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Graphic design services offered by me: Apart from designing websites, I also take up projects as a freelance graphic designer. You need not look any further for your graphic designing needs. I design graphics both for the web & print purposes. Adobe photoshop, Corel Draw, flash, Fireworks & Pagemaker are my forte. Though based in India, I offer affordable graphic design services both, in India & outside India. Eye-catching graphics greatly enhance the look of a website & as they say, pictures say it louder than words. I am sure you will agree graphics have a higher recall value among visitors than words. So here is an idea of what can offer my clients as a freelance graphic designer.
  • designer website logos & titles- a logo along with the title is one of the most important business statement of any company. It speaks volumes about the business & at times also about the core business principle or policy of a company hence much thought needs to go into designing it. My logos have met with much appreciation from my clients.
  • designer web page buttons-
  • Attractive buttons greatly enhance the look of a website. I design both animated & non-animated buttons for websites. A button can also be strategically paced on a website as a small ad for a special announcement or link to an important page which has some latest updates.
  • designer web banners in photoshop & flash (animated web banners) - banners on websites are an eye-catching way of displaying the USP of your business or some attractive schemes or offers or even displaying some special achievements. They could also have a number of images or pictures arranged together with some special effects & intresting color schemes. See the photoshop & flash sections of my portfolio to see some banners that I have designed.
  • attractive web graphics -
  •  Pictures with some special effects added to them make for interesting graphics on websites. You can just send the images you would like to be used on the website or for any print purposes to me & I can turn them into attractive graphics.
  • designer business cards -
  •  Personal visitng cards or business cards as they are known are an important part of every business, whether for the owner or for his/her employees. Gone are the days when the business cards had only the name, address & contact numbers of the holder. No wonder they usually landed up in the dust-bins. The trend these days is towards designer business cards. Cards should be such that the receiver should want to preserve them.Naturally graphics become an important part of the card & so does the graphic designer. See some designer cards in the photoshop section of this site.
  • ads for print media-
  • A good graphic designer is a must for designing any ad for the print media. A thorough knowledge of DTP softwares, the color modes, resolution etc is a must. I have also done some ads for print which again can be seen in the photoshop section.
  • greeting cards & e-greetings -
  •  Who does not like to receive a lovely card - whatever the excuse or occasion? And with these days of e-cards, especially animated ones, gone are the days of snail mails. The market out there is huge for e-greetings. Though I have designed cards more often for Indian occasions & themes related to India, I can also design cards related to non-Indian themes, events. Of course cards portraying emotins have no country barriers. I also design greeting cards for print. Check out the e-greetings section for both animated & non-animted cards.
  • CD covers, magazine & books' covers-
  • An attractive cover can definitely push up the sales of a book, magazine or even a CD for that matter.As a freelance graphic designer I have done a few projects for designing covers. You can some of these in the photoshop & corel draw sections.
  • T-shirt designs-
  • We all love to sport trendy T-shirts with some eye-catching one-liners on them, don't we? And it doesn't appear just yet, that they are going to be out of vogue for a long time to come. I have also done a few designs for T-shirts. Again you will find them in the photoshop section
  • wall calendar designs-
  •  Wall calendars always make for excellent corporate as well as personal gifts. I also design these but it would be better if a theme is given to me so that the same theme continues through the 12 months of the calendar.
  • invitations, brochures & leaflets-
  • All businesses regularly need attractive invites, brochures, catalogues, leaflets & hand-outs as part of their promotion campaigns. I have done quite a few of these & they have been much appreciated by my clients. See a few of them in the photoshop & coreldarw sections.
  • blow-ups for corporate showrooms- These days most big showrooms have large blowups on one or more themes displayed on the door & along the walls. This being an important part of marketing strategy, one has to make sure the project is handled by a skilled & experienced graphic designer. I did about 6-7 blowups for a leather products showroom in India. You can see them in the photoshop section.

    For more, see the respective sections namely photoshop, corel, flash, logos & e-greetings
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© 2005.The owner of all photography, graphics, and design on this site is indianwebartist-freelance web designer & freelance graphic designer from India, Mumbai. All rights reserved, unless specific permission is granted in writing

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