~Raek Weyr~
This Weyr is set in the cold secluded mountains of the Northern Continent during the 9th Pass. A fued with High Reaches Weyr, the two Goldrider's former home, is putting everone on edge. If your not into hot, humid islands, this is the Weyr for you.
Raek is also run by the same managment as Laprun.
~Isola Weyr~
Isola Weyr is located on an ashy volcanic island in the Southern Continent, during the 8th Pass of the Red Star. There is a heavy conflict with High Reaches going on, having to do with the horrible past of Isola's Senior Weyrwoman, and a bronzerider's shattered pride.
Deep lot and tragedy are common here, and if your looking for good action, Isola is where you want to be.
~Nalone Weyr~
Nalone Weyr, is positioned in a beatifull corner of the Southern Continent. The Weyr is located on a non-active vulcano, towering above the holds it supposed to protect against Thread. After a tragic past, Jelena, senior queen rider, and Weyrsecond Taya took charge. The Weyr is now rebuilding, coming to life once more. Our senior queen is due to rise soon, and we welcome every type of character!
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