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Creating curtains opening on a stage   (see sample here)

1. Open a new file in flash. Rename layer 1 as left curtain.Choose the rectangle tool. Now for stroke color, choose the no color option by clicking the no color icon in the colors toolbar.For the fill color,select a red & black gradient. Draw a rectangle as shown.
2.Now select this rectangle using the arrow tool & group it (Ctr+G).Hold down the Alt key & drag this rectangle.This creates a copy of the rectangle. Place it exactly beside the first one, touching it precisely.Similarly create one more copy & place it beside the second one again touching it as shown. The 3 curtains should together the left half of the stage.
3. Now hold down the shift key & select all the three rectangles using the arrow tool. Now group them together (Ctr+G).
4. Now go to frame 10 & insert keyframe (F6).The same curtains will appear in frame 10.Select them with the arrow tool & using the scale option of the arrow tool, make them narrow by reducing the width as shown.
5. Now right-click between frames 1 & 10 & choose option 'create motion tween'.
6. Create layer 2 & repeat all steps from 1 to 5 except that the curtains should now cover the right half of the stage.
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