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TEXT MAGIC   (see sample here)

1. Open a new file 300 x 300 pixels with white as background color.
2. Create a new layer above the background by clicking on the new layer icon in the layers palette.
3. Select the Type mask tool & click on the document.In the type tool window type your text with font size 80.Click OK.
4. On your document, you now see the text you just typed, in the form of a dotted outline.
5. Now go to Edit-Stroke.Choose stroke width as 5 pixels.Choose location as either outside or center.Click OK.You now see that your text has an outline of the same color as that of your foreground color.Deselect the text(Ctr+D)
6. Hold down the Ctr key & click on the text layer in the layers palette.You will now see that only the outline of your text gets selected.
7. Now select the gradient tool by double-clicking it. Choose any of the preset gradient or create a new one by clicking the edit button on the gradients palette.Next, choose any type of gradient fill from the pull out options of the gradient tool. Drag the cursor across your text & deselect(Ctr+D).

Tip: To fill your text outline with an image omit step 7.Instead, after step 6 open any .jpg or .gif image.Select a part of the image with rectangular marquee.Go to Edit-Copy. Return to your text file & go to Edit-Paste into.

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