The Second Coming has Come and Gone
Twisting and Twirling in this timeless Spiral
The Falconer cannot find his Falcon
Although things fall apart, the center still holds
Since Chaos will always reign free on Earth
The Blood-Soaked Sands of Time endlessly flow
As we engulf innocence with our foolish ceremonies
Humans lack conviction, while the rest of God's Creatures
Are full of Passion and Love of Life
Was there Ever really a Revelation at hand?
The Second Coming has Come and Gone
Was it ever here? As soon as those Words are spoken
A vile image out of my Perverted Mind
Troubles my Thoughts
And I see that Strange Beast...

...the Sphinx
Crossing over the Blood-Drenched Desert
Once more
Looking tired and old
Beaten and Defeated
Moving quicker than he did in his approach
While the Shadows of what Humanity has become
Haunts him
He tucks his tail between his legs
Picking up speed
For now he knows
That twenty centuries of Merciless Slumber
Was not enough to prepare him for Our World
As we watch the Pitiful Beast
His hour come and gone
Scurry away from Bethlehem
To Hide.

~Monique  04/22/02
~I AM~

I am the Messenger
Sent here to Warn you
Not all is as it seems
Live not within your Dreams
I am the
That holds all the Hatred
That is left unchecked
By what some hold as Sacred
I am the
Spread throughout the World
With Malice intended
our Wounds are Mended...
...I am the Truth
Ignored by the Masses
For Ignorance is Bliss
But only for Asses
I am the
Dropped on the Innocence
All in the name of Justice
they are terrorist
I am the
Laid out before you
You see, yet do nothing
Since Vengeance is Everything
I am the
Felt by the People
Whose only Crime
Is that
they are Muslim.

~Monique  10/13/02
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