In the 853rd century the solar system is known purely as the System and has an identity all of its own. Each of the component planets that form the System is protected by a member of Justice Legion A.

Political Structure (Commonwealth of Humanity)

By the 853rd century mankind has truly become an interstellar power and by implication the dominant culture in the Galaxy. The political structures are much like they are to day except on different scales. Where as a single nation or country defines the base unit of a political federation today, in the 853rd century it is a solar system (as revealed by constant references to the System) that forms the basic unit. We can take the System to be the constituent planets, Tesseracts, stations and inhabitable volumes within what we would call the Solar System.

Within the System we can imagine that the individual planets function much like States within a federation. This is reinforced by references in AQUAMAN #1M to Governors of the Neptune Territories. The status of the near infinite Tesseracts that dominate much of the system is also unknown, the only politician that we have seen linked to them is Jadena Olsen, the Mayor of the Metropolis Tesseract. It is therefore not unreasonable to suppose that the political structures mirror those of the United States.

One notable absence in the series is the lack of any clear central authority like a President. This could be ascribed to such a person being on a much higher level, this would imply that the System in itself is not a sovereign authority but rather is part of a much larger political entity. One is alluded to in JLA #1M as the Commonwealth of Humanity however it is not defined. Another telltale sign is that the United Planet Cluster seems to be part of the same political entity as the System and Lallor. Therefore it is best to assume that the Galaxy as a hole is a single political unit.

The Super-Sun Fortress of Solitude

At the heart of the System is the Super-Sun. When Superman Prime returned from his wanderings at the edge of creation he forged a covenant with the Superman Dynasty. This was to increase their power in return for a reaffirmation of their duties and responsibilities. After that he retreated into the Sun to begin a healing and metamorphoses that would take centuries. His unique Kryptonian ability to absorb and process solar energy changed the nature of the radiation from the Sun so that it "turbo-charged" his descendants, the Superman Dynasty. What he did inside the Sun is unknown, yet over time it became normal for people to refer to the Sun as his Fortress of Solitude. The Sun also served as the link for the System to the Galactic Macronet.


MERCURY (Flash M*)
Mean distance from the Sun: 57.6 million kilometres
Planetary mass (Earth =1): 0.0553
Equatorial Radius: 2439.7 kilometres

The planet Mercury has become the hub of the System's information processing and data storage industries. In a environment where information is a tradable asset Mercury has become the planet of extremes. The basis of Mercury's wealth comes from its unique geological nature. With a day that is equal to its year (technically its a simple ratio but we assume that the planet has been "engineered") one side of the planet is constantly facing away from the sun and therefore receives no sunlight making it extremely cold. This cold serves to cool the massive info-engines and data dynamos that link the System's Headnet to the Super-Sun which effectively acts as the System's portal onto the Galactic Macronet.

There is a down side to the wealth generated by Mercury's info barons, as a large number of prospectors and poor make their way to Mercury to try their hand at getting rich. They are the people too poor to afford the Headnet chip implants or power icons. Mercury is defended by John Fox, Flash M*, latest of the long line of Flashs which stretches back to the 20th century. Fox himself actually comes from the 27th century and has made this era his home.

Mercury was recently the site for the Challenge of Flash III as part of the celebrations for the return of Superman Prime. During this period Wally West successfully lapped his own after images during a race around the planet's equator. He was later attacked by the info-terrorists Heatwave M* and Commander Cold. See FLASH #1M for more details.

VENUS (Wonder Woman M*)
Mean distance from the Sun: 108.2 million kilometres
Planetary mass (Earth =1): 0.8150
Equatorial Radius: 6051.9 kilometres

Venus has been called Earth's twin by many astronomers, but for aeons it was subject to a vast out of control greenhouse effect that raged across the planet's inhospitable atmosphere. That all changed when the Amazons of myth returned to the System. The Amazons had been refugees from the ancient world sealed off on a remote island as the last worshipers of the Greek gods. They again rose to fame when one of their number, became Wonder Woman Prime. Millennia later the Amazons left the System in an arc built by the gods. Upon their return they brought peace to the chaos that was Venus and terra-forming the world into a lush Eden.

The world of the Amazons has become a centre for study and the arts. However Venus is also a controlled world. Only female life forms or gender-neutral (on a case by case basis) may visit the surface. The duel nature of the Amazons is ever present with their more militaristic tendencies displayed in mock battles staged on massive plains. Should any of the immortal women be injured or killed during these battles then they use a highly advanced regenerative device called Purple Ray to restore the person to health. In was one of these battles that served as the Challenge for Wonder Woman Prime when she visited the 853rd century. See WONDER WOMAN #1M for more details.

