nirvana free" civilisation create
mutually to themselves a kind of continuous
hell, and are extremely unhappy all the
time. But they still are unable to resist
the temptation to shift back in time after
each reaching an old age, and to relive
their life again and again, even if this
turns to result in life of misery and
unhappiness, and even if each such
shifting back in time makes them even
more unhappy. Thus such infinitive
repetition of someone's life which makes
this person increasingly more unhappy,
totalizm calls the "everlasting hell".
Civilisations which just experience such "everlasting
hell" are forced to impose a huge number of
restrictions onto their members. These restrictions
concern the selection of actions which they
are allowed to undertake during each subsequent
repetition of their lives. This is because, if they
for example use slaves from the Earth, they
are not allowed to enable these slaves to free
from UFOnauts that occupy their planet.
Therefore the life in "everlasting hell" allows
to keep shifting back in time infinitive number
of times, but after each such a shifting back
each immortal member of these civilisations
do not have a choice how is allowed to act.
He or she must act in a way as other members
of this civilisation order him or her to act.
This practically means, that even after they
return to the time of their youth for over 1000
times, they still must again and again go to the
same school, write the same tests, accept the
same bullying of increasingly immoral colleagues,
meet the same people, loose the same dog,
etc., etc. Notice, however, that such a boring
repetition of the same life thousands of times
does not need to be taken by participants of
the "everlasting happiness" described in previous
item #H2 - who in each repetition can change
their path through the life.
In order to vividly illustrate for us consequences
of such "everlasting hell", God highly realistically
"simulates" for us the
evil UFOnauts
who behave as if they secretly occupy our planet, while
whose time vehicles are shown in item #G1 of this
web page. There is a film made in 1993, entitled
"Groundhog Day".
The scenario for this film was probably written
either by a UFOnaut who uses time vehicle for
such a repetitive shifting back in time and for
reliving the same day and events, or by someone
whom such a UFOnaut explained how it feels
such a repetitive reliving the same events. This
is because the film perfectly reflects the feelings
and fate of a given participant of such "everlasting
hell", who must relive again exactly the same
events infinitive number of times. In this film
Bill Murray plays a television reporter, who via
a time vehicle (NOT shown on the film) is repetitively
shifted back to a beginning of the same day.
Because it is his time being repetitively shifted back
by a time vehicle, he remembers exactly all previous
events and versions of the same day. However,
all other actors from this film, including Andie
MacDowell and Chris Elliot, represent us, people,
who live through a given day in a natural (first)
passage of time without being shifted back by
a time vehicle. Because for us the same day is
lived for the first time in a natural course of our
time, we do not remember subsequent repetitions
of it. Therefore for us people everything that happens
during such repetitions of the same time is always
happening for the first time. In total the film represents
a perfect illustration for numerous aspects of the "imprisoned
immortality" practiced without reaching a nirvana.
For example, it illustrates perfectly which capabilities
of the shifting back in time the immoral aliens (e.g.
UFOnauts) are able to utilise for accomplishing various
material benefits. It also illustrates the experimental
"method of trials and errors" enforced via such
repetitive shifting back in time, with the use of which
UFOnauts are able to solve for their own benefit
practically every situation that they encounter in
life. The film shows as well why, and in what manner,
such an "everlasting hell" is practically also a kind
of refined torture for these ones who experience it
through the technical shifting back in time without
previous accomplishing a nirvana. Of course, in
reality lives of UFOnauts are much more sinister
than it is shown on this mild film.
Much wider descriptions and explanations
concerning this "everlasting hell" are
provided in items #B7, #B10 and #E1 from
a separate web page
timevehicle.htm - about time vehicles.
Explanations why the expression "everlasting
hell" in fact relates to our "physical life",
not to the "fate of our soul after the death"
is presented in item #J3.2 from the web page
soul_proof.htm - about evidence which proves the existence of souls.
In turn explanations as to what is
this "imprisoned immortality", are
provided in item #B7 of that web page
timevehicle.htm - about time vehicles.
What is this
"everlasting life"
induced by time vehicles:
The new "totaliztic science" defines the induced
by human version of "everlasting life", as
a life which is repeated infinitive number of
times after mastering the ability to shift time
back to years of one's youth carried out with
the use of technical devices called the
time vehicles.
Such an "everlasting life" are earning members
of all these civilisations which accomplished
so high level of their technology, that they build
time vehicles.
On a separate web page which describes these
time vehicles, it is explained that if the humanity
was not so much preoccupied with negation of
obvious matters nor implementing the so-called
curse of inventors
against the most creative people it has,
but rather would allow me to complete
my inventions and to prove my creativity
practically instead of continually making me
redundant from the job,
then such "time vehicles" could be build not later
than within the neared 50 years. Means that people
could accomplish such "everlasting lives" not later
than in around 50 years from now. But because
after these "time vehicles" are build, an unique
phenomenon takes place which will "shift back
in time the skill of constructing time vehicles"
(described below), practically this means that
in such a case the generations of people which
live on the Earth already now could experience
this "everlasting life".
There is a serious problem which is connected
with this "everlasting life". The problem depends
on the fact, that people who practice this "everlasting
life" can live forever, however their everlasting
living depends on infinitive shifting back in time
to years of their youth. Thus in practice they are
always tied to the same times. Therefore this
version of the everlasting life is called by totalizm
the "imprisoned immortality". But independently
from such "imprisoned immortality" there is also
"true immortality". But the true one is accomplished
with the use of superior time vehicles which work
on completely different principle of operation.
These superior time vehicles are extremely
difficult for building. For example, the UFOnauts
who secretly occupy the Earth and whose time
vehicles are shown in "Fig. #G1" of this web page,
are still unable to build such superior time vehicles,
although all date indicate that ordinary time
vehicles which allow the "imprisoned immortality"
they have and use for at least around 100
thousand years. In order to be able to build
such superior time vehicles, a given civilisation
must be able to release a huge doze of
creativity - what is only possible if all members
of it pedantically obey so-called
moral laws.
Therefore the chance for earning the true immortality
obtain only civilisations which choose the path
of light and life precisely according to the intentions
of universal intellect - i.e. the life that is recommended
by the philosophy of
Present civilisation of humans is very far from
getting any chance for such a "true immortality".
After all, in the present human civilisation the
dominating philosophy is the
which is an exact opposite of totalizm.
"non-existing existence" of evil civilisations the inhabitants
of which practice the "imprisoned immortality" without accomplishing previously a
Accomplishing the
totaliztic nirvana
turns out to be the decisive factor which
determines the further fate of every
civilisation that reached the level of the
"imprisoned immortality". If a given
civilisation creates in itself such a moral
climate, that every member of this civilisation
continually maintains the state of totaliztic
nirvana, then members of this civilisation
live infinitively long while being infinitively
happy. Furthermore, with the elapse of
time they earn for themselves the true
immortality described in item #J1 of this
web page. But if a given civilisation begins
to repetitively shift back in time its members
without making sure that each of the shifted
back in fact acquired the ability to earn and
to continually maintain the state of totaliztic
nirvana, then the moral level of this civilisation
begins to drop, until this civilisation become the
indescribably evil - as I explained this in item
#H3 of this web page. In turn such an evil
civilisation after a number of shifts back in
time all its members finally blows itself up.
After all, with each such a shift back members
of this civilisation become increasingly more
unhappy and increasingly more evil towards
each other, but they simultaneously have
increasingly more powerful tools of destruction.
In turn at the moment when they actually blow
themselves up, the laws that govern over time
cause that the universe transforms in such a
manner as if this particular civilisation never
existed at all. Because for such a satanic
civilisations it is only a matter of number of
repetitions of the life of their members before
they actually blow themselves up, in fact these
satanic civilisations which practice the "imprisoned
immortality" supposedly do exist and supposedly
carry out their evil, but in fact they are already
non-existent - means they live in a kind of timely
"black hole". So each member of these evil civilisations
takes part in a kind of the "non-existent existence".
