~Anne McCaffery's Rules~

-No characters made by Anne McCaffery can be used in any way
-No religion, no war, or magic on Pern
-Other universes, whether created by Anne McCaffery or other people, will not be involved in Pern
-There are only five dragon colors: gold, bronze, brown, blue, and green. There are no other colors or sport dragons.
-Golds will only impress women
-Bronzes will only impress men
-Benden Weyr and Ruatha Hold are off limits
-NO fan fiction, poetry, whether you own or quote it from Anne McCaffery's work

~Laprun Rules~

-This Weyr is rated PG-13 and if your characters engage in anything more intense than passionate kissing you must *fade to black*
-Only Dragon names will, and must, end in 'th'
-Gold dragons and Gold Flits can only be retained through Impression.
- You may not control or use any other member�s characters. You may refer that they are in the room, but that�s it.
-One Sona may have no more than four pets. Only three of these may be firelizards and only one metallic.(ex. metalic= gold, bronze) Metallics must be approved  by the BoD.
-At Laprun Weyr there are no requirements for  posts per month but if you expect to have: a Wingleader/ Candidate Impress a metallic dragon/Or have your bronzerider or brownrider become Weyrleader we expect you to post frequently.
- If you are going to be absent for an elongated period of time (more than 2 days) you must post an LOA (leave of absence) telling how long you will be gone, and if you will be able to post at all.
- At Laprun Weyr there are HAD sonas (Hear All Dragon, ex. Lessa) but do not expect that any high ranking sona will get permission. HAD's are rare and the BoD will evaluate your other characters and posting capabilities before any HAD is approved.
- There is no timing it whatsoever in this alternate 8th Pass.
-Don't make silly names like K'mart. You'll end up regretting it.
- Flawless personas are boring. Don't make the perfect gold candidate with blonde hair and blue eyes who never breaks the rules.
<<Dragon Speaking>>
((Rider speaking to Dragon))
{{Dragon speaking to Dragon}}
**Fire Lizard Thought**
-No bizarre colors for dragons or firelziards.
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