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  News page header News Samples How to write an article TIME Magazine's top ten    

Classification of News


  1. According to subject
    • Action Story - something visual and moving. It is based on an actual coverage or persecuted as if the writer is an eyewitness of an event.
    • Idea or verbal story - is culled from reports and documents. This type of story, which is abstract and static can also be called a substance story.
  2. According to treatment
    • Straight news (Hard news) - news told in direct fashion. It depends on freshness of facts for reader interest. It proceeds from the most important to the least important.
    • Human interest (Soft news) - news that appeals to the emotion and attempts to gain a response from the reader.
    • Interpretative News - news that helps the reader understand the significance of the fact of the story. It may include: Why the incident occurred? Background of the event, personalities or persons involved and significance by side a significant news item.
  3. According to time-relationship between the incident and coverage
    • Advance or curtain-raiser story - it is a report of an unexpected event. It aims to arouse interest in an event, such as a concert, a play or a campaign.
    • Coverage story - an article reporting an event which is taking place or has already taken place. A series of coverage stories make up a running story that includes:
      • Routine story - a story that is anticipated, such as a meeting and periodic test.
      • Sport story - a story that breaks out unexpectedly.
      • Follow-up story - a report of more recent developments of a story already published. It includes new information, new significance, causes, developments, etc.
  4. In campus journalism, there are also types of news stories such as:
    • Classroom story - interpretative news on the academic front
    • Meeting story - includes purpose, time, place, name of organization, participants, background information on speakers, and kind of meeting.
    • Speech story - includes the speaker and his background, theme of the speech, occasion, time and place, quotations, description of the audience, including unusual reaction.
    • Calendar story - stories of predictable event or occurrence that are schedule in advance.


News examples How to write a news article TIME's 2008 Top 10 News  
Definition of News
News examples

Obama calls Arroyo on VFA
'They didn't kill Ninoy'
Crisis takes away 3,500 Luzon  jobs
Web harnessed vs. human trafficking
More protection for women pushed

How to write a news article

Elements of News
News Categories
Classification of News
News Structure
Lead Writing

TIME's 2008 Top 10 News
  1. When we realized the sky was falling
  2. Yes, he could!
  3. Mumbai held hostage
  4. Devastation in Islamabad
  5. Pirates rule the waves
  6. War in the Caucasus
  7. China Spreads the Melamine
  8. Twilight of Cuba's Patriarch
  9. An Audacious Rescue in Columbia
  10. Mother Nature's Double Whammy










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