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Stylish Background    (see sample here)

1. Open a new file with background color as white. In the layers palette click on the new layer icon to create a new layer above the background layer.
2. Select this new layer, then click on the polygon lasso tool in the tools palette. With this polygon lasso tool draw a shape which resembles the green part in my sample. it should cover only about 30% of your document width. You will the shape you draw in the form of dotted lines.
3. Now enter the quick mask mode by clicking the 'Edit in Quick mask mode' icon at the bottom of the tools palette. (You now see your shape filled with red color). Now go to Filter-Stylize-Wind & choose the method as blast & direction from left to right.Click OK.
4. Now click on the 'Edit in Standard Mode' icon at the bottom of the tools palette to re-enter the standard mode.
5. Choose the fill tool & fill the shape with any color of your choice.Again go to Filter-Stylize-Wind & choose the method as blast & direction from left to right.Click OK.
6. Next go to Filter-Noise-Add noise, choose amount 25 & distribution Uniform.
7. Create a new layer & drag it below layer1 in the layer palette.
Using the rectangle marquee draw a rectangle which covers the entire document.
9. Enter the quick mask mode by clicking the 'Edit in Quick mask mode' icon at the bottom of the tools palette. (You now see your rectangle filled with red color).
10. Go to Filter-Artistic-plastic wrap. Enter highlight strength as 15, detail 9, smoothness 7. Click OK.
11. Now click on the 'Edit in Standard Mode' icon at the bottom of the tools palette to re-enter the standard mode.
12. Choose the fill tool & fill the rectangle with any color of your choice. Again go to Filter-Artistic-plastic wrap, keep same settings & click OK.
13. Go to Filter-Noise-Add noise, choose amount 25 & distribution Uniform.That's it!

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