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Text style in Photoshop (see sample here)

1. Open a new photoshop file.
Select the hollow text tool. Create a new layer & type any text.
3. Now select the gradient tool & fill the text with any color gradient.
4. Now in the layers palette, keeping this layer selected press Ctr key.This will select outline of the text.
5. Now go to Select-Modify-Contract & contract the selection by 3 pixels.

6.Without deselecting, create a new layer by clicking on the new layer icon in the layers palette.
7. Do not deselect yet. Now open any image file & using the rectangulaar marquee tool make a selection from this image file.The selection should not be very small.Go to Edit-Copy.

8. Now return to your text file.Click Edit-Paste into. This will paste the image inside your text.
9. Now return to the first layer to which you had applied the gradient.Go to Layer-Styles.Select Drop Shadow.Give options as Blend mode-multiply,color-(of your choice), opacity-96%, angle-(-98), distance-13,spread-0, size-0, noise-0.Tick the use global light box.
10. Now choose the inner shadow option.Here keeping all the other optins same as drop shadow,
give distance 5, size 5 & opacity 75%.Click OK.
That's it.Easy isn't it?

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