Means, this member does exist until the moment
in time when his civilisation blows itself up, then it
turns out that in fact he never existed. This is because
in the universe there will be no sign of his existence
and activity. Because through the repetitive shifting back
in time, his existence is like suspended in the same
point of time, in which later it turns out that he never
existed, the existence of every member of this civilisation
is as if he or she really never existed.
Very interesting is the natural mechanism with
the use of which this "non-existing existence"
of members of evil civilisations which practice
the imprisoned immortality is implemented.
This mechanism in itself is so extraordinary, that
it bits all the "paradoxes of time travel" which
were invented by authors of "science fiction"
and which are described in item #C3 of the
web page
In order to realise here at least the
most vital points why it is extraordinary, now I
explain briefly what it is about. If we would to
com pare to something a civilisation like ours,
which still does NOT have time vehicles, then
a good comparison would be a mole
which makes its passage under the ground.
Similarly as for this mole, in such civilisation
at any moment of time exists and lives only
a short number of generations, which make
changes in the universe which surrounds
them and thus leave behind a trail which
certifies that they existed. Behind them on the
path which they passed lives nor exists nothing
apart of marks of their activities. Similarly in front
of them also exists nothing. So when any ancestor
of this "mole" rapidly gets crazy and decides
to blow himself up, he would NOT be able to
do this for a simple reason that he would be
dead for a long time. Means, in such a civilisation
of mere mortals ancestors are NOT a threat
to anyone.
But a completely different situation
is in a civilisation which already uses time
vehicles. If we would also seek a comparison
that would describe such a civilisation
that already practices the imprisoned
immortality, then the best comparison
would be a tapeworm. The head of
this tapeworm is this particular generation
which build the first time vehicle, and to which
applies the human version of expression the "final judgement"
explained in item #H8 of this web page. Every
next segment of this tapeworm is a generation
of this civilisation which was born from the
previous generation that already have time
vehicles. So similarly like a tapeworm, this
civilisation at any moment of time does exist
on the entire its length. Means, in every moment
of time not only the descendants do exist, but also
all the ancestors starting from the moment when
time vehicles entered the public use. After all,
these ancestors are also immortal. Only that
at very end of this "tapeworm" - which is opposite
to the head hooked in a single point of time,
periodically new segments are growing
which represent next new generations of
members of this civilisation. So when in the
result of drop in the level of morality, any segment
of this tapeworm blows itself up, then disappears
not only this segment, but also all other segments
which were born after this particular one. After all,
these next segments existed only because this
blown up segment did exist previously. In such
civilisation which uses time vehicles ancestors
represent the same threat as a given generation.
At any moment of time these ancestors can
blow themselves up. In this way they blow up
also all these who were born from them and
who started their immortal lives from them.
Thus in such an immortal civilisation each
generation of owners of time vehicles like
"lives on mercy" of their own ancestors.
Independently from this web page, the topic
of "non-existing existence" is also discussed
(although from different points of view) at totaliztic
web pages
god.htm - about scientific and secular understanding of God
(see there item #D7), and also
parasitism.htm - about the philosophy of parasitism
(see there item #E5).
The phenomenon of
"shifting back in time the skills to construct time vehicles"
caused by the use of time vehicles:
The phenomenon of this "shifting back in time
the skills to construct time vehicles" results
from the very nature of these vehicles. Namely,
after these vehicles are build, they are able to
shift back in time their own builders, while the
entire memory and knowledge is maintained
by these builders. In turns, after these builders
are shifted back in time, time vehicles can be
build much earlier than originally. Simultaneously
social pressures will be exerted onto these
builders, to build the vehicles much earlier.
After all, such earlier construction of these
vehicles is going to save from the death much
higher number of people. In the result, the
process of such shifting back in time of the
date when these vehicles are constructed
will gradually be carried out until the times
when it is blocked by the view of the world
of people who live in given times (i.e. by the
"curse of inventors"). I personally
believe, that this blocking by views of people
is to take place somewhere on the border
of my generation. Judging from the difficulties
and persecution which my university superiors
and colleagues piled in front of me when I tried
to carry out officially the research which a
small portion I am describing on this web page,
when this phenomenon of shifting back in time
the skills to construct time vehicles finally arrives
to the inventor of these vehicles, means to myself,
in fact this "curseof inventors" will make impossible
any further shifting it back by even one more
generation of people.
An interesting feature of the phenomenon of "shifting
back in time skills of building time vehicles", which
is described here, is that this skill is to display
the tendency to take an
elite character.
This mean, that it is NOT going to be implemented
in the same way as the construction of the first time
vehicles - which will have to be conducted officially,
with the knowledge of the entire society, and by a
sizable research and development team described
in item #J3 from the web page named
After all, those ones who learn the technology of building
time vehicles, will then be able to build them almost alone,
with only a small effort and resources. This is because
they will have the knowledge how to build them already
accumulated, so the only thing that will remain for them
to figure out will be how to complete this building with
the use of increasingly imperfect tools and materials.
(As an example of the smallness of such effort and resources
needed then, note from item #D3 of the web page named
or from item #F2 of the web page named
that the most important component of time vehicles,
which is the
"Oscillatory Chamber",
were able to build even ancient Israelites - after they received
the required knowledge.) Therefore, this regression
of skills of building time vehicles - after the first
such vehicle is completed, later can be continued
by only a small group of people which in secrecy
from rest of the society will repeatedly shift back
themselves and their loved ones to years of their
youth in order to build their time vehicles each time
earlier and earlier. In turn keeping this efforts in secrecy
from the rest of people will allow this group of builders
to accomplish many benefits and to avoid numerous
problems. Thus is almost certain, that this process
will be implemented in just such secretive and elite
manner. For example, the secrecy will allow them to
avoid the so-called "impeders" - i.e. people who do
NOT deserve immortality, who refuse to accomplish
nirvana before being shifted back in time to years of
their youth, who will NOT be able to assist in the
construction of time vehicles, but who could block the
progress of builders that implement this shifting back
of technology, by directing at them the destructive
powers of the "curse of inventors", etc. (So
it should NOT be a surprise, if for example, sightings
described in items #D6 and #D6.1 from this web page,
were reports from someone's accidental encounters
with participants of just such very elite group of
builders who act in absolute secrecy already now.)
Therefore, I encourage these readers, who would
like to take part someday in the work of such an
elite group of builders, to already now somehow
show that they practice and disseminate totalizm, to
keep helping me in my research and in dissemination
of my results in any way that lies in their capabilities,
and to repeatedly maintain a contact with me - as
this is explained in item #H10 from this web page,
and in item #F2 from the different web page named
After all, the more widely someone is to disseminate
today the knowledge about totalizm and about the work
of time vehicles, the greater is probability, that the
future builders of these vehicles are to secretly
turn to him or her in the manner described here.
How time vehicles are also going to cause the "rising of people from graves":
"If you wish to belong to an elite group of people which in the result of 'shifting back' the technology
of building time vehicles are going to be returned to the everlasting life, you must already now become
known as a person who actively promotes moral live and who is a role model for a moral behaviour."
The building of time vehicles on Earth is
going to cause an extraordinary phenomenon
of "shifting back in time of the technology of
building time vehicles" - i.e. the phenomenon
already mentioned in item #H6. This shifting
back of technology is going to manifest itself
in such a manner, that each time bodies
of builders of these vehicles are returned
to the time of their youth, time vehicles are
going to be build several years earlier.
