~Cody's Story~

As you may have already noticed on my main page...the day my son Cody was born was the most wonderful day of my life...I'll never forget holding him for the first time..looking at his face...his head mishapen from the ordeal..some small cuts and scratches on his head from the internal monitor...and assorted bruises on his head too from a difficult birth..and yet he was the most beautiful sight I had ever beheld...I took those oh so tiny fingers and toes in my hand and carressed them as I gazed on his face...my heart swelling with joy...I remember when the nurses brought him to me so I could feed him hours later ...it was sometime during the night...and as normal for a newborn..when he was done eating he fell back asleep...I sat staring at him in awe again...crying tears of happiness that this little miracle that I had waited to hold for 9 1/2 months was finally here...I couldn't bring myself to call the nurse to come back and take him to the nursery for what must have been 2 or 3 hours...I was so exhausted...and needed to sleep...but I didn't want to..I wanted to look at him...and never let him leave my arms...I held him close to my heart...dozing off...until I was scared of falling into a deeper sleep from total exhaustion...I finally called the nurse...and she took him back to the nursery...but he was still in my heart...we had bonded...and it was the most awesome experience of my life.

Just over 13 months later...something happened that nearly broke that bond...at least in the physical sense...Cody had the flu...I was nervous...this was the first time he had been this sick...I remember being up with him most of the night before...changing his clothes and bedding countless times...sometime during the late morning I was talking to my Mom on the phone...she sensed that I was scared...I told her something just didn't seem right...I knew I was uneasy with it being the first time he had this type of illness...but there was something telling me it was more than that...mother's intuition I guess...she told me to hang up and call his Doctor..his Doctor was on vacation...so I talked to the nurse of the other Pediatrician that shared the same office...I told the nurse what was going on...he was feverish...and vomiting profusely...somewhat listless...and his breathing was labored...she could tell I was scared and nervous and tried to soothe me..thinking I was just a nervous mommy...but it didn't help... finally just before she was ready to hang up I asked her if she would just listen to him breathe if I held the phone down by him...she said she would...I held the phone down in the play pen he was laying in beside me so she could hear him...then put the phone back to my ear...she said that his breathing did seem strange...and maybe we should bring him in later in the afternoon...I called my husband at work...told him that he needed to leave work early...and although still scared I spent the next few hours caring for him the best I could...and getting around to go to the Doctor.

My husband got home..and I changed Cody's diaper before we left for the 10 minute drive to the Doctor's office...we sat holding him in the waiting room and he seemed like a rag doll...they soon called us in...and the Doctor quickly undressed him...and I realized his diaper was so soaked it was about to leak...I was scared of being accused of not changing his diaper when I should...so I blurted out that I had just changed him about 15 minutes ago...the Doctor instead of berating me as I expected yelled for a Glucose monitoring machine...I felt my heart hit the floor...as my Mom was Diabetic..and my Grandmother had been...I knew what she was suspicioning...I felt like I had entered a dream...a nightmare actually...and I would wake up...and realize it was just an awful dream...but that didn't happen...I was awake...the monitor read "HIGH"...meaning it was over 600..and too high for the monitor to register...the Doctor gave us instruction to rush him across the street to the hospital..and she would meet us there...we did as we were told..and soon they grabbed him and rushed him in a room where they did a cut down on his leg and and put another IV tube in his head...we could hear him screaming but they wouldn't let us in the room...all we could do was pace..and cry...there hadn't been time for the Doctor to explain to us in detail exactly what was going on...she had hurridly told us he needed immediate attention...and admitted him...I have never been so scared in my life...I could tell by the look on her face...and the way things were handled that he was in bad shape...I can smile through my tears a little now thinking how strong he was...even almost comatose... a very large nurse told us she was nearly laying on him to hold him down so they could work on him.

After they were done working on him...the Doctor came and spoke to us...just as I feared...actually already knew in my heart...but I couldn't let myself believe it...Cody was Diabetic...he would need blood tests and shots for the rest of his life..or until a cure was found to provide the hormone insulin that is released by the pancreas..and essential in regulating the metabolizm of sugar...she also told us that he would have been gone within an hour of when we had arrived with him...on admittance his blood sugar level was 756...for that young of a child that is extremely high...When I saw him for the first time after the crisis was over I cried...his condition on admittance...Acute Ketoacidosis had made him lose his round baby cheeks...he was skin and bones...part of his head shaved so the IV could be applied.

We spent the next week at the hospital from morning till night...my Mom and Dad..and my husband's Mom taking turns spending the night with him... we spent as much time was we could with Cody...and also had to be educated on his care...me not being able to stand to watch my Mom do blood tests or shots being forced to learn myself now...I knew it was something I had to do...and I told myself to toughen up and do it...I had no problem once I set my mind to it and gave the educator a shot of saline solution...she had nice large arms..and I did as instructed..threw it like a dart..and pushed the plunger down...easy enough...I couldn't give myself a blood test though..I can't remember if my husband or the educator pushed the button...I can do it now to monitor my own blood sugar levels...but it's not easy..Cody is much braver than I am...it's all he's ever known... the first time I was confronted with Cody's tiny arm though...I broke down and handed the syringe to the nurse standing next to me...they had warned me beforehand that this might happen..and not to feel bad...and suggested that we get a device called an Inject-Ease to assist with the injection...the syringe goes in the device..you put the device directly against the skin...and push a button that quickly injects the needle...and keeps it out of sight..then push the plunger down and pull the device out...this was much easier for us...and they said it would be for Cody too...although still very young...he wouldn't have to see the needle as he got older...the next time they had me try with the Inject-Ease I was able to do it...although I felt a twinge of pain in my heart..I knew it was necessary for Cody's survival now...Nearly a week after he was admitted...they removed his IV's...and he was able to get up and learn how to walk again...I remember taking his tiny shoes in and watching him take his first steps was like watching him the first time he walked 4 months before that...my heart swelling with pride all over again.

The only scar Cody bears from the incidence is a small one on his ankle from the cut down...this was done because he was so dehydrated...and was the only way to administer the medicines he needed...he has anywhere from 2-4 blood tests a day...and 2 shots a day...he's been able to do his own blood test for some time now...but would rather have "Mom" do it..unless there is someone to "perform" for...then he is more than willing to show them how it's done...*S*...Most of the time he is happy to just have a couple bites of a sweet dessert...or a few chocolate chips or such as a treat...but this last Easter he showed some anger after an egg hunt...yelling and crying because it wasn't fair that the other kids could have the candy whenever they wanted..and he couldn't...I suggested he "sell" some of the candy to Grandma...and that's what he did...he still yelled and cried and complained...and had my Mom and I both crying too...but I guess it's just part of growing up with Diabetes...until there is a cure...

Praying for a cure...

Cody 4 months before he got sick...this picture makes me cry sometimes...because he looks so healthy...no sign of what was to come...I treasure it..*S*...It was also his first and last modeling shoot...since once he got sick we decided not to pursue it at that time...he was viewed by Gerber...and being a mom...I wonder what in the world their problem was that he didn't get the job!?!?!?!...*L*

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