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Types of editorials


  • Editorial of information - It seeks to give information on facts unknown to the reader. It restates the facts of news stories or adds other facts with minimum explanation. It may define terms, identify persons or factors or provide a background.
  • Editorial of interpretation or explanation - It explains the significance of meaning of a news event, current idea, condition, or situation, theory or hypothesis. The writer does not argue nor criticize, but merely presents both sides of the issue and leaves the judgment to the reader. It merely interprets, say for example, the content of a new memorandum issued by the principal.
  • Editorial of criticism - It points out the good or the bad features of a problem or situation mentioned in the news. Its purpose is to influence the reader. It usually suggests a solution in the end.
  • Editorial of commendation - It praises, commends, honor, congratulate or pays tribute to a person or organization that has performed some worthwhile projects or deeds, or accomplishments.
  • Editorial of persuasion or argumentation - It is intended to convince the readers to follow a particular way of thinking on an issue. The editor argues in order to convince or persuade the reader to accept his stand on the issue.
  • Editorial of entertainment - It evokes a smile, a chuckle, and laughter or poke fun at a certain topic, while suggesting truth. It is short yet entertaing.
  • Mood editorial - It presents a philoshophy rather than an argument or an explanation. Oftentimes, the subject is nature or emotion.
  • Special Occasion - It explains the significance of the special day or occasion.

    [SOURCE 8]


Editorial sample How to write an editorial article TIME's 2008 Top 10 Editorial Cartoons  
  Definition of Editorial
Editorial sample

Mutual defense

How to write an editorial article

Types of editorials
Structure of editorials
Tips for effective editorials

TIME's 2008 Top 10 Editorial Cartoons
  1. 'Please Take Care of My...Bailout'
  2. Dante's Terminal
  3. Daily Affirmation, With Hillary Clinton
  4. A High Stickin' Hockey Mom
  5. She Does a Better Palin Than Palin
  6. Thawing Out the Cold War
  7. Oil Pricing in Oz
  8. The Rocket's Reaction
  9. Super Tuesday Shuffle
  10. Memo For a New President/Superman


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