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Giving outline to an image   (see sample here)

1. Open a new file.

2. Open the file of the image to which you want to give an outline. Make a perfect selection using the lasso tool. The using the move tool move this selected image on to your new file.

3. Now select this image layer in the layers palette.Hold down Ctr key and click on the image layer in the layers palette. This selects the outline of the image.

4. Go to Select -Modify -Expand And the value as 3 pixels.Click OK.

5. Do not deselect.Create a new layer by clicking on the new layer icon at the bottom of the layers palette. Name it outline. Drag this outline layer below the image layer in the layers palette.

6. Select the outline layer. Go to Edit - Stroke. Enter a value of 2 pixels. Test various effects by giving different locations i.e. outside, center or inside.

Tip: Another way of giving an outline is to select the gradient tool and drag it across the image. Remember to keep the outline layer selected while you give the gradient.

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