This increasingly earlier building of time
vehicles is going to be caused by two
factors. Firstly, each time after the
builders of time vehicles are moved
back in time, they will perfectly remember
from the previous lives how to build
these vehicles. So they are going to be
able to build them faster, means also
earlier. Secondly, their purely human feelings
to those their close ones, who died only
because time vehicles were still unavailable,
will mobilise them to undertake even more intense
efforts to build time vehicles much earlier.
In the result of these two factors, the date when
time vehicles become build, is going to be
gradually moved backward. Of course, this
movement backward is going to have a limit,
which is to be defined by the view of the
world in people who gradually are going to
be called to the earlier building of time vehicles.
I estimate, that this limiting view of the world is
going to be placed at my (and ours) generation
of people. After all, it is my (and ours) generation
of people that was the first on Earth which began to
use computers. Thus, it is also going to be the earliest
generation on the Earth, which will be susceptible
to the mobilisation from future generations to
initiate earlier the building of time vehicles. In
fact, from various own "recalls from the future"
I suspect, that I am going to be included during
one of these future passages of time into a team
which is going to build time vehicles at an earlier
Because of this increasingly earlier building of
time vehicles, an extraordinary phenomenon
is going to take place on the Earth. Namely, some
people who in "normal" passage of time will be
forced to die - because during their "normal" life
time vehicles were still not build, after the earlier
building of time vehicles they become rapidly
returned to life. Thus, such shifting back in time
of the technology of building time vehicles is going
to have this consequence, that many people
who already died, rapidly "raise up from their
graves". Of course, this "rising up from graves"
will have a different character that we typically
imagine it from descriptions in the Bible. In
reality these people will awake like from a long
dream and then they will continue their lives
normally like nothing has happened. In turn,
after such waking up they will discover, that
their bodies are already younger than they
remember having them before the death.
Only the memory of many out of them will
still remember that they already died some
time before. All people who in this manner
will "raise from graves" will NOT die again
later, but will live forever repetitively shifted
back in time after each reaching of a more
senior time - as it is described in item #H1
of this web page.
Unfortunately, this "rising people from graves"
is going to have a selective (elite) character.
This means that NOT everyone is going to be
returned to life within the scope of generations
which will be included into this shifting back the
technology of building time vehicles. Namely,
only these people who let themselves know as
either giving to others examples of moral lives,
or become famous amongst others with their
fight for the spread of morality, will selectively
be returned to life (i.e. only these people, the
level of morality in which is going to provide a
guarantee, that they are able to earn the totaliztic
for themselves). The reason for such an elite
character of these returned to life, will be the
"final judgement" which is explained in item #H8
of this web page. Namely, if the verdict of this
final judgement will be the "everlasting happiness"
for the humanity, then only moral people will be
returned to life during this shifting back the
technology of time vehicles. In other words,
the returned to such everlasting lives will be
exclusively people who with their normal lives
give their successors the guarantee, that
after the return to life they are NOT going to spoil this
verdict with their immoral behaviour. In turn if the
verdict of the final judgement will be the "everlasting
hell", then again the returned to life will be only moral
people. The reason is that the future generations
which then already will taste how this hell actually
feels like, will exert an enormous pressure on these
their ancestors, who are going to implement the
shift back of the time vehicles' technology. Their
pressure will request to return to life only moral
people, or people who fought for morality on Earth.
This is because by returning to life only moral
people, these our descendants who will be
sentenced to the "imprisoned immortality" will obtain
a chance, that the previous verdict of the "final
judgement" may become somehow invalidated
and changed into the "everlasting happiness". So the
outcome will be such, that independently of the verdict
of the "final judgement" described in item #H8 below,
returned to life always will be exclusively moral people.
So if you, the reader, just in case, wish to be included
into this elite group of selected people, then already
now you need to let others know yourself as a person
leading a very moral life, and also you need to show
to others, that you actively fight to allow the morality
to prevail on our planet.
The phenomenon of "rising of dead from graves"
is also described briefly in item #H5 from the web
god.htm - about scientific and secular understanding of God.
The court-hearing of the human version of the "final judgement"
just started on Earth - and you are the judge and the accused:
"If you are a man born on Earth, then no matter what laws are imposed onto you, for
the patriotic duty and also for your own good, in every life situation you should act
pedantically moral - exactly as the conscience commands you to do."
The humanity just entered the most breakthrough
period in the history. Never before in the
past, a future fate of all people on Earth was
depended forever on what the present
generation of people does. This is because
inclusively with the generation of people who
were lately born on Earth, every next generation
of inhabitants of our planet is able to build
time vehicles for themselves - if they only
decide to have them. All what is needed to
build time vehicles, is to trust in truths that
I explain to people, and to mobilise themselves
to a common effort of technical implementation
of my guidelines. In turn since the moment when
a given generation of people build time vehicles
for themselves, every inhabitant of the Earth
becomes immortal. This is because every
person obtains then the ability to renew his
or her body infinitive number of times by
shifting back in time, while his or her
memory and his or her awareness of the
continuity of the life will remain unchanged.
But in this most breakthrough time in the history
of the Earth, when the humanity accomplishes
the ability to live forever, the entire our civilisation
is going to subject itself to the "final judgement",
to pass on itself the final verdict. This verdict
either advances every inhabitant of the Earth to
the life in an "everlasting happiness", or condemns
every inhabitant of the Earth to the life in an
"everlasting hell" - as this is explained in item #H3
of this web page. After all, if every person on Earth
manages to accomplish the state of the totaliztic
still before he or she shifts back in time for the
first time, then the humanity will be advanced to
the honourable privilege of further life in the
state of an everlasting happiness. Thus every citizen
of Earth will then be able to live infinitively long,
and to maintain during this infinitive life the unimaginable
happiness. But if people begin to repetitively renew
their bodies without the previous accomplishing the
state of continuous totaliztic
then their minds begin to roll downhill into the fires
of increasingly higher suffering and unhappiness.
After all, with each shifting back in time, only their
bodies become renewed. In turn their minds remain
equally disillusioned, disappointed, scared, bitter,
unhappy, and full of unfulfilled desires, as they were
before the shifting in time. Because with the progression
of the number of such shifting back in time everyone
is going to live in the society which is composed of
exclusively such "disillusioned oldies in renewed
bodies", also the level of morality and happiness
of the entire society begins to rapidly fall down.
In the result, soon afterwards the life in such a
society becomes like a punishment in the hell -
all will be increasingly more unhappy, increasingly
more aggressive and unpleasant to others,
increasingly more burned by fires of unfulfilled
desires, increasingly more disillusioned and
bitter, etc., etc. Actually in case when someone
accomplishes the immortality without previous
accomplishing the permanent state of totaliztic
then such someone is going to live like in the
everlasting hell. After all, he or she will be
unable to resist the temptation of a repetitive
avoiding the death through renewal of his or her
body, but simultaneously after each such
renewal of the body he or she becomes
increasingly unhappy.
Although the above verdict about a kind of the
future which awaits humanity becomes announced
only at the moment when people build time vehicles
for themselves, the court procedures for this final
judgement begins already now. After all, humanity
knows already now that at each of its wish it can
accomplish the immortality, and also that the
fate which people meet after this immortality is
achieved will depend on whether by that time
people earn for themselves the moral tradition
of accomplishing the totaliztic
In this proceeding of the "final judgement"
of humanity just being initiated, everyone amongst
us is both, the judge, and the accused. The
judge is because by the level of happiness which
the society around allows him or her accomplish
in this life, he or she is able to determine precisely
which one out of both fates to select from (i.e. the
"everlasting happiness", or the "everlasting hell")
the humanity already earned for itself by a given
time. Simultaneously each one amongst us
is also judged. After all, the fate which is going
to be met by the entire humanity, can also be
met by each one of us. This is because after
building time vehicles, the skill of their building
will begin to shift back in time - as I explained
this in items #H6 and #H7 of this web page. So in some
moment of time in the future, we also can be
included into this cycle of reviving and repetitive
renewals of the body, even if earlier we are
going to die. (Not mentioning that for sure this
fate is going to be met by our descendants.)
