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Flash tutorials
Photoshop tutorials
flash 5 tutorials-11)reflection in water with wave effect
Photoshop 6 tutorials-11)giving fire effect to text
Flash 5 tutorials-22)creating a jigsaw puzzle Photoshop 6 Tutorials-22)text magic
flash 5 tutorials-33)text style-1 Adobe Photoshop tutorials-33)stylish background
Flash 5 tutorials-44)text style2(shadow masking) Photoshop tutorials-44)text on a sphere(3D effect)
flash tutorials-55)stylish button photoshop tutorials-55)giving outline to an image
Flash tutorials-66)rotating effect photoshop tutorials-66)creating buttons in photoshop
flash tutorials-77)image mapping in Flash 7)interesting outlines to cards &photos
8)creating animated lines in flash 8)another interesting text
9)creating opening curtains Photoshop 6 tutorials-19)giving waves effect to text
  Photoshop 6 tutorials-110)creating a spider web effect
Site Map & Portfolio: e-greetings   photoshop   flash   coreldraw   logos   websites graphic design  buttons  templates

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