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Rotating Effect  (see sample here)

1.Open a new file.Import (Ctr+R) any .jpg or .gif image.Place it in the center of the stage by selecting it, then Ctr+X, then Ctr+V.
2.Again select the image.Then hold down Alt & drag.Place the copy of the image thus created to the right of the image in the center just touching it.Now select this second image & holding down Alt drag once more to create one more copy of the image.Place it to the right of the second image just touching it as seen in the picture. Then holding down Shift select all the 3 images &group them (Ctr+G).

3.Go to frame20 & press F6 to insert a keyframe.Now move the 3 grouped images so that the image which was most to the right is now in the center of the stage with the other two to the left of it as seen here.

4.Now create a motion tween between frames 1 & 20.
5.Make a new layer above the first layer.Name it mask.Now select the ellipse tool.Choose no stroke for stroke color. In the first keyframe of this layer, draw a circle which lies over the first image of the first layer as seen here.Then go to frame 20 & press F5 to insert frame.Now right-click mask layer in layers palette & select mask option.Now play your movie.

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