The above explanations reveal clearly how the
old expression "final judgement" should be defined
in the light of the situation called the "imprisoned
immortality" that is repetitively implemented by
the owners of time vehicles. According to this definition,
by the term "final judgement" the civilisation
which builds time vehicles should understand
the period in its own history through which is
going to shift backward the technology and
the skill of constructing time vehicles, and thus in
which (period) is decided the moral situation
of people who later are to use these time
vehicles for accomplishing "imprisoned immortality".
This "final judgement" issues a single verdict,
to which are subjected later all people who in
this civilisation use time vehicles for accomplishing
"imprisoned immortality". Namely this
verdict is either "everlasting happiness" or
"everlasting hell". The verdict is going to depend
on whether or not all people who are being shifted
back in time to days of their youth managed to
accomplish the state of
totaliztic nirvana
before this shifting back in time is executed
for them.
So in reality right now the eternal fate of
humanity is being decided. Therefore each
one of us have now not only a moral duty,
but also a personal interest, to put the entire
energy which is able to yield, into the lifting
of the level of morality around us. In turn by
lifting this morality every one of us is going to
contribute towards the creation of the moral
climate on Earth in which every single citizen
will be able to accomplish the totaliztic nirvana.
Fortunately, this lifting of morality is simple -
we only need to mobilise
ourselves to implement it. It boils down to
listening the voice of our conscience in everything
that we do. Means in every situation that we
encounter in our lives we should always
choose such a line of action, that is agreeable
with the voice of our conscience, and thus
moral, while simultaneously does not break
the requirements which are imposed on
us by the society around us.
The only problem which during this lifting of the level
of morality still does exist, is that mixed with us
and hiding in crowds are UFOnauts who already
long ago entered the state of an "everlasting hell".
To be even worse, these UFOnauts occupy
almost all key positions on the Earth. They
impose on us their laws, provoke us to aggression
and immoral activities, sabotage our efforts to
spread knowledge and truth about the role of
morality in our lives, and do everything in their
powers to push us onto the path of an identical
"everlasting hell" as the one along which they
are moving. In order to act even more effectively,
in present times they assumed the tactics of
"wolves in ship skins" - about which the Bible
warns us. For example, in Poland many of them
for a long time impersonate adherers of
only to be more effective in pushing the totalizm
down and in sabotaging my activities on the Earth.
Thus another duty of each one amongst us
(in addition to the doing everything in life in harmony
with requests of our conscience), is that we have
the duty to oppose all these provocations,
commands, and cunningness, with the assistance
of which UFOnauts continually try to push us from
the path of moral behaviour.
Keeping young appearance and health,
which are to look apparently contradictive to the knowledge and position of a given person:
Time vehicles allow their owners to always
live in the age of their bodies, when these
bodies look the best and are most healthy.
Thus, in the society of people who already
have time vehicles, one are to see exclusively
people looking surprisingly young for their
real age, while the knowledge of which (and
also their position in a given community of
"immortals") will surprise by being contradictive
to their appearance. Thus, e.g. when in the
Bible one reads a verse from the "Revelation",
in which is written about "elders", then one
should NOT understand, that these "elders"
will be composed of "old people" in present
understanding of this word, but that they will
look surprisingly young and beautiful - only
that their positions will be of decisive types.
Why the folk wisdom persuades, that the insistence on truth always pays off in the end:
The terminology and expressions described
in this "part #H", originally derived from the Bible,
such as a "human version of the final judgment",
the "eternal life", the "everlasting happiness",
the "eternal damnation", the " resurrection
of dead", etc., which to this web page has
been adopted for a more illustrative explanation
of various consequences of constructing time
vehicles, contains extremely important truths,
warnings, suggestions, tips, and far-reaching
analogies, a careful study of which could turn
out to be highly beneficial both, to the entire
mankind, as well as to individual readers of
this web page. After all, through for example,
the disclosure of analogies existing between
what the Bible describes as planned by God
for implementing after the end of the present
world, and what is possible through the use
of the possibilities offered by the reversible
software time, these realize to us mechanisms
and principles with the use of which at the end
of this world God will realize whatever He foretold
in the Bible. In addition, these
expressions provide also a scientific confirmation for
the truth of whatever the Bible describes, and simultaneously
they add an empirical confirmation of the truth to
whatever is explained on this web page -
after all, if two independent sources (i.e. the descriptions
from the Bible and the scientific findings described
here) state exactly the same, then this constitutes a
proof that they both express an objective truth, only
that in the case of the Bible this truth comes from the
empirical knowledge of God, while in the case of
descriptions from this web page, the same truth
stems from research and deductions of the new
"totaliztic science". These expressions also warn
that regardless of one's worldview and belief, still
in the vital interest of every person on the Earth
lies to practice in your life the "true morality" which
a written form is relied to people in the Bible and
repeated scientifically through findings of totalizm,
in turn the verbal form is prompted to everyone by
his own conscience (as it is emphasized in items
#B5 and #C3.2 from the web page named
These expressions also motivate, that in our daily
proceedings we strive to achieve the level of so-called
"righteous", described here in item #C4 (while more
accurately explained in item #I1 from the web page named
The expressions also urge to NOT be afraid to let others
know us as supporters and promoters of "totalizm" and
the new "totaliztic science", nor avoid helping the author
of this web page in any way that lies in one's capabilities.
Furthermore, the expressions also advise that
while remembering that
the author of this web page has NOT enough free
time to reply to emails he receives, still it is worth
to keep in touch with him by sending him emails
with brief statements of what we made and accomplished
in our own promotion of totalizm and in inducing the
advancement of knowledge about "time vehicles",
as with such emails we enter (just in case) into the author's
databank in memory, the list of our activities, achievements,
and capabilities, so that this bank of information can be
gradually formed in the mind (and soul) of the inventor
of "time vehicles" described on this page. After all, when
the process of shifting back in time the skills to build
time vehicles (described here in item #C6) is once
started, then this process will inevitably be pointed at
the inventor of these "time vehicles" (i.e. at the author
of this web page), and thus it sooner or later arrives
to him.
Part #I:
Requirements and consequences of practicing the
"imprisoned immortality":
The Polish proverb
"not every dog deserves a sausage"
("NIE dla psa kielbasa") is valid also for immortality - i.e. NOT every person deserves it:
"How to offer immortality to people who do not know what to do with their time just while their television set gets out of order."
The previous parts of this web page explained
it clearly - to the immortality we need to
deserve, while in present times NOT every
human deserves it. This is because in order
such immortality does NOT transform into
an "everlasting hell" for the entire humanity,
from the people who will be shifted back in
time to years of their youth must be required
the fulfilment of an "iron" rule, namely that
before they are shifted back in time they
must accomplish the state of
totaliztic nirvana.
Thus, until the time when the humanity reaches
the level of moral development at which this rule
can be executed with an iron fist, people will
NOT be ready for gaining the immortality.
The obligatory execution of the requirement of
accomplishing the "totaliztic nirvana" by every
person shifted back in time to years of his or
her youth contains in itself also a verdict for
accomplishing the immortality with medical
methods. Namely, all medical methods of
extending the life will always be immoral for
reasons described in item #B2 of this web
page. In turn their immoral character means,
that these people who are going to use it, will
NOT be able to accomplish the "totaliztic nirvana".
After all, the requirement of this nirvana is, that
everything what one does must be absolutely
moral. So the practical consequence of immoral
character of extending the life with medical methods
is that people who will use them will be gradually
drown into an ever-increasingly deeper state of
the "everlasting hell" described in item #H3 of
this web page. This fact in turn disqualifies the
use of medical methods for extending lives - if
the person who extends his or her life wishes to
lead this life in a relative happiness. So it looks
that the only acceptable path to immortality
leads through the use of time vehicles.