EARTH (Superman M*)
Mean distance from the Sun: 149.6 million kilometres
Planetary mass (Earth =1): 1.0
Equatorial Radius: 6378.1 kilometres

Earth is the birth world of humanity and the home world of the House of El. Humans evolved here millions of years ago from an ape like species. It has been suggested that humans were originally meant to be a super-race, but outside interference altered their genetic structure burying the abilities as the so called "meta-gene". It is this so called ability to gain and manipulate powers that led to the rise of the heroes of ancient antiquity and the genesis of the Dynasties that now defend the 853rd century System.

By the time of the primal heroes Earth had become a polluted rubbish dump. Much of its native bio-diversity had been eradicated and a large percentage of its surface environment was suffused with trace toxins and pollutants. Two factors served to change that, as technology opened the heavens the burdens on Earth's resources was lifted and when Tesseracts became widespread it became possible to shunt entire cities into extra-dimensional space. The combined effects of both was to effectively remove human habitation from the face of the Earth. The surface was restored to a pristine environment which functions as a planetary park under the watchful eye of the Green Arrows.


Fortress of Solitude Tesseract - In the 853rd century there are rumours that the Kryptonian Fortress of Solitude of the original Superman still exists somewhere on Earth. Many of those legends are true. One of the principal landmarks on Earth is the Colossus of El, a massive statue that celebrates the Superman Dynasty, it also the secret entrance into an Arctic Tesseract, that Arctic Tesseract in turn contain a hidden Fortress that has little changed since the twentieth century. Other entrances to the Fortress lead to the Earth's verdant surface. Before his death the Fortress was looked after by Resurrection Man who acted as the caretaker.

Metropolis Tesseract - Like all of Earth's cities Metropolis has been shunted sideways dimensionally into an extra-dimensional Tesseract, in this near infinite space it has grown vast. Metropolis is home to Superman M* and the city is proud of its links with the House of El. At the time of DC ONE MILLION the Mayor of Metropolis is Jadena Olsen and among its prominent citizens is the scientist and inventor Luthor Luthor, both supporters of Superman M*. Metropolis, much like it ever was, is a cosmopolitan city with a strong Bizarro Pride movement and an ethnic quarter that includes a large number of Kandorian refuges. All of Metropolis is overseen by L.O.I.S. (Logistical Overseer Integrated System), an intelligent data processing system.

Junk Yard Tesseract - When the surface of Earth was turned back into a verdant paradise the problem of what to do with the waste that humanity generated still remained. The solution was to construct a single Tesseract to be the dumping ground for obsolete technology and materials. Earth's Junk Yard Tesseract is also the home to Platinum, last remaining functioning member of the Metal Men.

Watchtower Holo Museum - Located on the lunar surface the Watchtower Holo Museum is a reconstruction of the headquarters of the primal heroes. In serves as a reminder to what we struggle for and of those that fought to defend us. Attached to the Museum are parks that celebrate the primal heroes and a specialised Watchtower Hotel for the longer staying guest).

Tesseract 63060 - Earth Tesseract 63060 is operated by a band of farmers who turned their back on the society of the 853rd century and instead gave it all up to form their own brand of utopian society. However they believe in conformity and rigidity of social structure, an environment that the communities youth finds stifling. In the 863rd century this Tesseract would be the site for the rebirth of the Legion of Superheroes. See LSH #1M for more details.

MARS (Maleca'andra J'onn J'onzz)
Mean distance from the Sun: 227.6 million kilometres
Planetary mass (Earth =1): 0.1074
Equatorial Radius: 3397.0 kilometres

The red planet in the 20th century was a silent mournful place, yet in ages past it was Maleca' Andra home of the Martian Race. They vanished without trace leaving their sole surviving member as one of the contemporaries of the primal heroes. When humanity discovered space travel and learned about their system it was to Mars they came rather than the inhospitable Venus. Over the years colonies were established on Mars, but the planet never fully gave up its mysteries. The mystique was further enhanced when, J'onn J'onzz finally returned there after his battles with the Swarm.

For a time Mars was transformed into a second Apokolips by Darkseid, both he and the last Martian disappeared into the Source and were never seen again. From that point onwards things began to change on Mars. The surface was reborn as silent red deserts replaced Darkseid's ghettos and rumours started of an almost mystical presence. What is not generally known is that the last Martian bonded with his home and was reborn as the very soul of the planet.

Even today in the 853rd century Mars has maintained much of its natural beauty with few cities on its surface. Those colonists born here have, over the generations, started to assume the genetic characteristics and appearances of the ancient Martians. The culture of these neo-martians has become a peaceful one living simple lives amid the red deserts. For others Mars has become a prime tourist attraction and favourite with romantics and newly weds. Mars is the slower pace of life compared to that of Mercury. For more details on Mars read MARTIAN MANHUNTER #1M.

