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Creating a spider web effect   (see sample here)

1. Open a new file.Create a new layer by clicking on the new layer icon. For the foreground color select any color say dark blue. Using the paint bucket tool fill the layer with this color.
2. Again create a new layer by clicking the new layer icon in the layers palette. For the foreground color choose a brighter shade of blue.
3. Select the rectangular marquee tool & draw a rectangle as shown here.

4.Hold down the Ctr key & click on layer 2 in the layers palette.This will select the rectangle. Now hold down the Ctr, Alt & Shift keys together. Keeping these keys pressed, select the move tool & move the rectangle. This creates a copy of the rectangle.Place this copy beside the first one leaving a little gap in between. Similarly continue creating copies & fill the entire document as shown in the picture.It is important to keep the Ctr, Alt & Shift keys pressed so that all the rectangles are created on the same layer.
after Step 4                         after Step 5

5.Keep layer 2 selected & go to Filter-Distort-Polar coordinates.Choose the rectangular to polar option.The result should be as in the 2nd image above.
6.Keep the layer 2 selected & using eye dropper tool select the same color which you filled in the layer2. Now, for the background color, select a darker shade somewhat close to the layer 1 shade. Now switch the foreground & background colors.
7. Still keep the layer 2 selected. Now go to Filter-Texture-Stained glass. Here enter cell size-14, border-2 & intensity -3. So, how's your web?

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