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Creating Image Mapping in Flash   

1. Open a new file. Import any .jpg image for which you want to create the image map eg. a map of your country showing the different states. (You can then create an image map over each of these states which links to the detailed information about the respective state).Break the image (Ctr+B).
2. Choose the lasso tool.From the options below the toolbar, select the polygon mode. With this polygon laso tool make a selection of any part of your image (eg.a state in a map of a country) as follows:
 a) Click to set the starting point.
 b) Position the pointer where you want the first line to end, and click.Continue setting end points for additional line segments.
 c) To close the selection area, double-click.
3. Keeping the selected area as it is got to Insert-Convert to symbol and choose the button option. Give it any name you like.
4. Open the library (Ctr+L).Double-click on this button you just created. You enter the button editing mode. Here, select the hit state by clicking on the square below and pressing F6.Then using either the rectangle or ellipse tool draw over your button to cover it completely.
5. Come back to the scene. Right-click on the button and select actions.Give action as:
  on (press) {
       getURL ("")
In the getURL text box specify the name of the .html or .swf file you want to link to this image map.Remember to write the complete D:\foldername\subfolder\filename.html
6. Similarly create image maps for other areas of your image by repeating steps 2 to 5.Link each image map to its respective .html or .swf file.

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