JUPITER (JLA Headquarters)
Mean distance from the Sun: 778.0 million kilometres
Planetary mass (Earth =1): 317.8334
Equatorial Radius: 71,492.0 kilometres

Jupiter is the true giant of the Solar System. Many scientists think that it was a failed star, a ball of gas just that little bit too small to start its own internal nuclear reactions yet it still radiates more energy that it receives. Its metallised plasma core generates a massive magnetic field which is the largest structure in the System. Jupiter and its moons are considered by many to be a system in miniature, for this and other reasons (including the sheer logistics) there is a ban on terra-forming in the Jupiter vicinity. The largest of Jupiter's moons, Titan, has long ago left the System to join the United Planet Cluster. The supersonic Jovian wings seek to conceal the meeting place of the Justice Legion A, a round table floating amid the gas clouds.

SATURN (Hourman III)
Mean distance from the Sun: 1429.0 million kilometres
Planetary mass (Earth =1): 95.1592
Equatorial Radius: 60,268.0 kilometres

Not much is known about Saturn in the 853rd century. It would seem that the planet falls under the protection of the Legionnaire Hourman III. His Timeship can sometimes be scene floating amid the famous ring system. The same size as (but lighter than) Jupiter it is possible that Saturn is the resource centre of the System, where materials and gases are be harvested from the atmosphere.

URANUS (The Star Citadel, Starman M*)
Mean distance from the Sun: 2868.0 million kilometres
Planetary mass (Earth =1): 14.4998
Equatorial Radius: 25,559.0 kilometres

Okay we'll admit, we lost the planet. Excuse me but has anybody seen Uranus? I'm not joking! In the 853rd century the planet Uranus has vanished. It is entirely possible that the planet has been totally mined out and consumed as resources for the rest of the System. In its place orbits the System's second sun Solaris I. After centuries of serving humanity Solaris "retired" to a position of being the System's second power source warming the Outer Planets. To service and maintain Solaris the Starman Dynasty built their Star Citadel as an artificial moon orbiting Solaris. The Citadel is a marvel of 853rd century engineering and over sees the data traffic to the Outer System.

Emergency Update: Solaris is loose, some how the rogue sentient sun has reverted to its original programming. System Alert! System Alert!

Addendum: The Justice Legion A and the primal heroes have defeated Solaris. However repercussions for the outer system are still unclear. With the removal of the extra info-processing and energy generation abilities of Solaris the impact on the outer system, and Neptune in particular is uncertain.

Addendum: It has also been revealed by the Justice Legion A that Starman M* gave his life in the deep past to defeat Solaris. The Star Citadel is quiet, a hero has been lost!

NEPTUNE (Aquaman M*)
Mean distance from the Sun: 4504.0 million kilometres
Planetary mass (Earth =1): 17.2040
Equatorial Radius: 24,764.0 kilometres

Originally Neptune was the same size as its neighbour Uranus and was the last of the true planets in the solar system. All the ancient astronomers saw of the planet, even with their early space probes was a blue green ball. Of all the planets in the solar system it looked the most like Earth, from above it appeared as endless blue seas with wispy white clouds in the skies. It was an illusion created by an atmosphere of blue methane ice, helium and hydrogen, yet now highly advanced terra-forming techniques have allowed the planet to be changed into the paradise that it once promised to be. Neptune in the 853rd century is a long established ocean planet with a thriving eco-system built up from selected aquatic life from hundreds of worlds. It is one of the most majestic "natural" wonders in the System and is defended by the Legionnaire Aquaman M* and his aid Tempest M*.

Neptune is not just a watery wildlife park or managed zoo, it is living culture with intelligent races living above and beneath the waves. Entire communities formed from living coral gently ride in the midzone of the ocean drifting with the currents. These serve as underwater cities for aquatic life forms while above the air breathing races sail in vast city-boats with no fixed location. All this is overseen by joint Governors Ha-Foth Tritos and Na-Tinth Sha who have made Neptune one of the prime vacation destinations in the quadrant, with the best hotels, the most exotic meals and unrivalled underwater safaris.

PLUTO (Batman M*)
Mean distance from the Sun: 5896.0 million kilometres
Planetary mass (Earth =1): 0.0025
Equatorial Radius: 1151.0 kilometres

At the edge of the System is a group of objects called planetestimals, these rocky objects are the massive grains that collapsed together to form the inner planets and the cores of the outer planets. They are the remnants of the birth of the planets and have time formed a cloud around the System which extends out to the Oort Cloud (a reservoir of comets). A lot are only a few kilometres across, but the largest is a planet in its own right. It is the twilight world of Pluto. On the outer edge of the System, Pluto has always been a dark world where the warmth from our Sun finally peters out leave a frozen and barren world. It was the isolation and the forbidding environment that motivated the System's authorities to turn Pluto into the asylum for all the psychopaths, criminals, rogue machines and scum that did not or could not be reformed. A dumping ground for the worst of humanity.