Part #J:
Accomplishing the
"true immortality":
What is this
"true immortality":
The principle of travelling in time through the
"shifting the execution control in our 'programs
of life and fate' " (described in parts #A to #G
of this web page) has a whole array of drawbacks
and limitations, which are explained previously
in item #A3 and in "part #H". But there is also
other principle of travelling in time. It is based
on a different phenomenon of "waving (bending)
the timespace". This other principle does not
have limitations of the previous one. So it allows
to shift to any point in time - even to the one that
lies outside of the time of our life, and it also
allows to take any objects with us to different
times. Unfortunately, it is also indescribably
more difficult to technical implementation
than the principle described on this web page.
Therefore it will be implemented only a long time
after the principle described on this web page is mastered.
But when finally it is realised, then in connection
with the principle described on this web page
it provides people with the "true immortality".
Means, due to the joining both these principles,
people will be able to be always young, as well
as they can shift to any point in time (both from
past and from the future). So they trully can
live forever. This "part #J" describes what we
already know about this other extraordinary
principle of unlimited travel in time accomplished
through "waving (bending) the timespace".
The principle of time travel which is based on "waving the timespace":
The principle and the phenomenon on which
the travel in time through "waving (bending)
the timespace" is based, are manifested on
the Earth since a long time. Most frequently
people have a possibility of noticing it in the
form of the "effect of time duplication", which
is described more comprehensively in item
#C6 of the web page named
I personally note various manifestations
of this effect at least once every year. It
is this phenomenon that can also be used
for travel in time. Fortunately, it is extremely
difficult to construct devices which would
allow to execute this means of time travel
in a controlled manner. On the other hand,
the time travel accomplished on this principle
opens incomparably more possibilities that
travel through time on the principle of shifting
the execution control in our 'programs of life
and fate' " described previously on this web
page. For example, through "bending (waving)
the timespace" one can interactively move to
any epoch and is NOT limited by the length
of own life. Also the access to unlimited immortality
is then gained. One can take into the trip to other
times any objects that wishes, including the
time vehicle itself. This in turn allows to "return"
to own times whenever one wishes.
In order to explain principles on which such
bending (waving) of the timespace allows an
unlimited time travel, we firstly need to remind
ourselves the explanation how time works,
provided in items #C1 and #C3 from this web
page. According to this explanation, time is
a kind of "software landscape", or more
strictly "timespace" or "omniplan", through
which everything that exists in the entire
universe does move. This software "timespace"
("omniplan") is extremely elastic. Every
rapid movement which takes place in it,
causes powerful waving of it. In turn,
when these waves caused by
something are sufficiently powerful, then
they cause that some objects are moved
from one area of this timespace into another
area. In practice this means, that these
objects are shifted to totally different times.
If any person by a chance becomes one
of objects relocated in this manner, he
or she is then shifted from his own time
to a completely different epoch. On other
totaliztic web pages I am explaining, that
on the Earth "simulations of UFOnauts"
are active - which already have "time
vehicles" shown e.g. in photographs from
"Fig. #G1b-d". Thus each time when these
"simulations" start their "time vehicles", or
when they explode their time vehicle (as
this is described on the web page
they by accident cause also such a phenomenon
of a powerful "waving of timespace". Therefore,
the "effect of time duplication", which is
described more comprehensively in item
#C6 of the web page
is just an external manifestation of this particular
phenomenon. If inside of so waved timespace by
accident a person (or any other living creature)
is found, then for a short period of time he or she
is shifted to completely different times. In turn
when such a waving of timespace is especially
strong, then the shifting to different times can
be permanent.
There is a huge body of evidence, which
confirms that such shifting of objects in time
through waving the timespace is possible and
that in fact every now and again it uncontrollably
takes place around us. A significant amount
of such evidence is presented in subsection
V5.3 from volume 16 of my older
monograph [1/4]
(see item #4 over there). For a scientific
exactitude I am going to repeat here the
most representative examples of it.
And so, it was just through such a waving
of timespace, that in New Zealand a lizard-like
creature called "tuatara" was permanently
shifted to the present times from a different
epoch. Just because of this extraordinary
fact, that the mastery of the process of waving
the timespace opens all possibilities, including
the immortality, a Maori name for "tuatara"
means a "key to the omni-knowledge".
(See also item B1 in English monograph
which in subsection C7.3 from a Polish version
of this monograph was enriched by further details.)
Also in literature there are descriptions of numerous
phenomena induced by waving of timespace, which
caused appearance and disappearance of various
objects. Several examples of such cases are provided
in subsection "Tajemnicze materializacje" from pages
57 to 83 of the Polish translation of the following book
[8V5.3] by Rodney Davies "Nadprzyrodzone
zniknięcia" (title of the original: "Supernatural
Disappearances"), Dom Wydawniczy Limbus
(85-959 Bygoszcz, skr. poczt. 21, tel./fax 28-79-74),
1995, ISBN 83-85475--80-X, 255 pages, pb.
For example, on pages 78 to 83 of this book, a well
documented case is described, when in 1979 four
tourists from England, namely a brick layer Len Gisby,
his wife Cynthia, and their friends - a rail-road worker
Geoff Simpson and his wife Pauline, spend a night
in a hotel from the village Cuccolde in Southern France.
As it later turned out, this hotel, together with all
employees, old furniture, and even old visitors
and gendarmes, was shifted temporally to present
times from around 1905. When, after their history
was published, in 1983 searches for this hotel
were initiated, only remains of the old foundations
of it were found. Other case of shifting to different
time is discussed in a part of the American television
serial [2#J2] entitled "Weird or What?"
which was broadcasted in New Zealand on 10th
January 2011 at 7:30 pm till 8:30 pm on the
channel 3 of TVNZ (this part probably still can be
downloaded from the section "on demand" of the
web page of this television channel with the address
Characteristics of the time travel accomplished through the waving of the timespace:
The time travel which is accomplished on principles
of the "bending (waving) of the timespace" displays
the following characteristics:
(1) It practically has no limits,
conditions, nor requirements imposed onto
it regarding the time point to which someone
wishes to shift. So it allows to shift in time
to any epoch or period of time and stay there
for as long as one wishes.
(2) The traveller can take with
himself or herself to such a trip practically
every object that he or she owns - including
the "time vehicle" in which he or she travels,
and every person or creature the company
of which he or she wishes to enjoy. In turn
taking the "time vehicle" allows later to return
to own times.
(3) To different times is shifted
the current body and current state of knowledge
and memory. Thus, if e.g. shifted to different
times is someone already old, then after the
arrival to different times he or she is still old.
Notice that this principle of shifting in time does
NOT change our age (e.g. does NOT make us
younger) - as it happens after the use of principle
characterised in item #A4 of this web page
(i.e. after the use of a different principle the
description of which was the goal of this web page).
(4) All visits in different epochs
and periods of time have interactive character.
It means that a given traveller in time is able to
participate actively in everything that he or she
encounters in the epoch being visited.
Advantages of the "true immortality":
Travel in time carried out on the principle
of the "bending (waving) of the timespace"
described in this "part #J", provides true
immortality to the ones who mastered it.
The owners of "time vehicles" working
on this principle are able to shift to any
epoch which they wish to visit, stay there
for any length of time, and also take with
them over there, or to take back from
there, everything that they wish - including
the "time vehicle" itself which allows them
to return to their own times. Because their
time vehicles are to have also inbuilt the
ability to make their bodies younger through
controlling their "programs of life and fate" -
as described on this web page, their bodies
will be always young and always capable.
