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Major Classifications of Feature


  • News feature - related to a current event or situation that is of interest to the public. The news feature seeks out to put the event or situation into human perspective and help readers to identify, in human terms, with the story. The news feature may use the delayed lead to lure the reader into the story, and then get to the point after several paragraphs, or it may put the lead them in a kicker at the end.
  • Human Interest feature - a short piece, told in a unique or clever way that concentrates on an unusual and emotionally appealing subject. It is not perishable and does not contain any news information of vital public interest. It dwells on the appeal to readers about other people or about common area of interest such as pets, odd things and places, or historical ironies.
  • Informative feature - a story that presents practical information on an interesting subject. This type takes the readers behind the scenes of an unusual industry, process or service. Its elements are unearthing the facts and dressing up these facts.
  • Personality profile - a story that reveals the personality of someone through incidents, anecdotes and quotes(not through a list of accomplishments, favorite things or biological facts. It is often referred to as character sketch. It tackles an in-depth story on an individual that captures the essence of the person on paper. The subjects of a personality profile are endless. They could either be living or dead persons, young or old, ordinary folk or famous personalities, as long as you have met the person.
  • Historical feature - a story about an interesting aspect of a historical subject gathered from research and interviews.
  • Descriptive feature - a descriptive account or story of a place, an event, a situation or a way of life. It takes the reader out there somewhere and builds a mental picture of a scene he might never be able to visit in his lifestyle, or it may take him want to go there after reading the article.
  • Personality Interview article - this should not be confused with the personality profile and may fall under the category of news feature. It is necessarily related to a current event or a situation that is of interest to the public. The personality interview article seeks to put the event or situation into human perspective and help readers to identify in human terms, with story.
  • Shared or Personal experience feature - a story that share information gained from the writer's firsthand experience in doing something. One requirement of the personal experience article is that, the writer must see or perceive something funny or unique in his experience and be able to tell it entertainingly. The interest in a personal experience article depends chiefly upon extraordinary or unique events with which the account is concerned.
  • Narrative feature - they are essentially factual stories that are told chronologically from start to finish. Like fiction, they rely upon the unfolding of episodes for their compelling interest; that is why many personal experience articles are also narratives. But, narratives are not necessarily personal experiences.
  • How-to-do-it or Utility feature - a story that explains how to do something. Its elements are information, advice and clarity.
  • Analysis - a background article aimed at answering the question, "What's it all about?" when a social explosion, or a political upheaval, or any momentous event splashes the headlines.
  • Essay-review - critical reviews are usually analytical in nature and they demand meticulous knowledge and competent expertise from those who write them. It could be about a book, a movie or play, a concert, a photo and art exhibit, or other products of art that is the center of review and the reason why the review exists.



Feature sample How to write a feature article    
Definition of Feature
Feature samples

Your Next Job

How to write a feature article

Feature facts
Focusing on the theme
Major classifications of feature
The Wall Street Journal Formula
Tips on Feature Writing
Informative yet entertaining











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