It was an ambitious project even for those times. The entire planet was hollowed out to create a facility that would require a warden population of over ten thousand and it worked for a time. A Laughing Virus created by an ancient version of the Laughter/Joker sent the warders insane allowing the prisoners to run amok. They killed the warders in front of their children. It was this massacre that served as the genesis of Batman M*. Now he is the warder of Pluto along with Robin M*, the Toy Wonder. It is a planet where order has been restored and where the visitor is strongly advised not to go.

Batcave Tesseract - At the heart of Pluto, closed off from normal space, is the extra-dimensional headquarters of Batman M*, the Batcave. From here he monitors his charges and crime across the system. His computers control the security systems and it acts as a store for his arsenal.

IAI (Creeper M*)
Mean distance from the Sun: Unknown
Planetary mass (Earth =1): Unknown
Equatorial Radius: Unknown

In the 853rd century at least four other minor planets are known to be part of the System beyond Pluto. The thirteenth planet is Iai, a rogue planet that orbits tangential to the normal orbital plane of the other planets. In an age when data and information rule supreme Iai is a place without order and little regard for normal physical laws. Here the intrinsic improbability nexus makes it a hunting ground for data that has been forgotten across the rest of the United Galaxies. One such data adept/hunter is Rydr, a technological data entity that has merged with the chaos of the trickster planet and has been transformed into the chaotic entity that is the Creeper M*.


NEW KRYPTON - This is a recreation of Krypton created by Hourman III during the celebrations for the return of Superman Prime. Little is known about it except that it is home of the original population of Krypton plucked from the last moments of that world and brought into their far future. It circles a yellow star, Solaris II, meaning that all the inhabitants have superpowers. It is surmised that Superman Prime and Lois Lane M* stayed on New Krypton following the events of DC ONE MILLION #4.

SOLARIS II - Not actually a planet but it is the star that New Krypton circles. It is a yellow star and can be assumed to be a stellar-computer.

THANAGAR - While we do not actually see Thanagar in DC ONE MILLION we see Thanagarian Wingmen led by Mahol Toj on private attachment to Lexcorp Interplanetary suggesting that the culture has survived.

LALLOR - In the time of the Legion of Superheroes Lallor was a world with their own proud tradition of super-power heroes after an almost disastrous warlike period in their history. By the time of DC ONE MILLION they are allied with Earth and sent their heroes, the Justice Legion of Lallor, to assist in the defence of Earth against Solaris.

RIMWORLDS - Mentioned only in passing, the Rimworlds would seem to the far edges of the Galaxy, where stars peter out and where authority and civilisation encounter a last frontier.


Before the United Galaxies ascended to power the centre of power in the Galaxy was found in the United Planets. Originally conceived in the late twentieth century and really given form during the 30th century it was a collation of planets that banded together and defended by a team called the Legion of Superheroes. Over time it grew into a true galactic power but the core worlds always remained close sharing a historic link. In the 853rd century the core worlds had banded together to form the United Planets Cluster, a collection of worlds physically held closely together by the magnetism of Cosmicbot with the aim to returning to Earth and refreshing its genetic pool.


When the United Planets finally stretched across the entire Galaxy it became clear that alliances on a larger astronomical level could be productive. For that reason the United Galaxies was formed in the mould of the ancient United Planets as an alliance of Galaxies in a bond of friendship, trade and self defence.



GALACTIC MACRONET - The Galactic Macronet is the connection of thousand of stellar computers. It is the over reaching structure of data transmission and teleportation signals that forms the backbone of the galactic communication network. It is both interstate highway and postal service.

HEADNET - Headnet is the telepathic information network that links all people in the 853rd century. It seems that physical chip implants are required to access Headnet, while by it has been suggested that others rely on an evolutionary advance (possibly genetically engineered) to use the Headnet. Headnet is just like the modern internet except that it is accessed telepathically in a virtual reality style environment.

POWER ICONS - The are small devices that channel the cosmic power of an "iconic hero" allowing the wearer to gain the powers associated with that hero for a short time. They are used by many as a recreation device but they also allow numerous people to have ago as would be heroes.

TESSERACTS - Tesseracts are near infinite extra-dimensional spaces folded into normal Space-Time. They allow a city to be concealed in a tree or a Fortress of Solitude inside a statue. They have allowed near infinite population growth within a finite external environment.

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