Since simultaneously they have the good luck
to live in a totaliztic civilisation (because only
totaliztic civilisations are able to develop this
kind of time vehicles), in fact their infinitively
long lives are also full of infinitive happiness.
So they practically live like gods. Our civilisation
should make for itself the major goal to become
such an immensely happy totaliztic civilisation.
Tragedies of accidental shifting of people to different times on the principle described here:
In item #J2 of this web page is explained that
because of the activities on the Earth of the
"simulations of UFOnauts" which already have
time vehicles, sometimes happen cases when
people present too close to such started or
exploded "time vehicle of UFOnauts" by a
chance are shifted permanently to different
times. At this point I would like to realise that
such a shifting is an immense tragedy for them,
the living through which I do NOT wish even
to my worst enemies. Especially if this accidental
shifting is to times earlier than own. The reason
of this tragedy is that such accidentally shifted
people do NOT have a time vehicle which would
allow them to return to their own times. So they
land permanently in times in which they do NOT
know anyone, do not have any friends nor family,
in which is used a different technology than
they know, and inhabitants of which practice
a completely different style of living - sometimes
even using a different language. In addition,
their bodies are already in the age which they
had at the time of being shifted to different times.
So if the reader can place himself in their
position, then he probably is going to understand
what tragedy is for them to find themselves in
such a situation. As an example, I suggest to
consider what would happen if these are us
that rapidly are shifted to time e.g. 50 years
earlier. Even if we would have enough good luck,
to have with us at the moment of this shifting
our computer, digital camera, hand-phone, radio
or television set, we still would be unable to use
these - as 50 years ago there was NO infrastructure
which would reassure the work of these appliances.
For example, computer probably could be run
to write on it a letter or a book, but this letter of
a book could NOT be printed. There were no
present printing devices at that time. We also
could NOT link our computer to internet to send
an email, as internet still did NOT exist at that
time. In a similar way our hand-phone, digital
camera, radio or television would turn useless.
We also would NOT know anyone living at that
time, while even if we manage to find some
members of family, they probably would call
police or a mental hospital. In turn our unexpected
materialisation from the thin air in the middle
of e.g. meeting of former council or family gathering
would probably cause that local authorities would
lock us in a special facility and never let us
free. I will NOT elaborate on the fact that in
order to return to "our times" we would need
to await for further 50 years - probably in the
meantime dying from old age. In a similar
situation find himself or herself everyone who
accidentally experiences such a permanent
shifting to different times.
Part #K:
The assistance of other people which I needed (but never obtained)
in order to build "time vehicles" and give this way to humans the access to immortality:
Since 1985 (when I discovered the work of reversible software time) until today,
I would already build time vehicles if other people provided me with
the assistance that is required:
Judging on the volume of my accomplishments since
1985 (when I comprehended the principle on which time
works and thus started the process of inventing time vehicles
described here) we can be sure that if then I would receive
from others the help that I need, until today I would build
time vehicles. After all, since 1985 passed already
over a quarter of century, means much more than I would
need to build time vehicles - for details see item #J3 on
the web page named
About my creative potential perfectly certifies the large
number of extraordinary devices which I managed to invent,
discoveries which I accomplished, theories of the type
"paradigm shift"
which I developed, proofs for the correctness of my findings
which I identified and pointed to others, and scientific
monographs which I managed to write. And we must
remember that I was forced to create all these in hugely
hostile conditions in which other people would probably
just sit and cry, and which (conditions) very cautiously
and briefly are mentioned, amongst others, on the web page
pajak_jan_uk.htm - about myself, means my autobiography.
After all, in the country I was born they tried to shoot me,
in turn in the country I escaped to they do not have work
for me for a majority of time, nor even consider me eligible
for a dole.
Thus, instead of creating, discovering, inventing, researching,
constructing, and making progress, to which obviously
I have in-born inclinations, the majority of my energy
and time I was (and still am) forced to waste on seeking
jobs or on wander throughout the world to earn for a slice
of bread. Also the majority of what I created I was forced
to develop while vegetating in a leaking flat only slightly larger
than an average lift, not having at home even a good screwdriver,
not even dreaming of having an Internet, and while with
growing horror I spend each cent from my savings - as
I may need it even more in my older age.
What is required to build time vehicles and to give the technological immortality to the humanity:
Time vehicles cannot be constructed by a
single hobbyist in a corner of his kitchen
or bedroom. How actually the building of
time vehicle should look-like is perfectly
illustrated by historic examples. After all,
the completion of a time vehicle would be
a miniature version of programs of the type
"Apollo" or "Manhattan" that were completed
in past. For example, in times when these
historic programs "Apollo" or "Manhattan"
were carried out, their final goals seemed
to be equally distant and equally impossible
for accomplishing, as at present seem
to be the final goal of undertaking the
building of time vehicles. Also, the level
of detailed knowledge about their goals
in people who completed these historic
programs was even much lower than the
level of my own knowledge about the work
of time and about principles of operation
of time vehicles. Furthermore, people who
implemented these historic programs had
NO access to so obvious confirmations of
their ideas as these numerous confirmations
of my principles which are described in items
#D1 to #D7 of this web page. But, as we all
remember, these historic programs "Apollo"
and "Manhattan" produced tangible outcomes
and allowed their goals to be accomplished
already after 8 and 4 years. So even if for the
building of time vehicles we would designate
a small fraction of resources which were eaten
by these historic programs, still the success
would be accomplishable. Perhaps NOT after
4 or 8 years, but for sure sooner than after
the elapse of over a quarter of century which
passed since 1985 - when I discovered the work
of time and initiated the theoretical development
of design of time vehicles, until today. (My
estimates of the lengths of time required for
constructing these vehicles by various teams
of researchers, are provided in subsection
M11 from volume 11 of my newest
monograph [1/5].)
So for sure YES, at the present level of
technology time vehicles can be build, while
we are able to
complete them - opening with them the access
of humanity to the immortality. (At this
point I should remind that the goal of the
"Apollo" program was landing of humans
on the Moon. This program was initiated
by President John F. Kennedy in 1961 and
continued until 1975. On 20 July 1969,
means already after 8 years, it was crowned
with the landing of people on the Moon. In
turn the program "Manhattan" was aimed
at building the atomic bomb. This program
was active from 1941 to 1946 and was
"crowned", amongst others, with bombarding
Japanese Hiroshima on 6 August 1945.)
In case when for example I was the researcher
who builds the first time vehicle, then in order
to accomplish a success it would be necessary
that I am granted the following conditions for
research. (1) Continuous access to a well
equipped research laboratory, where all new
prototypes and ideas could be tested, measured,
evaluated, etc. (2) An efficient prototyping
service which would supply all prototypes
for research and which would operate sufficiently
fast. (3) Optimal office conditions for constructive
scientific investigations. Means a quiet office,
an access to a good scientific library and to
Internet, a lack of employment-related stress, etc.
These conditions should be such, that they would
encourage creative productivity, not kill it by any
However, what even more vital, the possible project
of building time vehicles cannot be initiated for
as long until (4) the required number of people
begins to support actively this project. In turn, to
appear such a significant number of people who
would request the starting of the program of
building time vehicles, it is necessary (5) that
the so-called "software interpretation of time"
(described in chapter N from volume 11 of
monograph [1/5]),
is widely recognised and accepted, and also it
is necessary that (6) a significant proportion of
people earns the certainty that the elapse of time
really can be reversed and thus that time vehicles
can be build.
Unfortunately, practically never the above conditions
were met in my professional career to-date.
This is the reason why, in spite that I promote the
building of time vehicles already since 1985, as
so-far nothing specific started to happen towards
actual building these extraordinary devices. The
problem is, that acting just by myself I am unable
to convince other people to undertake building of
time vehicles, nor I am able to start this building
on my own. So it is absolutely necessary that in
this matter I receive an assistance required from
other people.
