We've MOVED!! Ahem. As you may well have noticed this site hasn't been updated for a while. The Captain's Unofficial Justice League Homepage can currently be founded at". New features includes a semi-regularly updated news/blog on the JLA, new material, updates of old material, mirrors of old material and a funky new design.

Welcome to the Captain's Justice League Homepage, your source for the most in-depth articles, profiles and material on the Justice League from the Golden Age to the present New Era.

Stop Press (News/Previews)
Alpha-Prototype Next-Gen version of this Site.

The Captain's JLA Weblog...

Profile Problems: It is becoming clear that a number of people are having problems with some of the pop-up profiles. To view them you need to make sure you have Javascript enabled in your browser. If that doesn't work then as a stop gap measure look at the URL for the link and remove the javascipt:profile(' or javascript:a2z(' before the file name and the '); after the filename. This problem has been addressed in the next generation on this site. Cheers.
posted by The Captain Monday, February 19, 2001

Team Superman update: I'm bringing all the current Superman related material together under one index. Check out the Team Superman and Superman Dynasty section on the prototype side of this site.
posted by The Captain Saturday, February 17, 2001

Origins of Hypertime: Some of you may have seen this out on the net, others may not have. Its at article from New Scientist (a British weekly science news mag) called "Here comes hypertime". Its dated November 1997 and makes for some interesting reading - effectively the comicbook hypertime is not really that far off real physics.
posted by The Captain Monday, January 15, 2001

Major change: Been a few months (well okay five) since I was last able to do an update to this page and I think its about time I revealed what I was upto. I've been spending a considerable peroid of time rebuilding my home computer and learning about the wonders of XML (eXtensible Markup Language). These new wonders will allow me to better manage the information and resources that go into this webpage. You'll not notice anything different at the moment, but I've put together the first stage of a "prototype page" here. I've started using CSS stylesheets to format the new page, so if anybody has problems or comments can they please let me know.
posted by The Captain Wednesday, January 10, 2001

To improve the navigation of the site I've added a search button on the sidebar. Let me know how you have any problems with it.
posted by The Captain Friday, July 07, 2000

Green Lantern Corps - Just posted up a beta version of the next section of this site. A cluster of pages devoted to the Green Lantern Corps including a History and Who's Who of the GLC. Also added is a 90% complete profile of Hal Jordan.
posted by The Captain Wednesday, July 05, 2000

DC Teams this week: (June 6) JLA #44, TITANS ANNUAL #1, YOUNG JUSTICE #23
posted by The Captain Tuesday, July 04, 2000

News: Comic's Continuum has reported that Dan Jolley and Josh Krach have turned in a script for a 64 page JLA Prestige Format one-shot called "Gods and Monsters". Little of the plot is known but it does introduce a new villainess. Pencils by Scott Benefiel, inks by Jason Rodriguez and letters by Ken Lopez.
posted by The Captain Monday, July 03, 2000

THIS WEEK: Not much of interest in the way of JLA stuff on the racks this week. However what caught my eye was part two of a three part Wonder Woman story in LEGENDS OF THE DCU by Priest. Its a complex morality play that mixes current Wonder Woman mythos with Roy Thomas All-Star/Infinity canon. Also of note is that the Hawkman and Hawkgirl double set has been released by DC Direct. I had to resist temptation on this one, I got the Hard Traveling Heroes set but deciced to hold off on the Hawks.
posted by The Captain Saturday, July 01, 2000

Well it seems that I'm beginning to pick up a little steam over the updates. With this latest update I've more or less finished the Speedster community (Impulse and Max will be done at a later date) and I can move onto the Green Lanterns. I'd like to take this chance to welcome Michael Weyer onboard. Michael has compiled a huge list of classic quotes from the Morrison/Waid era.
posted by The Captain Friday, June 30, 2000

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...the following people who have supplied corrections/comments that have been important to the growth of this website.

Sean Mcquaid] - Sean has also supplied a number of profiles on the Gerald Jones JLA group. These will be back sometime after Christmas.
Michael "Rabbit" Hutchison Keeper of the Elongated Man Webpage.
Alan Kistler aka Continuity Cop Look for his work in the Articles Section.
Michael Weyer who submitted a massive section on classic JLA quotes.


It all began in the winter of 1940 with the third issue of ALL-STAR COMICS. That issue contained a simple story by today's standards - a group of heroes meeting together to discuss and swap stories. However that was the genesis of the superhero groups that form the foundation of DC, Marvel, Image and a dozen smaller publishers universes. ALL-STAR COMICS #3 opened the way for teams made up of characters from different titles, it also showed us the original archetype for those teams - the Justice Society of America (JSA)

The adventure comic declined after the war as cowboys, science fiction and horror replaced the costumed heroes. After a story titled "The Mystery of the Vanishing Detectives" the JSA joined their brightly coloured friends in comic book limbo. It was the end of the Golden Age...

Wheels turned and the first appearance of Barry Allen heralded the dawn of a new age, the Silver Age. Less that a decade after the Justice Society had disappeared their legacy was realised by one of their original creators, Gardner F. Fox, as he introduced the world to the revamped heroes of DC/National, together as the Justice League of America (JLA).

Since their first appearance in BRAVE AND THE BOLD #28 the JLA has spawned three series of comics, five spin-off series and over a dozen specials and mini-series. Also the JLA has appeared in a live action TV pilot, a classic animated TV series (the Superfriends & Aquaman), guest starred on the BBC Superman Radio Play, had its own toyline (Total Justice) and for a time its own computer game.

Now fourty years after their first appearance the Justice League is reborn. A cabal of transatlantic talent including Scottish writer Grant Morrison (Animal Man, Invisibles) and his sucessor the US's own Mark Waid (The Flash, Kingdom Come) have breathed new life into the League. The main JLA title has gone from zero to be DC's best selling title. The indications are that they've only just started!




The Justice League, the Justice Society, related icons and images are copyright DC Comics or their original creators/artists and are used without permission. This site is non-profit making and in no way exists to defraud the original artist/writers of the discussed material - it is a work in homage and it is hoped that it is seen as such. This disclaimer can be accessed from any page on the site using the framed version of the site by clicking on the bottom button on the side bar.


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