portfolio of freelance India web designer, graphic designer, website designer from Mumbai

freelance e-greetings designer from India, themes & occasions for India

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Send your feedback, project inquiries and comments at:
[email protected]

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click on the thumbnails to see larger images of the cards

Diwali cards
Ganesha card,Ganpati e-greeting
Ganpati greeting,ganesha card
flash greeting card -Diwali greeting
(flash card)
Diwali card, animation card
(flash card)
flash card Diwali
(flash card)
Birthday cards
flash e-greeting  birthday card
(flash card)
flash card  birthday greeting
(flash card)
flash birthday card
(flash card)
animated birthday card
(flash card)
Romantic cards
Valentine's day  flash card
(flash card)  
romantic card, valentine card, love you card
flash romantic greeting card
love card, flash romantic card
romantic card,Indian
 marriage & anniversary greetings
card for all occasions
Indian marriage card-Sikh
marriage anniversary card,marriage anniversary e-greeting
Indian wedding card-Hindu
Holi cards
holi card, holi e-greeting
animated holi caard,holi greeting
To send a card, click on the thumbnail to open the card.Then right-click on the address bar & copy the URL. .E-mail this URL to the person you want to send the card to. 
 more cards on  < page2>
Sitemap & Portfolio: e-greetings  photoshop   flash   coreldraw   logos   websites graphic design  buttons  templates

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© 2005.The owner of all photography, graphics, and design on this site is indianwebartist-freelance web designer & freelance graphic designer from India, Mumbai. All rights reserved, unless specific permission is granted in writing

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