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Giving Fire Effect To Text   (see sample here)

1. Open a new file.Select the type tool.Type any text-font size 100 or more,font Arial Black, font color yellowish orange- somewhat similar to the color of fire.
2. Now convert the text layer into an image layer by right-clicking on the 'T' in the layers palette and choosing the render layer option.
3. Now rotate your text by 90 degrees by going to Edit-Transform-Rotate 90 degrees clockwise(or Ctr+T,then right-click on the text & choose the rotate 90 degrees clockwise option).
4. Now go to Filter-Stylize-Wind. In the Wind palette, choose method as wind, direction from left to right & click OK.Then press Ctr+F to increase the wind effect.
5. Again go to Filter-Stylize-Wind. In the Wind palette, choose method as wind & this time choose direction from right to left & click OK.Again press Ctr+F to increase the wind effect.
6. Once more rotate your text by 90 degrees by going to Edit-Transform-Rotate 90 degrees counter-clockwise(or Ctr+T,then right-click on the text & choose the rotate 90 degrees counter-clockwise option).This makes your text horizontal again.
7. Now go to Filter-Distort-Ripple.Choose size Medium & amount 100.Click OK.Press Ctr+F to increase the effect.
8. Go to Filter -Artistic-Neon Glow.Choose a glow color closer to the color of your text & keep brightness to the minimum.Click OK.
9. Make a copy of your text layer by going to Layer-Duplicate layer.Using fill tool fill it with a bright yellow color & lastly drag this duplicate layer below your original text layer in the layers palette & using the down arrow key move it a little down.

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