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Obama calls Arroyo on VFA


MANILA, Philippines -- US President Barack Obama made a surprise telephone call to President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo early Saturday morning (Friday night in the United States) to reaffirm his country’s alliance with the Philippines and its commitment to the controversial Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA).

Palace officials, thrilled by the gesture that followed a series of failed attempts by Ms Arroyo to meet with the US President, could not help but point out that it was the latter who sought her out.

“They reaffirmed their commitment to the long-standing US-Philippine alliance, including the VFA which remains critical to the bilateral relationship and our strategic interests,” Press Secretary Cerge Remonde said, quoting from a White House statement.

Obama also “commended President Arroyo on her country’s efforts in countering terrorism, and modernizing the Armed Forces,” Remonde said, still quoting from the statement.

“The two leaders discussed the need to work closely together on the global economic crisis as well as on other areas of common concern, including climate change, education, and interfaith dialogue,” he said.

Remonde broke the news in the middle of an interview with the government-run Radyo ng Bayan. He said he had received a call from Foreign Secretary Alberto Romulo, who expressed “satisfaction” and “positive feelings” over the two Presidents’ telephone conversation.

“He [Romulo] considers this a very important development in the relationship between the two countries, especially under the Obama administration,” Remonde said.

“And Secretary Romulo wanted to stress the fact that this time, it was President Obama who was seeking President Arroyo,” he said.



News examples How to write a news article TIME's 2008 Top 10 News  
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Obama calls Arroyo on VFA
'They didn't kill Ninoy'
Crisis takes away 3,500 Luzon  jobs
Web harnessed vs. human trafficking
More protection for women pushed

How to write a news article

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TIME's 2008 Top 10 News
  1. When we realized the sky was falling
  2. Yes, he could!
  3. Mumbai held hostage
  4. Devastation in Islamabad
  5. Pirates rule the waves
  6. War in the Caucasus
  7. China Spreads the Melamine
  8. Twilight of Cuba's Patriarch
  9. An Audacious Rescue in Columbia
  10. Mother Nature's Double Whammy



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