Light pours forth on blinded eyes.
As I face the Truth of my demise
I'll not resist, though pain is strong
The ending notes of my last song.
Deprived of thought, my mind goes numb
At last my final day has come
The hand of Death wraps around my throat
As Devils cloaked in sorrow float
Around my body, scorched by sin.
But I won't let those Demons in
The image of your face appears
I cannot wipe away your tears
As they fall gently to the ground
They say so much, yet make no sound.
I reach out toward the darkened sky
I've lived enough, now let me Die.


One cold, dark,  and dreary night
I laid in bed, waiting for sleep to come.
The fog was so dense you could cut it with a knife
The Silence so thick, it's almost deafening.
An uneasy feeling started to surround me
It overcame me, it empowered me.
Like the battle cry of a long forgotten animal
Hungry, weak, sad and lonely.
You silently slipped into my dreams.
When you looked down upon me
The look on your face told me
That I should scream, but I couldn't
That I should fear, yet I didn't
My lips trembled, my body tensed
You smiled, I surrendered.

I'm covered from head to toe in dirt., I gasp for air, but there is none. I try to move, but find that I can't. I'm in a coffin.  I've been buried alive! I can't see, but I can hear them. Voices above me. They are sad that I am dead.  But I am not.  I am not!  I scream, but nothing comes out. I twist and turn and try to break out. Out of this hell that I've created. Yet I am trapped. Trapped forever within my own Night Terrors.

~ Monique  12/17/02
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