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Creating Stylish buttons in photoshop   (see sample here)

1. Open a new file 300 x 300 pixels. Create a new layer above the background layer.Name it buttons.
2. Select the rectangular marquee tool and draw a rectangle on the document. It appears as a dotted outline.Do not deselect.
3. Go to Select-Modify-Smooth and enter value as 16 pixels for smoothing. Click Ok. The rectangle now has curved edges.Fill it with any color using the paint bucket tool or any gradient using the gradient tool.
4. Now go to Select-Modify-Contract and contract your selection by 7 pixels.The dotted outline now appears inside your rectangle. Fill a different color or gradient inside this new selection.Do not deselect.
5. Go to Select-Feather and feather your selection by 15 pixels.Now deselect.
6. In the layers palette select the buttons layer.Hold down Ctr and click on this layer in the palette. A dotted outline appears around your button.Select the move tool & holding down Ctr + Alt + Shift drag your selection.This creates a copy of your button. In this way you can create as many buttons as you want one below the other, without adding new layers for every button. Now deselect (Ctr + D).
7. Select the type tool. Write any text over your topmost button eg.home. Give it a contrasting color. Now go to Layer-Effects-bevel and emboss.In this window, for highlight: Mode --Screen, Opacity--75%, for shadow: Mode--multiply,Opacity--75%, style--pillow emboss, angle--120 (check the use global angle option),depth--5(up), blur--5.Click OK.
In this way you can give different titles on your different buttons by repeating step 7.
See the result! How's it?

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