More extensive calculations of people and means needed to build
the first time vehicle are provided in items #J1 to #J3 of the web page named
Quite a number of readers asks me repetitively
what kind of material means and how big
workforce would be needed to build the first
working time vehicle. For the use of these
readers I prepared appropriate calculations
and published these in items #J1 to #J3 of
a separate web page named
I recommend to have a look in there - especially
at item #J3.
An appeal for giving me assistance in the research described here to create the access of people to technological immortality:
Many people are unable to understand, that
just by myself I am unable to build the time
vehicle in this small space that I have to
my disposal under the kitchen table. Especially
in present hostile attitude of many people
and many scientists towards my theories
and discoveries. This is why I continually
appeal for a help to other people. After all,
the building of time vehicles and the access
to immortality is NOT just my private matter,
means is NOT the private business of
Dr Eng. Jan Pajak,
but in reality is the business of everyone of
us. After all, everyone of us must die at some
stage. Also everyone must give out to death all
these close ones whom he or she loves the
My time gradually runs out. As I explained this
on the web page
about myself (Dr Eng. Jan Pajak),
I was born in 1946, and I had rather a tough
life full of difficulties and shortages. Also currently
I am forced to live in conditions which normally
would NOT be recommended for health reasons.
So my body and mind gradually loose their previous
creative capability and vision. Thus, if I do NOT receive
an assistance needed relatively fast, then together
with me will also go my understanding and
"feeling" for the software time that I accomplished
so-far during my many years of research. In
turn for someone else to accomplish this level
of understanding and "feeling" of such extremely
difficult subject area as the "software time", several
hundred, or even several thousands of years may
need to pass. Of course, without the required level
of understanding how time really works, the building
of time vehicles - instead of being completed within
just several years, may lasts even hundreds or
thousands of years. Thus, the present situation with
gradual loosing the chance for an accelerated
completion of time vehicles - if only my countryman
provided me with the required assistance (instead
of scoffing and spitting at outcomes of my research),
for future generations of people may become an
analogy to the fate which in the play "Wesele"
(i.e. "Wedding") by the Polish writer named
Stanisław Wyspiański was met by the proverbial
"golden horn".
So herewith I am appealing to NOT waste any more
the precious time, and to provide me with the
required assistance already now. If the assistance
arrives in time, then before I go perhaps I still may
advance experimentally at least the shortest path
which will lead others to accomplishing the technological
This appeal for assistance does NOT means an
appeal for funds - as I am explaining this in next
item below in more details. After all, the essence
of the assistance that I need depends on the
creation of conditions in which it would be possible
to undertake the building of the Oscillatory Chamber,
time vehicle, and other my inventions. These
conditions I described comprehensively in item
#K2 above. In fact just such conditions were
created a long time ago for taxpayers money
on a large number of universities. Only that
I do NOT have an access to these. So in order
to have an access to these conditions, it is
necessary to cause a change in thinking
of several decision makers, which block my
access to these conditions.
In turn for such a change to take place, it is
necessary to either disseminate amongst
people the understanding of need for such
a research as I am carrying out, or the appearance
of something that changes the attitudes of
these people. Therefore the assistance that
I am asking for, depends on implementation
of any amongst thousands of possible actions
which would influence human attitude towards
what I am trying to accomplish. For example
it could be just e.g. opening for me a free access
to a prototyping facility and to a research laboratory
of some research institution. Other such an
action could be a help in dissemination amongst
people the knowledge about my theories, findings,
and inventions. Thus it could boil down to e.g.
discussions about immortality or Oscillatory
Chamber with friends, writing about it in
newspapers and in Internet, or - if possible,
also supporting this knowledge with one's
own knowledge and life experience. An
assistance would also be e.g. a help in
finding an university job for me - which
presently consume the majority of my time
and effort. After all, if I find such a permanent
job at a university, then I could devote my
time to research instead of wasting it for
writing hundreds of job applications and
for inventing manners in which I can decrease
the speed of melting down my savings from
which I am forced to live. An example of
even more advanced help would be to
build an instrument for the measurement
of the speed of elapse of time - as this is
described in item #D2 of this web page, and
later measuring the speed of the elapse
of time in all close ones around. Still other
forms of help could depend e.g. on assistance
in book edition of my theories, on free passing
to me own old computer, software, or a modem
for a fast Internet connection, or on assisting
me in free fixing formalities connected with
gaining an access to fast internet (presently
the access to Internet I have mainly through
the nearest "cyber cafe"), or on undertaking
the construction of any device which I invented,
e.g. the construction of the "Oscillatory Chamber"
discussed here and shown at the address
Of course, amongst forms of help described
above the most effective one would be to open
for myself somehow an access to a research
laboratory and to prototyping facilities. In turn
such an access is already being typically granted
by taxpayers to a number of present scientists -
only that for some reasons it seems to be closed
for me. Therefore probably the most effective
form of help would be causing somehow that I
would receive an access to whatever typically
is given to the disposal of scientists - many of
which do NOT intent to make use of it. This
form of help would NOT require any investment,
and it still would be able to accomplish its goal
(i.e. undertaking the building of the Oscillatory
Chamber and time vehicle). This is because it
would utilise resources which the society already
has, makes available, and maintains, and it would
only increase the efficiency and level of utilisation
of social resources designated for the progress
of human knowledge and technology.
Please take notice that I do NOT ask for a financial assistance:
"If you give a fish to someone you will set him for a day. But of your create conditions for someone to be able to fish, you will equip him for the entire life."
In present times people have some erroneous
belief that help must depend on giving money.
reveals, that giving money to someone never
solves his problems. An excellent explanation
why giving money is NOT a help at all, but only
shifts the problem to a later date instead of
solving it, provides this Korean proverb which
I quoted above in the "motto" to this item.
The building of time vehicles and the help for
which I am appealing, is an illustrative example
of just such a situation. After all, even if I would
receive from someone a sum of money, still
this would NOT help me to build a time vehicle.
(I should emphasize here that I never received
a financial help from anyone.) After all, the sum
which a possible giver could afford would NOT
change the harsh conditions in which I live
presently (i.e. a small and dump flat only slightly
larger than an average lift, a lack in home even
a good screwdriver, not mentioning the access
to Internet, a lack of access to a good scientific
library, laboratory, and prototyping facility, etc.)
into constructive conditions which are required
for undertaking the construction of time vehicles
or construction of any amongst my numerous
inventions (these constructive conditions are
described in item #K2 above). In the result,
even if someone would be able to give me any
sum of money, it would NOT allow me to start
doing what is my goal. Therefore, money
are NOT the assistance that I am appealing for.
The assistance that is needed depends exclusively
on helping me to find myself in the situation when
I myself would be able to help myself further. Means
it boils down to the creation of appropriate conditions
in which it would be possible to begin the building of
Oscillatory Chamber, time vehicle, and other my
inventions, or on contributing own effort towards
appearing in people an awareness that creation of
such conditions would work for their own good and
for the good of entire our civilisation.
Part #L:
Everyone who ignores my call for assistance, one day will be very sorry about this:
When each one of us is going to be sorry that has NOT provided his or her contribution towards accomplishing the technological immortality by the humanity:
"He who refuses to learn from own mistakes is doomed to repeat them."
Young people are NOT interested in the building
of time vehicles, nor in the accomplishing
immortality. This is because they believe
that they are indestructible and that their
life is going to last infinitively long. Only
in an old age, when the life starts to come
to a closure, many people begin to understand
the value which would have the immortality.
Unfortunately, at that period of life it is already
too late to do anything about this.
So my reader, in order to avoid being very sorry
in the future that you had an opportunity to help
me but you did NOTHING in the matter of undertaking
the construction of time vehicles and opening for
yourself and for other people the path to immortality,
try to begin your acting already now. After all,
now you have opportunity to act and to help me.
