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Well, if you are looking for a competent, affordable freelance web designer, you are at the right place. Having a website design firm design & manage your website on a fulltime basis can be a costly affair especially if you are just starting your business or are looking at having a personal website. That is where a freelance web designer is just the right person for you, one who is available to answer your questions and website design queries in the shortest time possible. As a freelance website designer, I have done a number of projects for clients in India & outside India. The buttons on the left link to the respective sections of my portfolio, as a freelance web designer in India & graphic designer. 

Web designer services offered by me: An effective website designer should provide clients with an affordable but effective web design solution and I aim to do this with all my clients, large or small. Have a look at the services I offer.

  • designing personal websites- personal websites are websites of single individuals. These could be informative in nature or a kind of online portfolio of a person showcasing his/her talents & achievements in a particular field. Or it could be something like a blog, an online journal, a detailed online resume etc. A freelance web designer is the best bet for such sites.
  • business websites design- Having an online presence is something of a must to succeed in your business in these days of fierce competition. Business websites are intended to do just that. It is important that your website effectively conveys your USP vis-a-vis your competitors. In my hands you can rest assured, your website will do just that thus increasing your business.
  • web design templates- A template is a basic design or layout of a webpage. Here comes one more advantage having a freelance web designer design your website. I offer my clients a variety of templates to choose from which most web design houses do not provide.
  • fast downloading websites- No visitor would like to spend time on a webpage that takes ages to download. In fact such websites are sure to lose potential clients due to this little error. A good web designer knows the importance of fast downloading websites. Such websites are also likely to be ranked better by search engines.
  • designer web sites in flash- as a freelance web designer proficient in flash, I also design flash based websites. One advice though - it is not a good idea to have the entire website in flash as all search engines may not pick it up & as you would well know, being picked up by search engines is the key to business through the web.
  • programming & database driven websites-
  •  I have a team of efficient programmers in case my clients need a website which needs to connect to database at the backend.
  • search engine optimization (SEO) of websites- For a freelance web designer, the job does not end with the designing of an attractive website, unless he/she can get visitors to the website. This is considered the real test for a web designer in India & I am sure elsewhere too. SEO or search engine optimization of a website as it is called is the bigger challenge. It involves intelligent & strategic use of important keywords without breaking any search engine rules, so that the website can achieve a high ranking with the search engines, which is a must to get business though the web. I aim to get my clients at least into the top 20 rankings with major search engines if not higher.
  • booking domains-
  • Need to book a domain name for your website? Do not worry, I'll do it for you.
  • hosting websites- Among the services I provide as a freelance web designer, is hosting a website on to the internet, on to your server.
  • search engine submission -
  •   My clients need not bother to look for the services of a search engine specialist to submit & get their sites listed with major search engines. With me, you are at a one-stop shop as far as website design is concerned. One more advantage of a freelance website designer doing your site.:) However, if somebody promises to get you listed within a month or so, BEWARE ! You could be taken for a ride!! Search engine listings & rankings are a time-consuming affair & could take upto 6 months.
  • promotion of a website - A freelance website designer apart from being a good web designer should be able to get links from other websites for his clients to be ranked high up by the search engines & I can assure that to my clients. However it would help to have a co-operative client in this regard. If you can give me a list of people especially with a similar business as yours, we could contact them to exchange mutual links for each other's websites. This is very important because search engines like google give a lot of importance to the number of links coming to your website. More the number of site linking to your website, higher the ranking & also the page rank, more so if it from websites related to similar businesses.
  • maintaining web sites- Constant & regular updates of a website are as much a part of my job as a freelance web designer. This is necessary to not only keep visitors coming back to the website but also to maintain a good ranking with search engines. Websites which do not update their content regularly are dumped by the search engines over a period of time which could be a short as 15 days. It always helps to have somebody who regularly keeps updating the website.
  • content management -
  • Content, content & content. Yes, that is what the search engines want the most. You may have a unique business or you may be the best in your field, you may even get a designer to make the most beautiful & eye-catching website but alas, you might end up being the only one to see your website. All that matters to the search engines is the quality of content or text in your website. This in itself is a special job & the content writer should be one who is not only good at language & communication skills but also with search engines strategies. As a web designer, I provide quality content management services to all my clients
  • redesigning websites-
  • Already have a website but not happy with its look &/or content? Want to get it redone- maybe completely or just a part of it ? You are at the right door. I also provide webite redesign services at affordable rates.
  • designing flash intros for websites- an attractive opening page always maintains a visitor's interest in the website & keeps them from going away. Here is where an animated intro or flash intro as it is called is an important tool. Any good web designer looks to making use of it. You can see some of the flash intros that I have designed for websites in the flash section of my portfolio.
  • designer website logos & titles- a logo along with the title is one of the most important business statement of any company. It speaks volumes about the business, hence much thought needs to go into designing it. My logos have met with much appreciation from my clients.

  • designer web graphics -
  • see the graphics section for more details

To see the graphic design services offered by me click here
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© 2005.The owner of all photography, graphics, and design on this site is indianwebartist-freelance web designer from India & freelance graphic designer from India, Mumbai. All rights reserved, unless specific permission is granted in writing

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