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Writing text on a sphere   (see sample here)

1. Open a new file 300 x 300 pixels with a white background.
2. Create a new layer above the background layer byclicking on the new layer icon at the bottom of the layers palette.
3. Select the elliptical marquee tool from the tools palette. Hold down Shift and draw a perfect sphere. Fill it with any color using the paint bucket tool.
4. Now select the Text tool. Click on the document to open the text window. Type any text. The size of the text should be such that it fits within the sphere. The color should contrast with the color of the sphere for better effect.Using the move tool place it in the center of the sphere.
5. Right-click on the 'T' of the text layer in the layers palette.From the options displayed, select Render layer.
6. Read this step carefully.
Select the text layer in the layers palette.Then holding down Ctr key, click on the ellipse layer in the layers palette. You will see a dotted line along the border of the sphere.
7. Go to Filter-Distort-Spherize. Keep amount as 100 & mode as Normal and click OK.
8. Now for a more realistic effect, touch up the sphere layer as follows:
a) Select the ellipse layer.Go to Filter- Blur-Gaussian blur. Enter a value between 3 & 3.5 for the radius.
b) Bighten the center of the sphere near the text using the dodge tool .Near the periphery of the sphere darken a little with burn tool.
That's it.

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