Part #M:
Summary, and the final information of this web page:
Summary of this web page:
The to-day television make us accustomed
to the thinking that it is enough to sit comfortably
on our back sides, while everything is going
to be prepared and given to us on a silver plate.
But real life repetitively reminds us the bitter truth,
that others, of course, will be happy to rob us - if
we let them, but almost never they prepare for
us and give to us on a silver plate whatever we
really need. This truth results from the action
of so-called
moral laws
which state that in our lives everything must
be earned. The requirement of earning
everything relates also to the accomplishment
of "immortality". In order this immortality NOT
turns out to be our curse and hell, instead of being
the source of our happiness, every person must
earn it. At the time when the humanity will be
already having
time vehicles
this earning of immortality will take the form
of an "iron" respecting the requirement, that
in order to be shifted back in time to years
of one youth, it is necessary to earn previously
the state of
totaliztic nirvana.
In turn in present times the humanity must earn
the immortality through getting to understand,
through accepting, and through disseminating
amongst people the shocking truth that the path
to the moral (and thus also happy) immortality
does NOT lead through progress in medical
sciences, but through recognising (instead of
scoffing at) the theories and findings of
Dr Jan Pajak
and through actual building his
time vehicles.
How with the web page named
one can find totaliztic descriptions
of topics in which he is interested:
A whole array of topics equally interesting
as these from the above web page, is also
discussed from the angle that is unique to
the philosophy of totalizm. All these related
topics can be found and identified with the use of
content index
prepared especially to make easier finding
these web pages and topics. The name "index"
means a list of "key words" usually provided
at the end of textbooks, which allows to find
fast the description or the topic in which we
are interested. My web pages also has such
a content "index" - only that it is additionally
supplied in green
which after "clicking" at them with a mouse
immediately open the web page with the topic
that interest the reader. This content "index"
is provided on the web page named
It can be called from the "organising" part of
"Menu 1" of every totaliztic web page. I would
recommend to look at it and to begin using it
systematically - after all it brings closer hundreds
of totaliztic topics which can be of interest to
"Dismissals from jobs for views and beliefs, as well as refusals to grand a dole, in present times replaced former burning on stake, crucifixion, and throwing to lions.
Still, judging from the hysteria escalated in the Internet because of views which I disseminate, many adversaries seem to be sorry that are unable to additionally burn me also on a stake."
For strange reasons - which I try to
research and which are explained in item
#L3 of the totaliztic web page
evolution.htm (about the need for intentional fabrication by God of the body of evidence which supports the corner stones of atheistic views, e.g. "natural evolution" or the "big bang"),
these anonymous discussions carried out
on Internet discussion groups, in recent
years transformed into verbal "matches".
This shocking phenomenon of abusing
and spitting instead of communicating
and discussing, is lately so widely spread,
that it is even discussed in newspapers -
e.g. see the article "Excuse me, could we
please be a bit more polite", from page B3
of the New Zealand newspaper
Weekend Herald,
issue dated on Saturday, January 3, 2009.
Participants of these verbal matches try to outdo
each other in throwing mud and in spitting
at every constructive idea. In spite of this,
for the lack of other channels of gaining
feedback regarding topics which I investigate,
I still try to expose each topic researched to such
Internet discussion. After all, between abuses
and personal attacks, sometimes appear
also single constructive voices in the discussion
which contribute a new quality to a given
topic. Therefore almost every topic of my
research, including in this number also the
topic of this web page, is discussed publicly
in Internet at some stage. Typically the
discussion is carried out simultaneously
in two languages, i.e. English and Polish.
The chronological list of links to all topics
which already were subjected to discussion
on Google discussion forums, is provided
in item #E2 of the totaliztic web page
(Please notice that links to discussion threads
carried out in the Polish language on the same
topics, are listed in the Polish equivalent of item #E2
presented in the Polish language version of the web page
If the reader have a constructive comment about
any topic which I am discussing in Internet, then
I would warmly encourage him to voice his
opinion in the discussion and to also express
it publicly. After all, such a public discussion -
especially providing a positive and constructive
feedback, is a manner of lifting the awareness
of all readers, through pointing the attention of
people at the significance of topics indicated
here. In case of older topics, for which the
Google discussion groups stopped to accept
further opinions and voices, the reader can
post me his or her opinion directly at my email
It is worth to know, that almost each new
topic that I finished researching with "a priori"
approach of the new "totaliztic science"
and then published on my web pages,
including the topic of this web page,
is subjected to public discussions at all
mirror "blogs of totalizm" still in existence.
In past there used to be as many as
5 such blogs. At the moment only two
blogs of totalizm still remain undeleted
by adversaries of the new "totaliztic
science" and enemies of the moral
philosophy named "totalizm".
These can be viewed at following internet
addresses: ("Small Print" 12 pt: posts from #89 = i.e. since 2006/11/11) ("Large Print" 20 pt: posts from #293 = i.e. since 2018/2/23) ("Large Print" 20 pt: posts from #293 = i.e. since 2018/3/16)
All posts to blogs of totalizm (half of which is in
English) are also available in my publication [13]
disseminated free of charge through the Polish web page
Current email addresses to the author of
this web page, i.e. officially to
Dr Eng. Jan Pajak
while courteously to Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak,
at which readers can post possible comments,
opinions, descriptions, or information which in
their opinion I should learn, are provided on the web page named
(for its version in the HTML language), or the web page named
(for the version of the web page "pajak_jan_uk.pdf"
in safe PDF format - which safe PDF versions
of further web pages by the author can also be
downloaded via links from item #B1 of the web page named
The author's right for the use of courteous
title of "Professor" stems from the custom that
"with professors is like with generals", namely
when someone is
once a professor, than he or she courteously
remains a professor forever. In
turn the author of this web page was a professor
at 4 different universities, i.e. at 3 of them,
from 1 September 1992 untill 31 October 1998,
as an "Associate Professor" from English-based
educational system, while on one university as
a (Full) "Professor" (since 1 March 2007 till
31 December 2007 - means at the last place
of employment in his professional life).
However, please notice that because of my
rather chronic lack of time, I reluctantly
reply to emails which contain JUST time
consuming requests, while simultaneously
they document a complete ignorance of their
author in the topic area which I am researching.
This web page is also available in the form
of a brochure marked [11], which
is prepared in "PDF" ("Portable Document
Format") - currently considered to be the
most safe amongst all internet formats, as
normally viruses cannot cling to PDF. This
clear brochure is ready both, for printing,
as well as for reading from a computer
screen. It also has all its
green links
still active. Thus, if it is read from the computer
screen connected to internet, then after clicking
onto these green links, the linked web pages
and illustrations will open. Unfortunately, because
the volume of it is around a double of the volume
of web page which this brochure publishes,
the memory limitations on a significant number
of free servers which I use, do NOT allow to
offer it from them (so if it does NOT download
from this address, because it is NOT available
on this server, then you should click onto any
other address from
Menu 3,
and then check whether in there it is available).
In order to open this brochure (and/or download
it to own computer), it suffices to either click on
the following green link
or to open from any totaliztic web site the
PDF file named as in the above green link.
If the reader wishes to check, whether some other
totaliztic web page which he or she just is studying,
is also available in the form of such PDF brochure,
then should check whether it is listed amongst links
from "part #B" of the web page named
This is because links from there indicate all totaliztic
web pages, which are already published as such
brochures from series [11] in PDF format.
I wish you a fruitful reading!
If you prefer to read in Polish
click on the flag below
(Jeśli preferujesz czytanie w języku polskim
kliknij na poniższą flagę)
Date of starting this page: 9 November 2008
Date of the most recent update of this page: 21 March 2024
(Check in "Menu 3" whether there is even a more recent update!)