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Creating a jigsaw puzzle in flash (contd)

6.Now return to the scene.Make one more new selection on the image,again
with the polygon lasso tool.For this selection again repeat steps 3 to 5.Give
names to the movieclip & button that you create as part 2 & button2
7.In this way create multiple movieclips & buttons by repeating steps 3-6 till
your selections have covered the entire image & no part of the image is left
out.Remember to give different names to your symbols created from each
selection as part3,button3.part4,button4 & so on.
8.After all your symbols arre created,go to Edit-select all(Ctr+A) & hit delete.You now have a blank stage. the library(Ctr+L).One-by-one drag all the movieclips you created
onto the stage & place them anywhere on the stage haphazardly as you like.
10.Now play the movie(Ctr+Enter).Drag the different parts of the jigsaw &
fit them to recreate the image.

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